Beware of PAYtriots

This topic has been a thorn in my side for a long time, I had my doubts and suspicions as early as 2019 when the movement really grew. But I need to feel energy regarding the people that are involved, it’s the only way I can be certain that it resonates with reality.

How do you divide the Patriot movement into 2 categories? Those that are spiritual and those that are Religious. The Religious ones are a threat to humanity as they believe that GOD is in control, it will be in GOD’S timing and that good people serve our one and only Creator God. I don’t want to name names but have to because I want you to look into it and make decisions on your own. The part I am not sure of yet is whether they knowingly spew the bullshit that God will save us and we must just wait for the Saviour or they are ignorant and CHOOSE to believe the Bible narrative.

Remember, Evil gives us thoughts and ideas so that we can create their reality. That is what the Bible is about and so those that believe it, create the reality.

What is spooky is that Gene Decode is a bible thumper, he takes every word out of the bible and incorporates it into his belief system that we must serve the one and only true God Creator. I don’t like the term “serve”, it implies that humans are in servitude thus free will doesn’t exist. What is disturbing about this person is that he is very intelligent in many areas but he hides his identity. This alone causes me to believe that he is purposely deceiving humanity and using this vast knowledge to cover up his deeds and have you believe that he is a good person because he serves god and helps others. If he is so intelligent and spent most of his life researching, how come he never researched Religion, the bible and the false prophets? I’m not highly intelligent and never served in military but it’s common knowledge to most that Religion is nothing but another psychological operation and there is more than plenty of evidence of this if you do your research. The Anunnaki were one of the non human entities that played God in their times, going back at least 300,000 years ago. Does Gene not know this? So, think what you may or want, but this Patriot is not to be trusted. If he’s a good guy and honestly has good intentions, believes that we must serve God, then he can’t be intelligent or smart, he simply can’t by logic.

I not only believe in Creator, I have been in the presence of ALL THAT IS. Remember, if you follow my blog, I died while giving birth to my son, I was clinically dead for 12 minutes, the experience is something I can’t explain as we do not have the words for this, but I got some things to understand. This space was familiar to me, I was told that it is where we are created as Souls and we return to this place/space after each lifetime. I knew I was Ines, had no body and I felt very loved. Having said that, I left the Catholic Religion after that and never looked back. I know Creator exists, so I’m not an Atheist, I simply don’t need someone or a bible to explain to me who I am and why I am here. I live in grattitude and KNOW that Creator is creator and has given me the free will to experience whatever I want. I’m not punished because FREE WILL cannot be punished.

The list of names that I listen to: Gene Decode, Charlie Ward, Michael Jaco, Sasha Stone, Simon Parkes, Lin Wood, The Pillow Guy, Sean Stone, Mel K and many on Telegram that consider themselves patriots and I do delve into the Q movement but also think that too is just a set up and diversion. Not to say it’s not true, obviously someone went into the future and saw what would happen, but that doesn’t mean this Q entity or group is working for the good of humanity. I simply don’t FEEL good vibes about it.

Charlie Ward is making a fortune , promoting Gesara/Nesara, QFC and promising his followers that it will happen any day. He claims to be part of this group yet he’s never got the dates right. Sound familiar? Remember the good old days of Dinar RV’s and the promises of tomorrow and next week, here we are 8 years later. I remember this well because it’s how I started this blog with exposing the fake gurus. Charlie never mentioned GOD in his first year, but now he mentions it in every sentence. “God is in charge, God is in power, everything is done on God’s time”, I belonged to a cult but I now believe in God”. Give me a f…….. break, he’s catering to the Christian followers but will charge you if you want to belong to the Insiders Club. He’s making a fortune, don’t doubt it for a moment and I consider him to be a PAYtriot. He may have the info, intel etc; that may be what he is using to cover up his bad intent because it is simply not true that we are weak and humble human beings that must sit and wait for god to save us. This is what most of the patriots talk about. No violence, no protests, just peaceful demonstrations using the excuse that the Democrats will have a reason to accuse the Republicans of being violent. But don’t you worry, God has it under control. NO. We are Souls with Free Will, God did not create the human body, he created us Souls and sent us off to experience all that is. In other words, Charlie is not speaking to your power but is telling you that you must rely on God’s gracious acts when God feels like doing it to save you from your misery. I do not trust this man unless he is really stupid and doesn’t understand Creation and that WE are gods, images of Creator and are self contained as Creator’s children. We have the power to change this reality, Creator is just that, he/she created Souls to experience all that Creator is and that we experience it for him/her/IT. We make contracts with other Souls and act out the movie we came to play and experience. This reality is the best movie ever written, we get to transform and change our reality and it is happening.

Lin Wood is another shady character, I do not trust him, I do not trust Trump unless he is purposely playing a part, I don’t EVER remember Trump using the God word in his past, so he’s either Cloned and intended to fool everyone or he is catering to the Christians until the truth is revealed, but for whatever reason this is all very disempowering and misleading. Christians stand by their bible, believe that it was written for humanity, can’t fucking explain why the god in the bible is mean, kills people, makes them sacrifice animals etc. Is that a true loving God? Religion was designed to program us, to keep us in fear of God, to feel guilty that Jesus died for our sins, it goes on and on. So anyone that is pushing this God is in charge bullshit is either really stupid or is intentionally misleading you.

This whole patriot movement is misleading you, dark to light is the duality and both are created from the EVIL ones. The Cabal, Globalists, Elite are EVIL so I just put them into one WORD. EVIL. It is evil against good, dark to light. Our win comes when our vibrations rise to the point where we can remember who we are, why we are here and to defeat Evil through frequency and energy. This is why they are geo engineering to block the sun from us, to reduce carbon dioxide so plants won’t grow, they need to keep us in fear and the Sun (SON) is in charge, it will bring to humanity what it needs to shine their light.

You are the Light that you have always been, do not fall for these false prophets. They use their intel and promises of wealth and winning the war through false religions. I do not believe they are stupid. It’s like medical professionals that are pushing the vaccine and pretending to not know they are dangerous and are bioweapons. They are not stupid, they are playing whoever pays higher or they are using the excuse they didn’t know. Same thing with Patriots, NOT ALL are deceiving you, but you need to now think about those that keep peddling that God is in control. If God was in control then he never would have allowed suffering on this planet, if God is in control there would not be sickness and poverty on this planet. God does not control, God gives Souls free will to experience all that is. God is a loving God and wants us to be happy, not suffer.

As an experiencer of a good life, I have manifested that life that I want. I AM IN CONTROL of my destiny and reality. No matter what happens around me, I do not succumb to the external reality as I control what I want to think, believe and experience. So, I’m not giving you some opinion, I am sharing with you my reality and that it works. Believing is accepting someone else’s truth. Your truth is what you KNOW and experience, everything else is someone else’s belief, thought and opinion.

You are the Light, shine your Light, go to nature, raise your frequency, soon we will gain the momentum of turning it over in seconds, in a flash we will be what we are, The Light, Ether of Energy, Immortal, Beautiful Souls that got caught in a false Matrix and we are almost ready to be FREE again.

Love you all!

5 thoughts on “Beware of PAYtriots

  1. Thank you Ines for ‘sharing your reality’. We all have to do our own work and research and it is very easy to get sucked into what you want to hear. I trust you, but not blindly and am grateful to read your thoughts on the matrix we are living in. Much love to you and all here..


    • I used to let my kids fall, it was painful to see it, but I knew they had nobody to blame but themselves and they became very strong human beings. The same goes for my “thoughts”, always like you say, do the research because it is possible that we are not on the same timelines. This is something I am looking into right now. Thanks for caring!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lucid Ines, no doubt in every disaster there is an opportunity to engratiate ones purse for those who prey, are heartless and inFORM by mammon to use a Xtian term but I’m ex Vatican Jesuit 🐖zzzzzzz


Your thoughts are welcome!