Creating Negative Realities

Here are some examples how we are led to give energy to things THEY want us to manifest.

Currently, at least yesterday all day and today, all news outlets are saying that we face a huge and incredible famine in underdeveloped countries. While this is being repeated all day long, we listen to this and focus on this and think about this. Each time we hear this suggestion, we automatically form the thoughts and give energy to this happening.

They use tools like the Archons do to suggest or constantly repeat something until we adapt the belief or give it energy all the time.

We are Creators, THEY know we are Creators, they do not want you and I to create our own realities, so they have specific ways to influence our thoughts so that we can manifest THEIR realities.  I have written about this topic years ago.

The more we fear the impact of this virus, the more it will happen exactly the way we are manifesting this in our minds. Fear keeps you in the cycle of constantly being focused on that fear and by giving it energy, it manifests.

Keep this in mind when going about your daily routine. Pay attention to your thoughts, it’s very important during this time that we can shift or stay in the energy of manifesting a better future or better reality. Remind yourselves, how those thoughts came to you. Were they your own thoughts/fears or did you hear/see this and then just kept repeating the information in your mind.

You are mind controlled using empathy, intelligent experts who claim to know what will happen or estimate what might happen. None of these individuals have any empathy towards humanity. They must maintain 2 goals: 1. Keep their jobs and 2. Listen to instructions from higher up.

Do not let them fool you into believing anything without presenting evidence.  Collectively we must ignore the fear warnings such as food shortages and widespread famines. These will happen only if we believe them and give them credibility by focusing our thoughts on them.

P.S. I manifested the funds needed to purchase my Metal Detector, it’s on it’s way! I had set a time period to the end of the month, this happened very quickly. Why? Because I have a LOT of time to think and manifest these days as I’m sure you do too.

An Essay on Karma and Reincarnation

I have spent 38 years of my life searching for “god”, it’s existence and my purpose here in this current reality.  This journey started on July 3rd, 1981 after the birth of my son. As I was under general anesthesia for a planned C. Section, something went wrong and I went into respiratory failure. By the time a tracheostomy was performed, I was ” clinically” dead or flatlined. It took 12 minutes according to the medical team trying to save me before they were able to bring me back and then the rush to deliver my son, whom they believed would certainly have major brain damage. It was a miracle that he was alive as a baby without oxygen for more than 2 minutes can be severely brain damaged, let alone 12 minutes.

This incredible man is almost 39 years old, he has the wisdom of an ancient Soul, artistically gifted and he draws/paints characters that are not of this world, the only damage we were able to assess was his arm where the elbow joint fused together and most likely a result of him being pulled out by the arm which fractured the bones and it fused together . I didn’t notice anything wrong until about the age of 4 when I was giving out some candy and told him and his sister to put their hands out. I noticed my son could not do so without bending and twisting his elbow so I took him for tests and then found out what the problem was.

This event was studied in the Medical Community, the entire hospital, Langley Memorial in B.C. were excited to see me and the baby, but I was in a coma for 10 days and woke up with all these tubes. Nobody could explain to me what happened, let alone why both myself and the baby were alive.

I grew up in a Catholic home, my mother being more religious than my father. He would drive my mom to Church and then stand outside talking to friends. My life at home was full of physical and psychological abuse. Things done to me were considered “strict immigrant discipline in a foreign culture”. Today, parents that do this kind of thing end up being charged and convicted of child abuse. I live in fear of my dad until I turned 16 and ran away from home. In the 70’s in Canada, once you turn 16, the police could not force you to go back home.

As a child and all through those years at home, I felt different. As I was often punished by sending me to my room for days or even weeks, I had nothing but my bed, desk and school stuff so I dealt with the rage and anger by writing how much I hated my parents. Often, I would look up to the sky through my window and wish that “they” could come and get me. I longed for the stars, I felt like someone just dropped me off in this hell hole and I wanted to return home. I never understood this and through trauma we forget many things. I could never accept authority nor being told what to do. Yes, I was a child, but a child needs to play and have friends, so I would sneak out when my dad was at work to play with the neighbors or sneak after school. I snuck out at night, but my parents considered me as a rebel and  a bad child. It was a cycle of fear, rebellion and then punishment.

I was told that God would punish me for being a bad child and disobedient, my mother would often say: ” God is punishing me for being a bad mother, why are you doing this to me?” Imagine that. I was at fault for causing her grief?

I couldn’t understand why God was always punishing me even after I left home. why he was so cruel to me when all I wanted was for people to stop abusing me. I couldn’t find a rationale behind this because I wasn’t a bad person, my parents were and so why punish a child? All sorts of theories and thoughts went through my mind over the years until that day.

As a damaged child and then woman, I lived a very dysfunctional life while at the same time studying Psychology to understand why parents claim to love their children but abuse them. I became obsessed with being the best in everything to prove my parents that I was worth something and they ingrained into me that I would never amount to anything or succeed in life. I married an abuser and left him 5 years after, my son was 2 years old at the time and things started to make sense.

I don’t like to call my experience as an NDE. A Near Death experience doesn’t exist. You’re either dead or you’re not. When you flatline and there is no brain activity, that is called a Clinical Death. If there is brain activity, that would be a near death experience. I literally left a lifeless body behind, I saw doctors trying to save me, my limp body jumping after each electrical shock yet I could feel my baby’s heart. He was alive. In a moment, I found myself in a space I later understood was the Source of Creation. We come here each time we leave a physical body, it was familiar, like I had been there before. A message was given to me that it was time for me to remember who I was and return back. It took another 20 years to fit the puzzle because enlightenment doesn’t happen overnight. You’re talking about a young woman, raised as a Catholic with a cruel God who leaves her body and has no fucking idea what happened. It was totally against everything I was taught about life and death.

Honestly, had I not had this experience, statistically I would be either dead or drugged, addicted, alcoholism from all the injustice done to me. I now understand that as an Old Soul and Crystal child, only such could choose so many different and traumatic experiences and come out of it. Only old souls can take on such challenges and overcome them.

Most people that have out of body experiences which is what I had in a way, claim that their lives are never the same after that, their lives change forever.

So, my journey started 38 years ago. I needed to know how God could be so cruel and unjust. I studied theology, joined many different religious organizations, including Jehovah’s Witnesses because they offered me a Paradise. After 8 years of searching and reading, I discovered  Buddhism. It made sense to me. No Deity or supernatural being that would judge me, but Karma wasn’t clear to me, it didn’t resonate completely, though logical in a way, I struggled with this for many years after and today, in 2020, I feel that i have a better grasp on it’s meaning or existence.

According to Wikipedia:” Karma means actions, work or deed. It also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual, (cause) influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deeds contribute to good Karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.

I disagree with Buddha on this aspect. As far as I can recall studying Nichiren Daishonen Buddhism; I don’t recall Buddha ever having an NDE or died and met with Source so I have to assume this was his observation or personal belief because he questioned our purpose here.

One cannot feel true compassion for another that has been abused or harmed by another person unless they have had a similar experience. One can understand, respect, comfort, validate and feel sympathy, but Compassion comes from sharing the trauma energy/frequency. Compassion has been ill defined or we use it too loosely.

Many years ago I read a story about a Compassionate Monk. A man was walking to the Palace of his employer, an Emperor and on his way up the mountain, he saw an old man laying on his back naked and tied up with grass. The old man told him he was a Monk and was robbed on his way to his Temple. The Emperor’s employee asked the Monk why he didn’t just get up. The Monk answered” I Cannot do this because I would harm the grass”. This is compassion. The Monk saw the grass as a living organism and made a vow to not hurt any living being. Nice story.

Reincarnation is the natural cycle of birth and death called “Samsara” in Buddhism. When I say reincarnation, it’s not according to Buddhist teachings, but to free will  to reincarnate. Soul chooses to incarnate or reincarnate. Soul has specific reasons to incarnate into the human body. It may choose to experience what it feels like to kill or be killed. Soul evolution is about experiencing “all that is” in this physical reality. If this is the case, then why would Soul be punished and has to return to fix mistakes in human reality if that was it’s reason to incarnate into a body? The Soul has free will to choose, if that is the case, then Karma doesn’t make sense.

You see, even a few posts ago I wrote: ” If God created us into his own image (whatever that means); why punish us for being liars or murderers?” If we humans are the image of this human god, do we not have good and bad virtues?

There is a difference in both “superior” beings between human and Soul. Perhaps, the Gods in the bible made themselves Gods to humans and as humans have adopted the belief, even though we can’t seem to agree on what “in his image” actually means.

That topic itself is another post, but the Bibles that I read do not describe what these Gods or God looks like other than a paragraph of where Even heard God calling her and in a hurry to cover up their naked bodies started to run away and were called back. I have to assume this God was physical as both Adam and Eve were trying to explain why they disobeyed.

So what did the God look like? Like humans? We will never know what in his image means or whether true as the story of Genesis is not defined by a date or time. Personally I don’t pay any credits to a bible even though there are some facts and truth in them. We can safely say, according to Peter Kling that gods (Elohim) were Annunaki brothers called Enlil and Enki and that they used existing humans to genetically modify the new Adamos body to serve their needs. Disobedience was not a human trait the gods wanted.

If the Soul has free will and it chooses to incarnate into a human body then Karma can’t exist. It doesn’t even exist in everyday human life in terms of cause and effect because I never hurt anyone in my life on purpose, yet I experienced many horrific things. A Buddhist will say: ” Well, you must have lived a bad life in a previous life and are now paying for it”.

From the level of Soul, we have free will to choose anything or do anything we want so long as we don’t cause harm to others, thus why punish the Soul to return back and “be better or fix mistakes”? It doesn’t make sense, does it? This “As it is on Earth so it is in Heaven” is just a human theory or desire, as one has nothing to do with the other. Humans live in this physical reality called Earth, a 3D dimensional reality/density while outside this physical planet/reality and body, we are Souls of free will and know only of LOVE.

Therefore, it is my opinion based on years of study and personal experiences that Karma is a human made up belief or derived from misguided religious teachings. Incarnation or reincarnation are choices based on free will. A Soul may choose to reincarnate as many times as it feels it needs to experience and grow. It would be just another fearful life of dying if Karma was real.

I belong to Sokka Gakai International, an organization dedicated to Nichiren Daishonen Buddhism. Nichiren, if my memory serves me was a 12th century Japanese Monk who found in the Lotus Sutra that we don’t have to reincarnate many times in order to clear our Karma. He claims that we can clear our Karma in this existing life by chanting Nyam Myoho Renge Kyo. I found these teachings in a book while I was undergoing Cancer recovery, became a member of SGI and started to chant. It did change my life, I healed, became calmer and stopped being so angry at the world because I blamed God and everyone around me for getting cancer and punishing me again. I learned that I made the choices, I caused this to happen to me and that I had the power to change that and heal if I wanted to.

It’s called “Coming Full Circle”. From the womb into this physical reality which is harsh, to understanding and discovering who I am. I will eventually leave this body and as a Soul choose where or what I want to experience. I have felt for a long time that I am not coming back here. I think that I have done everything I needed to learn and might want to have some fun like Holographic Hawaii or Fiji…whatever, I have no idea what choices I will make on the other side, but this incarnation has been difficult for everyone, not just me. We all came here to end this Terminal Madness, it’s been tough and many opted out long before it got tough. But they too, came with purpose, and left after doing their work.

Soul; having a human experience. Soul has free will until it enters the human body/vehicle. From there, the body is controlled by the Computer brain, totally blocked from it’s Soul past or Akashic records and it’s journey is to discover itself.

I can’t say that Nichiren Daishonen is correct or not but I can say that once  I adopted this Buddhist practices and way of life, my life improved. Chanting raised the frequency, this is what it’s all about. It’s not the words rather the sound that raises our awareness. This goes for all chants.

The hardest part was synchronizing the human body with Soul (intution) so that the two can work together. I see myself as a spirit entering this body, attaching myself to various parts of the body and then trying to contact the brain/heart and give instructions, we call this Intuition. A simplistic way of defining the Union of Soul/body.

I’m proud to say that I’m not some superficial human guru or know it all claiming to know our given current reality and why we are here. I experienced a Soulful experience, out of this human body to be reminded of who I truly am. I know both Heaven/Soul Residence and Earth human evolution, at least it is my understanding based on my experiences and my Guides.

I believe that Karma was designed to create a psychological condition or a religious deity communicated this with a good intention; that if you are good, good things will happen and thus motivating humans to do good rather than bad or to keep us under control and in fear? I found that once I was able to remove the negative programming and replace it with “manifesting”, things happened.

One of these programs that I wrote about a few times is “Poverty Consciousness”. I can only speak for the poor people that I know personally who constantly repeat: ” I’m poor, I have no money, I can’t afford to buy this or that, God doesn’t listen to my prayers, etc.” This goes on and on and all they are doing is giving power to their poverty and manifesting more of it. If I feel helpless and believe that only God can help me, I will never get out of the problem and I will keep blaming God and everyone else for my poverty.

Manifesting isn’t just thinking what you want. It’s about putting all your effort and energy into manifesting it. It’s like a Dream. Dreams don’t come true just because you dream about it. Those that work towards that dream, will make it come true.

I currently have a wish to buy a Metal Detector. It’s not in my current budget as this Pandemic is happening and so I have to ensure that I have everything covered for food and bills. But, I started with writing down what I wanted. How and what options I have to come up with the money and when I”m not thinking anything important, I’m visualizing the Metal Detector, I see myself with it and looking for treasures. I think and sleep Metal Detector and work towards manifesting. It will be here by the end of the money, it’s really simple. I’m also researching the history of this island as it goes back to the 3rd Century Roman Empire and there are places on this island where the Emperor used for holiday, to buy fish, wine, olive oil etc. Ships docked here…all these places are on my list to detect when it arrives. There are many beaches here as well…this is called manifesting, making it real, creating the desire and telling the Universe I am ready to receive.

It took many years to find my way, to discover who I am and why I am here. Connection to our Intuitive Self or Soul, to nature, to all that is, has given me joy in being human because I create and control, I am solely responsible for my own human condition and I won’t be punished for making bad choices or decisions because they are part of the lessons I came to learn.

It would make Creator/Source just as cruel as the Human God to place me into a Karmic chain of birth and death due to my behaviour. It would be a breach against all Universal Laws, our Free Will and our ability as Souls to evolve.

Karma, in my opinion is a human made event that just creates more fear and trauma into this already challenging existence, and as you know, fear holds the lowest frequency and is opposite of LOVE.

Old Soul, when you incarnated, all you knew was LOVE, it is our challenge as Souls to find it and return to that state. Love raises frequencies, we emanate that frequency to others and the human heart rids itself of all pain from this physical life. The more you LOVE, the more living organisms you enhance. We all came from the same Source, we are all ONE, but easier said than done.


A Lesson In Logic Trump vs. Q and Pixie

I had no intention of exposing the frauds anymore until I came across Magenta Pixie. I was doing my usual search on who is claiming what comes next or what is going on now. I am not saying Magenta is a fraud, but I will explain what I think later. Within the first few seconds of watching/listening to her, I felt an unease but continued to listen/watch many hours of  interviews/podcasts, etc on YouTube.

At one point I thought that her information isn’t really anything new. “The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine speak… through the channel Magenta Pixie.
Messages from Sixth Density to Third, regarding the consciousness raising and dimensional shift
now taking place.” 

As you know if you have been reading my posts in the last few years I have an aversion to channelers. I’m not saying that entities are not contacting humans, it’s telepathy really but what I question is the authenticity and intent of these entities and that fact that we have Universal Law of “non interference”. I’m not saying anything negative about Magenta because I don’t know her personally, but I sense hesitation in her speaking and I feel that she is compromised. I have listened to her speak of things and then she will say; ” Well, I don’t know anything about this technology”, yet she trusts what she is being told. I would want to know everything, or question why she was not being told certain things. Then I have issues with: ” They said it was not the time to reveal some things”. Come on, this is open and blatant interference and control.

So, just channeling put me off because neither you, me or anyone including Magenta Pixie can’t assure or guarantee these entities have good intentions.

We exist in a holographic Universe reality, Earth being another hologram or reality, we don’t need saviours because we created this reality. I compare my analysis to religious people. If GOD created man in his image, why punish man or why do sins even exist? If GOD gave you these characteristics, why then punish you for them? Or  you can look at it in another way. If God created you in his image and you lied, then God is a liar!

I’m not saying that these interdimensional beings don’t exist either, they do and I have been in touch by entities for many years claiming to be my Guides and mentors but I take all transmissions with a grain of salt because even I am not yet developed enough where I can trust the information I am receiving though up until now, all choices and decisions I made in regards to my growth have worked out well.

I have felt/senses Archon like entities too, but once they notice that I noticed them, they leave, I have no fear energy in me.

What really set me off about Magenta Pixie and propelled me to write this post was her admiration of Q and her White Wing Collective Conscious of 9 telling her that Q Anon; and Trump are part of some plan to get rid of the Deep State, to make this reality a better one, and arrest these folks so that they can’t harm us anymore.

In this Video from 2017, she knows  nothing about Trump being involved with any sort of plan.
So, this is what I mean by people just saying things because they heard or were told, or her 9 entities didn’t tell her the truth? You get my point.

The Deep State; whoever or whatever they are, are also here to play out their roles because humans don’t fight for change and improvements until their lives and freedoms are threatened. We, all of us that incarnated for this timeline are all doing what we should be doing, including ” causing chaos to catapult humanity into fighting for change. I have said this many times that humans will be complacent until they lose their homes and are hungry.  So, this Deep State/Matrix/Controller System is part of the design and plan so to speak, in order to rise above all, we have to fall deep.

Let’s go into the analysis of Q. What is this entity’s purpose in this reality? What has changed since it made itself known in 2017? Why encrypted messages and parables that only cause more division among those that follow Q or try to discredit it? According to Wikipedia: ” Q anon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing supposed secret plot by an alleged “deep state” against U.S. President Trump and his supporters”.

Every President in US history has always had a side party that wants them gone. NO President in the US or any other democratic country can appease to a two party system, thus it would then just be normal that someone or group would want to get rid of Trump.  Things are focused in the US because the US is epicenter of everything that is wrong in the world. This is not my opinion, if you follow international geopolitics; follow some facts about what is going on in the world and what people think; most will say that the US is the greatest threat to humanity. Therefore, it’s considered the center of everything I don’t want and certainly the rest of the world.  American people are wonderful souls and human beings  and chose to be in the epicenter of this negative reality. They are the most Courageous souls right now because they know the dangers involved being in the epicenter of it all.

Why such cryptic messages and what has Q helped to make humanity suffer less and what about the “mass arrests” claimed by Q and our dear David Wilcock that was supposed to happen years ago? I think that I have made my case with this Nut Job Q and his cult followers. Maybe I am wrong, but I’m guided by two things: Intuition and logic, and in this Q cult age there exists no logic only theories as to what it is saying or why it is saying what it is saying.

It’s like me telling you it will rain tomorrow because clouds are starting to form. My chances of being correct are 50/50. Any fucking idiot can make a prognosis like that and if they fail, well, the timing wasn’t right, humanity was not ready for it, messages were interpreted the wrong way etc. Anyone can stand behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz guessing based on events, sources and mind games. By changing the future because of the excuses why it didn’t happen requires changing the timelines and it’s not that simple.

Here is the latest drop from Q:Apr 14, 2020 7:09:49 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6769bc No. 8795380 Symbolism.
An informed[awake] public holds all the keys. Q”
What the fuck does that mean? We know an informed public holds the keys. Do you know how many interpretations will come from this? Hundreds of different theories and so how does this help humanity? This is mind game, psychological warfare intended to divide and disrupt you, nothing else.
Now we go to Trump. Magenta Pixie isn’t the only one claiming that Trump is with a group called White Hats. Let’s examine this theory in a logical way.
If I was part of some scheme/plan to bring down this Deep State, I would be working very hard with my citizens/county to trust me, to gain support especially when it was by some miracle that I became President in the first place. I would focus on bringing people together because they are voters and will determine my future and ability to do the job I came to do. I would do my best to gain their trust even if I didn’t support things my voters wanted, but if that is what it takes to gain their trust, I would do it.
This story was circulating that Trump was put into place. I don’t think so. They had to choose between Hillary and Trump, that simple. The Hillary was caught in too much shit and they know she would have been removed sooner or later, she made dumb mistakes like using Bleach to clean her hard drives. This has nothing to do with Setting Trump up for President because the Deep State would not have allowed that.
A group or WH Administration alone cannot get rid of this Deep State without the support and approval of it’s voters. Are we not stronger unified? At least that is what they are telling us to believe. This fumbling idiot with a very limited vocabulary will argue and accuse the Media of fake news that doesn’t project his ideas, accusing them and trying so hard to convince Americans that they are the best, have the best and live the best?  The best in highest drug abuse, highest incarceration rates, in heart disease and diabetes, obesity and the best in being the lowest score when it comes to healthcare in the world and the best in having the most expensive healthcare in the world where a hospitalization of the CoVid19 virus will cost you between $30,000 to $40,000 alone.
None of the above are true, but this fumbling idiot will have you believe this. How does it serve Trump to accomplish his agenda of getting rid of the Deep State? He’s caused so much division, has never ” apologized” for anything; if apologizing means bringing me closer to my people, I would do it. It takes courage to own up to our mistakes, and yes, even Presidents make mistakes and I don’t see Trump having any of it. He’s driven by Ego and a deeply narcissistic personality.
As any narcissistic personality, it cannot admit to wrong and it cannot obey orders as it is driven and controlled by the EGO. That fault alone eliminates any possibility that Trump might be the good guy and is working with someone to dispose and expose the Deep State. He’s always been this way, I have watched his entire life history and so to say he’s acting out now, nope, he is who he is and the last person you would want to entrust to a life changing event. People like him are not capable of understanding anyone other than themselves and are so deeply self centered that they have no room for compassion, they could not even learn this behaviour just as you can’t rehabilitate a Psychopath, they lack something and parts of the brain. Can’t fix something that doesn’t exist.
How does his behaviour benefit his Role as the one working to expose and arrest the Deep State? I would be humble and expose to my voters my weaknesses because that shows a President with courage, a humble person and that shows that I’m human and make mistakes. This will make me a better President, and gain the support and trust I need to accomplish this difficult task.
Then we have good people with good intentions like Ken at; who writes so much and collects so much data that any normal human being would be confused, which I might add, rarely happen the way he predicts or analyzes.  I think that Ken should have stuck with Spirituality and exposed the frauds because as much time as I have spent reading his long posts, can’t figure out what is going on, it only confuses me even more. Furthermore, he literally erases and changes his posts instead of leaving them alone and just writing corrections.
As for what I feel about Trump? I feel very sad for him because his suffering is immense, he’s controlled by his Ego, has no control over his own environment whether he is a good or bad guy. He’s filled with anger, rage and he loathes non white humans. I have listened to some of his speeches in Reverse Speech and he’s Evil and dark inside. I really can’t see how this person has anything to offer to any group or goal to improve our reality.
It’s a rarity for a person to be born into money to have compassion. Those that do, usually had a life changing event. Buddha was born a Prince, he had no idea what went on outside his Palace walls. It took him years of suffering without food, water and basic needs sitting under a tree to develop an understanding and feel compassion. You can’t possibly understand or feel poverty if you have lived wealthy.
In fact, I can’t think of one positive trait that Trump possesses so to say he’s in a position of saving the world is utter nonsense.
Every Soul that incarnates comes with a specific role or agenda, everyone includes ” every single living organism”. Every soul that includes the dark side or the negative energy unless it’s an AI technology but it takes a living organism to create an AI as well.
If we don’t get it this time, we come back to do it again until we master it. It’s called Reincarnation but not through Karma rather a choice and a contract we make with ourselves (the soul) and our Soul Group and Family.
Karma is not what we are being taught because Creator will not punish us for choices we make, it is our Free Will outside of this physical reality, so why make us return if we don’t want to?
We are Creators, a spark of Master Creator, having Free Will as Souls not human forms. This is where all this confusion about Free Will arises. There is no free will on this physicality, it exists in our true Form (light/love/eternal energy), because the body is merely a vehicle we use to navigate and create in this reality.
So, in the end, anyone that claims to have contact by entities must be careful about how they present the information as we here as humans have not the ability to discern light or dark energy, at least most of us.
My guides connect with me when I ” think” of them. When I ask about anything outside my personal space or personal betterment, I usually get the same response:” This is your reality, you choose how to create, I’m only here to help with healing or in the case of writing books as your writer guide or in Spiritual context, a guide who helps me grow spiritually. It claims to be Michael and I can’t prove if it’s true, but I do know that all guidances received has helped me become a better human and a better Soul.
I’m never contacted first and when asked why: “I cannot interfere with you. If I tell you to go out tomorrow and buy up all the food in the store, but nature intervenes and causes power outages then I have not served you well because I can’t control nature. My purpose is to guide you when you ask for help.” How much simpler can it get? No interference and only guiding me with personal growth. Often I feel their presence, and it’s usually when I’m stuck with getting an answer. He’s out there leaning on a fence with his arms crossed with this smile on his face. It’s like: ” hey, I’m here if you need me and I know you need me”.
So the world that we have created had nothing to do with some higher plan. We all came here to fill a role in raising the frequencies and by doing so, those that don’t vibrate in the frequency of love will have to leave/die. We are now seeing that wave of souls leaving as their work has completed. Young souls are leaving as well because the frequencies are too high for them, they had short roles and left.
We, as Old Souls chose to be be here at this very important time/timeline in humanity. Not only are we fighting to get our planet back but we are using technology to genetically bring the human body into the original form when we were highly developed, intuitive, telepathic, self healing etc.
Ultimately, Old Soul, you choose what to believe. I can only share with you my thoughts, feelings and experiences. Each one of us needs to look inside where the answers are; we are highly intuitive but EGO mistrusts the messages and scrambles them. You see, each time the body was genetically modified, it created a machine that served “them” and not the Soul. Each time a Soul incarnates into the vehicle, it is aware that it may never remember who it is in that lifetime. It is our goal and purpose to have this human experience and find out who we are. This is the most difficult and challenging level of our Growth and evolution. How can we move on to be teachers if we have not experienced everything there is to experience here?
Think about it, that’s all I ask.

Terminal Madness is now in it’s Peak

It is becoming more and more obvious that the CoVid 19 is man made rather than a natural occurrence. Koreans are reinfecting and so are the Chinese and I heard Al Jazeera in Italy claim they are perplexed that those that tested negative after recovering have tested positive again. They will have you believe the reason for this could be the following:

  1. When first tested negative, it was a wrong result.
  2. It was a false negative or false positive.
  3. The virus is mutating
  4. The testing kits are not reliable.

Everyone will now try to come up with some ” acceptable” explanation because those creatures up high, the Controllers know full well what this Virus is capable of doing. If you just release the Virus and hope it will kill off enough people, you also know that it can be slowed or stopped if medical intervention is quick enough, but if you create a virus that mutates so fast that it will keep circulating until it kills off every human who is immunocompromised, that would leave the strongest few to keep slaving ahead on to the new Agenda.

Don’t you find it odd that Trump openly refuses to wear a mask and openly says: ” I’m not worried about it”? Sounds to me that he’s either vaccinated or is in on this game? Perhaps he’s setting things up to bring down the Deep State as this Q “cult” wants you to believe? I mean really, seriously, with all those people around him coming and going and his administration is never seen with a Mask while most world leaders are wearing one? This is a man that is obsessive about germs?

I’m just giving you some food for thought as I am sure you have read and listened to so much shit, but my viewpoint is that we created this together, we obviously have a reason to do this and it just may be for the greater good.

What we all need to do to protect ourselves is what I said a few weeks ago: Talk to your cellular structure out loud and tell it not to allow any foreign invaders that are detrimental to your body functions. Do not attach your body to you; in other words, don’t see yourself as a Human rather a Soul occupying a human body. Remember, you are the driver of the body you occupy; you determine where your vehicle is going and you are responsible for it’s maintenance. If you don’t want a flat tire you will either avoid poor roads or you will get special tires that don’t puncture so easily. The same goes for the body you occupy. If you want to stay healthy and be resistant to any foreign bodies, you will strengthen your physical and spiritual body by staying in the positive, by not being AFRAID as fear will attract what you fear; and by feeling confident that you are not part of this madness.

This virus is not going away, it will circulate until everyone has been infected, it is designed that way.  2 m distancing is bullshit, there are 3D models on where it shows how far the particles travel in the air after coughing and sneezing, 2 m is not going to protect you, neither will a mask. What will protect you is the knowledge that,  you are in control, that you are using the body as a vehicle and that you refuse to accept any foreign Agent into your body that will/could cause you harm. This is the only defense you have right now because once that Virus enters your body, it leaves a signature and like any disease will attack the weak parts of your body. Like parasites  in your body, they like the inflammations, the good bacteria to feed on etc.

Let’s see what the Russians find out about this in the next few weeks, they are publicly stating that there is something “fishy” about this virus and China has refused to release the “Origin” studies of where this virus may have come from.

Stay well and use this time to transcend your being from human to Soul and empower yourselves with knowledge that you are and always have been in control and that you create your own reality.

It’s not easy, I have never said it will be easy. Times are challenging for me too as I am alone and have nobody to care for me financially, but instead of sitting here and worrying, I decided to get a Metal Detector and a Magnet thus spend my time looking for treasures. I don’t have to register a company, I don’t have to pay taxes on what I sell and I can go anywhere, anytime and the climate doesn’t affect anything. In other words, I can detect all year long on land and in water anytime I want to.  Be in control, be innovative and creative, find ways of using this Event as a catalyst for change!

Individualism or Communism?

My children’s generation is no longer in the loop about what Communism is or was for that matter. Today, Communism is defined as “dictatorship”, but as I contemplate about the geopolitical events during this Fake Pandemic, I realized something.

I don’t have the terminology of defining a difficult subject so I can only go with what I think it is and what my parents thought  and Europe itself thinks about it.

True Communism is “Community and Collective”. Some countries such as my former Yugoslavia used it fairly and regardless of what anyone thinks, many Croatians I talk to today say that their lives were much better under Communism than anything after it.

Today, Communism is “demonized” because it actually represents true community. It is Capitalism and Globalism that is the DEMON and the forces behind it have almost successfully convinced humanity that it is good for us.

It seems that many Political Leaders are now contemplating their own Capitalist systems because this Pandemic has exposed the flaws in every level and every corner of our societies.

In a True Communism; everyone is equal, nobody is denied anything. You put the time in, you are rewarded for it.  If you don’t work, you don’t get anything unless you are old or young or ill.

Thousands of books have been written about these subjects, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that they If have done a great job of explaining political aspects of it, but they were not high frequency beings, they lived and thought like humans, probably believe in some form of God and thus, having only one life here, we must maximize our profits in order to be considered successful.

Yeah I know it’s a very simple explanation but my point is this: The Pandemic may have caused chaos, destruction of human ability to earn a living and death, but remember when I wrote that in order to want change, we have to hit rock bottom?

I think this Pandemic was the catalyst because we were taking too fucking long to make changes.

My ancestors worked the land on this barren soil and solid rock island. They lifted stones and rocks bigger than themselves and laid them on lines where their property lines were and our entire island is fenced in these stone walls. They were looking for soil, almost every rock and stone on this island was turned over or placed on a wall so that they could work at self sufficiency and survival. There is evidence this island was first inhabited during the Roman Empire and around the 3rd century. They spoke of hard times, they were dependent on rain in an arid region; no rain, no crops, no olive oil. Anyone who became of age had to contribute, from sunrise to sunset, they toiled their fields.

I often would sit with the old timers now in their late 80’s and 90’s and they saw their lives as very hard; difficult, challenging because when modernism arrived, the propaganda is always that new technology will save you time and money and eventually they believed and still do today that that life was difficult but that today’s is not so much. It’s not true. It was what they were told to believe, because when I think about that, it is how I am living now and it is how many many people that have tasted success and modernism now want to have a homestead and be totally self sufficient for whatever reason. It requires a lot of work, trust me. I don’t even have farm animals and I spend at least 5 hours in the food forest everyday.  Mulch can’t break down here in the arid region like it would in Washington state or Wisconsin or Sweden, so I have to constantly feed it water and when there are strong winds, I lose a lot of it if it’s dry.

We are returning to mother Gaia again and she’s happy about that. She too  is now happy during this Pandemic because she’s able to detox for a while and her holes are healing. You and I both know that we could not go on like this forever, we would either destroy this Earth first or it would destroy us.

I want to see the positive in this Pandemic and I believe that our collective consciousness caused it because including myself, I have known that something was coming, we could feel it and it sure wasn’t Jesus coming, it sure wasn’t Prime Creator, it sure wasn’t Aliens to save us from ourselves.

I wrote many posts on this “saviour syndrome” and all those including Peter Kling  promising us Jesus anytime.  The Law of Nature doesn’t allow interference.  We created this scenario, we are now fixing a few scenes.  This has to be the Catalyst for change, for whatever reason or however this Virus was released doesn’t matter. We need to ask ourselves: What is more important? A bank full of money or a healthy life? You don’t need a lot of money to live a good decent life, we don’t need huge mansions that collect dust. The Tiny House movement has taken effect here in Croatia as well, but I’m more interested in getting some land and placing a few mobile homes for me and my family.

As soon as my legal battles are over, I am selling the house and getting that land I want.  My partner’s children filed a Criminal Complaint against me for quackery. They threatened me, basically told me if I didn’t hand the house over, they would criminally prosecute  me for something. I have been under investigation for over a year now but unofficially, and the DA  told me to go home and enjoy life. The Lead Inspector even laughed, but he said he had to do his job and that it was obvious the Criminal Complaint was filed a few days after the Estate Hearing.  I think they considered me to be stupid and not put everything in writing, just like I did with all natural medicines that my partner took. It’s ludicrous to think I would be that stupid knowing what happens to those that practise Natural Medicine. But, it’s an obstacle for me to move on and it’s just a matter of time.

The Food Forest is an added bonus to the value of the property and I am still learning so by the time I get that land, I will be able to build up the Food forest quickly.

Think about it, Communism is demonized because it’s actually the natural way to live. True Communism where everyone in the community has equal rights and equal share of everything.  It will go back to that but they won’t call it Communism, they will call it Collectivism.

Watch this one, sounds really good.

Clean Out the Old to Make Room for the New Paradigm

As I was cleaning up my Watch Later List on YT, I found some interesting videos that I never got around to watching obviously.

It is regretful that a video of Alexandra Meadors of is no longer working, a video she posted in 2016 an “URGENT MESSAGE: HISTORICAL UNSTOPPABLE DEFEAT OF THE DARK IS UNDERWAY December 25, 2016″. I can play it but I can’t copy code or url here,  unless I figure it out later on or you can find it yourselves.

I guess her God was an imposter because she’s gone from this scene, her videos are no longer available and the website is undergoing construction. It will be interesting to see what new scheme she has coming up. Maybe Prime Creator got dementia and she’s now looking for a new one? It just goes to show how vulnerable we are to information that “comforts” us. We WANT to believe certain things because they “resonate”. Well, resonating as I wrote about before all depends on your frequency. If you’re down low, you’re open to anything.  These entities scan those before communicating and control their low level frequencies, ironic because she made some serious claims over the years about her ability to transcend; if you know what I mean. From sources I trust, it’s said she’s made a lot of money with her last scheme.

This video with Veritas and Reed Summers is a masterpiece of logic and no nonsense truth, I listened to it twice and it FEELS right. It makes sense, it resonates with me.  I leave that up to you to discern for yourselves. I have tried to copy it and it too won’t copy into this post, not sure if I am doing something wrong or these videos have been removed for whatever reason. It’s interesting, I can watch it from my “Watch Later” list, but none will copy over. If you can find this video, let me know because maybe YT is removing themselves and deciding what is best for us.

Reed Summers – The Allies of Humanity: An Urgent Message About the E.T. Presence – Veritas TV

The Next Phase of Terminal Madness


I told you it would get much worse before it got better. The virus is not the problem, every so many years a new virus is found and it has to spread for humanity to create immunity towards it. Let’s get real. Many people get vaccinated each year and still get the flu. Why? Because you’re given a cocktail of viruses and it’s a prediction of what seasonal flu will come around.

We all have to get infected, just like every virus that has come and gone. This ” social distancing” is a program. It’s telling you to isolate yourselves from others. We should be doing ” physical distancing” not Social Distancing. I can still walk down to my neighbor and we speak over the fence, 2 meters away from each other, but we are actually doing more ” physical distance” socializing because this is the time when we need to support each other.

So, the next phase of this Terminal Madness will be food shortages. Think about it. I don’t know where you live, but Croatia signed a deal with the EU to import 70% and export 30%. Our farmers can’t sell a head of lettuce because it’s cheaper to import the pesticide/insecticide laden heads from Spain. For Croatia, the food shortage may not be so bad depending on this pandemic and how many people are affected by it, but eventually, the warehouses will empty and there is no transportation, or not enough people to harvest and pack; this is going to happen in the next month if not sooner, globally.

What do you at home now is crucial. I have been repeating this mantra for years now. Stock up on foods that will last a few years, grow a garden, a huge garden so that you can freeze and can your goods. This shortage will cause chaos and maybe even civil unrest.

So far, Croatia has done well. We are MANDATED to stay inside unless it’s for emergencies and food. Our freedoms are gone by good measures and by doing this, we have managed to keep our infections down to 1200 and 12 deaths, with a small linear growth but then we are a country of 4 million people.

Don’t hoard. Don’t take everything off the shelves, it’s bad Karma. Take what you need and be considerate of others. My methodology has always been to buy an extra item each time I shop. Over the years I have had to throw some things away because of poor packaging but have now learned to keep dry goods in airtight containers.  Take what you need and leave for others. What’s really important to note is medications, they will probably be used as leverage politically; so stock up on aspirins, and other things you think you may need. Have plenty of candles or lamps as days of darkness are coming soon.

I can’t say this enough. It will get much worse before it gets better. This is just the start of what is to come. Also, your Karmic life has even more meaning now as you will be tested as a Soul to do what is right and not harm anyone in your attempt to provide for you and your family. Our actions and behaviours will determine the outcome; and I speak from a Metaphysical standpoint not a physical standpoint.

The good news: We made it. We finally scared them enough that they had to do this to us and they underestimated every point in their plans. It was always destined for humanity to come out of this, but it was always destined to be Terminal Madness because as I always write in a logical way, man won’t change his ways until he wakes up with nothing to eat. The time has come, we’re all in this together, be safe, be kind and be considerate. Take what you need and help others even if you have to go without.

When things get really rough mentally, think of the millions of people in the Middle East and Africa that even before this pandemic had nothing to eat and now will more than likely die of malnutrition. Be in gratitude for all that you have and soon you will learn that you had too much, that you were greedy and foolish in spending your hard earned money on things that now have no meaning. Gratitude brings more of what you want, it will humble you and your compassion will raise the frequencies needed to overcome this test put upon us and to wake us to why we came here in the first place.

Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about. — Johnsmallman’s Blog

Note from Ines: Excellent message. It confirms what I have been feeling and writing for years.  Fear will cause more damage than the virus itself. It’s cleanup time! 

Saul Audio Blog for Friday April 3rd As the coronavirus continues to spread globally and the number of consequential deaths reported increases daily there is much fear and anxiety being experienced. However, although it is proving to be extremely virulent in a very small percentage of cases, for most people who actually become infected […]

via Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about. — Johnsmallman’s Blog

The Lies about Masks

I’m shocked at the instructions Americans are getting or better yet, the confusion they are displaying by not being clear on whether to wear a mask or not.

We here in Croatia cannot enter any establishment unless we have masks and gloves on. These surgical masks do not protect us, rather protect others from us because we may be the carrier or asymptomatic; therefore, the mask is necessary to protect those around us.

I think that the US cannot get enough masks so they are wishy washing on whether to tell you to wear them or not. Of course this is a global problem where every country affected needs masks, PPE’s and whatever else is required to treat CoVid Patients, but please wear a mask or take a pantyliner and string it across as it’s better than a mask because it will protect you too, it’s waterproof.

Wear some kind of protective face covering, remember, you may be infected and not display any symptoms but you can infect someone else.

We are now hearing on Al Jazeera and other outside of USA networks that the US government is intercepting supplies from France, Spain, Canada and Germany. I’m shocked, I expected a lot of dirty tricks but this is really unethical. Yes, we are all in need but to fuck your allies, well, if we get out of this alive, I can tell you at least two things that will happen. The EU will payback the US for their dirty games, and many EU member states will be leaving the Union. Let’s see if that happens or not, but I told you in the last post that this event will reveal the dirt and stains of our collective governments.