The Right To Choose is Yours

Note: For some reason there are duplicate images. I don’t have time to figure out why, or maybe it’s WordPress issue but I apologize for that. 
Your life changes over night. It’s only then that we realize how much we took for granted. Each country is different. Each culture has different perspectives. Each person has different needs. There is no such thing as ” global Unity”. It’s not possible. Because we are all so unique, amazing isn’t it? Billions of people on this planet and not one is the same, with the exception of twins, but I’m not a genetic expert to confirm it.
Our world is a view from our eyes and our perspective. While many in my country are going stir crazy, just as many are not affected because they sit on the couch all day doing nothing anyways. You see what I mean?
For people in retirement homes, perhaps not much is changing in their daily activities other than the inconvenience of not being able to touch anyone or be touched by a loved one. Some don’t know even know what is going on outside their world because of their mental capacities of dementia, alzheimer’s and other disorders.
As I was waiting outside in line to enter the Pharmacy, I listened to a conversation of two people. One, who had no protective gear on and the other had some out of this world gas mask and talking about madness in the house. He said his family was about to ask their doctor for some anti anxiety medications because they were arguing all day long. I doubt this has anything to do with confinement but rather egotistical standpoints as we Dalmatians (Croatian coastline) are known to be argumentative, hot and always right.
So, we’re all dealing with the ” New Normal” as it’s slowly being repeated. It means that the New Normal is controlling when we can go outside, where we can go etc. There is open discussion and the Media is promoting this that our phones are now being tracked for the purpose of this Coronavirus pandemic. No, this Pandemic was designed to slowly train us into accepting the “new normal”; to watch our backs, to fear our phones or better yet, leave them at home as I do anyways.
I have taken many things for granted. Since I can’t go to the mainland and shop, I’m out in nature and finding things I never knew existed. Here is a photo of a Morel; from what I knew, Morel mushrooms grow under Slippery Elm trees in a forest like environment, so one must ask: What the hell is going on? How can this species just end up in the Adriatic Sea region growing in a rock garden?
My island is tiny, I can ride from one end to the other in 15 minutes. Yet, we are blessed with so much.
I found wild peas, wild leeks, wild garlic, wild lettuce. All these wild plants are actually either the original species or our ancestors seeded the island and they now just proliferate only in smaller sizes. Hard to say, but it’s taught me so much. If I ever have to survive and forage for food, I now know what and where to find these plants. I’m grateful for this opportunity to have more time for me, to connect even deeper with nature; to appreciate what it has to offer and from now on, watch where I step because I could be stepping on a plant that might one day feed me.
Morel Mushroom, a little bit dry as I found it too late and by accident in my food forest.
I’m so fortunate to live on a botanical rich island, as I thought of it as a big rock. It’s true that most of our islands are big rocks, but millions of years of evolution has been intelligent enough to seed humanity. I still find seashells and snail shells, which confirms that this island came up from the ocean bed. It’s a cycle that has been evolving for billions of years.
A Cytinus plant. It’s a parasitic flower that feeds on roots.
Climate change. What? True. Climate change is here, but the fact is, it’s always been Climate Change. Just as everything in existence changes, so does climate. We have scientific and geological proof of this that every 10 or 20 thousand years a new climate cycle comes through. It’s constand climate change, we are always in a state of climate change. Instead this term is being used to evoke guilt in us, making us feel responsible for this. As if Mother Earth can’t cleanse herself from humanity and that we can cause so much damage. It’s not true. If that were the case, we would have destroyed Earth at the beginning of the Industrial era when our ancestors were burning wood and coal to power factories and transportation. Although I am not a scientist, I use common sense.
Scooter saddle bag filled with Rosemary, Rock Roses and other herbs to replant into my food forest.
I have been writing for years that the future depends on us, our actions. It’s not natural for man to be managed or controlled. On the other hand, when we were genetically modified to emotions and negative acts of violence; we have been controlling ourselves from harming others. I compare this to males. They are biologically designed to procreate, yet our societies, cultures and religion insist that they should love only one female and procreate only with her. Well, in most societies, but you get my point. It’s not women that suffer from their bodies throughout their lives, sorry ladies; it’s men that suffer because they have to constantly keep themselves from going against their biological nature. I’m sure you have heard it before: ” Sorry, it just happened, but I love you”. He wasn’t lying. His biological impulse was stronger than his mind; the mind that is programmed to be faithful and only love one woman at a time.
I bet you never thought about this did you? You have been too busy being controlled, told what to do, how to think, what to believe, to get an education, to find a JOB; to shop, shop shop and spend money to keep the economy going. You’ve been too busy chasing your goals but never stopped to think about your purpose here.
Things are changing because CHANGE is a natural progression; where it will go will depend on humanity. A self determined humanity, one that sheds its ignorance and chooses to be in control. A humanity that wakes up during this EVENT and starts thinking about their lives and most important their POWER within. Opportunities always come to us; the Universe throws us challenges all the time to wake us up; but we fall short because it’s just damn easier to take instructions and not have to think about how to get there. It’s time you grab that Map and start plotting your new Journey because we are failing and falling behind.
In fact, as a Civilization, we are meaner, more violent, more aggressive and selfish than ever before. We have never stopped killing each other and we are the ONLY species that kills its own. You will see animals fighting for females or territory; but you never see wild animals just attacking their own for the hell of it. It’s what we do. We kill, we attack, we occupy, we do whatever it takes to achieve our selfish goals and we may just end up like Atlantis. We will self destruct because we thought we had a handle on it.
I feel very powerful  and empowered because I CHOOSE what I want to do today and how I want to live. I may not have a lot of money, but I am so wealthy in other ways as you can see yourselves.  The power lies within you, the Universe will give you what you think and not what you don’t have.

Your thoughts

I would like to know your thoughts on what is going on in the world as we know it.

There have to be some doubts or questions as to what is going on.

Why are our leaders projecting ” don’t panic”? Could it be that they are panicking because they know what this Virus is about?

Why are our leaders so eager to throw money at us and save everyone with cash? Don’t  you find that odd that they are more than willing to spend whatever it takes? Even Christine Legard said that she will do whatever it takes to ensure our economies don’t collapse.

This leads me to the next question.  The Leaders know that this Virus is not what they say it is and are now trying to stop this madness as the entire world collapses into freefall. Even if they told us the truth, it wouldn’t change anything or would it? If they told the truth, would we not take it seriously and follow quarantine?

A few months after Trump became President he never did a speech unless it contained blessings and praise about how good the Economy is. So let me ask a few questions:
If the economy was so good, how come these companies and corporations can’t wing it without doing business for a few months? How is this a good economy if everyday people live paycheck to paycheck? That most Americans don’t have savings and can’t survive for 2 weeks?
This is what doesn’t make sense to me and I am not an economist. It’s one thing to fill your orders and sell your goods, but if you’re not able to put aside some money for rainy days, then why are you in business in the first place?

The average wage in Croatia is around $700.00; but I pay the same price for groceries as you do and  $7.00 per gallon for gas.  My electricity costs are $200 a month, what about gas, water and other costs on top of food? Let’s not mention credit cards and loans/mortgages. But we get by. Granted, I have no debts and consider myself to be rich because of this; but I’m one of the few that lives this way.

Our Leaders are helping out with the businesses and especially tourism because Croatia’s main income is Tourism. We only have 300 infected and no deaths yet, but we don’t know how other countries will manage to take a vacation anytime soon, so the point is that as a third world country, we should get help but as a #1 Economy according to Trump; how is this possible if you need bailouts for a month?

These are my observations and my questions. Although I can’t say for sure what is going on with this Virus, I have excluded any conspiracy because you can’t control a virus. It may have escaped a lab which would make sense why governments are panicking and spending a lot of money on us Feudal slaves; but I believe that everything happens for a reason, that everything has been planned before we got here and that we are doing the right thing. Before it gets better, it will get worse. My prediction is that US and India will suffer the greatest; the US for not acting fast enough and for a fractured Healthcare system; while India is a very poor country with poor sanitation and millions living in small spaces that may not even go to a doctor but will die at home.

A high death rate doesn’t always define the strength of the Virus. Keep in mind that we have not been caring for our bodies, we order in, take out, we eat junk food, too much sugar and carbs, drinking too much, too much stress and trauma daily. All this contributes to a very weak immune system, I believe I read somewhere that Americans have the lowest life expectancy rates in the world. So, unhealthy living is a cause of death from this virus. After all, you are what you eat according to Hippocrates.

All you have to do is this, say it out loud until you actually believe it: This body will not allow any foreign organisms in. It is well guarded, proceed at your own risk. This body is highly specialized in killing viruses, do not enter.

You have to believe this. Viruses are living organisms, they too communicate and are connected to everything. Send them a message that you are not accepting them into your body. It’s really that simple. I would love to hear what you think about all that is going on.

The Terminal Disease

As of this day, we are told to stay indoors and self isolate. We are only allowed to go out for necessities but that could change tomorrow and we may only be able to go out at certain days to buy food. My Island of Solta is very small, it takes me 20 minutes to ride from one end to another, with 1200 population that live here and it will rise up to 10,000 during the warm months. I never thought that we would be put under restrictions because all of us live in homes, therefore, don’t need to use common entrances. But because some people that live in the EU escaped their Virus Ravaged Countries before the borders were closed managed to come here where they have summer homes.  I can’t say it’s their fault and I can’t blame them; but as of today, only islanders can return to the island and have to self isolate for 14 days.

This morning, our Capital Zagreb experienced 3 earthquakes and a lot of damage. In the midst of a Global Pandemic and 6 countries bordering us; it is very dangerous for those that live in fear and believe that they will get infected.

It’s Terminal Madness in the stage of manifestation.

Before you arrived, you knew what you were getting into. As a Soul, you self determined whether you were mature enough to handle what is now going on. Kind of like an athlete. They train and prepare for their events and feel that they are ready and that they have practised enough to have the potential to win. But shit happens and you’re not always as good as you think. This is how the Souls experience their decision to come here. Some of us didn’t make it. What do I mean by that? The Soul could not in time figure out who they were and why they were here. Without remembering this, we can’t fulfill our roles here. You see, we agreed to come here under the condition that our memories would be blocked from accessing. Though the brain holds recent/current body memories during their human lifetime, we also have the Akash where everything is recorded; not just past and present but the future as well.

Life on Earth is a challenge, it’s a reality where one goes to test themselves to see if they are advanced enough and because before we entered, we didn’t know of the Dark Forces that really changed the course of this reality. My point is this: This is now the unravelling of Souls to either move forward with their tasks or leave. I have seen an Earth almost empty of human life, but I have also seen a free humanity. Although war torn and tired of war to regain independence from the Matrix; we are free and not controlled and no longer have to pay to live on Earth.

When I first wrote about Terminal Madness in 2015; I saw the bell curve and knew that in order for things to change, something had to happen. While everyone in my community is scared and panicking, I am celebrating. I am calm, at peace with who I am, it’s almost like I am seeing myself in a futuristic scenario. It’s very difficult to explain my reality, but I’m half here and half on the other side. I observe the events, try to help with psychological traumas and blockages, but have no emotional attachment to everything that is happening at this time.

Many souls are leaving. They either did their job and have left or never did figure out why they were here and couldn’t handle the reality of Earth. This is the last place we go before we change our Lesson Plan; or we want to just revisit to see if we are just as strong as we were last time. It’s a game. It’s hard to say that to someone who has no idea what is going on, but it is a game we chose to play.

I think that this is intentional; I have seen all the world leaders getting vaccinated before the outbreak; they will act out they are infected or tested positive because it would look too obvious to see our world leaders not being infected while they have hundreds of people around them all day. They may not know the vaccine includes this Virus; but they have been cared for. The inventor of this Virus had to create a Vaccine in order to give to those that run this planet, so those at the top are protected.

Don’t panic. Whatever you are doing is the right thing to do, I always say that. You made this choice Old Soul; all of us here volunteered to be here at this time and each one of us came with their own game plan. I’m here for the long haul. This Virus is not going to go away, it has to circulate to every single human. The human body can’t make antibodies, therefore, until each one of us have come into contact with it, it won’t stop spreading. It’s intent is to rid as many weaklings as possible: Drug addicts, disabled people, old folks, basically anyone that is not strong enough to serve the masters. There are too many of us, they need to get rid of 2/3 of us. It’s in Agenda 21; read it and see for yourselves.

The best thing you can do right now, is ensure you are safe, that you have a strong immune system to kill that Virus; and to be accepting, loving to yourself. You are what you think and you are what you eat, remember that.

See you soon.

Come down to my Level you Pesky Human

It’s been almost a year since I wrote my last post. You can thank a caterpillar for my return. I did my healing and isolation, made some huge decisions on where and how I want to live out the rest of my life and adjusted to living with a daughter that moved here from Canada a year ago; we are like night and day; it took time to find a center. We made a deal. She would take care of the house, I would take care of the yard. So, when I get up in the morning, my coffee is waiting for me, I sit at laptop having that coffee, checking what is going on and then decide what I want to do for that day.  She finally got her Croatian Citizenship, is working as an English teacher and to be honest, I love having her here. I get to play all day and do what I want, how awesome is that?

I will finally be able to make my last dream come true. I have decided to buy some acreage and have my homestead. Off Grid acreage, with solar/wind energy, greenhouse, a few chickens and ducks, perhaps a few goats, maybe a pig and hopefully, I will be able to be self sufficient to the level that is possible.

This is a story about a caterpillar. I met him (he felt like a male) in my garden yesterday as I was weeding behind the greenhouse. This type of caterpillar turns into a moth that is destructive to the vegetables, so I used my spade to cut him in half, but I didn’t want to see the results, just kept working on. As I picked up the bucket to move location, I noticed this little guy trailing across the soil with stuff hanging out of his end.

Me: What the fuck, how did you survive? How can you be alive when all your guts are out?
Caterpillar: Yeah, you tried to kill me.
Me:Well, I’m sorry but you’re not good for my garden, why can’t you go into the wilderness, why do you have to be here, this is my world.
Caterpillar: This is my world you pesky human. If you think it’s tough being in a human body, you should come back as a Caterpillar next time.

This was the communication. No, I’m not crazy and I communicated with lots of creatures. He gave me a lot to think about, how arrogant of me to assume he was invading my space as if I had more rights than he did. I dislike ending a life. Sometimes you have to, when all fails since I can’t use chemicals and the last year, I have been at war with ants. Even the old timers on the island say that they have never seen such pestilence. I kid you not. I will come back to the garden spot where my potatoes grew last year and over night they literally brought up all the soil and I could see the bare potatoes. They don’t eat them, but they chose that space to make their home. So, as I pull out the propane torch as all else is useless, what happens is that right away they feel the heat and run for the larva. This way I know where the queen is and burn that area. I hate doing it, but if I have to choose,  it’s food before pesky ants.

While the world is dancing toCoVid19, I’m arguing with living beings in my garden.
Today, I rode my scooter to an area I have never been before. It’s Wild Asparagus season and people are out in the nice weather, but on days when I am not looking for it, they seem to bend over in my face to pick them. Instead of exploring that part of the Island, I ended up picking Wild Asparagus, a handful of awesome plants. I came home, cut up the tips and made an omelette  with some wild garlic I found. This is my life.

I start the day with coffee waiting for me, sit at my laptop while I soak up the latest news from Fox, RT News, Al Jazeera English and Press TV; then I get dressed and decide what I want to do today. If it’s raining, I put on my rain cape and walk in the rain, if it’s windy I work behind the house. My point is that I have the freedom to live my life the way that makes me happy. I’m so connected with nature. The moment I have isolated myself in nature, I forget about space and time and tune into the energies around me. I see trees with souls, grass that giggles, rabbits that pretend I didn’t see them. It’s hard to explain.

If you do a Search on Terminal Madness on my blog, you will see that I wrote a lot about that subject. I wrote that it would last 2 years, that it would get worse before it gets better. This is now almost the end of the 2 years. Is it possible that I knew what would happen?

CoVid19 is a test run to see how well we take instructions, whether the sheeple will isolate themselves, follow instructions etc. This game was set up so that finally, humanity will be ready to accept a new Vaccine. If it doesn’t go as planned, they will keep you in isolation and won’t let you out of the house unless you take the Vaccine. It is the Vaccine that will kill you. I feel and have visions that this Vaccine will have a chip in it. It’s the final tracking device, controlling device and killing device. Create a problem, come up with a solution. Nothing else. All those conspiracies don’t make sense. For example: There is a lot of talk about the US purposely releasing this virus in China in order to cause chaos in it’s economy. How stupid is this? Nobody can control how a virus will travel and more than likely it will travel back to the US. It’s like throwing Nuclear bombs, you kill your enemies and you die along with them.

To know is to feel powerful. I have learned on my journey that all the answers lie within me. There is not one subject, one issue, one event or disease or design where everyone will agree. You ask 3 doctors for advice, all 3 will give you a different answer. How do you choose? You don’t. You go inside and find the answers. No it’s not easy, it took me 30 years to get there, but you can live stupid or you can live smart, the choice is always yours.

The bad news is that the Virus will cause the most damage and destruction in America. I just watched a bunch of crazy Americans fighting over toilet paper at Costco. Imagine what things will become when there is no food on the shelves? We here in Europe are just shocked when we see americans fighting over a toy at Walmart and the chaos that ensues when there is a demonstration.  So, yeah, Karma is bitch but it’s a necessity. Living in this duality, there has to be a return on investment. If you do harm, it comes back to you sooner or later. It’s part of the natural cycle and how energies disperse.  Every emotion is a frequency, we are made up of light and frequencies. The same goes for our Planetary Mother, if the negative frequencies take over on one side, she becomes unbalanced.  Imagine Gaia as a human. We are the cells. When there is an illness, our body changes. It’s the same as Gaia. When the frequencies are out of balance, she gets sick, so there has to be an energy shift.
I don’t wish harm to anyone, but it’s time the West experienced what it’s like to be homeless and hungry. Currently, according to the WHO; 40 million people are displaced from wars. 40 MILLION people do not have a home. It wasn’t their fault that war machines destroyed their country. Why are they suffering? The same will happen now. Americans will be asking the same thing. Why am I suffering because of what my masters did? No, no my dear. You will soon find out just how many millions your master killed, so that you finally understand what it’s like to wake up and find your entire family dead. It’s called Karma, a balance of energies, a cleansing of sorts.

It’s not God that will save you. If God wanted to save you, he never would have allowed you to suffer. This is the Terminal Madness in its prime. This is what I have been writing about for years now. Before things get better, we have to be at rock bottom. As long as you have a roof over your head and food to eat, you’re not going to go out on the street and fight. But when shit hits the fan, the bombs start dropping (not literally); you will start thinking about things.

Live your life, but remember that you came here for a purpose. Not to buy a new car or new home, these are goals. When you know your purpose, you will have no fear and you will be able to manifest everything you want. We came here to play out this game, to figure out who we are and to get rid of the masters.

My advise on CoVid19. Do nothing. Accept nothing. Decide that your body does not want it, tell your cells to put on shields and fight the invader. Choose to not accept that  in your body. Virus is a living organism and resonates just like every living things do including humans. We all resonate at different frequencies. Viruses attach to lower frequencies, they can’t survive in higher frequencies.  Dr. Hulda Clark proved that in the 50’s through her research.

Those frequencies are determined by  your MIND, your desire, your knowledge of who you are and your connection with your Intuitive self. Simply choose and decide that you are not in the frequency of receiving any foreign invader. In worse case scenario, you will get it and develop immunity. If you do that, you don’t need a vaccine but you will be forced to get one which will then mutate the existing antibodies; a mess.

The last time I had the Flu was while pregnant with my son who is now 38 years old. I simply never accepted anything attaching itself to me. I don’t believe in that. I don’t fall for that shit, nothing can harm me because I chose that. That’s the only thing that will save you from the virus and the vaccine. I refuse to take that vaccine and will go to jail before I let them do that to me. It is the end of humanity as we know it. We will be controlled with frequencies; so much technology exists where they can use that chip to program disease into it by changing brain frequencies and the goal is to see how they can incorporate AI without your knowledge. It’s what I see, it’s what I feel is coming. There is no other logical reason for this Virus to exist. Nobody is gaining for it being spread. There is a bigger picture and it’s being spoon fed very slow and indiscriminately.

I’m not saying I am right, I am simply as always, sharing my feelings and visions.

So, dear old Soul; until next time.