Aunt Jemima On the Chopping Block

I think the company is called Quacker Oats Company. How is this lady a sign of racism? Can someone please explain to me why she is being removed? Should they now put a Chinese lady, or white lady or green martian? I mean come on folks, don’t you think this would be a complimentary thing given that this black lady was a successful African American Woman so this was a tribute to her. How in the hell is this racist? If it is, then every color we put on any product or advertising is Racist.

We are removing statues from history. We forget that those statues symbolize whatever that person did at that time. You are now being sold a pile of crap that it should never be there again because it’s Racist. Of course it is, but it’s also a symbol of our past mistakes, hopefully a reminder of those mistakes.

This is an agenda to remove any of our history. That we cannot associate ourselves with anything, humanity without a past, all books will be abolished that history is written in, and in the meantime, we are being re programmed. This is what the Cabal is doing. It is causing strife among people to have these historical values eradicated so that we come humanity without an Identity, where we will be given a NUMBER and be called by that NUMBER and not our names.

As for you African Americans, you should be asking for your identity back. You don’t exist. You carry the last names of your Slave Masters. You should be asking to have your genealogy examined and to find out what tribe or village your ancestors came from and take back the last name that you were given at birth. No amount of money will erase the past or make up for what was done to your race, but also you will never feel as part of this human race living in America because you are a fictitious entity with another family’s last name. In other words, you are non existent and maybe that’s why it’s easier for the PTB to keep you subjugated.

Have you ever thought about this? This should be your fight, to bring back your true identity, your true tribe or country in Africa. To visit that place where your ancestors came from will give you closure. Nothing else can make up or compensate because not only were you taken from your homes, you were erased, non existent and then given a false name. Think about it.

A Letter from Georgi Stankov

Georgi Stankov <>10:09 AM (2 hours ago)
to me

Dear Ines,
while making a search on the Internet, I coincidentally came upon your “Georgi Stankov Rant ” from November 2014. I read it to my dual soul Amora (Carla Thompson)
who is channeling the Elohim and many other ascended masters and forces of light as the Arcturians, Agarthans, Lemurians, etc.. She works closely with St. Germain who as the patron of the current Aquarius age, and is around us all the time. After all, she is the new Chohan of the violet flame:

She was stunned how much effort you have put into analysing the new theory of the Universal Law which you rightly also defined as the Theory of Ascension.  She commented: “Even I haven’t done such a profound analysis of your writings as this author.” We all agreed that you are a very sincere searcher of the truth and this is the main quality of a truly spiritual person as I recently wrote to a reader of mine.

I then checked your website and was delighted to find out how active you have been all these years and what huge progress you have made since 2014. I am not sure if you have read my website in the meantime but there are many topics on which we both have written over the years.
I also checked your potential bullshit list and agree with the choice almost fully. There are of course many more candidates to be added to it, but after all, it doesn’t matter. I worked personally with Alfred Webre in 2010 and he is agnostic and that is why we separated. I would recommend you to take off the list Dolores Cannon as she did a tremendous light work to enlighten a whole generation of lightworkers as best as she could. She established recently contact with us from the Higher Realms. 
Bashar exists and is a very powerful being. He came to us when we had a light session with our friend Julia in White Rock in 2017 and his energy is impressive. He was very jovial and full of jokes and we had a lot of fun with him. When we went out of the room on the seaside walk, he arranged a real spectacle with 50-100 seagulls that began to fly very closely above and around us for no apparent reason and were crying loudly. Like the birds in the Hitchcock movie. Not that it matters much but just to give you some background information. Daryl Anca is though a modest mind and he is trapped in a narrative that is wearing thin.
You have made a mistake with Ron Head, he is channeling his HS or monad, he does not know it exactly himself. He is a clean source, The Hilarion Connection is done by Marlene Swetlishoff. It is a nothing-burger. I am in constant contact with Hilarion as he is probably another incarnation of myself – I was initiated by him on Crete in 1995 in his etheric temple of the green flame. Although he is a healer and the Chohan of the green flame, he is actually a patron of the clarity of the human mind and thus of science. Hilarion is actually very silent, contrary to St. Germain, and we have received very few short messages from him. He works telepathically all the time.
I also saw that you are writing about the current plandemic, I called scamdemic, therefore you should read my latest article on it which also includes in the reference list all the other articles I have written about this topic. I know you struggle with science and scientific concepts but this elaboration is important for the future revelations that are about to unfold this year and I have kept it popular:
If you really are interested in what is happening this year you should visit our new crowdfunding website:
Continue doing your light work, you are on the right track, especially now that you have recognized that “you are a multidimensional being”. I am sure that you have now expanded your spiritual approach with respect to some of my allegedly “wrong predictions” knowing that linear time is an illusion and that there is no past and future and all creation occurs in the now. By the way, Gaia and the PAT did ascend during the stargate 12.12. 12 to 5D and we had to return as avatars as humanity was not ready. This has been confirmed by many other sources in the meantime and also by ours. 
My predictions have always had a clear pedagogical objective – to motivate the PAT, the planetary ascension team, the captain of which I am and who actually accomplished the current ascension, to make their utmost effort at each ascension portal. You missed in your rant this major mission of myself as you were not in the LBP then and could not imagine what we were doing. Here is the real background one more time:
The Light Warrior’s Crucial Question

I take “arrogantly” the benefit of your insight of being multidimensional, after all, I was the first to introduce this concept in the new age and explain it consistently from a physical point of view. There are numerous articles on multidimensionality on my website that explain this concept from various angles. 

Take good care of yourself and watch carefully what will happen very soon in Italy.
With love and light


Extremism is an Everyday Event

This plandemic has given me much to contemplate. I vividly recall Alex Collier telling us how the Andromedans were shocked when they found out that we have to pay to live on this planet. From the richest man on Earth to the poorest societies, such extremes exist on this planet.

Imagine that, each piece of land in every country is either government owned or privately owned. Each piece of land we must pay for, our land, our planet and we have to pay to live on it. There is enough land on this planet that every single human being would have more than 1 Acre of land, so a family of 5 would have access to 5 Acres of land. This family can be totally self sufficient, grow whatever is able to grow depending on climate, create it’s own energy using the Sun, collect rain water or live near rivers and creeks. Instead, we must pay for energy, pay for gasoline, pay for the land and pay for precious water that the rain provides for all of humanity.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if we all had equal access to land, but for someone like Jeff Besos to now being the richest man on earth, having so much money that the next 20 generations would not be able to spend just doesn’t make sense to me. While millions, perhaps billions of people have nothing to eat from day to day.

When we talk about Human Rights, Racism, inequality and terrorism, we can’t fix this until we all have equal access to the planet. Until this happens, the powerful will continue to rule and the poor will continue to receive handouts.

Even if Racism stopped being the social problem that plagues all countries, it would not solve anything. There will still be extreme poverty and extreme wealth. We would still struggle to survive, nothing changes at all. Think about it? Let’s just assume that as of today, June 18th, 2020 we all stopped being racists. How the fuck do we do that? Let’s pretend we are no longer racist. What is the end result? Probably less policing, less crime, maybe people of color will have better opportunities, whatever, but what really changes other than the mindset of those that are being discriminated? How do you prove you are no longer being discriminated? These are all programs designed to keep us dumbed down, stressed out, angry at each other and those that control us don’t see the difference between black and white. We are ALL slaves on this planet, but they would want you to believe that whites are not being discriminated against. Socially maybe not, but nobody on this planet has it better off because they are white, but because they believe they are superior therefore, their attitude determines their success in life.

I know it sounds crazy, and I am not saying that Racism doesn’t exist, of course it does, but if we eliminate that, what changes? How do we eliminate Racism? African Americans carry last names of their Slave Masters. Nobody talks about this on mainstream media. These poor people that were brought to the America’s were stripped of their identity and given names by their masters. To this day, African Americans carry the last names of their Slave Masters. How will they ever get over this when they are reminded of it everyday?

Do they not want to know what their lineage is? Is there a way to find out? Would they not want to know what village or tribe they belonged to and take back their family names? I think that would be the retribution or restitution rather than just throwing money at them. I think that reclaiming their identities and genealogy would be a proper way to restore their place in society.

I’m saddened by this extreme divide between the rich and poor. While I enjoy a beautiful roof over my head and have no worries about tomorrow, those that were poor before the Plandemic are now destitute, not only without a home or food, but without hope. How can I sleep at night knowing that I am well while so many parents stay awake all night feeling like shit because they could not feed their children and they had to go to bed hungry?

Sure, I can say that we all came here for purpose. Each one of us chose a character to play, I get that. But, did we know that once we entered the human body that we would suffer inside seeing the pain and suffering of those that don’t have? Are we not part human too?

I jump from being human to being a multidimensional being, in this constant struggle of why we are in such bad condition here, even though we all chose to come here at this time. Without poverty, we would not appreciate abundance. Without wealth, we would not understand what Poverty is like. Each one exists for us to understand the differences. So long as we are well fed and bills are paid, we don’t think about these things and we make very little effort in improving our lives and of those that don’t have. We have become “me only” and while we focus on improving our lives, we forgot that we should take what we need and share the rest with others.

Do you think about these things? When you’re having your morning coffee are you thinking about the world or stuck in your mobile phone reading up on likes and dislikes, trends, gossip and social justice? Have you ever gotten up in the morning and contemplated others or do you just think about yourself today and what you need to do to get ahead?

You see, materialism is a disease and only because we have to pay for everything. If you lose your home, it’s not just your life, but all the fucking money you put into it knowing that even insurance won’t cover everything. We pay for everything, this is where materialism comes from, not from shopping for things we don’t need, but because our hard earned money goes into things we want and we become very possessive of this.

This is what they wanted, they set up the system this way so that you are eternally locked into a system of working, giving your energy to someone else or another corporation. You have been programmed to believe that you need to get a Diploma on useless information that doesn’t serve you. You have to get a student loan, in other words, you are paying for education that serves the master. After your JOB, you now have a few hours to shop, care for family/home and walk the dog. Exhausted you go to bed, only to worry about doing it all over again. It’s a dog eat dog world, this is what they designed for you. A system that never works for you, only usurps your energy, and then they feed on your tired, wasted and negative energy you created because you are a slave.

I say you, because I’m not a slave to anyone. Although I have to live in the system, I’m not dependent on it except for utilities. Maybe one day I will leave the modern way of life and move into a place where nobody sees me, out of sight, a homestead that will provide me with even more energy freedom so that I can collect rainwater and use Solar power; but I’m not dependent on anyone or anything. I can wake up whenever the body chooses to, I have no employer to give my energy to, I have no master to tell me how to live my life. Although not completely free, I am much better off than most people.

So, sure it’s easier said than done but everything I mentioned above has to be a pre condition in order for things to get better. We still have a long way to go, but time is now speeding forward, we have gained momentum, what used to take 10 years to evolve, it now takes 6 months.

Eliminating Racism will not solve anything but a Psychology and Perception. Until all humans have access to equal education, equal land rights, equal freedoms and are no longer listed as Asians, Greeks, Limurians, Africans, etc., only then we will be able to move forward as a Human Race.

The divisions created start at country borders, regions, municipalities and cities/villages. Different languages, different cultures, different religious beliefs even though there is only ONE Creator; different social norms, different diets, different music, different belief systems, ALL of this was designed like the Tower of Babel; to keep us all separated and at war with each other. Just think about it. Although these are my beliefs and perceptions, it doesn’t mean they are correct, they are just mine and I am sharing them with you for the purpose that you “contemplate” your place in this reality and measure how much you are contributing to the betterment of humanity and not just Yourselves.

I Saw Streaks of Light

It’s not often that I wake up with a clear image of the Astral travel I had just experienced. The closest I got would be waking up to go to the bathroom because someone in that other reality said to me: ” Hurry up, go to the bathroom and come back”. You know, it took me years to realize that I was not dreaming but that I was having different experiences. The Soul as it matures can fracture and be in different realities, in other words; the Soul doesn’t have to just choose one physical body and wait until that body dies to move to the next experience.

Since I don’t follow anyone in the Metaphysical area but come to my own conclusions, I do believe that I Soul has multiple experiences, but that Soul has to leave this physical body in order to be aware of it’s other roles. This reality is dense, the planet is veiled off and cut off, the physical body simply doesn’t have the gifts that were given to us when we were first designed, we are now functioning on 2 DNA strands, 10 inactive.

This morning, I woke up in a sweat, but was still reeling from what I had just seen and experienced. It was amazing, it was shocking and it was exciting all in the same breath. I was hovering over Earth, (it was flat) and I saw these streaks of light coming from the Galactic Center and hitting different areas of the planet. I saw people gnashing their teeth, making these ridiculous faces as the energy hit them. They didn’t like the feeling, some were looking like they were in extreme pain, some just dissolved into the ground, some turned black and turned into millions of black flakes, and some closed their eyes and breathed in the energy. Different reactions, different places on the planet. I then looked over to the right of what would appear to be South America, but almost down to it’s point of Pantagonia and saw tribes celebrating, dancing in circles and chanting: ” The God Sun is finally here”.

The bible uses the word “Son” for Jesus but the truth is SUN is what experts claim it should be. The light coming through had colors I have never seen in this physical reality, these streaks of light were like colorful DNA strands, twisting in braids and just shooting off down to different regions and areas.

Is this the first time this happened? I don’t know. But the impression I got from those that enjoyed and celebrated was “finally, what took you so long”, while those that were not enjoying it were thinking: ” Why did they leave me here to go through this or they told us we would win”.

I can’t extrapolate what all this means because I don’t like analyzing something I experienced, rather just tell you what I saw and felt. Because I do know we, the Planet are moving towards the Galactic Center, I have to assume that we have finally reached the stage where the light can actually touch us, reach us. It’s like seeing the Light through the tunnel, that there is not only hope, but that we actually made it.

It means that the turmoil, the madness, the lies and control we have suffered for thousands of years are finally coming to an end and that my guide even told me that I would live to see the transition or what some may call “Ascension”.

I wrote about this years ago, that we would eventually transcend but I didn’t know how at the time. Transcending or Ascension means that our physical body suits will be restored to their original condition. There has to be a frequency and dimensional shift in order for this to happen, therefore, yes, we are lifting upwards but not off this planet unless we leave it behind and move over to a double, but our physical bodies will Transcend and be restored to 12 DNA strand structure, to having back all the powers we had before they were genetically altered and deactivated.

Mother Gaia is one of a kind in this Universe but there are duplicates of it in different galaxies and Universes because this was an experiment and should it have failed, there would be another Earth as this planet has every living thing imaginable, a living library designed as a showpiece to other beings that were supposed to come and visit, but the dark intervened. It was the human body that was genetically altered to prevent us from continuing with the experiment and to be dominated by the dark.

This takes me back to my childhood where as a young girl of maybe 9 or 10 years old, I had these dreams of me flying over Earth, but at the level of an air balloon, the same speed and height, ever so slowly just looking down at the breathtaking views as I moved ahead. I now know that even at that time I was leaving my body and experiencing different realities of myself as Soul.

It makes sense that when I would be locked up in my bedroom for days, that I would open the window at night (we lived in the country so the stars were bright), and called on someone to come and get me. ” I want to go home, get me out of this hellhole”. Everything makes sense now, I was right about it all along but it was just an incredible concept that I as Soul had multidimensional realities and purpose of existence.

So, I celebrate today with gratitude, that I never gave up on seeking truth about who I am, that I followed my intuition and trusted Universe to provide me with a NDE to awaken me. Gratitude in trusting my instincts and inner NOUS that I was more than just flesh and bones, that nothing made sense as to why a God would create this incredible planet with all organic life having the ability to be reborn or rise up from the soil forever yet put man on this reality to have only one miserable life. Let’s face it, if you are to believe that you are just a body with one life, what are your chances that you will have everything and be happy? Very slim indeed so it never made sense why a god would give some poverty, some disease, some wars and some everything more than they needed. What kind of god was this that decided how your life would be here? This was the focal point of my obsession with finding out who I truly was or finding this GOD that was so cruel and evil.

The light has broken through folks, we can now expect the last terminal madness symptoms, the beast is wounded, cornered and knows the light has made it to Planet Earth and those left here will be unable to hold the higher frequencies arriving. I saw them melting and disintegrating, I saw them turn black and melt into the ground, I saw the eyes engulfed in terror, just like the very terror they inflicted on humanity.

I told you we would do it, I told you it would not be easy and that there would be a lot of suffering and sacrifice, but it was necessary and although we’re not done yet, knowing the light has reached us and touched us, empowers me even more to speak out and not fear retribution knowing what is to come. All I can do is share this with you and if you have ideas on what I witnessed, I would love to hear from you.

Congrats Magenta, 100K Subs

I wrote a while ago that I would not work on exposing the fakes and frauds, yet every time I listen to this lady, I collect some of her energy that just doesn’t sit right with me. I am not saying she’s a fake or fraud but I have an aversion towards Channellers and not because of who they call themselves, but because like most of them; once they have been contacted, they feel they are special and have the priveledge of helping others.

Let me remind you that our Solar System and Universe is under the Law of Non Interference. I don’t know how many times I have written about this. There is no Savior. We are the Ones that volunteered here to make it right and to bring the Light back. She’s usually defending herself: ” I am not telling you what to do, I am only sharing with you, I really don’t know what this means but you can decide what it means”. She uses suggestive words as if to say: ” I will give you this information and you decide or decipher what it means”. This is just causing confusion to people because it is likely that most people will have different perceptions of what she said. How is she helping you if you she giving you hints or suggestions?

I don’t accuse her of lying, I simply feel that her energy is compromised. I can feel them millions of miles away, no entity has the right to interfere with our evolution. We volunteered to come here and clean up this crap, who are these entities and how can we trust them? There is no proof or evidence they exist or that they have good intentions at heart, but if they are interfering, they can’t be doing good.

If these entities truly meant well and truly respeted the laws of Non Interference, than show me that Waiver that you were given to interfere. There are wars going on in space around us, and there are wars going on here, but We Are The Ones that will win this war not some Group of Nine Collective that is telling us what the reality is. We all know what the reality is, we just have not gone inside to collect it.

I made my comments on her Channel about money and charging for her information. If you live the Law; you have abundance, you have joy and peace, you are connected with your true self, you understand you are Soul having a human experience, as a Volunteer you understand and recognize what your role is here. With that said, you don’t need to ask for money because MONEY is the dark evil that keeps us as slaves in bondage in this reality, so the mere fact she’s asking for money tells me she’s not who she is or hasn’t yet figured out who she is.

I never lack money, it always arrives when I need it. I have never charged for sharing information because it would go against my Badge of Honor that I came here as a Volunteer and that I have abundance which I do. If you are enlightened, if you are in knowledge of who you are, if you understand the Laws of Nature, then money is irrelevant because it will come to you when you need it. You don’t need to ask your readers/followers for money, it goes against everything I am. If you are a pure soul and you have harnessed your power, money comes for what you need because as long as we are in this reality, money is important to survive.

I don’t feel that Magenta (I wish she would use her real name) is a negative entity, but I do believe she came here to do her work by inflicting false information on people to get the momentum going. Each one of us has a role here. Not all are good or positive roles, but when someone is reading off their screen and can’t do it without reading, you got to start wondering what that person’s agenda is. I ask questions, I seek truth and I give you thoughts to contemplate on but my work here is to empower you, to believe in yourself, to get to know thyself, to realize how powerful you are and for that, we don’t need multidimensional beings telling us what is going to happen, that’s called Interference and it’s called Changing the Timeline.

Racism? Really? It’s all in your Head

This is a tough subject and I’m sure there will be those of you that will disagree with me, but remember; this is my perspective. Although I do live in Croatia now, I did live in Canada for most of my adult life and I lived in Seattle WA with an African American man for many years so this is not just about my thoughts but experiences as well.

Racism does exist, there is no argument there. But like any disease, instead of treating the symptoms, why are we not getting to the root cause of it? I can give many examples just from the time Trump became president. It’s not right to differentiate statistics. When he talks about jobs, he separates them into different colors. Blacks xxxxxx jobs. Hispanics xxxxxx jobs. Chinese xxxxxx jobs, Muslims xxxxxx jobs. You get my point. Just by doing this is an act or racism because he along with all others that separate people into groups are the CAUSE of the problem. It’s gotten to a point where now you are non white or non black or non hispanic. So, this is wrong and should not be done.

This is now come to a new paradigm, but being the one that likes to ask you questions, why wasn’t this done 20 or 30 years ago? Why now? You may say: ” Well, the straw broke the Camel’s back or this was the last straw”. Sure, it’s easy to make an excuse, but people that feel they are discriminated against always had time to do this before.

If this has been going on for decades, even centuries, why didn’t these people do this sooner? There is no excuse, it is always a choice. Like going hungry. As long as you have something to eat you’re not going to riot, but once you realize that you have been duped and you have nothing to feed your family, you will go out and do something about it.

Humans didn’t cause Racism, the Politicians did because it’s part of their plan to keep us separated and fighting all the time, divide and conquer. You know that, I know that. But many people don’t know that, in fact, they don’t have a clue about anything at all. All they can see right now is anger and rage, rightfully so, but if you feel that you are discriminated against, do something about it, don’t wait for an EVENT to happen and now all of a sudden you want to join the cause.

It’s the same as these ” me too” women. Why did they wait 30 years to report the abuser? Of course. They were afraid as this person was in a position of power or their career was more important etc. But, she could have just walked out from her job, she could have reported that person, she could have done a lot of things. She can’t come on now after 30 years and destroy a life, it’s not right. It’s not right to abuse anyone either, but the “Me Too” movement was a farce because it was all about an event that happened many years ago. We are all crazy when young, we do silly things. In the 70’s it was a compliment for a man to whistle at me or pinch my butt. So, why should we punish this person 40 years later? If at the time it was acceptable, how can I now go after that guy 40 years later when it was part of the normal culture to flirt with women that way?

Racism exists, but humanity has been sitting on it’s ass waiting for a Jesus moment because many will not take the LEAD or don’t have the courage to lead or simply don’t care until someone stands up. I would say that we are all in part responsible for racism. The family I was involved with in Seattle were raised and taught that the white man will deny them success, that they had to fight for everything. This was a military family and though they were considered middle class, they believed that every non black person discriminated against them. It was programmed into them from childhood, so they grew up believing that and being in the defensive all the time instead of offensive.

So, let’s talk about the successful people of color. Many in the USA are movie stars, actors, singers and experts in other fields. Racism didn’t stop them from becoming what they wanted. There are certain people of color that don’t mention racism and don’t feel they are discriminated against, yet these very same people now are on the front lines and speaking up. You see, we like to blame others when things go wrong, but humans are responsible for Racism. It should have and could have been stopped a long time ago, but we choose jobs/careers over our rights, because money is always more important than freedom. What do they have now? A pandemic, no jobs, and a country falling apart because it pointed fingers at other countries, it intervened and occupied countries because of these very same things that are happening in the US right now.

I never experienced racism in Canada. My circle of friends and work colleagues were Chinese, Chilean, Jamaican, Indian, a multicultural circle of people and we didn’t promote Racism, we didn’t talk about it because there was no need. All these people came from poverty or lower class families, some immigrated to Canada like me, but chose to be successful. They chose to follow their dreams no matter what their color of skin was. When you stand up for yourself, nobody can discriminate against you. If you let that person know they are discriminating and you don’t appreciate it, they will stop. Will you lose your job or relationship? Probably, but isn’t Racism something you didn’t want? So, by allowing it to continue, you become the Enabler, you are sending the message that it’s ok. You get my point?

I am so sick and tired of people choosing to be victims. Victims of racism, victims of abuse, victims of this and that, I don’t have much sympathy for these kinds of people, because I know that humans can do anything they want, they can manifest whatever it is they desire. There are victims but there are successful, powerful and wealthy people of color. How did they get through? They didn’t buy into the victim mentality, they chose power over submission, they believed in themselves and probably had a very supportive family that taught them they could be anything they wanted to be.

Putting cops in jail is not going to solve the problem. We can’t bring the deceased back, but punishment and reform is only a bandaid effect. In order to stop/eliminate racism, we need to stop using words such as black, hispanic, chinese, whatever. We need to start saying humans or people and if we need to know or are curious about their color, we can ask them personally: ” Origin of your birth or what is your skin color”. We don’t need to know these things unless it’s for a Census or something. Why does an Employer need to know your race or color? Think about it. Why does an employer need to know your race or color? Why does your medical insurance company need to know your race or color? Some will say statistics. What statistics? Why do we need to know how many black, brown, yellow or orange people we have on this planet? Equality comes from removing these barriers and to stop looking at people based on their skin color and to start seeing them as human beings who will share their race or color if they choose to but it can’t be part of some statistic. We are all equals, the color of our skin does not determine our future, it never should.

So, instead of “fighting against racism”, we should be asking our governments to remove skin colors when refering to humans. As of today, I am a human, it matters not what color of skin I have or what race I belong to. I belong to the Human Race. I am a Soul having a HUMAN experience. That is what we need to be demanding, not asking a watchdog to stop barking.