The Movie

Everything you are seeing now on TV and the Internet is a lie, fake and convoluted truth. How do you know who is a real truther or a real Warrior of Light?

By their message. It is not about the INTEL, it is about preparing you for the transmutation. Whatever happens out THERE has nothing to do with what happens in you. Remember, you are a Soul occupying a physical body that you do not control. The brain comes with suit, it is not a part of you, it is the computer that runs the body, collects data and lives an earthly experience because that is what WE SOULS have come to do. The collective, that is the Soul Collective determines where we go as Humanity and as Multidimensional beings. It was always our job/goal/plan to knowingly come here without our memories and the entire game was twofold: 1. To figure out who we were and why we came. 2. To change the frequency of the planet so that we could once and for all, remove the Evil and the Evil forces behind it. This planetary condition was never intended to happen, they took over our planet, they descended humans, genetically modified the Human Suit and that changed the course and the timelines.

If you are not being taught how to do this, if you are not being mentored on how to shine your light, teach you why you came here, then you should not be following those people. They use their “brains” as a method of claiming intelligence yet the brain is not part of who you are. Those that are not assisting you in becoming a higher spiritual being are not part of the plan. They don’t understand the CORE of what is really going on.

Let me give you an example: Gene Decode

He uses words like “Blessed to teach” for his website. He may have the intel and intelligence but he has no concept of Creator nor what he is and can be. His motto is: “Serve God and Serve Jesus”. This is not a man that is enlightened to his truth. He is a slave to his master Lord, God, Jesus. He does not understand who he truly is. If he does, then he’s part of the Deep State as are many in the truth movement. The Bible is half truth and half lies. We cannot use the bible as a means of understanding our current reality.

Those that claim we must Serve God, That God has everything under control, that God is in Control, that God will step in and save us, are not part of the Light. Whether they do this out of ignorance or know the truth, doesn’t matter. They are leading the sheep to such trauma and fear because WHEN we start to transmute, transcend and the Earth goes crazy with violence, their followers will be “gnashing their teeth” because they will praying to their Lord and not having a clue what is really going on. They will feel helpless, terrified, they will question that God why he is not helping. Well, let me ask you Christians this question: If God is your saviour, then why did he let us get into this mess? Why did he allow the pharmaceutical companies to kill humans and children? Why does he reward some with a nice home, income and democracy, while he places others in poverty and millions of children dying of hunger every year? What kind of God is that? Sure, God works in mysterious ways, I get it. What a fucked up God to allow children to be killed, used as sexual toys, drain their blood for Adrenochrome, do I need to go any further?

Let me explain for those new here. I do believe in Creator, I KNOW Creator, I died for 12 minutes and had that experience of being in the realm of my birth as a Soul. I love Creator, I am a spark of Divine Creation, but I DO NOT support Religions, dogmas and those that teach humans only GOD can save us. This is counterproductive and these folks are either evil or they are stupid!

Those that teach you that you ARE the Light, that you hold the power, that you can manifest your reality, that you will soon ascend to higher dimensional realities, those are the true Warriors of light, not those that claim their Intel is telling them that this and this will happen.

Of course it will, but we planned all this and we know already that we have won the war of Evil. What is playing out right now is a Movie, preparing those not yet awake to get their shit together. WE are in control, we have come here to save this planet, our mother Gaia from Evil; WE are the Intel, the Warriors of truth and LOVE.

The Patriots as they like to call themselves only think of their own country, how is that helping humanity? Isn’t’ that being selfish to only think of your own country? How is America more important than the rest of humanity? These so called truthers and Patriots don’t mention much of the turmoil going on globally, they give a few seconds only to say that America is showing the way. Bullshit. We are in this together. There is no thing as National, Regional or International. A true Warrior is for helping humanity, it is not country specific, so these folks that are Patriots are not of the Light, they are soul dead humans who have no concept of who they truly are and don’t give power to themselves but to some God in the bible and most of us know that the Bible is not truth, it’s missing hundreds of books, its’ been manipulated, wrongly translated and most of it was for those times, not today. So, here is the deal.

You are the light, anyone that teaches you otherwise, is a fraud, a fake and a human that has not yet reached his/her level of enlightenment or understanding of who they truly are.

I have been closely watching/reading these folks and it’s sickening because they all have something to sell, claim to have intel and are close to the “ones that are in the know”. Yeah, and? How will your followers deal with what is to come? Will they crawl under the stairs and call for God? How will they move forward as Souls when you are teaching them they are powerless and that only God will save what is coming? Where are your empowerment teachings, that we ARE Souls having a human experience, that death is not real, that many are leaving this reality because their job is done? Where is your work to connect globally, to Connect Consciousness in Unity because we can’t win this war any other way? Go ask Simon Parkes why he named his organization “Connecting Consciousness”. I still have no idea who the members are after 7 years of membership! I asked myself this question about CC: “Have I become a better entity/Soul for being a member? What has CC contributed to my existence? All Simon can tell you is “knowledge”. What knowledge? How does knowledge of physical events help me in any way if I don’t understand who I am and why I exist? Just asking.

I am not saying to not listen to them or believe them, but don’t give them your money unless that money is going towards helping those in need. I live in a beautiful home, I lack nothing but I feel bad because I know that millions of humans are going hungry at this very moment. How can I celebrate my abundance knowing this truth?

With love and LIGHT

Your thoughts are welcome!