How Do You Know When Your Society Is In The Midst Of Collapse?

Posted on January 28, 2016

Source: Alt-Market | by Brandon Smith

As economic turmoil worldwide becomes increasingly apparent, I have been receiving messages from readers expressing some concerns on the public “perception” of collapse. That is to say, there are questions on the average person’s concept of collapse versus the reality of collapse. This is a vital issue that I have discussed briefly in the past, but it deserves a more in-depth analysis.

What is collapse? How do we define it? And, are some of the notions of collapse in the public consciousness completely wrong?

It’s funny, because skeptics opposed to the idea of a U.S. collapse in particular will most often retort with a question they think I cannot or will not answer – “So, Mr. Smith, when specifically is this supposed collapse going to take place? What day and time?”

My response has always been – “We’re in the middle of a collapse right now; you really can’t see it right in front of your sneering face?”

The reason these people are incapable of grasping this kind of answer is in large part due to the popular mainstream conceptions of systemic collapse. These are conceptions that are for the most part delusional and not in line with the facts. The public idea of collapse comes predominantly from Hollywood, and not from personal experience. For the masses (and some preppers, unfortunately), a collapse is an “event” that happens visibly and usually swiftly. You wake up one morning and behold; the television and phones don’t work anymore and zombies are at your doorstep! Yes, it’s childish and cartoonish, but anything less than a Walking Dead/Mad Max scenario and many people act as if all other threats are benign.

This is the driving reason why many Americans are absolutely oblivious to the economic instability that is rampant and blatant within our system the past few months. They might see the same signals that alternative analysts see, but these signals do not register in their brains as dangers.

Look at it this way; say you told a person their whole life that a tiger is a 10-foot tall behemoth with four heads that breath fire while urinating flesh-rending acid. Say you make movies and TV shows about it and they never have any experience to the contrary. When they finally come across a real tiger, they might try to pet the damn thing instead of running in terror or searching for a means of defense.

To use another vicious animal analogy, when I encounter skeptics with false assumptions of what a collapse actually is, I am often reminded of that woman in Anchorage, Alaska who jumped an enclosure fence at the zoo to get a closer picture of Binky the polar bear. These people have been made so inept when it comes to identifying threats that they will continue arguing with you as the animal takes a football-sized bite out of their meaty thigh.

So what is the root of the problem beyond Hollywood fantasies? Well, the problem is that social and economic collapse is not a singular event, it is a PROCESS. Collapse is a series of events that sometimes span years. Each event increases in volatility over the last event, but as time goes on these events tend to condition the masses. The public develops a normalcy bias towards crisis (like the old “frog in a boiling pot” analogy). They lose all sense of what a healthy system looks like.

It is not uncommon for a society to wade through almost a decade or more of violent decline before finally acknowledging the system is imploding on a fundamental level. It is also not uncommon for societies to endure years of abuse by corrupt governments before either organizing effectively to rebel, or caving in and submitting to totalitarianism.

But how does one recognize a failing system? How does a person know if they are in the middle of a collapse rather than on the “verge” of collapse? Here are some signals I have derived from research of various breakdowns in modern nations and why they indicate we are experiencing collapse right now…

The Criminals Openly Admit To Their Crimes

The surest way to know if your society is in the midst of disintegration is to see if the criminals who created the instability in the first place are openly discussing a collapse scenario or warning that one is imminent.

A year ago, central bankers presented little more than a chorus of recovery propaganda. Today, not so much. The Royal Bank of Scotland is now warning investors to “sell everything” ahead of a “cataclysmic” year in markets.

The Federal Reserve’s Richard Fisher has admitted that the Fed “frontloaded” (manipulated) stock markets into a bubble and that payment is about to come due in the form of severe economic volatility (up to 20% crash in equities).

The Bank for International Settlements, the central bank of central banks, has a track record of warning the public about collapse conditions – right before they happen, leaving little or no time for people to prepare. They have followed their habit by warning in September and December that a Fed rate hike would “shatter” the uneasy calm in markets.

The former Chief Economist of the BIS now says the economy is in worse shape than it was in 2008 and is headed for a larger fall.

What happened between last year and this year and why are these internationalists suddenly so forthcoming about our economic reality? The fact that central bankers are the cause of our current collapse leads me to believe that such admissions are designed to deflect guilt. If they put out a few warnings now, they can then later claim they are prognosticators rather than culprits, and that they were trying to “help us.” Beyond that, the reality is that our situation was just as dire in 2014/2015 as it is today; the difference is that now we are about to enter a new phase in the ongoing collapse, a much more detrimental phase, but still a phase of a breakdown that has been progressing since at least 2008.

The Fundamentals Break Through The Manipulation Barrier

Governments and central banks do not have the capacity to artificially create demand for goods or a supply of well-paying jobs in a crashing economy. What they can do, though, is hide the visible problems in supply and demand with false numbers.

I examined such false economic statistics in great detail last year in a six-part series titled “One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes.” I will not cover them all again here. I would only point out that recently the fundamentals of supply and demand have begun to break through the deceit of manipulated numbers, and this is a sign that the collapse is about to move from one stage to the next.

With global shipping and trucking freight in steep decline, with retail inventories in stasis and current oil consumption falling to levels not seen since 1997 despite a larger population, the mainstream can no longer deny that consumer demand is crumbling. If demand is falling dramatically, then the financial system is in the middle of falling dramatically; there is simply no way around this truth.

Stocks And Commodities Become Violently Erratic

Let’s be clear, if stock markets represent anything at all, they are merely lagging indicators of economic instability.  Stock markets are NOT predictive indicators of anything useful.  Therefore, any person who does nothing but track equities each day is going to be completely oblivious to the bigger picture behind the economy until it is too late.  They will be so mesmerized by the green numbers and red numbers and lines on minute-to-minute graphs that they will lose all sense of reality.

Violent swings in stocks are a sign of a financial system that is at the middle or end of the collapse process, not the beginning.

It is also important to note that extreme shifts in stocks and commodity values to the upside are just as much a signal of instability as shifts to the downside.  For instance, if you witnessed the recent 9% explosion in oil markets and thought to yourself “Ah, the markets are being stabilized again and nothing is different this time…”, then you are an idiot.

Of course, the next day oil markets lost almost all of the gains they made the day before.  And this is how markets behave when they are about to die; they expand and implode chaotically each day on nothing more that meaningless news headlines rather than hard data.  This heart attack in equities inevitably trends downwards as the weeks and months pass.  Keep in mind, equities are down nearly 10% from their recent highs, and oil is down approximately 50% in the past six months.  Every time there is a dead cat bounce in stocks skeptics come out of the woodwork to call alternative analysts “doomers”, yet they are nowhere to be found when markets come crashing back down.  They are not looking at the overall trend because their short attention spans hinder them.  Again, extreme swings in markets, whether up or down, are a sign of progressing collapse.

Deterioration Of Cultural Values, Heritage And Identity

I have written extensively over the years about the Cloward-Piven strategy; a strategy used by collectivists to destabilize social systems by dumping overt numbers of foreign immigrants into the population without demand for integration. This process has been obvious in the U.S. and Europe for quite some time, but only now is it peaking to the point that collapse is seen as an inevitable result by the public. Europe is worse off than the U.S. in this regard as millions upon millions of Muslim immigrants are injected into the EU’s already dying body; immigrants that intend to transplant their culture from their own failed societies rather than adopting the values and principles of the societies that have invited them in.

Natural-born Americans and legal immigrants with aspiration of integration appear to be fighting back against the Cloward-Piven strategy with some success by holding onto traditional American values despite being labeled “barbarians” and “racists.” Illegal immigration, though, is still completely unchecked.

In the EU, the long campaign of cultural Marxism has made natural-born Europeans perhaps the most self-hating people on the planet as well as the most passive and weak. Organized opposition to massive immigration programs in the EU should have taken place years ago. Now it is far too late, and the European system is finishing a social implosion which should have already been obvious to average citizens.

Open Discussion Of Totalitarian Measures

When corrupt leadership moves from quiet totalitarianism to more open totalitarianism, your society is in the FINAL stages of collapse, not the beginning of a collapse. The U.S. in particular has been slowly strangled with subversive legal directives and political policies ever since the so called “War on Terror” began. However, there are now multiple signals of a much deeper and open tyranny in the works.

A few recent examples stand out, including Barack Obama’s insistence that the office of the president has the legal authority to issues executive orders that affect constitutional protections such as the 2nd Amendment. As many liberty movement activists are aware, there is absolutely no constitutional precedent for the use of executive orders and such powers are not mentioned anywhere in the document. They were simply created out of thin air to be used by the federal government and sometimes state governments to supersede normal checks and balances.

While numerous presidents have issued executive orders, including some that were outright tyrannical, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s unconstitutional internment of Japanese Americans into concentration camps, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have been the most subversive in their bypassing of the Constitution. Obama, in particular, has tried to hide the number of executive actions he has taken by issuing hundreds of  “presidential memorandums,”which are basically the same dirty play by another name.

These actions have been progressively setting the stage for the removal of checks and balances entirely in the name of crisis management. They are so broad in their nature and vague in their definitions and applications that they could be interpreted by federal authorities to mean just about anything in any given situation.

If executive actions are not scary enough, corrupt politicians are now becoming blunt in their demands for dominance. Two Republican Senators, Mitch McConnel and Lindsay Graham, are calling for unlimited AUMF-style (authorization of use of military force) war powers to be given to the president. Such powers would allow the president to project U.S. military forces anywhere in the world for any reason without review or time limits. This includes the use of military forces on U.S. soil.

The rationale for this is, of course, the threat of ISIS. The same group of terrorists the U.S. government helped to create.

And finally, if you want perhaps the most nonchalant admission of future tyranny in recent days, check out former General Wesley Clark’s call for “disloyal” Americans to be placed in internment camps through the duration of the war on terror, a war that could ostensibly go on forever.

One could argue that all of these measures are meant only to deter “Islamic extremism.” I would point out that government officials could have stemmed that tide at any time by enforcing existing immigration laws, or, by stopping all immigration for a period of years until the problem is handled. Instead, they have allowed open borders to remain, and have even imported potential terrorists while focusing Department of Homeland Security efforts more on evil white guys with guns.

If we accept the violation of the constitutional rights of any group of citizens, if we allow the concept of “thought crime” to become commonplace, then we leave the door open to the violation of our own rights someday. And that is how tyrants trick populations through incremental collapse; by applying despotism to a claimed dangerous minority, then expanding it to everyone else.

America is sitting near the end of the spectrum in terms of economic collapse and in the middle of the spectrum in terms of social collapse.  While more violent events are certainly gestating and are likely to be triggered in the near term, we should not overlook the reality that collapse is happening in stages all around us.  This process gives us at least some time.  All is not lost yet, and the steps we take to organize and prepare today will affect how the collapse process unfolds tomorrow. People who continue to ignore the outright evidence of collapse based on false assumptions of what collapse should look like are only preventing themselves from taking proper action until it is too late. Make no mistake, our system is dying. We cannot allow our false perceptions of this death to cloud the reality of it, or our response to it.



Who Are the Real “Conspiracy Theorists”?

by Zen GardnerJan 24, 2016

Like many of you, I’m sick and tired of this pejorative label pasted flippantly onto anyone seriously challenging the status quo. There was a time this CIA conspiracy theorist tag, created to fend off questions about the JFK murder, was a marginalized stigmatization in itself used for specific targets, but now it’s used so widely and crudely it’s time we took it down.

What “flipped my switch” to address this is an almost hard to believe news item that was brought to my attention that makes one sick to their stomach that such a regime could dare to attempt such blatant  Orwellian police state tactics on a conscious population.

And most of all the appalling truth-reversing hypocrisy it represents.

Reporter Donny Gilson falsely committed to 6 months in St. Cloud MN psychiatric ward for “conspiracy theories”

VANCOUVER, BC – In an interview from inside the Behavioral Mental Unit of the St. Cloud Hospital, St. Cloud, MN, Donny Gilson, reporter for Truth Frequency Radio, has been able to document his ordeal since a commitment based on family objections to his “conspiracy theories,” thus reporting on how many alternative media and free thinkers on the Internet are targeted by increased surveillance under “psychiatric” laws that hold “conspiracy research” to be a “mental disorder”.

Donny Gilson and his network Truth Frequency Radio and host Chris Geo are now taking steps to help free him on a writ of habeas corpus or other legal document, as there are no legal or psychiatric grounds for Donny Gilson’s commitment. He is not a danger to himself or to the public at large, and you can judge from this interview. MORE>>

Who Is Calling Who What?

In a world based on fear of fictional and created enemies, population dividing ruses and control mechanisms of every deceptive sort, how the hell are they in any place to even begin to say such truth-twisting bullshit to absolutely anyone? Never mind enact laws against truth tellers in a deliberately created milieu of self reinforcing political correctness based on fear designed to gain greater control?

It’s beyond me. And it should infuriate anyone, no matter what their paradigm or mindset.

These hypocritical bastards are the true conspiracy theorists, while we are the conspiracy factualists. We’re proven right time and again and should be lauded as society’s watchdogs and true investigators working to save humanity. Their machinations never have any basis in truth, fact or reality, except that which they create, obfuscate or twist for their own designs.

Instead? Any squeak contrary to their imposed normalcy bias is not just denigrated and shouted down, but now they bandy about labels like “radicalized” for any form of questioning the party line, taking it to the extent they dare to incarcerate such truth proponents.

And if this sounds like a self-reinforcing way of thinking from a paranoid schizophrenic hellbent on seeing everything in a negative light, you are full on brainwashed and need to wake the hell up. It’s solely because you were programmed and re-programmed to think that way, by the very ones you’re trusting for your “information” and heavily biased viewpoints.

Dystopia Rules – Or the Rules of Dystopia

The hate rhetoric regarding the coming Oregon Waco-like standoff is absolutely alarming, and another symptom of this spreading sickness spawned by these same social engineers. The deliberate mass migration is another, deliberately engineering and pitting apparently real opposing sides against each other and forcing a misinformed, unenlightened emotional decision on those affronted by these events, carefully curried by the social engineers and the hidden hand behind them who initiated these conditions and programs.

Don’t believe me? Read The Anger Trap and The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda to get a taste of how these psychopathic would be controllers work. They’re age old tactics, now working rather efficiently on a deliberately dumbed down, full on medicated and poisoned brainwashed population.

If we don’t wake up to the true nature of these conditions we’re living under we’ll never be able to survive this rising tide of absolute insanity, never mind react in a responsible way to help expose and bring down this control system.

Outright Hypocrites

Their entire modus operandi is replete with mass media pushed conspiracy “theories”, i.e. outright fabricated, entangled lies portraying false enemies, false paradigms and controlled opposition. If you don’t know what that’s all about see Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand of Misdirection.

Everything you see in this staged world is fake, with just enough measure of some presupposed reality that has already been taken for granted, whether true or false. And where is the problem? It’s been bought by the numbed masses, hook, line and sinker.

Just look at wars. They’ve almost all been staged. How? By creating enemies via circulated, unsubstantiated “conspiracy theories” that the big, bad bogey man is out there and coming for you and needs to squashed. That, or they create some form of fake enemy they use to justify this insane train of logic. Think the CIA trained bin Laden for starters and it might start to sink in. The list would go down both your arms of deliberately created enemies in countless arenas, which is none other than your classic false flag maneuver in another form. Again, a conspiracy theory splayed for all to buy into.

That’s their tactic. Plain and simple. And what luck! All this just happens to make tons of money for the banksters and their corporate and military thugs. Oh, but that must just be a coincidence as they re-carve the world’s geopolitical, resource rich landscape to their own psychopathic liking in the wake of these decimating rituals of genocidal sacrifice.

But who’s looking? Therein lies the true tragedy.

Democracy, or Hypocrisy – Amazing Disgrace

Here’s the definition of hypocrisy: “the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.”

Does that ring a bell at least about your government and the fake lying puppets you see in the news everyday? Now apply that to any and every mainstream social proclamation, trend or current narrative you’ve been told to believe. The so-called educational system is nothing but just such a web of ensnaring lies and propaganda.

Any and every government, politician, war machine, corporation, money manager and the lot do nothing BUT conspire. That’s the whole basis of so called capitalism and getting ahead. How would even a sports team not operate on conspiring to defeat their opponents? And on down the line. And don’t try to tell me their intentions are for good and are therefore justified or you’d have to apply that both ways. Besides, just look at the world today and tell me who created this deliberate mess and who’s benefiting from it?

I mean, let’s get real here.

So Let’s Talk Conspiracy

So what’s with all the “classified” and “national security” documents, covert operations, secret societies and all the sequestered religious archives and occult ceremonies? How about their paedophelia, satanic ritual abuse, organ and fetus harvesting we’re not allowed to fully know about, never mind their obvious and outright eugenics and depopulation agenda?  Those aren’t blatant conspiracies?

We truth seekers put everything out in the open. We don’t form secret societies or hide anything or have forbidden documents and live in armed guarded secrecy with a mega trillion dollar media propaganda machine to cover our tracks. Any yet they fear us and feel they have to stamp us out.

Getting the picture? A complete reversal of truth that has to be enforced. Why? Because it’s all a lie that is completely non-self sustaining – the exact opposite of the truth.

That humanity at large has not, cannot, and will not see these obvious connivings is again beyond me. Historical fact is rife with evidence yet this “popular” culture today will only take the historical narrative in terms of what they’re being told by today’s programmers.

Sadly this dumbed down whirled is absolutely ripe for such mind manipulation, which we’re seeing in our shifting historical narrative, political chicanery, and on into such blatant societal control mechanisms as not just engineered false flags of every sort, but Agenda 21 and 2030, the climate scam, Common Core and a plethora of other trends and programs infiltrating the mainstream mind.

Turn It Back on Them

It’s time to turn this around and call them out, clearly and with lucid articulation. We can readily list event after event that they created to confirm their “conspiracy theories” from Pearl Harbor to the Vietnam war on to 9/11, 7/7 and this spree of poorly executed false flag shooting and bombings, backing them up by surfacing documents such as the Gladio revelations and the like.

The whole economic system is built on false propaganda, literal conspiracy theories regarding what is behind market trends and the state of the economy. All made up with scattered numbers and charts to supposedly substantiate their wild claims, all while every bit of it is controlled and manipulated from behind the scenes.

It’s time we fully woke up and made this very plain to all who will listen. Let’s turn it on their heads and stand our ground as we call them out for this blatant bullshit. Take another look at myManifesto of the Awakened to get a further sense of how we need to be and act in full authority in this cesspool society they’ve engineered.

Lies cannot stand up to truth. Let’s get the full on truth out there!

Much love, Zen

Just Get There, Whatever You Do – Zen Gardner

Zen Gardner – Jan 26, 2016

As is often said, there are many ways up the mountain. The same can be said for ways of escape. That’s a bit more defensive and reactive, but such is the reality in this remarkable time we’re living in right now.

Just get there.

All of this going on around us now is happening before we can even begin to identify what it is we’re going through or where we’re headed. It’s very much like we’re flying over and around new rocks in a raging cataract and shooting down even more unexpected rapids.

In less turbulent times, grasping what’s going on is usually possible to some degree and we’re used to having that luxury. But no longer. We’re being swept into new and exciting places with some sort of cosmic urgency.

And we just need to flow with it.

Feeling for It

The beauty of losing control is that our heads and minds can’t get in the way. It’s too late and too immediate for that. We might have a few instinctive reflexes to try to keep our balance and heads above water but our old footing is gone. Completely gone.

And that’s a good thing – a real good thing.

Some are clinging to the shore as if they can find something to hang on to, but the riverbank too is giving way to this growing deluge of truth as even the shores cave in and into the maelstrom they too will soon be drawn. As everyone knows, panicking in a rip current or trying to swim upstream or directly to shore in a strong undertow is not only futile, but deadly. It’s a time to keep our wits about us and use the natural currents to our advantage, even though we’ll certainly find shore again at some unknown, distant destination.

It’s nothing to fear, but an adventure to be enjoyed.

And if the fast moving tides of change haven’t swept you up yet, perhaps even swim out to meet them. You can feel something drawing you, something magical even. Why not venture out into the deep? The water’s fine and coming your way anyway.

Too Fast and Too Furious – For Whom?

This is where the heart comes in. Fear is the killer – and the antidote is trust.

Our self identity is so intensely tested in times of change such as these – or any other for that matter. It’s just that this is clearly quite intense and believe it or not will only get stronger as this phase unfolds.

We’re each on a quest, as reluctant as we may be at times. What beckons each and every human being is an illusive calling to fulfill something greater than themselves.

Such is the true nature of humanity at large. We innately seek a greater understanding of this underlying influence that seemingly longs to direct our minds, our attention and our energy, despite the worldly influences that pound and surround us. The true underlying beautiful reality is that our hearts are astoundingly more powerful.

Keep the Overview

From a conscious overview it’s clear what’s going on now within the big picture. The game plan has been clearly outlined for centuries, and even more articulately in recent decades and years, for anyone paying attention.

The advancement of a full on control grid is something we all have to deal with. A very large part of this program is the electromagnetic invasion of our lives. It works in concert with the ongoing transhuman, geoengineering and genetic modification agenda. These are very serious influences that are attempting to change our lives in extremely profound ways in order to destabilize us and steer us into submission.

We can live above all of these machinations while still feeling them, which is why the clarion call to conscious awareness. Others may not ostensibly pick up these mechanisms but anyone with spiritual sensitivity and is aware of their altering condition will clearly identify these influences.

It’s a time to be awake and aware like never before. Just recognizing and identifying these external forces is extremely empowering. When we detach and view from a fully conscious perspective everything makes sense.

Otherwise their objective is achieved. You feel lost. But all of that is nothing more than a mirage.

Stay found. And grounded in truth.

Be strong. And just get there, whatever it takes. It doesn’t matter what it is we’re each up against and is required of us. We’re in this together and will continue to climb and thrive. Find the way laid before you and keep climbing. That’s essentially all that matters. From there we have greater vision and perspective and will understand our next move.

Never doubt that. You, me, all of us, truly are the awakening and the answer for humanity.

Let’s fulfill it together.

Much love, Zen

The Matrix and You

The Matrix or Prison Planet is an artificial created reality which hides the truth through manipulation, mind control, artificial intelligence and very convincing lies if repeated often enough, eventually become part of your truth.

This has been going on for thousands of years. We didn’t evolve from apes and I believe that man was never less intelligent or enlightened than he is today, the rabbit hole is deeper than the one Alice fell into.

In the last two years, this matrix of control has become serious, dangerous and unpredictable because we are one step ahead of the handlers now, they have to change plans.

If you read this and laugh, then you bought into the lies, you live inside this Matrix and you’re perfectly happy to live under this condition of mass hypnosis. You’re content with being told what to do even from people you don’t know and following orders is just doing your job.

Perfect example of control and manipulation is religion, education, marriage certificates, birth certificates, government, television, newspapers, symbolism and all mass media distribution, food, medicine and property ownership or non-property ownership because you really don’t own anything.

Perhaps you lived your life never caring to take responsibility for yourself or take control of your life. You rarely question the establishment, you honor authority and do as you are told like a good little dog. You feel comfortable and safe so long as you have a JOB and a home to come to even if you have to work for the next 30 years to pay it off. You never thought of other options or ways of life and you are afraid to let go of all that is familiar to you and feel safe with.

You love tradition because it gives you a sense of identity. Identity is the most important human trait.

People reject, judge, hate and even kill over identity. So stay where you are, don’t change. Why should you?

Maybe you ARE aware of what is going on and know the truth but prefer to be silent. You have been teamed up with the rules and the players to manipulate and control everyone around you. You sold out for the identity of fame, money, power, glory and recognition.

Maybe you know the truth, but don’t know how to break out of the Matrix.

It’s all about choices and consequences.

Decide. Become free and powerful in a way you can’t imagine or stay under the evil/dark control of the Matrix handlers and live with the consequences. Whenever you live someone else’s life, there are always consequences.

Everything in existence is energy and vibration. Energy can’t die, it can only transform. The matrix contains negative energy, the controllers feed off negative energy called FEAR.

They make up the fear and you put it in your heart, in your everyday life and you believe them.

Priests, vicars, rabbi, witch doctors, medicine men, cult leaders, clergy or any religious elders manipulate your self created fears. From ancient tribes in the jungles and deserts to sophisticated tribes in the concrete jungles. From the first dawning of humankind until now.

Become a force for the greater good. Make a difference. BE different.

Live with free will. The truth is in your heart and so is everything you need to do this. It always has been, but you got caught in the Matrix each time you incarnated and since you are reading this, it means you either want to change, have already made a difference or you’re laughing because you prefer the lies and don’t want to take responsibility for your life. It took until this lifetime to figure out you live in a Matrix.

Some of us are brave and wise enough to live outside the Matrix. We come from a place of love, strength, honor, spiritual and metaphysical power, we harnessed in our higher selves. There is no need for a seal of approval or recognition for what we do. There are no iron weapons or mind control. There is no FEAR.

Imagine living without fear. Do you know how? To live without fear means you are no longer in the Matrix.

As difficult as it may be to accept, many people do not have any idea whether their lives are real or illusory. They live out false lives just long enough to serve what they believe to be their own purpose, which in reality is a slave source of energy for whatever is draining them.

To discover that you’re not in control and that you have been lied to about everything is to begin to understand and gaze into the core of the subtle power that runs this Matrix.

To question if we are in fact living our own lives honestly, awakens us from this insidious comfortable, sensual sleep of lies, self-deceit and illusion and opens the door to freedom. Then we cut off the life force energy to all those human handlers of evil who use our life force to make our lives hell on Earth.

We starve the war machine that gains more and more force, creates more fear through perpetual wars. We remove ourselves from the Matrix by stopping any activity that feeds that machine.

We disconnect from the Matrix to stop losing our life force energy to them but not buying into the lies and to question everything put forth to us.

In this illusion that we helped create, we must end it soon by disconnecting from all the control mechanisms such as religion, education, medicine and mass media garbage.

It’s not about defeating them. It’s about cutting off their life force. Their physical life force is money, their spiritual life force of this Matrix is fear energy. They can’t feed off positive energy thus they have to create FEAR to feed off of us.

How do they do that?

In my last post I wrote that we unwillingly bought into their marketing and created it for them. They managed to get us to be afraid and focus on all the things we fear thus giving them power.

Fear is the opposite of Love. There is no in-between. You either live in Fear or live in Love. If you fear not having money for tomorrow, you’re still in the Matrix.

If you feel that changing your life will bring hardship then it will. You will create whatever it is you think.

We are so powerful that we are afraid of ourselves. We are afraid to even believe that we are so powerful and it’s the other way around.

The Matrix fears us. Look at the lengths they have gone to contain us, they will do anything to keep us from knowing how powerful we are.

Wake up old soul, haven’t you had enough of hoping tomorrow will be a better day? it will never get better because tomorrow doesn’t exist, it’s another illusion, another construct. Today, now, this moment is the only reality to focus on. In this moment, tell yourself “I am fucking powerful, what have I been waiting for? I am powerful, I am in control and I am all that I am.”

If I was able to teleport, I’d be by your side giving you a hug and telling you that you CAN do it.

Hey Humanity We Are Right on Track – Part Two

After realizing today just how afraid our handlers are, I also realized they were not creating anything. We are Creator gods, they know this so their entire plan was to create effective marketing strategies so that we would accept and through our thoughts create the reality they wanted. 

Most of us now know or suspect that 9/11 was an inside job, false flag event. On the surface it appears as if it was done as an excuse or pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. On the human surface level yes, but that was really advertising for the creation of terrorism through us. It had to be big, dramatic, tragic, devastating, unbelievable and shocking for us to imprint “terrorism” into our minds by focusing our thoughts and fears on terrorists, so what we would believe it was now the greatest threat to humanity.

We created an incredible amount of energy to destroy the entire Middle East. They may have destroyed the physical aspects of those lands through soldiers and weapons of mass destruction but we destroyed it spiritually by giving it power through thought-focused-manifestation.

Everything is falling into place now. We were not lied to, we were manipulated into believing their marketing methods because they knew it was not possible to do what they did without creating the energy for it to manifest. Everything wrong on this planet was done through US. Because of our ignorance, because our memories were blocked prior to incarnating here, we unknowingly allowed them to use our creative abilities to create the reality that they wanted.

This is why it took hundreds of years to set us up for it. Knowing the power to create was within us, they first had to contain us, implant us with false teachings, separate us, demoralize us through religion so that we could then follow their programming.

In other words: “Sell them what they think they need, they will then write about it, talk about it, think about it, focus on it, obsess over it and voila, they will create the reality we want”.

The human race is not a violent or aggressive race. They had to do powerful marketing to create anger and feelings of injustice, revenge and patriotism in us to believe we would go to war to defend our countries.

No person today will join the military with the express reason of killing another human being. They do it because they believe they are defending some ideology or protect their country’s inhabitants.

I don’t believe there are many soldiers active or  non-active who have killed another human and not been affected by that. All we need to do is research the numbers in the US from Vietnam to today, how many veterans are suffering from various illnesses, PTSD and not to mention suicides. It is not from shock or stress that creates PTSD and other disorders. It’s the deep knowledge and heartfelt shock that we took another life and that person or people were part of us.

Even the so called bad guys were created by the same Creator, good or bad we can’t take another life and it isn’t until we do that, that we feel a part of us died or all parts of our soulness if we killed more than one human being. The collective feels this pain as well though for some reason we are not directly affected, rather indirectly in our lives through illness, bad luck and things simply not going the way we want them to.

Why do you think the elite don’t send their children to war? Do you think it’s because they know what those wars are all about? I don’t think so. I think they know their children will inherit the death energy from the people they maim and kill which in turn permeates like a curse or bad karma in the family.

Folks, they have been hiding this occult knowledge from us forever, they know how energy works, they know the cause and effect laws, they know of ways to keep free from the ‘curse’ of killing, this is why they don’t need to send their children to war.

We are Creators, they planned all along how to get us to create their realities. It wasn’t so much about deception or lying to us as it was about desperation. As the global population grew, they had to take on more drastic measures to contain us.

Once the internet was open to the public, this is when everything sped up, they had to complete their plan of global dominance before we figured it out.

It is because they have all the hidden knowledge from us that they can manipulate and control us. You could say they know us better than we know ourselves.

Think about that. For centuries or even longer, we have been struggling for freedom and democracy, killing each other, occupying foreign lands, because we thought we knew who we are; while the entire time they were setting us up to accept their marketing and to create or manifest exactly what they wanted.

Endless wars for profit, global control and the complete enslavement of the human species.

I’m not going to get into the ‘who done it’ of this plan. Does it matter if it’s the archons, the reptilians, the grays, the elite, the illuminati? It matters only that we now know it is being done to us because we can’t get rid of them individually. We must halt the machine, halt the matrix wheels and this is now happening as more and more information is coming to light.

As we awaken through knowledge, so we will stop them through the very system they used against us; our minds, our gift to manifest our reality and this goes back to my last posts from January and Dec.2015 about creating our reality.

Rather than focus on what we don’t want, we focus on what we want. Those that are constantly and consistently telling us how rotten this world is or what may happen in the future are either traitors to humanity or have not yet awakened to the knowledge of who they are.

I am confident that the information I shared with you today in these two posts are 90% truth and 10% unresolved speculation based on the fact that I do not yet know what that catalyst will be.

There is talk/rumors going around the veil has been lifted, karma is no longer, that the archons are gone, but if this information comes through channeling, you can be sure it’s probably just bullshit or disinfo.

The veil or quarantine cannot be lifted for two reasons: 1. The planetary mother is not only entity going through a transformation, all of existence is, so until peace is achieved in our solar system, we are in danger of being invaded by unwanted guests. We are the ones that will lift the quarantine, when we are ready for that. 2. We are not yet at the position we need to be, we are not yet collectively mature enough nor is our vibratory frequency strong enough to have access beyond the quarantine.

As for the archons being gone, folks that is irrelevant because if we are aware of how they mess with our minds, we can stop that. The archons are parasitic by nature, so as long as they have victims to suck energy from, they will stick around to the last one.

We are now faced with 2 challenges to get to the finish line: 1. Remove all borders and reintegrate with each other into one global society. What this means is that we are united as ONE humanity, working in service to others with no religions, no dogmas, no traditions or mind control, as sovereign beings. 2. Remove our handlers from power by not creating the reality they want and freeing ourselves to create the world we want to live in, the world that was originally given to us free, a world of love, joy, happiness and freedom to choose.

We can do this, I have always said old soul, you are the one that can make that change, you just have to want it.

Hey Humanity, We Are Right On Track!

“The history of Europe covers the peoples inhabiting the European continent from after prehistoric times to the present. Some of the best-known civilizations of prehistoric Europe were the Minoan and the Mycenaean, which flourished during the Bronze Age until they collapsed in a short period of time around 1200 BC.” You can read more at:

If we create our own reality, then we should be or probably are asking ourselves why we are creating such madness. I don’t know about you, but I struggled with that ideology for a long time. Even though I write about it, I KNOW it to be true, as a human, that ideology didn’t sit right with me because  of the right/left brain malfunction in order to keep us believing what is forced upon us through mind control.

If you are American or living in the US, you may not relate to this madness in Europe even though your ancestors originally came from different parts of Europe. Just by memory, I think the Irish, Scottish and British settlers were amongst the first ones to inhabit the New World.

My point is that most Euro-Americans really have no idea of the multicultural aspect of Europe which I will now refer to as EU, unless you returned to your ancestral land at some point and learned that way of life in order to understand your ancestral culture and language.

Why am I bringing this up? I received the answers I have been waiting for 2 years now last night just before I go into my deep sleep. This is the time where I pick up any messages left for me or just communicate with higher self. After reading this article last night: , I didn’t feel it as being truth or a reality we do not want. In fact, the answers just threw me off track completely as the logical mind tries to make logic out of it.  This article refers to the migrant crisis as an ‘intentional’ process designed for a specific purpose.

How do we come together as humanity if we all believe in different gods, eat different foods, speak a different language, live in a specified culture passed on from our ancestors and fight tooth and nail to hold on to that while at the same time wanting peace and wanting to create a better world?

Remember, the entire system we live in today is artificial, the very system/matrix we want so much to retain and hold onto was created by design. What I mean by that and I will use my own struggle is that I want my life to be the way it is now, living on this island, separated by Adriatic Sea, I don’t want settlers on this island, I want to live a peaceful quiet life and eat the foods I eat now. Some will want to live in their homes, work at the same jobs, go to church every Sunday. These are traditions and part of our cultural existence that we all try so hard to hold on to because we have been taught that it should be that way. Habit is the program designed for us to believe that certain things must be as they are taught to us.

The only way for this matrix to function in controlling us was to keep us separated into smaller groups (countries), create different languages, set up borders to permanently separate us, create entities such as worship of  nationalism and patriotism  and insert religion, education, cultural differences, in other words a very tightly controlled system designed to keep us apart and as dumbed down as possible.

The answers I received last night at first seemed ridiculous. By nature humans are loving, are not violent and do not support or like violence so our immediate instinctual response is to reject any notion that we might be creating this reality unfolding in front of us globally.

In order for us to unite and come together as ONE powerful entity, we had to create chaos, wars, refugees and occupations in order to break down the very cultural programming/false teachings and eventually break down all the fences/borders that separate us.

It looks and feels so ugly and horrific, the refugees, migrants, immigrants; call them what you like (our brothers and sisters), but they are creating that starting momentum of re-integration, whether they realize it or not.

It is ugly right now because Europe is a very old multicultural, multi-nationality, multi-traditional, multi-language region and while the influx of people is entering it for a better life, we are struggling to hold on to our past, afraid that if we lose our past, we will lose our identity along with our cultures, traditions, language and history.  For whatever reason these people are coming to EU matters not, they too have the right to a better life.

It will take time, perhaps years to integrate EU alone, for one side uses fierce opposition to ‘change’, while other side demands their way of life and culture they bring with them is respected and that they are allowed to continue it. Both sides are struggling to hold on to something, both want to continue with their way of life while one is the receiver of new people and the other is entering into a new culture. Either way you look at it, they are afraid of change.

This is why the fear mongering has started about Islam or other non-European religions taking over EU society. They (cabal)  know we are doing this as part of the war against them, they know reintegration into ONE HUMANITY or Unity Consciousness will cause their demise.

We are in essence, let me use this analogy as Earth being the mixing bowl. We first add flour, eggs, sugar and other dry ingredients along with liquids,etc. Looking at this mixture looks disgusting just sitting there in that bowl and has no purpose, so we whip it up to create a smooth mixture, then we add spices, fruit, nuts and mix that together as well.

That raw mixture probably doesn’t look that appealing or tasty, so we bake it in the oven and out comes a delicious, aromatic cake. The ingredients come from different parts of the globe. Flour comes from Croatia, eggs from Hungary, milk from Germany, spices imported from various Asian countries, nuts from Brazil, fruit from the tropics. Do you get the analogy?

If the ingredients just stay in that bowl without processing them, they will probably rot or start collecting microbes within 24 hours, this mixture has no purpose and serves nothing.

WE are at that stage right now. We are the ingredients. We haven’t consciously figured out how to re-integrate all these people, we’re not yet aware it was part of the plan we made before incarnating here.

The catalyst  is the mixer. When we start mixing these ingredients, they slowly form a homogenous mixture that is disgusting raw but once baked comes out incredibly tasty and nutritious.

You can look at this another way. The raw ingredients combined together do not taste well and are not for consumption until baked. The same ingredients after being integrated and baked together form a wonderful and edible product. While just standing in the bowl, they have no essence, no form, no shape, they are just dumped with each other, separated by organic differences.

“Oh my, this tastes great, what ingredients did you use?” You see, it has to have the right blend of ingredients. Too much liquid will create a runny and thin cake, too much flour will create a pound cake and it will take longer to bake.

The destruction of the Middle East is necessary for humanity to let go of the lie that it was the Cradle of Civilization. It was NOT, it was the LAST cradle of civilization but not the first and you know this.

In order to let go of the false history and our false true origins, this region HAD to be decimated, it is the evil foundation of what we are taught and brainwashed with. It is where Babylon created many languages, it is where the last human body suit was genetically altered and dumbed down even further or descended into lower frequencies.

They say a cluttered house reflects the owners cluttered mind.

We cannot fix/repair our current condition using bandages. We have to remove ALL false realities and histories created to separate and control humanity, we must remove all borders on this planet.

So, herein lies the answer I received. Although I often write about the coming days, months and years where chaos will rule, and that our lives will be greatly affected before it gets better, I wasn’t really sure exactly what chaos meant and or what the cause of it would be.

I now understand how and why. There is no bandaid solution, we have to break down all concepts of religion, tradition, culture, language, skin color, nationalism that have separated us for thousands of years. We are NOT the above. They were artificially placed upon us using mind control, subliminal messaging and other methods.

We cannot become Unity Consciousness so long as we live within borders and other separation factors. How do we unite consciously while holding on to our current way of life? It’s not possible. We need to face this now.
The most difficult aspect of our evolutionary changes is giving up what we thought to be true: giving up our culture, our language, our geographic locations, our human identities, our traditions and family bonds. It is not just about humans migrating to different parts of the planet, it’s about you and me realizing that everything we believed in was a big LIE. We don’t need traditions, traditions keep you in a time loop constantly repeating the same paradigm. We don’t need religions, they disempower us by teaching us that god is more powerful than we are. We don’t need different languages, but long ago, we communicated telepathically so we didn’t need to vocalize our intent, we simply thought it. Language was a descension into a lower vibration because we now had to use large parts of our brains to decode letters, learn different languages etc., it’s all about holding you back rather than moving forward.

We all think that eating meat on Sunday is a good tradition or opening presents Xmas morning, or that coloring eggs on Easter is a tradition. How silly is that? Think about it? Why are we pushing this crap upon our kids? This is the most difficult part of our growth, how to let go of these false/made up worships that really serve no purpose, even the purpose was programmed into us to believe it was part of who we were.

So long as the Cabal are in control, we cannot UNITE as humanity or as multi-dimensional beings, we can’t be either one, they are preventing us from being that.

The chaos we are experiencing/creating is the necessary and such painful process of reintegration. The MSM and even the so called Alternative Truth Movement Media is using “integration”as a negative and unachievable process. They are using more fear to scare people into believing that it is not possible to integrate the influx of ‘migrants’ but what they are doing is programming you and I through subliminal messaging, mind control, whatever; in order to create the reality THEY want. We focus on what they are telling us, we create exactly that, we are such fools. 

The “false” migrant rapes and assaults, the many, many false flag events in Europe were all designed for people to fight AGAINST the migrants, for you and I to believe that we are being invaded by unwanted people and that we can’t handle the influx.  You see, so long as we fight against migrants, we can’t re-integrate so we are in essence focused on the reality they want us to create. We are creators, remember that, they know that, they are programming us with what they want us to create.  Whether it is legal or not, whether they have ID or not, whether there are terrorists amongst them, those are THEIR laws, not Universal Laws. We all have the right to live where we wish, therefore, understand that you are not a Croat or Spaniard or American, you are a Soul having a human experience. They want us to ‘think’ what they want us to ‘create’. Nothing is created for our benefit, we have been creating their reality for eons! It’s time to stop creating their reality, stop listening to the bullshit on TV, stop reading the bullshit they put out and also, be very careful. They have infiltrated the truth movement, they create the New Age movement hoping you will buy the “alien, love, light and savior” paradigm.

I have used the re-integration term many times in my posts when referring to “ascension”. This means moving into higher vibratory awareness, re-integrating the soul, body, mind, heart and higher self into one body, the original self, the original design thus activating the DNA to expand and bring us back to our rightful existence. What others call ‘ascension’, I call it re-integration and Chris Thomas also uses that term.

The same process must happen with humanity. When we were first created, the first human body suit, original design by Aeon Creator Sophia later becoming Gaia, we were 7th or 8th dimensional beings with all 12 DNA strands activated. Why give us 12 DNA strands and then only activate a certain amount? But I believe we lost this in Atlantis, Lemuria, those very high achieving and technological civilizations and once destroyed, our bodies could no longer hold the higher self, soul heart and mind in one body.

This re-integration of the bodysuit with higher self happens when we are ready to accept higher vibratory frequencies, in order for that to happen, we must at least partially re-integrate humanity or start that momentum.

It is this collective  process that will enable us to go through our FINAL re-integration, that is body/collective humanity as ONE.

What we are seeing now is our collective plan within various soul groups acting upon the chaos or creating it to break down borders and bring humans together.

It is not going to be easy or smooth sailing, I believe Gaia will contribute as well by reacting in anger with earthquakes and volcanoes, we are now the ingredients in the mixing bowl called Earth, thrown into it and yet we cannot mix ourselves. .The ingredients need a MIXER, a catalyst of change, to change the raw ingredients into a perfectly baked cake.

What is that catalyst? What is the catalyst that will create that momentum for humanity no matter where we live, to freely walk across our borders without being stopped?

I don’t have the answers for that  one yet but I am sure that we need that catalyst or alarm bell and I believe it is not coming from humans. It will be either through natural disasters, non-earth visitation and assistance but only if we are unable to complete the work or if our planet is in a situation where it could self-destruct if the cabal really goes nuts. Interference is not allowed except if an event on Earth will affect other solar systems or universes.

The catalyst is not an anti-christ, that may be the false flag alien aspect, a mind controlled or holographic vision event, the catalyst is what is needed for the Cabal to start running and hiding because they know it is the endgame for them.

It all makes sense now, how do we come together if we are separated by border?  How do we re-integrate humanity into ONE if we all have different belief systems, different languages, skin colors, nationalities etc.? It’s not possible, no matter which way we look at it, we can’t become a Sovereign Human until ALL barriers are removed.

It is not a question of IF, it is a question of WHEN that catalyst happens. Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I have sharing the information I received last night.


Sunday’s Rant and New Age Nutjobs

I haven’t been posting much lately, sorry about that. My partner is ill as you know and things are not getting any better. Every morning I wake up and go to him with a glimpse of hope he might be better, but it’s rare. He’s up and down like a rollercoaster ride and I am starting to accept the reality that it could be anytime now.

I found this first video on my youtube “recommended” list so decided to check it out, intuitively it lead me further on. Let’s just call this Sunday’s rant!

In this video: Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolen. Just look at his eyes, he’s on psychedelics for sure, and this guy mentions Alfred Webre, Simon Parkes getting together and doing a mass meditation. He uses the term PPAI (Predatory Pathogenic Artificial Intelligence), what the fu….???? He claims their mass meditation made CERN stop, crash and burn. Sure, dude, where is the proof of that? He claims on that day, August 13th, or a day after that day, CERN employees hung over from partying left an Intern to take care of CERN and that is when they crashed the system. Really? They left an Intern to babysit alone?
Simon Parkes claims that the mass meditation was done on August 15th. So which date is it?

When I first listened to Simon Parkes last year, I wasn’t sure about him. I have learned over time to not judge or jump to conclusions until I have done enough research, though I have a good connection with higher self and my initial feeling was “watch out for this man, he’s not what you think he is”. It took another year to listen to more information and of course once I saw who he was hanging out with and doing interviews with, that only confirmed that my intuitive self was right.

When Alfred Webre came out last year to publicly announce he was battling with AI programming, I was actually happy because I had doubts about him, as you can find lots of information on this blog about him. To claim that a bunch of people got together and meditated to stop CERN from disconnecting us from Source is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard since I have been involved in the truth movement.
Simon Parkes uses the same introduction at every interview. He claims that he is credible because he was a Labour town Councillor and even though they knew he was part mantid, they voted for him. Really? Are you kidding me? I’m going to vote you into a councillor position because you’re qualified for the job and it doesn’t matter you’re part Alien?

Simon claims to be able to shapeshift because he has more reptilian DNA in him, yet he claims to be part Mantid. Has anyone ever asked this guy to shapeshift and prove this? I would love Simon do a shapeshifting video, and I would love Corey Good to do some of his empathic reading. According to Corey, he should be able to read your mind just looking at you? Well, why don’t you do that Corey, I would love to see how you do that!

In this link below you will read about the Blue Avians that Corey Goode seems to talk about as being real. I always believed that they were a Mind control or AI program and it is confirmed here by a few people. It’s interesting how Alfred Webre gets mentioned in just about everything, despite the fact I would never trust anyone who openly admits to being mind controlled with AI. How can you trust any individual that has been mind controlled by the secret agencies? Regardless that they will tell the public what they went through, their experiences and that they have worked on themselves, you can never trust what they have to say. You must take everything with a grain of salt and understand that once controlled, always controlled especially if they have been taken as a child. Their core memory functions were imprinted long before they were taught to love, trust and have compassion. They can never be normal humans and their behaviour after leaving these programs are ‘learned’. They can’t develop normal feelings, they will read about them, study them and then try and act them out.

I know this because I worked with bad people, people that murdered. Most of these people were victims themselves. They were victimized by their parents, usually a mother. Even after 5 years of therapy, they will have an understanding of why they did what they did, but they cannot develop real feelings of love and compassion if their abuse or mind programming started before they were 5 or 6 years old. We followed these released prisoners for another 5 years, they are not usually social, very few can hold a healthy relationship because they do not know intimacy, it was not learned through experience. Men that have been sexually abused by their mothers, NEVER have healthy relationships, they may have relationships, but they are like a time bomb, where a sound or word will trigger old memories.

If these men cannot feel heart love, trust and have compassion, what can we say about those that are/were being used in stellar technologically advanced mind control programs? You simply can’t trust them and though they may mean well, they may really and truly want to help humanity, they cannot be trusted.

Here is an outlandish, out of this world interview with Alexandra Meadors and Simon Parkes. I will comment underneath the video, but here is a short transcribed part that I want you to read or listen to starting at the 20:00 min. mark.
Alexandra: “Undoing a code lock to bring back the 10 strands of DNA. What is the first and immediate shift we will notice in this undoing of the lock?”
Simon: “If you look at someone and they avert their eyes or avoid looking into yours, it’s because they’ve activated the soul. That soul connects through the spinal cord and the chakras to the brain. Your eye is connected to your brain by your optic nerve. Now, when someone looks into your eyes, if you’re activated, it means that your soul connected with your organic matter, I mean brain and they will actually get a glimpse of another dimension. So if you’re a 4th or 5th dimension and and the human looking in the eye, they will be scared of what they will see.

They will get very uncomfortable and will look away from you. They are scared by what they don’t understand. If it isn’t happening that means you’re not yet activated.

So it’s the unlocking of the DNA codes. If you can imagine these strands, they have to be brought together and connected and there are protocol codes which are placed in to protect by Source to protect that individual because when the strands were separated from humans between 200 and 220,000 years ago and placed on an armature of each person, the universal law says you can’t destroy that because that’s sacred to that individual. So what reptilians did was remove it from that person, out of reach to place it out of phase into 4th dimension, but what it does, it always seeks to re-connect. So when the new age talks about Ascension, it’s about connection. This DNA is attempting to re-connect back into the body”.

Sorry folks, I really don’t know where to start with this answer. First of all, what and where are these codes and who activates? How do we activate?  You mean to tell me I can tell if someone is activated by looking into their eyes and if they avert their eyes that they are activated? Give me a break. This is the most ridiculous thing he has said so far, aside from actually stopping or crashing CERN. I would love to know how he gets this information, but I can tell you one thing, he sure is doing a good job of convincing people.

I have written about this many times,explaining that the process we go through is re-integration. Trust me, nothing is missing, all of our 12 strands of DNA are intact, but for now, or most recently only 2 or 3 were working. At the time of us transcending into higher vibratory dimensions, those DNA strands will activate themselves. Remember, at one time we WERE 12 strand DNA body suits, but over time, the strands were de-activated to control us. A sample post:

You know, it’s crap like this and people like this that really piss me off. Sure, you can say that I can’t prove he’s wrong and I can’t prove I am right, but all it takes is common sense.  We are not that complex, science has proven that we do have 12 DNA strands and that 10 of them are junk DNA, therefore, what is this code lock and looking into people’s eyes crap? You mean to tell me that anyone that diverts their eyes from me means I’m activated? What about dishonest people or liars and manipulators? They too don’t and can’t look you directly into the eyes. They don’t do it out of fear, they do because dishonest people simply can’t connect intimately with another human being.

He talks about the soul as if it’s a separate entity. We ARE Souls, we are innately intuitive and intelligent, all knowing and multidimensional beings, what do we need codes and without explaining what that means exactly? Is he just nuts or mind controlled by some AI? You tell me. I think Simon Parkes is another disinformation agent or under the influence of some mind control program. One day we never hear about Simon and the next day he is telling everyone he’s part Mantid. I guess time will tell won’t it?


Who are the Authentic Channels?

Comment: I’m sure glad this is now coming out finally. I do wish he had mentioned a few more channelers though.  I wish I had the time to go through my blog to find the article I wrote about “discernment”, as Greg is writing about it here. I remember partially what I wrote about discernment. There is no such thing. How can we discern something we have never seen/heard/felt or touched? How do we know something we have never experienced? I too thought that discernment was a conjured up word, to confuse us further and to make us feel stupid because we didn’t know how to discern or were not able to. How do I use discernment if an entity channeling through me simply states they are who they are, yet I have no way of verifying that? The closest I could find is this link below, but all I can say is: My higher self is working just fine.

Part 1/2

I wish to make it clear that the complicity of Freemasons in this mind control program which uses synthetic telepathy, or voice to skull (V2K) technology, is not a theory I am proposing but point of fact, as the group that had been sending me the ‘channeled messages’ I shared specifically requested of me to edit the last message we worked on due to concerns that they were too ‘heavy handed’ and used too many references to their Masonic order. They feared the followers of these channeled messages would begin to catch on to the fact these messages were penned by Freemasons, not extraterrestrials or ascended masters. I clearly remember precisely just which pieces of Masonic symbolic reference they wished me to remove from the messages, and I also possess an advanced understanding of the terms, secret language and symbolism employed by members of the Masonic lodges. This last message I edited and shared for this group is the only message I published after I had learned the true identity of the authors, and I only released it to the public because this last message openly admitted the messages I had received and shared all along were authored by members of our earthly human family. That message is is titled Finale, and some of you may remember reading it in the fall of 2012 and the internet uproar that quickly ensued.

The conspirators behind the ‘Galactic Federation’ mind control program I had fallen victim to some years ago are extremely intelligent and ruthlessly cunning. They understood from the outset that sooner or later followers of the ‘channeled message’ would begin to become suspicious, and would in turn search for a way to either confirm or refute the outlandish promises made and the true source behind them. So the conspirators came up with a very clever way to trick the readers into getting lost within the minute details, and fail to utilize their sharpened skills of critical thinking.

So they, the very human writers behind these messages, entered into our vernacular the concept of discernment, purposely fusing this theme with a feeling, an emotion, a vibration, a knowing, understanding full well that none of those methods will ever get anyone of us any closer to the truth. Need proof of this? Good! That’s an excellent start! Demand proof! Do you see? That’s what they feared so much since the launch of this program. They did not want you doing what you have done your entire lives, which is demand proof of something, especially of claims so illogical as the outrageous ones made in these channeled messages. Yet so many of us fell for this discernment trick. Our powers of discernment have obviously failed us all. Need proof? (Good!) How many of you followed my work channeling the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command until I finally woke up and unmasked the hoaxers? Our discernment failed us all miserably, because it was designed to do just that, its just a trick hoaxers inserted into this program. Snap out of it! Demand proof from here on out. Base your opinions on careful analysis and critical thinking based upon the tangible evidence available to you, not a feeling, as the hoaxers are very cunning, and carefully select words to prey upon your emotions.

Use fully your intellect and your intelligence, rely on your experience, your logic and your common sense when analyzing these ‘other worldly communications’ as a whole, as one subject. Stop playing into the hands of the government agencies behind all this and allow them to keep us divided. We are subjects of the same government program! Stop pledging your allegiance to one channel or another, then switching allegiance when you begin to smell something rotten. You are smelling something rotten because you you are beginning to figure something out, you are beginning to see through the charade, you are subconsciously allowing your brain to do what it does best, because you are now beginning to keep your emotions in check, because the newness and original excitement of these messages is beginning to fade. That’s why all these ‘channeled’ messages keep the flow of sensational claims and promises flowing. How many times have you been promised money? Every channel I have followed has promised money. Has any one of you received one dime? These messages have been promising money for decades! Decades! Its just a trick to keep you excited and emotional.

The following is a way that each of you can prove the origins of each and every one of these so-called channeled messages based on fact, on research, on logic and good old common sense. Doesn’t that sound refreshing? Doesn’t that sound so right, after being subjected to so many years of mind control propaganda?

The U.S. government agencies that are behind this program of mind control, commissioned the scripts used as the channeled messages to be written by a very particular group. This group of minions, this gang, this cult, has been used to do the dirty work for world governments and the enormously wealthy and powerful individuals who own this world, going back hundreds of years now. This group has a meeting place in every city and hundreds of small towns all throughout the U.S. and across the globe, infiltrating deeply every vital institution in our society. They call themselves Freemasons. They are so fiercely proud of themselves and their many accomplishments, that they stamp their colors, their symbols and their language on almost every piece of literature they allow to be published, into every movie they green light, into every T.V. show that airs, into every cartoon your children enjoy, into every T.V. commercial you watch, into every music video you dance to, in every sporting event you cheer, in every major parade that marches, on every rocket blasted into space, and most importantly, in every channeled message you have read. That’s right, you read that correctly. Now if you understood their language, if you recognized their symbols and their codes and their colors and their flag, like I do, then you can confirm, positively confirm, that all of these channeled messages are not penned by extraterrestrial appendage, but by the hand of a Masonic initiate or minion thereof, as even minions have minions.

Cleverly embedded within a series of messages channeled by Miss Barbara Marciniak, who I am convinced is an honorable woman who dedicated much of her life to help make our world a better place, are pieces of evidence indicating she has fallen for the same trickery as I. She cannot be blamed, as who would suspect well funded government agencies would convert simple cell phone technology to achieve synthetic telepathy, a technological feat discussed in Sunday’s entry of this blog. If Barbara had understood the Masonic language, perhaps she would never have published her Pleadian channelings Bringers of the Dawn, and I would never had been lured into this trap, as that is where it all started for me after I stumbled upon her work while surfing the web some years ago. But I do not lay blame on Barbara, as I believe our lives are direct consequences of our choices.

The minions, masquerading as Pleiadians, didn’t take very long to stamp their Masonic mark on these bogus communications, as the title itself, Bringers of the Dawn, is an allusion to sun worship, which lies at the heart and is the essence of the Masonic cult. (This piece of symbolism is so important to understand that it demands its own discussion for another day. So we will move on to the next piece of evidence.) It is the arrogance of these Freemasons that has unmasked them, as the authors themselves foreshadowed their own fate with their typical over confident inside references in the opening moments of Bringers, “There are those who feel we are taking too many chances…” (Yes, you arrogant cultists, you took too may chances.)

Of the most prominent symbols of Freemasonry is the number 33, signifying the 33rd and highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. A number of U.S. presidents, military leaders and corporate leaders are 33rd degree Freemasons. (Enter ’33rd degree’ into any search engine and confirm this for yourself. Prove it to yourself! The number 33 is prominently displayed throughout the world in movies and television shows, and on masonic badges and shields, and even at Disney Land theme park, Anaheim California, as creator Walt Disney was believed to have been a 33rd degree Freemason.



Albert Pike is regarded as one of the most influential Freemasons



Club 33 is a private club located in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland




The 33, a newly released major motion picture boasting the Masonic 33.

In Bringers of the Dawn, the Masonic hoaxers masquerading as Pleiadians encourage humans to spin 33 times in a circle, as many times as three times per day, as this act was promised to accelerate your spiritual growth, a ludicrous notion which clearly demonstrates the sheer arrogance of these Freemasons, as they so firmly believe they can mock others in such a way and no one will ever catch on. The ’33’ reference was written into the script because Freemasons feel compelled to shamelessly stamp every work of theirs, hoax or not, with their signature. Plus, its simply a wise marketing decision. Imagine how successful minion recruitment day must be when your promo reel boasts the Masonic brand sprayed like graffiti all over the world. Their symbols are literally everywhere. What they are saying is, ‘We own the entire world, we own you, and you are too stupid to even know it!’

The following clip is a segment of the audio version of Bringers of the Dawn, narrated by Barbara Marciniak herself, wherein the Masonic 33 is yet again prominently displayed.

Spinning: Accelerate your spiritual growth

It was not ascended Pleiadian extraterrestrials speaking telepathically to Barbara Marciniak who advised humanity to spin 33 times, it was a group of smart-ass Freemasons contracted to help perpetrate this hoax by an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense and/or the U.S. intelligence community. All that is needed is simple cell phone technology to fool Miss Marciniak into believing she is receiving genuine communications from the stars. This sheer lack of respect, this insult, delivered with the clear intent to mock, to humiliate all of us as we spin like fools around and around in our homes should also serve as a clear indication to all that these hoaxed ‘channeled messages’ have not been written and delivered with any intent to help or assist humanity in any way, but to use us. This level of content for potential listeners or readers of Miss Marciniak’s work Bringers of the Dawn should act as a wake up call and clearly demonstrate to all that they are seen as subjects, as targets, as lab rats of a program, a program which is a major part of an agenda of mass mind control.

Tomorrow we will discuss the work of arguably the most popular channel in the entire world, and it will give me no pleasure I assure you to point out the embedded pieces of Masonic symbolism in her work.

Greg Giles
My Facebook page

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Greg Giles ~

Who are the Authentic Channels? 

Part 2/2


I wish to make it clear that the complicity of Freemasons in this mind control program which uses synthetic telepathy, or voice to skull (V2K) technology, is not a theory I am proposing but point of fact, as the group that had been sending me the ‘channeled messages’ I shared specifically requested of me to edit the last message we worked on due to concerns that they were too ‘heavy handed’ and used too many references to their Masonic order. They feared the followers of these channeled messages would begin to catch on to the fact these messages were penned by Freemasons, not extraterrestrials or ascended masters. I clearly remember precisely just which pieces of Masonic symbolic reference they wished me to remove from the messages, and I also possess an advanced understanding of the terms, secret language and symbolism employed by members of the Masonic lodges. This last message I edited and shared for this group is the only message I published after I had learned the true identity of the authors, and I only released it to the public because this last message openly admitted the messages I had received and shared all along were authored by members of our earthly human family. That message is is titled Finale, and some of you may remember reading it in the fall of 2012 and the internet uproar that quickly ensued.

In part 1 of our series, we discussed how the Masonic minions, those who are doing the dirty work of writing and sending the fraudulent channeled messages, all of which are part of a global mind control program, stamp many of their messages with their signature, a symbolic language used by Freemasons as well as other secret society members. Understanding these symbols, this secret language, will allow you to confirm or refute these messages.

The minions, masquerading as Pleiadians, didn’t take very long to stamp their Masonic mark on these fraudulent communications, as the title itself, Bringers of the Dawn, is an allusion to sun worship, which lies at the heart and is the essence of the Masonic cult. (This piece of symbolism is so important to understand that it demands its own discussion for another day. So we will move on to the next piece of evidence.) It is the arrogance of these Freemasons that has unmasked them, as the authors themselves foreshadowed their own fate with their typical over confident inside references in the opening moments of Bringers, “There are those who feel we are taking too many chances…” (Yes, you arrogant cultists, you took too may chances.)

The Freemasons communicate with their own language, so we must learn this language if we wish to remove ourselves from the audience section of this great theater and view, as many Freemasons do, our world from behind the curtain. In part 1 of our series we discussed the number 33, a very important number throughout the Masonic cult. Today we shall focus on another number, a number used less frequently, but nonetheless an important Masonic integer.

It pains me to single out a few channels and provide information that may be deemed disrespectful to them and their hard work, as I know what effort is demanded of the ‘channel’, but my nightmarish experience should be enough example for all to understand what these messages are all about and how your life will be utterly destroyed if you are singled our for abuse, torment or torture as I have been. If you continue to follow the work of channels, sooner or later you will begin to receive electronic communications yourself and you too will fall for the mind control program that has destroyed my life. This is serious business, so do not make the mistake of taking this subject and your participation in it lightly. Know what you are getting yourself into, and it all starts with the secret language.

By all accounts Magenta Pixie is a kindhearted soul, hardworking, dedicated, intelligent, and honest as the day is long. Those who know her personally have expressed to me that she would never knowingly perpetrate a hoax or be any part of one. Of this I have no doubt. Her messages, reportedly received from a group of entities who identify themselves as the White Winged Collective Consciousness of 9, have reached hundreds of thousands of listeners all over the world. I eagerly anticipated each and every new Magenta Pixie message, and I could listen to her gorgeous voice forever.

It is the name, Collective Consciousness of Nine that troubles me, as I see this clearly as yet another arrogant stamp of the Masonic signature, an inside reference so similar in wording and theme as the Masonic Supreme Council of Nine, the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. This council consists of nine members, all of whom are expert and prominent Freemasons in Scotland. The number 9 is also a very important number in Masonic numerology, as 9 is a number representing wholeness and completion, concepts very often expressed through the works shared through Magenta Pixie, as well as many other ‘channels’ including myself. The number 9, as is the number 33, is embedded within a number of works penned by Masonic hand such as the film 9, a tale of a world destroyed in a war between man and machine, where a hand-stitched doll with the number 9 written on its back comes to life.




Surpreme Council of Nine




The film 9

The Angel, The Demon, The Saviour and The Architect
Magenta Pixie

In the above video, Magenta Pixie relays a message from the Nine. This particular communication speaks of the architect, an obvious inside reference to Freemasonry, and without question the single most important symbolic theme of the craft, as it is known. The square and compass and often added G for geometry, is the single most identifiable and important symbol of Freemasonry. These tools of the architect are often used in Masonic ritual as emblems to teach symbolic lessons.



The square and compass, the tools of the architect

Another clear reference to Freemasonry within this message relayed by Magenta Pixie is the term adept, another bold inside reference to Freemasonry, this time Masonic structure, as the term adept is an allusion to Prince Adept, the 28th Degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

There are many allusions to Masonic symbolic language throughout the channeled messages of Magenta Pixie, as well as many other messages published by a large number of ‘psychic mediums’. The messages I had received are also heavily encoded with the secret language of Freemasonry, and as I stated earlier in this article, the authors of the messages I shared asked me to edit our last work together due to concerns their involvement would be revealed.

I wish to close out this article with an apology to both Barbara Marciniak and Magenta Pixie, as I have nothing but incredible respect for both of these very talented and dedicated women. I simply feel compelled at this time to share my research and experiences in this field, to leave it as a warning for the next generation, a generation that will surely inherit from us a dystopian nightmare wherein each citizen’s every thought will be monitored, recorded, and used for prosecution, persecution and punishment. That is the true agenda behind the program that utilizes the concept of the channeled message.

Greg Giles
Sharing is caring!



Non-Interference The Ugly Truth We Don’t Want to Discuss in the Love and Light Movement

This is probably one of the most important posts I have ever shared with you. It is important to me, it may not be important to you, but this theme has been haunting me for several days now and I have received much information from my higher self about it.

Spiritual Law of non-interference
From “The Kelee: The Psychology of Spirituality” by Ron W. Rathbun
The above paragraph with links is really the subject matter in this post. It is based on my opinion, research and conversation with higher self. I do channel with my higher self and don’t write about it much because in reality, it is my information, intended for me. My higher self is still separate from me because of the separation and the descension of our body suits, but eventually, as I have written in many posts,,  we will re-integrate ourselves into one mind/body/soul/higher self entity. Some will call this Ascension, but in the end, we will transcend and become higher vibrational beings.

Slowly but surely we are coming to the conclusion that I came to long ago, that is that because interference in our reality is not allowed, these messages or in body take-overs are from beings that do not mean well or it is some type of psych-op/mind control program.

Some will say: What is wrong with an entity contacting a human and giving them positive or valuable information?  There is everything wrong with that because it changes the humans general perspective and it will change how they continue to live their current existence. We are here for specific reasons, in other words, we have purpose on this planet in this reality. The Law of Non-interference was intended so that nobody can interfere with our free will, with our evolution, with our desired experience that we chose before incarnating here.

This is a free will universe and regardless of the fact some people claim we can’t excercise it, has nothing to do with the fact it was given to us. We agreed to come here because of this Free Will experience to see if we can remember who we are by creating our own reality. The controllers/elite/cabal try and prevent us from exercising it through THEIR laws, religion, borders, racism, education and other mind control programs, but Creator gave us free will for a purpose.

Because we DO have by divine right the free will, a non-interference was specifically placed for that very reason, because of our free will, to see how far we could get and how fast we would learn who we truly are. We agreed to incarnate here for those reasons and conditions, we agreed to find our way home through free will without any help.

Does this make sense to you?

It is all those humans who through trance, telepathy or giving an entity permission to enter their body such as Bashar, Abraham Hicks, Kryon and many more that are being interfered with. None of them mention the Universal Law of Non-Interference, so whether they have good intentions are not, they know they are not allowed to do so unless these are simply AI, mind control programs and some form of “forced/invasive” telepathy.

What we can all agree on is that none of these entities do not speak of a specific future, constantly change the timelines when things should happen and when being asked: “Why didn’t it happen”?–they cunningly answer that it is up to humanity.

If it’s up to us, why do they bother to contact humans? If they are not allowed to mess with our free will, why do they do it and who are they really? And finally, all of these entities convince their host that what they have to say will assist humanity and the host has no way to verify their veracity of information.

These entities claim to be from higher dimensional realities or from our future like Bashar. If they are from our future then would they not know the exact date when something will happen? They claim they can’t give us that information because we have to figure it out ourselves, yet they interfere with our free will? Where is the logic here?

That’s like saying :I know the day you will die but I can’t tell you because you will change the course of your life. Of course you would. If you knew you were going to die on July 11th, 2020, you will probably quit your job a few years before that and enjoy life or in disbelief just continue on like nothing happened. If you change the course, then the future can be affected as well. So, what the hell is someone from your future doing here if we can change it’s outcome? What is the intent of a being coming from your future but not telling you anything that will happen? This is the confusing part.

We don’t think about these details. Perhaps if an entity contacted me claiming to be my future, I would ask they prove it: “So tell me, at what time will I get a phone call tonight or tell me, what time is the postman arriving tomorrow?” It’s a small gesture but it would convince me this entity truly was from my future.

Dimensions don’t exist in some different locations. It’s all within our unseeable reality around us. We exist in the same time-space continuum of reality but vibrate at different frequencies. We can’t see the million of frequencies zipping around us, just as we can’t see higher dimensional entities, it’s all within the same time/space continuum. So, if an entity is contacting someone, they are more than likely sitting right beside them in a higher vibrational frequency and not across the cosmos in some galaxy or star system.

I wrote a few times how I travel during my sleep to my other existences. Fact is, I don’t travel, I simply leave this physical body and as an etheric/light spirit I can think of where I want to be and I am in that reality. The universe is not outside of us, it is inside of us, we simply project our thoughts into a 3D reality to have that experience. If you have not yet read the Holographic Disclosure Series, I would suggest you do so.

Why do we need higher dimensional beings to tell us what they know and logic would have it that if they are a 5th or higher vibrational being, they can morph into a 3D reality/body and show themselves to us. Think about it.

We are creators. Believe it or not, know it or not, we create our reality through thought. If we can do this at a 3D level, then why can’t a higher vibrational being lower their frequency?

Non-interference is one of the greatest laws of the Universe that is always followed by the beings from higher realms. Of course, there is a fine line between being helpful and being interfering.

One can say that they are just providing facts, information or just giving their opinion and that it should not have any influence on the decision of the person they are communicating with. This would be acceptable if it were truly so, but 95% of the time it is not the case. There is an intentional manipulative purpose behind most of the communications of this nature. Interfering literally interferes and alters the free will of that individual and in most cases can change the outcome of their lifetime, therefore prolonging this Soul’s lessons and thus it must return to complete whatever it was the interference altered.

Once an entity is confronted that the interference is being injected into his life, it is negated but it never entirely eliminates what was communicated. That’s like telling the jury to dismiss a part of the witness testimony, it can never be done away with and the jury will never be able to be completely objective because of that information.

Even if that entity disappeared and never returned, the damage was done.

Non-interference is the spiritual law of harmony and the most important spiritual law in the universe. 

Interference is done unknowingly through ignorance or intentionally. Non-human entities are not ignorant, but are aware of this law therefore are intentionally doing this or they are not from natural etherical/created by Source beings but are created through technology.

By interfering with our free will, it stops us from experiencing the life we were meant to live, it is imprisoning our mind because it stops us from thinking on our own. Creation is a universal consciousness which guides and prevails in the BEING of consciousness. The universe is the internal and external body of Creation. Nothing exists outside of it. Since the spirit of consciousness is our true self, then to follow this first recommendation is to see yourself as the most important thing in your life.

This is known to all in the Cosmos, therefore,  to contact us/interfere with our free will happens for 2 reasons: 1. These are not beings of goodness 2. These beings are created through technology.

There is no fine line or in between or gray line because the law is supreme without exceptions.

So what about all these people that channel or give permission for their bodies to be used as a host, what do they think about non-interference?

You will never hear Bashar, Kryon, Abraham, former channeler Greg Giles, Sheldon Nidle, Monty Keen, Mathew Ward/Suzy Ward, Ron Head, Linda Dillon et. al most of them in the US, discuss the law of interference. They talk about the laws of attraction, vibration, polarity, rythme, cause and effect, but no mention of Law of Non-Interference.

I can only give credit and recognition to one form of channeling and that is from our higher selves. That wonder transcendent message of divine love is you! They brought that through but in order to get there, they must merge with their higher self, but if they did that, there would be no need to channel anymore, they would speak divine truth, directly.

These people still separate themselves from the divine, they can’t take responsibility for the messages if indeed it is their higher self, they can’t accept how powerful they are so they attribute it to someone else, some other being.

Unfortunately, there are very few people like that, that we know about because most of us that channel our higher selves, don’t release it publicly because it’s not intended for the public. We write about it as if it is our thoughts or opinions, but all information that comes to me is from my higher self. It’s obvious if any of the above channelers claim to be contacted by other entities, they are not aware it could be them, but from what I have read over the years, most these channelers have been compromised.

I am not discrediting the channelers. Perhaps I had the same experience in another lifetime, it was an experience I wanted to have, but they are ignorant or willfully projecting information despite of the non-interference law. I am discrediting the entity be it etheric or technological because both are knowingly doing something that is not allowed.

How do the channelers justify their work knowing the law? Do you think they are not aware of it? Perhaps the laws are all about another mind control program?

Lets just say that no laws exist. We live in a free will universe. We create our own reality, we are admired throughout the cosmos because supposedly we are the only beings in existence to have “imagination”. The Gnostics write about this. They also tell us that knowing “nous” who we are will eventually take us to the next step. If all of the above is true, why are we being interfered with if we already are ALL THAT IS?

In other words, the only reason we are interfered with is NOT to help us, rather to confuse us in a fog of different, contradictory, unprovable and nefarious information. It  matters not that it is good, valuable, helpful and enlightening information, how else can they convince folks to channel?

They can prove it even though they may be interfering with our free will, if they are real higher vibrational beings, they should at the minimum be able to move a toothpick  in front of you. Don’t you agree?

You claim to be from my future, you can enter my body but you can’t move that toothpick on the table? Really?

We want so much to believe that our answers or our future depends on something or someone outside of ourselves. We are so powerful, much more powerful than the very beings that contact or even the technology created to mind control these folks. It is because of this very fact, we are being played with. They are using every technology and mind control program to confuse us, to divert our attention from the real matter at hand, there is nothing they are not willing to do in order to demote us, just like religion teaches folks they must pray to their god in order to receive blessings. Holy crap, you ARE the blessing, you are ALL THAT IS, what the hell do we need some invisible, unprovable so called higher vibrational beings telling us what we already know?


Think about it. Personally, if someone/something entered into my head, I would demand proof, no proof, no cooperation especially knowing about the non-interference, there would have been a good explanation for it, even though there is NO exception to that rule. We are not being contacted for good reasons. Although the information may be divine in nature, lets face it, if you really think about it, these beings are not saying anything different or out of this world that you could not find online yourself, and since we are such beings of wild imagination, we can too create unbelievable stories and amuse others with it.

We are coming full circle, it is now up to the channelers to come to that knowledge that they are not being used for humans good. Kryon has been communicating for over 30 years to Lee Carol, I would like to know what that has changed on this planet or if it has even helped humans to be better at what they are? What have these entities contributed to humanity other than helping the channelers make a good living?  I think we need to start using our own logic and instead of verifying the information, we need to ask WHY humans are being contacted and WHAT has been accomplished by that/those contacts? In the end, it’s your discernment that counts, I’m merely asking questions.