I Need Correction

Forgive me if I sound judgmental, but please set me straight and tell me I am because I can’t take this person seriously. I’m sorry. She’s defined as being “distinguished” and having had a very successful career. Do you think she may have had some money along the way to fix her teeth? You see, I have a problem with this. This isn’t just ugly, it just looks awful and it’sad that in this day and age we have to look like this and I could not watch this video. I simply could not find this person credible. Honestly, without looking at the video and trying to just give her credit, I was not able to do so. If someone can’t afford to do this, are they really successful? Also, I have seen countless of Extreme Makeover shows and I know whatever her problem is, is fixable.

Please correct me and tell me I got it all wrong.

Another Creation of Our Reality Gone

Note from Ines: Excellent post! This is something that I write about all the time and this writer has done a great job with it and more!

Today, Donald Trump is inaugurated as President of the United States. And oh boy, how much fuss is going on around it. People are freaking out, are scared, are grieving for the old and do not know what to expect on the one side. On the other side, people are making fun, are mischievous and are celebrating their Donald like a Rock Star. Even the spiritual community is completely shaken up and divided by it – many have entered this rally. So who is right?

… tricked into Ego-Fear Mode again…

Certainly not. The current energies the human collective produces are all ego driven, low frequencies of fear. Judgment, blame, hate, anger, frustration are around everywhere. We can even see statements in the spiritual world that we are fighting and at war against the elite or against the narcissist – in the name of love. Seriously, does anyone out there feel that this is how universal and unconditional love is supposed to manifest? By bashing the other side? Do you realize how much we are pushed back into duality? The collective, including big parts of the spiritual community have let themselves be tricked into these low frequencies again. As long as we are caught up in the human drama, we cannot see the bigger truth.

Read further: http://thewakeupexperience.eu/politics-tricked-into-fear-again-the-last-attempt-to-keep-humanity-under-control/

Love and Peace to All Americans

Congratulations America, you have a new President. Something stinks. I wrote a few weeks ago that if he was part of the system he would be allowed to become President  and if not he would not make it to inauguration. I watched the event live on RT News and watched very carefully body language of those high up such as Hillary Clinton, Obama and Michelle, former senators etc., and I have to tell you that they all look like they are playing the same game to me. I watched Hillary very close and her body language told me this: Man, we pulled it off and they couldn’t figure it out. They all looked like close friends and if they were acting, they sure kept their guard well because I didn’t see any drop of facial features.

I had to say it, but I think that Trump is part of the Elite but they were going downhill very fast and so they had to create another ‘savior’ who would slowly bring them up again but only to divert their attention.
I hope I am wrong because I really want America to be the beacon of freedom we in Europe looked up to. The Beacon of Light that my ancestors and many Europeans dreamed to immigrate to. After all, most of you are descendants from Europe and carry old genetic lines. I hope for the sake of the world that Trump will be the good guy and restore balance and peace on this planet. I hope but I don’t feel it.

It is so sad to see what the people and the media have done to this election, to the pre-inauguration Wolf Blitzer talking about ‘if’ Trump was assassinated that Obama would then appoint a new President. He’s messing with minds and wants folks to carry that thought so that we can create that reality. Although I didn’t even think he would make to the Presidency, I am sad to say that he’s not your savior. Let’s hope I’m wrong and my intuition fucked with me this time!

Love and peace to all!


Clif High The Mass Arrests Claim, Fulford & The White Dragon Society


Clif High is someone that I have a lot of respect for and trust what he has to say. If you do searches on Ben Fulford, David Wilcock and Drake Bailey; you will find many posts that I written about these folks. Clif is now confirming what I have been writing about for years. Sure feels good that these guys are being uncovered because they sure make a lot of money off fools that believe what they have to say.

2017 is 1 – The Power Year

There are two entities that to this day continue to inspire me. I’m not a follower so I don’t like to hook up with anyone or anything that will lead me because from the time I have known of myself, I have been a rebellious person never able to conform to any law/rule/regulation. Even my father could not hold me down, I ran away from home when I was 16 and never looked back.

These two entities I speak of are Kryon and Seth. According to Kryon, he’s never been a human and never had a 3D experience. According to Seth, he’s had thousands of incarnations on earth. Their past or experiences are not the reason why I admire their teachings. I admire them because they cause me think, to contemplate, to question everything I think I know.  In the previous post I shared a Video from Kryon and wrote that I had not completed listening to it. I did and further on, I will be writing based on Kryon’s inspirations.


In the early 90’s, internet was not yet accessible to everyday people, if you wanted to learn something you went to a library or book store. I often visited this New Age book store. It’s contents were “Esoteric” and this is where I started my journey, and this is where I purchased my first KRYON book. I will never forget the green brilliance of it’s cover and it begged me to take it home. After reading the book, I moved on to other topics and authors, but here we are today, in 2017 and Kryon continues to inspire me.

We’re used to a system where we sit at the feet of an instructor or teacher or guru and we may take notes, and the teacher says: “Here is what to do: A, B,C, and D. Write them down and then we can practice it.”

That is all done away with now. Now, instead the teacher will say: “Here is the information to expect through your intuitive self, if you choose to listen”.

And that will be it. It’s all changing. It’s being placed upon us to start a process that we haven’t done before, but the promise is that the process is going to be explained.

There is a confluence of energies starting to occur here on Earth through the grids, enhanced by these time capsules that Kryon talks about and the portals that are opening and literally changing consciousness. the frequency that you tune to, Old Soul. The moment you open this door and say: “I’ll try”.The help will flood in.


Light-workers need to stop spinning in the conspiracy theories. Those who are attracted to conspiracy theories are normally Light-workers and Old Souls. There are a number of reasons why and the interesting thing is that the conspiracies  they champion in and invest in are often correct.

When I started this blog 3 years ago, it’s intent was to expose the frauds, fake gurus, the so called truth seekers and those seeking money donations but using them for different reasons. If you go back to the beginning, you will see yourself that ALL my predictions/assessments/opinions and research were true. In other words, I too was filled and attached to uncovering the conspiracy theories. I felt at the time that I was doing a service to humanity, that the less frauds out there were, the faster humanity would wake up. Over time, I got bored with it. I simply didn’t feel that I was making an impact and that it was not my job to wake others up. Each one of us must do that on our own terms and ways. Each one of us have a built in clock with an alarm when we have chosen to wake up.

Light-workers should stop it and they probably don’t want to hear this because it’s their life’s work. They have drawers filled with printed articles, bookmarked websites, full file folders about what they’re interested in and all they want to do is get this information out so that others can know what the government is doing to them, what the drug companies are doing to them, or what this or that group is doing, etc. And what they see in this is that this is their champion self helping the planet. It isn’t helping the planet. But they don’t want to hear it.

If you’re one of those that is spending all your time on a cause or a conspiracy issue that you know is happening on this planet and you want to help correct it; I have a question for you: “How is that going to help peace on Earth?”

It isn’t.

You may be correct and you may inform, you may get people to hold signs for you and you may feel really good about that. How is that helping Old Soul with peace on Earth?
The answer is: It isn’t.  But it’s the best you had in the old energy.

Can you put that away now and turn inward and look at yourself? How do other people look at you? Do they want to be around you or with you? And you may say: “Well, not really, they don’t because I got all these things to talk about”.

You’re not helping with the New Earth.

These conspiracies that you talk about and are as real as they might be, they are going to take care of themselves. When enough human beings in a new energy find out about these things you have been trying to tell them about, they’re going to correct it.

Are you going to wait until the next lifetime to awaken or are you just going to keep going and spinning. It’s not helping anybody. Not really. How is this helping Peace on Earth?

Go ahead and continue proving your conspiracies but how is that helping peace on Earth?

When you have the ability to use your Akash, do you really, honestly see the fingerprint of the gods? Turn to the new frequency, turn into yourself and find out who you are because this is where you belong. Although this information here I am writing about is inspired by Kryon, I have written about this many times in the past.

To the New Agers: Stop being weird. Who wants to be with you when you’re an outcast and act funny? Is this what you want to show the world? Your unbalance? I ask you this: What master do you know that did that? The masters of the planet had balance. We all wanted to be with them. Being weird is your New Age birthright? This is what you do and you’re proud of it?
How is that helping peace on Earth?

Start balancing yourself and step out of the weirdness. Why don’t you show people the love of Creator in your life instead of the strangeness you believe in? How are you going to help peace on Earth by being strange? But you have answers: We meditate, we use compassion and help this and that area, we pray for rain and mass meditations and we do all these things”.
That’s not going to help peace on Earth.

So, the next step is about energy. It’s all about energy that you don’t understand. In the mode that you have come from which is survival, you have used your brain.

So, lets start talking about Intuition. This is the New Way of communicating period.  You’ve got survival and you’ve got Intuition.
The human body is designed to heal itself and live hundreds of years by combining two things: The human brain and intuitive self. Up to now it simply has not done a good job at all because what has been missing is that Intuitive Self. We have been de-programmed so to speak and have been deceived into believing that we are mere human beings with a brain yet rarely have they taught us that our intuitive self is the all knowing, creator given gift. The innate, the smart body has to be at least equal to the human brain and it isn’t. It isn’t even close. It can barely open the door.

Start studying it and the best way is with yourself. Do you have it? What is it? What does it feel like? That is the first step to learning about Intuitive self. You gotta walk before you can run.

Learn what Intuition feels like. It is illusive because it doesn’t present itself in 3D. It’s hard, it’s a learning curve. If you’ve studied for exams, then you can relate to the feelings and experience of learning something and often thinking you can never do it because it seems too difficult.

Learning and studying Intuition isn’t done the same way. As soon as you open the door and say you want to learn more about Intuition, you want to start learning what it feels like, there is going to be a hand that reaches towards the door and says: “Come on, we’ll show you”. You don’t have to do it by yourself and there’s no way I can prove it to you either. I can only share with you that I have tried it and succeeded in connecting and trusting my intuitive self.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Spontaneous Healing? You have the ability to heal yourself. It’s not a fluke or miracle. You will that to happen be it consciously or subconsciously. A quantum body intelligence doing something instantly because it can within the human body by itself, without an explanation, so dramatic that there is only one possibility “a miracle”.

Start thinking differently. What if it was about DNA? What if it was you with you? What if you were that powerful?  It’s usually developed in fear. Interesting.

You are so big. There is an entire part of you that is about to open up. When you begin the process, the hand comes forward. You will feel it. This is not a study of 1,2,3. This is called ‘pure intent’. Once you have identified what it feels like, the next thing is to capture it and practice it.

The Intuitive Self is every bit as complicated as the human brain. It requires you to be at ease, free of any external stimulants, focused on what you want to know. You can practice like I did starting with a Pendulum, playing cards and guessing what cards are coming up, feeling what the weather will be like tomorrow.

It took  me months to even trust the Pendulum; our 3D mind, our Ego and our analytical function need to break things down for them to make sense to us take over. I had to work out the struggle between Ego wanting to laugh at me for believing that shit and my Intuitive Self getting answers yet doubting the Pendulum at the same time. The pendulum, or using it for dowsing is actually the medium used to communicate with us from higher self and the Akash.

I’m sure you’ve had to make a quick choice or decision, only to later berate yourself for not going with your first choice. That was your intuitive self. Problem is that often the correct answer may not make sense or the timing may be off so we immediately question that and try to find a better answer. Later, much later we also find out and understand why our first answers, although perhaps not logical at the time, did make sense later on.

It’s time to get off the external factors and our desires to help others in waking them up. We can’t do that. We can’t make a toddler write. We can’t make a baby eat by themselves. This has been my struggle all of 2016, as you can see, I didn’t post very much, I was shifting priorities, I didn’t see myself as someone that would uncover or disclose frauds and fake gurus. It doesn’t serve any purpose because even though it’s true and correct, those that will accept the truth will and those that won’t are not ready for it. This leads us right back to our own personal evolution.

We didn’t come here to awaken up each other, we are all awake we just don’t remember yet. We came here to usher out the old and bring in the new. Do you know of anyone on this planet that has NOT experienced hardship in their lifetime? Even the wealthy have problems and traumas. Nobody is immune from this. We all chose to come here to grow and prepare for the new frequencies, the new earth, watching Gaia shed the filth she’s been covered with and keep in mind, that what happens to you is determined by the reality you create.

I’m not here in this 3D anymore. I can’t relate to anything or anyone. I find that most people are just stupid, ignorant, willfully hurting others, there is a madness epidemic because they can’t deal/absorb the new energies but in time, that very same energy will start to energize them and they will be able to expand their consciousness on their own.

You don’t need a guru to teach you what you already know. Seek the truth within. I have been writing about this for years that we need to accept responsibility for the reality we created. The state that we are in now is the state that we created for the ELITE. They used the occult knowledge, they know us better than we know ourselves and they used that knowledge to control our minds so that we could create their reality.

Stop creating their reality. Stop blaming them for the condition of the world we have created. Start thinking how you can bring peace to this planet, without peace, nothing moves forward. No aliens or Cosmic Family would in their right minds want to land here and meet us. We are barbarians in their eyes, children in the playground slinging mud at each other, beating each other over the head with plastic shovels, ripping toys away from each other, calling each other names. Who in their right mind would want to meet us in this condition we are in now?

We need to stop throwing the sand, stop blaming others and trying to figure out how to bring peace to our planet.

Why do Hypochondriacs get the actual disease they are afraid of? Because they create the disease itself. How are you presenting mastery to the world Old Soul? Is it spinning the top or is it love? Time to start shedding the old skin, the old fears and start to claim the old part of the soul that is YOU.

We Are Fragments of Our Multidimensional Selves

As I have written in the past about our Soul or us as SOUL, we fragment into different experiences or realities. One part of the Soul always stays behind the veil just in case something goes wrong or to find our way back home. If you just do a search on my blog on “soul fragmenting” or “soul”, you will find many posts on this subject.

Kryon explains it here in the  video below starting at the 10:00 minute mark to catch the context in which he refers to about Soul. I can personally attest to this truth because I have many out of body experiences after falling asleep. In other words, I as SOUL exist in different realities. Some refer to these experiences as dreams. They are not dreams. The mind is not capable of fantasizing or imagining something that isn’t in existence already. This has been proven by scientists so it’s not debatable. Although I have not yet listened to the end of this video, I have also written that Old Souls are only capable of having multi-dimensional experiences which is logical because we need the experience to understand what is happening to us. Enjoy the video!

Get Ready For Nothing

According to political analysts, truth seekers, alternative media, researchers and non-status quo scientists, the following may occur this year:

  1. Nibiru arriving and causing cataclysmic events
  2. Economic collapse
  3. Martial Law in the U.S.
  4. World War III or War with Russia
  5. Trump Assassination
  6. Massive Earthquakes, specifically on the West Coast of America
  7. Pole Shift
  8. Bible Prophecies, god punishing the unbelievers
  9. Fake or Real Alien Invasion
  10. Return of the Annunaki
  11. A mini ice age or full blown ice age

I’m writing off the cuff so forgive me if I don’t provide you with evidence or details. I’m simply expressing my opinion in this post. If the list above doesn’t scare the shit out of you then you’re enlightened, aware and know what is really going on. If only one item/event on this list gives you cause to worry, you have not reached the level of awareness that is necessary to shift into higher density.

  1. Nibiru arrival cannot be proven. There is an object that is nearing the planet, there have been some videos and photos showing something that is not within our normal solar system, but that’s not proof it is Nibiru the destroyer. Even if it was according to Marshall Masters and Gil Broussard, they don’t know what can happen.. Everything they have to say is speculation though Gil Broussard swears the bible is right and god will avenge those that don’t worship him.This scientist will have you believe it came and went in 2003. I think he’s on to something. If that is the case, what are these folks talking about?
  2. The economic collapse has been in the making for years. It’s obvious that it will not happen because the powers that control the financial markets/banks have been manipulating so that it doesn’t happen. When push comes to shove, they will just print more money and keep things going. Peter Schiff has been swearing by his children that the economic collapse is iminent but if you look back how far he’s been saying this, you will notice he started in 2011, go figure. I’m sure there is an economic collapse in the making, everything artificial has to end sooner or later, but like the Nibiru theory, nobody knows when that will happen.
  3. Martial Law in the U.S. I don’t think that most people realize this but Martial Law is just another form of national laws. When you are required to seek permission to drive and travel, when you need to obtain a permit to build a home on your own property, when bars are required to close at a certain time, this is Martial Law. When our governments decide for us what to eat, where to buy food, control our daily life, require us to work 8 hours per day in order to get a pittance of salary, this is called Martial  Law. Restriction of freedoms and rights is Martial Law. Get out of your denial and accept that we are nothing but slaves lying to ourselves that we live in democratic societies.
  4. World War III or war with Russia. This will never happen. The prestitute media has been very busy at blaming Russia for everything. I couldn’t print out my recipes last night because I ran out of toner and Putin is at fault for that. My obsession with following world events caused me to forget to buy more toner  and thanks to Putin and all that he is doing right now, it’s all his fault. No, there is not going to be a war against Russia. If you do your research you will find that Russia is very powerful militarily, it has powerful allies such as China and Iran. This is mind control, this is implanting thoughts into your mind so that you can create their reality. THEY do want war, but it won’t happen, it’s simply not an option.
  5. Trump Assassination. If there was an attempt or desire to bring Trump down, it would have been done as soon as he won the election. Trump is no different than all previous presidents, he’s just disguised in different clothing. If he is allowed to live then we will know he is just another puppet to the puppet masters. I believe that he is, otherwise he would have been eliminated a long time ago. All this bullshit about Obama making it difficult for him to take over the presidency is just an act to make Americans believe Obama is a bad person and blah blah. Think about it. Trump would never have gotten this far if he was a threat to the Elite.
  6. Massive Earthquakes. We are experiencing this and have been for the last 2 years now. The Nibiru folks will tell you it’s because of the planet arriving and causing this. Nobody knows and we can all speculate on why this is happening. My guess and feeling is that like all natural events, this and other events are part of the natural cycles of cleansing mother Earth. She’s wounded, she’s been poked and prodded, her blood has been sucked out of her, her skin rasped out and poisoned, her air has been filled with toxic fumes and chemicals. She is cleansing herself and all the vermin that are harming her. It’s Mother Earth Karma 101 and therefore, a natural process we can’t do anything about. Ed Dames and Marshall Masters all have their theories about safe places and truth is, nobody knows what will happen and or where a safe place may be. The Zeta’s have maps and information that will tell you where it’s safe and not safe, but hey, if you believe that human interference is allowed then believe what Nancy Leader has to say. The bottom line is this: Nature will do it’s work, and we as humans really don’t know where and when it will hit. This is why I always write about being prepared, storing food and water because anything is possible.
  7. Pole Shift. Again, this is all speculation based on non-status quo researchers and scientists. I believe that we are protected by our cosmic family who don’t want us to suffer anymore and that this time period is the reason we all came here to finally end this system/matrix. Whether a Pole Shift will happen or not doesn’t change the fact that 99% of population can’t just pack up and leave to a so called ‘safe haven’. We don’t have the funds, savings or finances to just quit our jobs, grab our suitcases and move, let alone move to another country. Whether the Pole Shift will happen, well, it’s been talked about for at least 10 years and still no signs or proof that it could happen anytime soon. Even if it does, for the reasons I just wrote, we can’t do anything about that, but store food and water and hope for the best.
  8. Bible Prophesies. The biggest fear mongerer is Steve Quayle. He follows the scriptures word for word and will convince you that god will send his wrath upon you if you don’t worship him. There are thousands of so called biblical prophesies if you take the bible as ‘truth’. I for one accept that there are some truths disguised with a lot of bullshit. The bible was not intended for the benefit of humanity therefore, I can’t accept any predictions of prophesies. If any of the prophesies are true, and if you live a life of respect, treat others the way you want to be treated, if you are in service to others then you have nothing to worry about. May your conscience guide you and if karma truly exists, by abiding by universal laws  you will never go wrong.
  9. Fake or real Alien Invasion. I can write a book about this but these are my thoughts on this one. We are not a one of a kind species, we have been genetically modified by many races and therefore, can assume that an alien is simply a term for some entity that doesn’t reside on this planet. From a Universal perspective, there are no aliens simply other races and species that like other countries and nations have different beliefs, different cultures and languages. If you believe Dr. Steven Greer then you should be prepared for the Alien invasion. My question to him would be: If this is what you believe and they want to harm us, why do it now and why haven’t they done this a long time ago? If anyone wants to harm us, they don’t need to measure time to do so, they could have done that at anytime. The reality is that we are not to be interfered with, we made those agreements prior to coming here. No interference, our memories were blocked otherwise no idiot would be here right now remembering where we came from and the madness we agreed to come into. Whether it’s a fake or real invasion, what can we do? Like natural disasters, you and I can’t protect ourselves from higher forces, all we can do is protect our families, be prepared with food and water, whatever we can get in case either do happen. Personally, I think that it’s just another mind control program, keeping us in fear so that we can’t transform into higher dimensions. Everything above has to do with mind control, controlling what we should think so that we can create their realities and so that we can stay dumbed down and stupid, ignorant and dis-empowered.
  10.  Return of the Annunaki. I believe they have never left at least not completely. I believe that the blood lines of the Annunaki are the ones that control this matrix. As we can see now, their paradigm is shifting, humanity is waking up, we are disclosing the truth, discovering the lies and presenting them to humanity. We are the ones that are realizing the power lies within us. The Annunaki are divided as well. Enlil and Enki both have different agendas and therefore, this massive destruction as they continue to war with each other. It’s good against bad. I believe that good  and love will prevail and that in time, we will meet them. We are their descendants, we carry their DNA and eventually the truth will set us free. Some will claim that the Annunaki are arriving with Nibiru. Really? An advanced civilization needs to wait 3600 years to arrive with a planet? They don’t have scout ships? Come on, lets think about this. The entire planet was their playground, someone built the pyramids and these huge structures and they didn’t use cranes that’s for sure. They need to wait 3600 years to get here while watching the destruction of this planet due to it’s passing by? Something to think about.
  11. A Mini Ice Age or full blown Ice Age. I think that we are already in the beginning of this process. Again, this is a natural cycle that happens every 10 or 20,000 years. We have no control over this and we can’t speculate where it will spread to. There are some scientists that claim the entire Norther Hemisphere will be affected. If this is any indication as to what is happening here in Croatia then I am of the belief that this ice age started 10 years ago. Normally, on my Adriatic Sea Island that I live on, winters never fall below 10 C. It’s rare and doesn’t last long. The last few winters have been cold but this winter, in fact as I write this the entire coastline is in minus temperatures. There is chaos here because we don’t have snow tires, people don’t even know how to walk in snow or ice; hospitals are filled with injuries and folks can’t even heat their homes well enough with a wood stove. Right now, we are burning wood in the stove and have 2 Mitsubishi heating units running to keep our indoor temperature above 20C. I have thermal tights on, 2 layers of sweaters and thermal socks. This is the beginning of the Ice Age, this record breaking bullshit is just to make you believe it’s something that happens every 50 years or whatever. No, fact is Europe has been experiencing extreme cold temperatures for the last 10 years. Like all of the above talking points, all we can do is prepare for this. Don’t listen to the climate pundits, do your research in your area and look at the climate history of your region. If it’s showing a decrease in cold temperatures then prepare for it. We the 99% can’t just pack up and leave, even if we wanted to and could, where do we go? How do we know what will be affected? We just have to trust our instincts and follow them.

After reading my opinions on the above possibilities; you may feel that I’m very negative or skeptical. I am both. I question everything, listen to my intuition and higher self and feel safe where I am. I don’t feel fear and I don’t foresee any major disasters in this region but at the same time, I am aware of who I am and why I am here. If it’s time for me to leave this body, I welcome that. I’m tired of this madness and yearn to go back home. If you don’t fear death, then you have nothing else to fear. You have to believe that you are at the right place, at the right time and that you are doing what you came here to do. If this is deeply written in your heart, then our Creator will ensure that we fulfill what we came to do and bring us back home or wherever we came from.

Do not fear. Fear is their weapon against us. Fear is their motto, their only method of keeping us in slavery, keeping us in the dark, keeping us from finding the truth. Fear is our worse enemy not THEM.