Saying Goodbye

It’s not been an easy decision, having to go through this once before, my responsibilities and commitments are dear to me, but that said, it’s time to say goodbye.

I learned over the past few months that working in the community, in my own community actually produced results. Helping others in the sharing of love and care has changed my energies as well. I lived in Canada most of my life and returned to Croatia in 2004, but I had continued to think and write in English, so really, my audience has been English and I have not touched on my Croatian people at all. There are many good people out there that are doing that work, working on a global scale and helping humanity, I want to focus on what I should be doing and that is helping my local community.

These people are traumatized from wars, Catholic religion, cheap imports filled with carcinogens, GMO food imports, and all the other typical bombardments that humanity is currently receiving. My work in the community has produced so much good work, so much satisfaction, so much joy and so many new friends that it just seems natural that I keep going that way. Although I will not close the blog, I will visit once in a while if I have that need to do so, but it’s time to be in the real world and do some real work.

Thank you, all of you for visiting and reading, for sending caring emails when I don’t post for extended periods of time, but just know that I am following my path and it feels good, very good. We all have a path to follow, you have yours, if you haven’t found it, find it fast because we are now in the center/momentum of either total extinction or moving up into higher frequencies.

Remember, nobody is going to do this for you, there is no saviour, only you. Yes, we have help, but it’s assistance, it’s not saving us from what we have created here. If we don’t prevail soon, we will enter extinction and some natural disasters will just set us back thousands of years. We always have a choice, you have a choice, you choose to grow or choose to leave this reality and keep returning here until you have figured it out.

I wish you all everything that you desire, but before change comes “defining” what it is that you want and then creating that reality. You have to be clear in your desires, mumbling through life hoping someone else will do the work for you is not going to cut it, not in this lifetime or this reality. This is our time now, we either make it or break it. We can do this, I know I can do my part, but you have to do yours as well. I love you endlessly.

I want to be a part of that new reality and I feel that posting posts is not my mission, I feel that the light I shine must now be shared with others in the physical reality. We all need to find our purpose here, the lessons we came to learn and the changes we agreed to make before entering this reality.

Stay well my friends and see you on the other side!

Fatima – Another Fear Event Designed for Energy Harvest

The Third Secret of Fatima Defined:

My day started listening to the video as I have heard Father Malachi mentioned in many interviews. I was curious as to what he had to say and rather than going through several websites, I chose to find this video which is his last interview.

Father Malachi; towards the end of the interview claims to believe the “Third Secret of Fatima”, which again I had to do some research and read what exactly was said. This is where the questions start and where I start to question many things.

First of all, three small shepherd children in Portugal claim that they saw something. At what age and how does a child interpret the vision? This vision could have been Satan disguised and these children would never know the difference. Just making broad assumptions because the age of the children change in different stories. If the photo in the link provided are the real children then they can’t be more than 9 or 10 years old. Furthermore, these are children living as peasants, maybe didn’t even know how to read or many assumptions, but just as entities channeling to humans claiming to be Masters and Saints, we can never be sure if these entities are who they say they are.

I don’t hold much credence to the bible, so anyone quoting the bible and comparing those prophesies to what could happen in our future are pure speculation because we can’t prove the bible is correct, but we have yet to experience anything that is mentioned in the bible, as wars, famine, meteors and other natural disasters have always been part of our lives and our ancestors. Nothing new about that.

Regarding the horrific events, that people who survive wish to die along with the others because it would be so horrible, I am sorry, I don’t buy that. They must be referring to the monotheistic, old bearded god who gets really nasty at times and decides to kill a few million people, that’s not my god or creator.

I don’t claim to know what the future will bring, or what humanity will do, but I do know that Source, my Creator does not condition its love for me and that I am eternal, immortal, which doesn’t mean we may not go through what is prophesied but those that are awake will not fear death because they know it’s only a transition from the human body to another form or body.

I feel this Fatima nonsense is a dark entity disguised and is only creating fear and paranoia in order to feed of the energy of humanity.

Stand Together with our Brothers and Sisters in Russia

The International Olympic Committee says Russian athletes will be evaluated individually to determine their eligibility to compete in the Rio Games. A blanket ban was upheld against the country’s track and field athletes, but not for the whole team.

My understanding is that the ban is still in effect and the only way Russian athletes have a chance to participate in Rio is by applying individually to the world sports court yet have only 2 or 3 weeks to get into court. You can read the details in report above.

I have never written or been interested in writing about world politics though I have been watching this event very closely because a part of me was hoping this might be the domino that finally falls and we may have a chance to make a difference.

What do I mean by that? I don’t have an opinion about Putin or his politics. It is what it is, the games politicians play are not part of my reality, I know the game they play that is enough. This is not about politics or sports for that matter. This is about hard working athletes that have spent their lives preparing for the Olympics. This is about an opportunity for us to make a difference, by standing up and saying: If Russians can’t participate then we won’t either. By doing this we are sending THEM a message: “We got your number, we figured you out, we know what you are trying to do and it’s not going to work this time”.

Although it’s only been a few hours since the decision has been made, I am still hoping that we, you reading this will make that difference by posting on your FB, Twitter and whatever other social media you use to bring people together and join together for once. It’s not about Russians, or Putin or the Cabal or whatever game is being played out. It’s about US/WE/ HUMANITY standing up and saying no. We can do this. We can share this dream of Unity Consciousness, we can stand alongside our Russian brothers and sisters, even if we don’t like their politicians or leaders, we stand by them and let them know that their hard work and efforts will be recognized.

I ask that you put aside your political views, and see this as an opportunity to do something good, to try and unite and share with our Russian brothers and sisters our desire to boycott the Olympics in Rio if they are not allowed to participate. If we stand by and do nothing, we will be guilty to contributing war and separation, something we have had enough of. Have you not had enough of this bullshit? If you really care about humanity, don’t you feel it’s your responsibility to do something about it? You don’t have to leave your house or your recliner chair for that matter. All you have to do is use your fingers and mouse, keyboard and brain to spread the message and motivate others to do the same.

I know you can do this, I know you want what I want and that is peace, prosperity, freedom, equality and the right to live with basic necessities, without being controlled, poisoned, intoxicated, vaccinated, and to live on this planet that was created for us. Do it now, don’t wait, do it now, you owe it to LOVE, to Unity, to Humankind.

Make this Viral – Join Russia and Boycott Olympics

Russia unofficially has been banned from participating in the Rio 2016 Olympics because of failing drug tests. This is not about Russia being the good or bad guy, this is about fairness and justice as Russia’s athletes are not the only ones that have been tested and have failed drug tests. If there is going to be a ban on athletes, then all countries should be banned.

This is our opportunity, regardless what we think of Russia or Russian people, to stand together and say : If Russia is banned, then we will not participate either. Either all athletes should be banned or none. There is no separate rules for Russia. This has never been done before where an Entire Country’s Athletes has been banned from participating, so please, send this along to everyone and let’s stand together. Let’s stand up and say NO MORE, we either all participate or none of us will participate. This can change the paradigm of everything about to happen, if we stand up now, maybe, just maybe we can stop the train from derailing into the abyss.

Let’s stand strong and stand united. We either ALL participate or NONE. It’s all or nothing, let’s let Russian athletes that despite of politics, we should separate sports from politics and geopolitical games. Let us Unite, let us show the Russians that they too have the right to participate.



Old life, new life: entrances and exits

Comment from Ines: I am growing in appreciation for this man each day. If you can take one sentence from his post below, then he’s made a difference and so have I for sharing. Take what you need, discard what you already have, be what you were meant to be, stand strong and create, it’s within you. 

by Jon Rappoport

June 16, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Dreams come and go. Some are forgotten, others remain. The practical side says, “You must do this, you must do that,” but the dreams that hold on say something else:

You can leave an old life and begin a new one.

This is more than hope. It’s a kind of vision composed of past moments in which the cup of joy is filled to the brim.

Nothing in this universe can wipe out those memories forever.

They come back.

And when they do, they bring energy, belief, and confidence.

A person can refuse to see the suggestions and the implications, he can pretend he’s merely floating in a brief reverie, and he can then trample on through the garden and continue his way to a bleak outpost. But still he doesn’t entirely forget.

Because he doesn’t want to.

The memories are distillations of the best of the past, and they point to a new future.

The shape of that future may be vague, but the emotions and sensations are vivid.

These feelings can rise again, if one can discover what actions will recover them. Actions, which taken together, create the substance of the years ahead.

For a baby learning what this world is, there is no tangible past. His entire thrust is discovering delight. Which reminds us that the psyche, the spirit, wants joy, naturally—and if unimpeded, will find it. Hour by hour, day by day.

Only much later, when the baby has “grown up,” does he realize he has left something behind.

Then, unfortunately, he comes to believe he can’t go back. He comes to believe that some rigid set of principles should be his North Star: through this compass setting, the best of what is possible will be his, given that limits are more important than possibilities.

But every human knows, in a part of himself that is often shielded from sight, that possibilities ring more true than limits.

When a small child paints a picture, no matter what it looks like, he can tell you a story about it. And he invests this story with a vision that is more powerful, in some mysterious way, than all of society.

Centuries from now, when historians look back on this time, no matter what they find, they will still need this lesson. They will need to know that in the soul of every person, there are colors of visions which, when acted upon, make new lives, new delight, joy, ecstasy. And the alternative is always less.

The simple compounding of these lessers, without the need for mathematical sophistication, explains the root cause of the decline of civilizations.

I built my second collection, Exit From The Matrix, on the liberation and expansion of imagination. Not just in theory, but in practice. There are dozens of imagination techniques to work with.


Tidal Waves?

I like listening to In5D radio and I like most of the topics, but I don’t like this man for some reason, he does not resonate with me. Not to say what he is saying is not true or correct, I’m just saying I have an aversion towards people that highlight their “degrees” before they start talking as if they needed to prove they are smart or an expert in anything. Hey, I have degrees as well, I don’t mention them, I don’t write about them, I have a wide area of expertise, but I never use it to qualify myself.

As for tidal wave dreams, I have had mine and what they actually mean, I have no idea. This is how my tidal wave looks like: I’m standing in the window of my home looking outside and on the left side is a hill, the highest point of this island at 200 m. All of a sudden I see a huge tidal wave come over that hill and move in front of me. I am not affected, the house is not affected, it’s huge, I’m lifting my head and looking upwards even though I am on the 2nd floor of my house. That wave simply goes past me and I am not feeling fear, or any kind of trepidation. I’m simply in awe of what I see. What does that mean? I don’t know. Greg Prescott has his own interpretation of what he “thinks” it is, but whatever it is, it’s not bad at all because I don’t respond with fear. As for that B.A. in Psychology and all his skills, so what? Does that makes us better, smarter than others? Does that qualify us for anything? No, it simply gives us an advantage if we want to work in that particular field, but it surely doesn’t give us any more credibility. I must question why people have to do this EVERY time they start a video. Greg Prescott is a well known figure in the New Age or Light Movement or whatever it is he does, so what is the purpose of highlighting qualifications that he doesn’t use in his current role? I would say it’s about money and selling products and services. What else could it be?

I don’t know Greg personally and by no means am I putting him  down, I’m simply questioning motives as to why certain people need to constantly ‘brag’ about their slave mentality education that serves no purpose in this reality. Trust me I know, I’m one of those well educated folks out there and I did not become a better human using Psychology, in fact, I probably would not be here writing this blog if I had followed that dogma sold to idiots. I also have nothing to sell, so perhaps that’s why I don’t need to identify myself with a higher education. I’m just me, sharing what I feel, see and believe. I don’t need a B.A. in Psychology to qualify myself for that. You be the judge, I’m just presenting the video.

This Is What Happens Right Before The Birthing Of The New Earth

Comment from Ines: This is what I have been writing about for years. The changes that will occur, the birthing process, and our re-integration of body/mind/soul/higher self. Our current physical bodies were genetically de-modified so that we could no longer be complete, thus, have been struggling for millions of years trying to seek our soul and higher selves on the other side of the veil. This is what I have been calling reintegration, the time when the frequencies are high enough and the time when Gaia will make her entry into the Galactic Center, the origin of where she birthed herself, where as Aeon Sophia she transmuted into Gaia and has been in her correction for over 3 years now and is  now coming home again. These are exciting times, but ultimately, WE determine when and it’s outcome, remember, there is no saviour, there is only YOU that will make that happen. You are doing what you should be doing, have faith that you are in the right place at the right time. 

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

The world is experiencing unprecedented earth changes in recent years which is evidence that this may well be the “bloody show” before Mother Earth gives birth to the New Earth. While it may sound grotesque, it’s actually a beautiful process.

During a pregnancy as a woman’s body prepares for labor, an event called the bloody show occurs, which is a discharge of the mucous plug before birth.  Shortly afterwards, the woman’s “water breaks” as her cervix prepares for the birthing process.

As an analogy, a 9.0 earthquake could be seen as the bloody show while the next tsunami could literally be the water breaking.  When this happens during pregnancy, birth is imminent.

What we are witnessing are the birthing pains of Mother Earth as evidenced by the numerous 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes, tsunamis, massive land cracks, volcano eruptions, global sinkholes and mass animal die-offs.  While the birthing process may be uncomfortable (and unfortunately may involve the loss of some life) the end result is always bliss upon the birth of the baby or in this case, the New Earth.

As we move past the halfway point of Pluto in Capricorn, it becomes more important than ever to be cognizant of the cycles of time and how they affect our everyday lives.  These numerous and unprecedented earth changes are not normal climate changes by any means, so don’t buy into the downplaying, fear propaganda or lack of reporting of these events by the mainstream media.

The birthing process is nearly complete.  No matter what happens, remember that you chose to be here during this specific moment in time to be part of the birthing process.  Also bear in mind that you are an eternal spiritual being who can never truly die, so ultimately, there is, and never has been, anything to fear.


Coping With Chaos and the War Against Creation

earth_gridComment from Ines: I like what James has to say, in fact, I feel what he is saying. Our message is the same: Empower yourself, you are the one that is and has the power to change and create. 

Source: ECETI | Update by James Gilliland

Many keep asking about the new kids on the block in their 11D ship. It is an event the other multidimensional light workers have been waiting for as well as the 3D here on Earth. It is like Creators insurance that the awakening and healing process of Humanity and the Earth will continue and be successful. To understand this one must understand how the higher dimensional beings operate. They, for the better part, work through the grids of consciousness and energy.

The Earth has been under the influence of the Archons, mainly Draconians for eons. Some call the present grid an Archonic or Draconian grid. It was not the original plan which was to be an Eden, heaven on Earth where the fauna, flora, animals, including the human civilization could evolve to its highest potential. Due to interference on many levels by several species the Earth was hijacked ending up in its present state. Universal Law was replaced by Draconian Law, arrogance and greed and power over others became the rule of the day and as one climbs the ladder of power and wealth one realizes it gets even more decadent. The shift in power moves from seen to unseen forces and those unseen forces care nothing for Humanity and the Earth. To them you are like cattle, a resource, to do with as they wish. Most are afraid to address this, they will hide behind spiritual aphorisms, be lie fs with built in denial, or lay a guilt trip with judgments of spreading fear porn etc. They are the ones if fear, afraid to face the dragon. This is exactly why this Draconian empire was allowed to take over.

Alien-hand-planetWhy on Earth would anyone elect as leaders those with a long history of deception and other nefarious acts including murder? The false saintly images of these leaders are broadcasted over and over through their corporate owned media yet when, as a collective are we going to look behind the curtain? Trust me there is more than one curtain. There is the political leadership, the corporate leadership, the illuminati leadership; beyond that is the unseen leadership and it is hideous.

If you knew what happens during dark rituals on the highest levels you would be shocked. It goes far beyond pedophile and child abuse it often ends in sacrifice. This is not a conspiracy theory this is brutal honesty. At the top of the malevolent order are beings that are at war with creation.

Look at the condition of your planet. The air is filled with toxic chemicals, heavy metals due to chemtrails. Your oceans are also nuked, filled with garbage, the farmlands are loaded with chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, some with deadly consequences like roundup, etc. The chemical laden over processed food turns your body acidic and you wonder why there is so much cancer? Cancer was virtually unheard of in your recent history. The cures for most diseases have been found and shelved, including cancer and researchers and healers who have the cures are being knocked off by big pharma brute squads. The HAARP, psychotronic weapons, satellite surveillance and frequency targeting the awakening people are fully in effect.

Despite all this there are people that still believe it is our government. It has not been for a long, long time. Evil persists when good men do nothing, turn a blind eye to injustice, loose their impeccable integrity and sell out serving the beast. Many have become so programmed they have lost all sense of decency and moral fiber. Climbing the ladder of success is more like descending into a very dark rabbit hole and little by little one looses their soul connection, their God/Creater/Spirit connection eventually owned by unseen negative forces some knowingly some in ignorance.

The search for fame, material wealth, power over others is a search in vein. The concept of being better than others or special is a concept of separation and as one separates them selves from unity consciousness they become nothing more than a glorified ego, a painted pony in the herd. They loose connection to the source when they seek power over others and if one looses their soul over material acquisition where is the gain?

We have been sold the American Dream, which in truth is a path to hell. The manufactured lack, enslavement through dependency, competition with no moral high ground is pure Draconian and that my friend is what has been running this planet. Is this fear mongering, a real downer? No this is brutal honesty, enlightenment, and both sides of the coin. Enlightenment means to be in knowledge of, all of it. I can look at this without fear, address this out of love for humanity and the Earth and not be spreading fear porn as so many in their spiritual egos, buried in denial would like you to be lie ve.

Many dismiss this because they project their beliefs and values on others refusing acknowledge the obvious. They often say why would they do this it affects them and their families as well. The people involved in these actions against humanity and the Earth come in several categories. There are those who turn a blind eye to what is happening and excuse their participation by saying its my job, I have a family to feed. There are those who are cashing in on the death and destruction. Then there are those who are guilty of so many incredulous acts the people become the threat. If the people realized who they really are, what they have done and to whom they owe their allegiance too it would result in dire consequences to them. In other words the people are the enemy. This is the mindset that allows them to participate in genocidal acts.

There is hope. The hope is you. Your awakening and courage to address these problems and no longer participate. Look for solutions and admit to yourselves the current system of government is not yours and no longer serves humanity or nature. It serves the soulless elite, puppets for an even darker force. It is said a man’s/woman’s character is established by their actions.

Considering the condition of society and your environment you are being governed by a collective void of love, joy, integrity, and intelligence. They are not however void of malevolence considering what they are doing to humanity and the Earth. What kind of leadership would destroy the very platform for life if they truly served and cared about humanity and the Earth? That is why the hope is you. Mother Mary said freedom shall not come from religions or governments but through the hearts and minds of the people. An awakening in the hearts and minds of the people is the only way the planetary liberation will be successful. Which leads us back to the 11th dimensional ship and the ultradimensionals, masters, saints and sages who are now pressing forward like never before.

There is a spiritual war happening as we speak. It is also playing out in the physical. The malevolent beings seen and unseen are scrambling, acting like cornered wild animals. They are pulling out all the stops trying to create as much chaos as possible.

The light workers are under attack like never before experiencing all kinds of symptoms. We just have to up our game, create new alliances, do our prayer, meditation and healing work even more so now than ever. These unseen negative influences are trying to derail the awakening and healing process. They are jumping into those who are week minded, unaware and expressing through them. They come through friends, family, lovers what ever door they can find to through you off center. They know their time is up and this is their last ditch effort. We have to become even more steadfast in our self-mastery, maintaining our center in the heart and allow the love of source to flow through us into these scenarios.

Setting personal boundaries is a must during these times and if you do not already know how to do so learn how to recognize and heal unseen negative influences. Emotional outbursts, multiple accidents, illness out of nowhere, actions detrimental to humanity and the Earth can all be symptoms of unseen negative influences. Now is the time to choose. Are we going to be victims, participate in the draconian grid riding it down to its eventual demise or are we going to stand in our divinity and take back our power restoring heaven on Earth. There is no more middle ground. We also cannot afford the luxury of denial and non-action.

Make your own personal connection to God/Creator/Spirit. Invite the benevolent masters, saints and sages including ultradimensionals to assist you and all humanity. Live according to Universal Law and align yourself with Unity Consciousness. This is the only way through the chaos. We are attaching the process to heal unseen negative influences. Share this with family and friends. Remember you can use this to heal others. The unseen negative influences are already trespassing.


Drake Bailey Still At It – Hee Yawwww

I couldn’t pass up this video and NOT comment on it. If you go through the blog in the Search feature, you will find a few posts where I mention Drake Bailey. I was actually shocked to see that he’s still making videos but then 1800 viewers is not anything to call home about I suppose. One thing that has changed with Drake is that he no longer uses the term “Cabal”. That was his sentence signature. Drake never completed a sentence without using “Cabal”. I notice that he now doesn’t mention IT, and rather uses the term “The West”, whatever that might mean.

I see that Drake has been doing some homework over the years, catching up on things though I still don’t like his style, I feel it’s derrogatory and that he is speaking to idiots that know nothing, whereas, he knows nothing other than what he has read on the internet like the rest of us.

I may have an advantage because I live in Croatia and so we have different news sources, different way of looking things, we don’t consider Russia to be our enemy, in fact we admire Putin for the way he’s been hanging on to Peace in the world. Whatever his agenda is, who gives a shit, at least he’s trying to keep Peace which is a lot more than I can say for other world leaders.

Bottom line Drake, you’re still a fake, you pretend to have intel and inside sources, yet for years have been talking about the Military taking over the government, the Dinar revaluation, all kinds of predictions that never came to fruition. Like Wilcock and, you’re either full of shit or you’ve got some bad intel partners.

You judge for yourselves. I could not stomach more than 12 minutes  of this video.

Take What you Need and Give Away the Rest

It is getting messy out there isn’t it? Just as the US population is trying to figure out who will be the best leader for their country, so is our government, 2/3 of which was not voted by the people because of inadequate turnouts, in the end we got a coalition that can’t stand each other and a Premier Oreskovic that can’t speak Croatian very well, a true technocrat with no political background. Although I admire the fact he’s not a politician, I also predicted the political hyenas would get rid of him very quickly because instead of debating politics with him, he’s bringing in foreign investments just as he promised.

This is just a summary of our political situation because I don’t sit in front of the TV and watch this crap, I hear it in the background while working on my laptop here. My partner stares at this crap all day long and now with Soccer, I might as well take a 2 week vacation because he’s absent from my reality. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with him choosing what he does, the main thing is that it makes him happy. If he’s happy staring into the TV then I’m happy for him too.

Last night, we were invited to a get together. There were 20 people present, food and wine, I mean it was literally like a royal evening with so much food that was not eaten. While everyone was busy chatting about their illnesses, olives, politics and fears, I was deep in thought, wondering how many children the food we didn’t eat could feed. Let me give you a list of what was available. Appetizer: Platters of prosciutto, cheeses, olives, smoked meats, risotto made from Veal and french salad. The main meal consisted of trays of lamb roasted in our traditional method of the fire pit. 2 lambs were sacrificed for this dinner, yet we barely ate one. With that came salads, roast potatoes, roast pumpkins, and various breads as we are bread lovers. It was disgusting watching the hostess remove so much food from the table, not knowing what to do with it. She politely bragged about not having to cook for a few days, I get that. We are a society of “I don’t have enough”, yet throw out more food than we consume. Although the atmosphere was a happy one, everyone joined in singing our traditional music, ancient dances that are ancestors danced, I was not able to fit into it. I can’t fit into a society where food, dance and song is all that is. There was no mention of events going on, no mention of crazy weather, no mention of chemtrails, no mention of damaged vegetable crops due to chemtrails and toxins raining down from them, there was no mention about eating healthier, none of their topics had any value for me.
Does that make me strange? In their world I am strange. In their world I am the recluse that rarely comes out into public. In their world, I hold on to truth, speak what is on my mind and that scares the shit out of them. I was proud of myself last night, I stayed quiet, observed, smiled when someone talked to me and never once mentioned how all that food was going to give them bad sleep and a hangover from drinking different types of wines. I never mentioned the fact that I didn’t eat much because eating after 7 pm is really bad for your body to metabolize. I did just fine with french salad and lettuce salads…had a glass of wine and kept poking my partner in his leg for us to go home.

“Fake it if you have to” I whispered in his ear. “Tell them you need oxygen, say anything, just please lets get out of here”. It was a wonderful evening, the food and drink was fantastic, the hosts went into a big expense to give us the best money can buy, but I am still counting how many kids that leftover food could have fed.

I may be strange, I may seem weird to some, but what is wrong in counting wasted food and thinking how it can be given to a few kids? I am so fortunate, yet even in that fortune I only cook how much we can consume that day, I don’t throw out anything, most of it goes to the compost pile or I pack it up and give it to the poor neighbors.  It’s always been my philosophy to grow as much as I need, hunt as much I need, buy as much as I need and anything extra, I give away. My biggest pleasures in life is seeing a smile upon opening a bag to find clothing or food or baked bread. Nothing will change until we start changing, nothing will improve until we become better humans. We came here to experience being a human, but we are not fulfilling our true potential, it’s called LOVE.