New Era, New Earth

Note: A beautiful message from Pallas Athena, I just wrote about this. Synchronicity, connecting to higher consciousness, go within, do not look outside and/or follow the shills/gurus/patriots/truthers. They are not teaching you the truth.


I am Pallas Athena and I greet you once again from the etheric realm above the island of Crete. Yes, this is the beginning of a New Era with this video. So much will change for you in the time to come, but that time is NOW. We are taking the first steps now into this New Era. You will be surprised at what you will experience, what awaits you in this New Era. I can assure you as the Goddess of Truth that what is coming will fill you with love, peace and a whole new life.

You may not believe it if you are still looking at your 3D reality, which in truth is not your reality. But on our level, we see what awaits you: The New Earth in its new form with people who are aware of their divinity, who will live in peace, who have found the connection to the divine within themselves, who will spread and live the divine love, also in divine service for each other and for the Source of all being. And this vision of this New Earth, which is already a reality for me on my level, is what I would like to bring closer to you today.

We know very well the challenges that you face today in this time. It does seem as if it is getting worse with each passing day. But I assure you that is the illusion that will break down a little more each day if you support it.

We see so many lightworkers who are doing their service day after day, who are on the verge of exhaustion and who long so much to see the changes. That is why today I speak of what awaits you. I wish to sustain you, I wish to prepare you in great joy for what awaits you and that time is NOW. We say nothing else but that it begins NOW. Maintain this NOW every second of the day.

NOW is the manifestation of the New Earth.

We see so many lights that you are as the Beings of Light that you truly are. Many of you have long since taken up your service to the Divine, to Humanity and to Mother Earth. You have been serving the Divine Plan for many, many years, some even decades, and you are exhausted from what you do every day. Yet I want to say to you, it is so important that you do this service, for what awaits you will be immeasurably beautiful for you and it will be so rewarding to do this even now on a daily basis, what you feel you must do, what your inner voice is telling you and what the incoming energies want to tell you.

Please remember, it is a great change that is happening that you cannot measure with your mind. Even within you, you cannot see this great magnitude of transformation. This sometimes makes you sad, dissatisfied and also tired. But I want to assure you today, nothing is less real than how you feel in these moments. I want to remind you that you do not want to give up in these days when everything will gradually collapse, as we have said and as you know inside. We support you and that is why I say today: This divine reality is here. It is happening NOW. Through this, you are experiencing on the outside that this false reality is rearing up to the last, and this creates chaos on the outside. That is why we ask you: Do not look outside. Orient yourselves to your inner knowledge, it is given to you.

Inside you already have the picture of what awaits you. Enter into meditation and we will show you the picture of the New Earth that will seem like paradise to you.

What does it take on your part to manifest what is actually ready for you, what does it take to manifest it more and more? We need you, we need your help. We cannot do it without you!

You lightworkers have it in mind for this life, for these end times that you knew about in advance, you have made yourselves available to do your service. So please do it now by keeping yourselves completely out of the outside that you see. Take yourselves back, go into love, for where there is love, fear cannot be. And where there is fear, you support darkness. Therefore, pull yourself out of these dark machinations that may show up in you in the form of programming.

Avoid the outside as often as you can. Stand firm! Go into nature and listen to yourselves. This is the way into the New Era!

It may be that in this NOW time some things are still rearing up, but withdraw your energy from them. Go into love and another reality will show itself to you. This reality is NOW!

This is my message for today, beloved Lightworkers who work tirelessly. We thank you for your service that you do every day and we wish so much – and we know it will be so – on the New Earth you will receive your reward and our gratitude is immeasurable for what you do here. Stay in the knowledge that it will be so and the first steps in the New Era will be much easier for you.

Thank you!


The Movie

Everything you are seeing now on TV and the Internet is a lie, fake and convoluted truth. How do you know who is a real truther or a real Warrior of Light?

By their message. It is not about the INTEL, it is about preparing you for the transmutation. Whatever happens out THERE has nothing to do with what happens in you. Remember, you are a Soul occupying a physical body that you do not control. The brain comes with suit, it is not a part of you, it is the computer that runs the body, collects data and lives an earthly experience because that is what WE SOULS have come to do. The collective, that is the Soul Collective determines where we go as Humanity and as Multidimensional beings. It was always our job/goal/plan to knowingly come here without our memories and the entire game was twofold: 1. To figure out who we were and why we came. 2. To change the frequency of the planet so that we could once and for all, remove the Evil and the Evil forces behind it. This planetary condition was never intended to happen, they took over our planet, they descended humans, genetically modified the Human Suit and that changed the course and the timelines.

If you are not being taught how to do this, if you are not being mentored on how to shine your light, teach you why you came here, then you should not be following those people. They use their “brains” as a method of claiming intelligence yet the brain is not part of who you are. Those that are not assisting you in becoming a higher spiritual being are not part of the plan. They don’t understand the CORE of what is really going on.

Let me give you an example: Gene Decode

He uses words like “Blessed to teach” for his website. He may have the intel and intelligence but he has no concept of Creator nor what he is and can be. His motto is: “Serve God and Serve Jesus”. This is not a man that is enlightened to his truth. He is a slave to his master Lord, God, Jesus. He does not understand who he truly is. If he does, then he’s part of the Deep State as are many in the truth movement. The Bible is half truth and half lies. We cannot use the bible as a means of understanding our current reality.

Those that claim we must Serve God, That God has everything under control, that God is in Control, that God will step in and save us, are not part of the Light. Whether they do this out of ignorance or know the truth, doesn’t matter. They are leading the sheep to such trauma and fear because WHEN we start to transmute, transcend and the Earth goes crazy with violence, their followers will be “gnashing their teeth” because they will praying to their Lord and not having a clue what is really going on. They will feel helpless, terrified, they will question that God why he is not helping. Well, let me ask you Christians this question: If God is your saviour, then why did he let us get into this mess? Why did he allow the pharmaceutical companies to kill humans and children? Why does he reward some with a nice home, income and democracy, while he places others in poverty and millions of children dying of hunger every year? What kind of God is that? Sure, God works in mysterious ways, I get it. What a fucked up God to allow children to be killed, used as sexual toys, drain their blood for Adrenochrome, do I need to go any further?

Let me explain for those new here. I do believe in Creator, I KNOW Creator, I died for 12 minutes and had that experience of being in the realm of my birth as a Soul. I love Creator, I am a spark of Divine Creation, but I DO NOT support Religions, dogmas and those that teach humans only GOD can save us. This is counterproductive and these folks are either evil or they are stupid!

Those that teach you that you ARE the Light, that you hold the power, that you can manifest your reality, that you will soon ascend to higher dimensional realities, those are the true Warriors of light, not those that claim their Intel is telling them that this and this will happen.

Of course it will, but we planned all this and we know already that we have won the war of Evil. What is playing out right now is a Movie, preparing those not yet awake to get their shit together. WE are in control, we have come here to save this planet, our mother Gaia from Evil; WE are the Intel, the Warriors of truth and LOVE.

The Patriots as they like to call themselves only think of their own country, how is that helping humanity? Isn’t’ that being selfish to only think of your own country? How is America more important than the rest of humanity? These so called truthers and Patriots don’t mention much of the turmoil going on globally, they give a few seconds only to say that America is showing the way. Bullshit. We are in this together. There is no thing as National, Regional or International. A true Warrior is for helping humanity, it is not country specific, so these folks that are Patriots are not of the Light, they are soul dead humans who have no concept of who they truly are and don’t give power to themselves but to some God in the bible and most of us know that the Bible is not truth, it’s missing hundreds of books, its’ been manipulated, wrongly translated and most of it was for those times, not today. So, here is the deal.

You are the light, anyone that teaches you otherwise, is a fraud, a fake and a human that has not yet reached his/her level of enlightenment or understanding of who they truly are.

I have been closely watching/reading these folks and it’s sickening because they all have something to sell, claim to have intel and are close to the “ones that are in the know”. Yeah, and? How will your followers deal with what is to come? Will they crawl under the stairs and call for God? How will they move forward as Souls when you are teaching them they are powerless and that only God will save what is coming? Where are your empowerment teachings, that we ARE Souls having a human experience, that death is not real, that many are leaving this reality because their job is done? Where is your work to connect globally, to Connect Consciousness in Unity because we can’t win this war any other way? Go ask Simon Parkes why he named his organization “Connecting Consciousness”. I still have no idea who the members are after 7 years of membership! I asked myself this question about CC: “Have I become a better entity/Soul for being a member? What has CC contributed to my existence? All Simon can tell you is “knowledge”. What knowledge? How does knowledge of physical events help me in any way if I don’t understand who I am and why I exist? Just asking.

I am not saying to not listen to them or believe them, but don’t give them your money unless that money is going towards helping those in need. I live in a beautiful home, I lack nothing but I feel bad because I know that millions of humans are going hungry at this very moment. How can I celebrate my abundance knowing this truth?

With love and LIGHT

Part II Comm. The Parkes Org and Dr. George Stankov

Georgi StankovNov 24, 2021, 1:31 PM (2 days ago)
to me

PS: My HS told me that this email was written by his wife even though it was signed with Simon and I trust my HS. Besides, Simon cannot write himself properly and this is not his style. This does not alter the content of the letter. it makes it even more neutral and objective. You can add this comment.

My response is held back for now because I expose a few things I want to investigate, therefore, in some future date I will post my response to this email. The following is how Georgi responded, perhaps you may get a glimpse into why I opted out from sharing my email to him.

Georgi StankovNov 24, 2021, 7:39 PM (2 days ago)
to me

Dear Ines,
I understand perfectly well your position. I have tried on several occasions to contact Simon Parkes personally as I made him aware of his untenable position on Trump and the fake US resistance already in January and not to continue miring the awakening people as he is doing the bidding of the dark ones. He never responded. Today I used your article as an occasion to write one more time to his wife as he has no email address (figure that?). He is so phony as a three-dollar bill. I am getting emails from my readers who are asking about him and what I think about his delusional statements and I can’t stand fraudsters like you, especially when they are supporting a very dark agenda and are meddling in my sphere of healing and new medicine.
I was surprised that he responded although I believe that it was his wife even if she used his name as it was her email address and the way she formulated the answer emanates feminine energies. I just wanted him to shut down his mouth and website and vanish from the scene. I have been successful with several dozen new age fraudsters in this respect in the last decade and he will be the next to shut down his fake mouthpiece.
Otherwise, I expect the shift to happen this month with massive terraforming events and the appearance of the new earth which will be still upper 4D earth with forms but a very beautiful place. I shall ascend this month to the source as Pallas Athene has announced and then begin with my mission on the new earth. I do not see anybody else ascending with me during the shift but shortly thereafter from the new earth.
This is my forecast and we shall see what Pallas Athene will say tomorrow in her last message.
With love and light

Part I Comm. The Parkes Org and Dr. Georgi Stankov

Georgi StankovWed, Nov 24, 1:09 PM (2 days ago)
to me

Dear Ines,
you can publish this email exchange if you wish so. Sorry for misspelling your name.
With love and lightGeorge

———- Forwarded message ———
Von: Georgi Stankov <>
Date: Mi., 24. Nov. 2021 um 13:07 Uhr
Subject: Re: The destiny of all crooks: You can deceive only so many people for a short period of time before you lose all reputation
To: Rebecca Parkes <>

Dear Rebecca,
I have forwarded your letter to my friend Ines Radman but from what you say nothing seems to be true given the information I have received from her so far. 
You have no idea what hatred is, but I can assure you that I am the only person whom I know who does not know this feeling, and if you have bothered to only check my website before you come up with such silly prejudices, you would have spared yourself such disqualifying statements. 
It is a matter of great concern to me and many other spiritual people that your husband has been confusing and deluding the awakened humanity with his lies and deceptions now for a very long time and that he was not intelligent and honest enough to admit this fact and apologize in due time to his readers and leave the scene. You have no idea how many of my readers come to me disappointed and confused about the false statements of your husband and ask me for advice and explanation as I am writing on similar topics. Your husband is doing knowingly or stupidly the bidding of the dark cabal, he is promoting their dark evil agenda which is more convoluted and insidious than he is able to understand and is thus causing great harm. This should be said clearly and unequivocally so that it enters your minds.
It is, however, you and your husband who display a great portion of arrogance – he pretends to be a spiritual person and accuses publically all his just critics for not being spiritual enough to understand his lofty ideas. How simple and how convenient. In fact, he has no clue what is happening energetically and spiritually on this planet and does not care as he is not interested at all. I offered him to study my website and learn the truth and know more about the energetic facts that shape the destiny of humanity and Gaia in the current End Time, but in vain.
I not only do not believe in medbeds, I consider them a very dangerous dark propaganda of the ruling cabal and have all the proofs in my hand. If you are ready to enter a professional dialogue with me to prove that you are interested in the true healing of humanity and not making shady business, then let us start a meaningful civilised dialogue beyond personal attacks. Your husband should write a professional article where he describes how these medbeds function and I will publish it on my website and then respond to him why this is not possible with all the scientific arguments which I have at my disposal. He should also publish these articles on his website and the readers will make up their own minds.
This will be a true and open dialogue that should be led in an enlightened society of which neither you nor your husband has heard anything. And by the way, I am not living in Croatia but am currently at the Italian Riviera where I have created the future 5D cities of light that will appear this year and will include the world healing centre for humanity that will revolutionize medicine. 
The Healing and Study Centres of Light in Liguria, Italy
Before that, I lived in Germany and Canada. I am a scientist and a clinical researcher with 35 years of medical experience as a medical director in the pharmaceutical industry and owner of a private institute for clinical research in Munich, Germany. I have written 18 scientific books and more than 3000 articles mainly on science, medicine and the healing of humanity.
You should better inform yourself before displaying your prejudices and learn more about the person you accuse of hatred. For instance, I know your husband well enough to conclude that he is a moron in terms of medical issues and have to tell this fact in such a blunt way in the hope that he stops deceiving the people. This is a fact and not hatred, only a moron would hate another moron and I am not, quite on the contrary.
If you intend to accept my proposal to enter a true professional dialogue with me and exchange scientific publications, here are some pivotal articles and textbooks I have written on medicine and biosciences you should at least check in advance if you don’t want to embarrass yourselves:

With love and lightDr. Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, MD

Am Mi., 24. Nov. 2021 um 12:19 Uhr schrieb Rebecca Parkes <>:
From Simon….
It’s not clear from your letter why you are so angry. The Croatian group to which you belong has been active for some years. Indeed back in 2015 I intended to visit but was unable to.
Croatia is a country that I have quite significant connections with.
Unfortunately the contents of your letter are just rude and abusive, and apart from this acknowledgement I don’t really know what you expect from me.In a few short weeks you will see that the information that you believe to be true is totally inaccurate. I suppose I should try to understand that anybody who does not have access to credible military intelligence would form the same opinion that you have. But of course I am reminded there are many millions of people who also do not have high level intelligence of a military kind, but their discernment is such that they can see the truth.
I’m sorry that you don’t believe in medbeds, that must mean you don’t believe in Tesla technology?
No point in holding any sort of communications between ourselves as you are so full of hate that it is not possible to have a meaningful dialogue.
I wish you all the love in the world for your future,Simon

On 24 Nov 2021, at 09:29, Georgi Stankov <> wrote:Simon,
here is an open letter to you by my friend Ines Radman from Croatia:

It took her some time to see through your lies and deceptions which are in my opinion the expression of a vain and mediocre man, a wannabe who wants to be something as I described you already early this year:

However, I was very mild in my critic in this article. In the meantime, it is a miracle to behold how quickly you lost all credibility and resorted to outright lies to save your damaged reputation while achieving the opposite. The ideal decision would have been to vanish from the scene and I thought your wife is reasonable enough to have given you this advice. You do not want to end up like Robert Steele whom I warned not to play with the fire around the same time and then repeatedly so until he disappeared:

And forget all the fairy tales about medbeds – you are a moron and have no clue about true healing and medicine.
Dr. Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, MD

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The Movement and the Sheep

Since 2014 when I first started this blog, I don’t believe I have ever accused anyone of giving false information. I present the facts and ask questions. From the beginning, I have always believed, and still do that those of us who are truly helping humanity should not do it for financial gain, unless it is something we do fulltime or don’t have other means of making money.

I feel that this Q movement has also created a huge profitable industry where most people, those that claim they know the truth or have intel also find ways to sell or market a product. It’s not a matter of right or wrong. It’s a matter of ethics and moral standards. It’s about doing the right thing, and the right thing is not selling your information because that is what you do if you claim to share information and sell something in return.

The Six that I had just posted about are amassing a lot of wealth from this truth movement, in my opinion, they lack all moral or ethical values. Besides, these folks have never hit a good date, yet they claim to have INTEL. So, the sheep now following believe them without any evidence or proof that is so. I call these folks the FAKE GURUS because they are gaining financially and not one of them is telling you anything you can’t find online yourself. Basically, that’s what Cirstenw does, she opens and reads off the screens from different websites. She can’t even read properly so she claims to have ADH, you know, short attention span.

The world or humanity as we know it decides and determines when this will end. No INTEL can verify how humanity will behave. You are either awake, and spending your private time on healing, and raising your frequency or you are just following more of these fake gurus because you’re too damn stupid to do your own work; or, you want someone else to do the work for you.

THERE IS NO SAVIOUR! We are about to transmute, to raise your frequencies and join higher dimensional realities, these folks are not going to thank you for your contribution to their wealth. They have ulterior motives. If they were true, honest Patriots and knew what was really going to happen, they would not be selling and promoting their products and services.

My values, my beliefs, my knowledge has never changed because I KNOW what is going on and I know what is about to happen. You’re either there at the doorstep ready for that transformation, or you will be left behind to endure another 26,000 years of the Matrix. We earn our way through our experiences. There are no free lunches, those that are ready to move on will, those that follow and buy into their bullshit will remain. It’s that simple.

From an Earth’s viewpoint, this reality is now collapsing, what you are seeing is the Movie of the lifetime, that last moments of humanity in this matrix, I have left the matrix a long time ago, but like a true warrior, I take nothing from you, my heart only wants you to open your eyes, to ask questions and to realign your moral compass.

You are the Light, all you have to do is know that you are. Shine your light, do good, help others during these dangerous times, realize that we are in a holographic game, reasons we came here differ, but I came here to Shine and hold the Light. With love and a burning desire to save as many souls as I can before they are left behind. As predicted during the Phase of Terminal Madness, our holographic movie is about to collapse by the end of this year. Instead of worrying about Christmas, a fake birthdate of Jesus, worry about you and finding that Light inside to bring it out and to surround you and everyone around you. Everyone meaning, even those that harmed you, that cheated you, that made fun of you, ALL must be forgiven because we all came here to play the game. We are ALL in this together.

Shine your light, it is the only truth, you are and have always been the Light.

CirstenW Making a Killing While Helping Humanity

“Here are the Space Force Tshirts all different colors as promised the V neck is at the bottom girls>

Cirsten W (
Products – Cirsten W
This is where you can browse products in this store.”

I copied this from her Telegram channel. One of her most recent “products” she is selling. Do you really want to trust someone that claims to be helping humanity, while making a fortune selling whatever she can think of? If she used that money to help those in need, I don’t have a problem with it, but there is no mention of that.

She claims to be wealthy, why does she need to monetize her channel if she’s truly helping humanity?

Just asking!

Distant Memories

When I first got Internet in Vancouver B.C; it was the year of 1991. I remember the long process of dialling in, busy lines as the demand grew and sometimes taking hours to get a free line. It seems like Eons ago.

Jeff Rense was one of the first websites I visited and still do to this day:

Although I don’t visit much lately, I do stop in once in a while to see what is there. It hasn’t changed much in design, but then I like the LIST method where you just scroll down to view the posts. How time flies.

We are in the phase of confusion and diversions. Many folks out there that claim to be in contact with higher beings/creators seems to have different creators because they give out different information.

I listen to Michele Fielding, she’s a channeler for higher dimensional or non terrestrial beings and claims they told her that the JABS are not bad or dangerous and that there may be OTHER reasons that are causing many deaths going on our planet. I wrote a few years ago that many Souls would be leaving this reality for different reasons, but mainly because they did their job or completed their contracts.

She claims that Medbeds are already being distributed through various channels, empty hospitals etc; and that we will have access to them. Simon Parkes even talks about Connecting Consciousness making a deal with the manufacturers to have them in helping others. Meanwhile, Brad Johnson who works with Adronis just told us yesterday that is not true, that only the SSP (Secret Space Program) has them and has not made any plans to share them with Earth’s population. He claims that anyone who claims to be part of that SSP or was part of it is lying because they don’t have anything to do with Earth but stay where they are in outer space. Now, if that doesn’t confuse you, I don’t know what else will.

Tarot for Janine also reads that the Medbeds are coming soon and are being used to treat all the Children/victims of the DUMB’s, the sex slave trades, the paedophilia needs and users of Adrenochrome. Meanwhile, she also says according to her cards that the JAB is deadly and that there is an agenda behind it.

Who do trust? Who do you believe? Nobody. Not one person outside of you can be trusted nor can you believe what they have to say. I don’t care who contacts you from another realm, we have no way of knowing if they have good intent. I have written about this for years. Nothing has changed. All these folks have different messages and different information and Intel, yet how do you prove or know their information is correct?

You go inside and ask your higher self. If you’re decently clean of negative energy, your body will respond with energy movement throughout your body or some call it “shivers”. If your body shivers in a good feeling way, it’s true. I have spent most of my adult life feeling and understanding how the human body works, I have followed and been obsessed with fake gurus, only to find out that my Intuitive Self was giving me signs when it was not for my benefit. This is how you start, you listen to your body reactions.

The only thing I can confirm to be true is that we are about to go into a full-blown war against humanity. As we wake up and realize our power, so will the Cabal throw something more potent at us.

I have 2 adult children that think I’m crazy. My son in Canada will debunk me by sending websites that have nothing to do with truth because nothing out there is truth, Science is a lie, biology is a lie, medicine is a lie, history is a lie. Everything you thought to be real or true is a LIE. But when I tell him that his information is made up to keep him in the Matrix, he just tells me that he doesn’t want to write about that subject anymore. My daughter, well, she’s too busy worrying about losing her freedom if she doesn’t take the jab and won’t be able to socialize with friends. Her attention span is very short and she will respectfully tell me that she’s in a hurry and needs to go somewhere.

I did my part. I tried to share what I know with them, there was resistance, I have done what I can as a mother who loves her children and I have to step back and allow them to do what they feel is right. After all, we all came here for different reasons. We love our children and want what is best for them, but we don’t own them, the three of us agreed to play this game and I must respect that.

Hang on to your britches, it’s going to be wild ride.

In the meantime, I have this old Peugot 106L Sport that I converted into a camping car. I have a bed and cupboard for food and cooking needs and just waiting for the rains to stop then hit the road to a few historic spots to do some metal detecting. Mushroom season here in Croatia is almost over, I have had my fill of them, you can only each so much, but I managed to dry some for future needs. Also, Olive Harvest is over, I had a few Olive trees and managed to make 10L of Oil just enough for my needs. My pantry is loaded with foods that won’t perish and life is good.

I’m closely following a few channels on Telegram like Whiplash347, Danon555, Project Camelot, and a few more from Croatia, comparing information. I would suggest that you listen to Elena Danaan and to my old friend David Icke. I first met him in Vancouver in 1985 when the world thought he was nuts. Well, who is laughing now? He was spot on, he was ridiculed for over 30 years, but he was right all along and if you have not read any his books, it’s time you did, a real book because power might go out.

I don’t know when the next post will be, honestly, I only write when I get the urge to do so, life is so full of exciting things to do here in Croatia that I find I have more value being in nature and with people as the shit hits the fan, it will get ugly here. My people are Roman Catholics, they have no idea what is coming and what they will find out so I need to be in touch and in good shape.

Do not fear anything. That jab whether it’s good or bad is not worth the damage it can cause and then your job or freedom don’t mean anything when you can’t work or enjoy life. There are different methods and protocols to overcome the jab contents but not the damages caused if you even survive. Sports people are dropping like flies, I don’t think it’s the jab, it’s the combination of the jab ingredients and 5G or maybe even 4G if close enough to the cell towers. Fear can be deadly, meaning if you felt you were forced to get the jab knowing it was not safe, that fear alone will manifest your fears as well. There is no hard science on any of these issues. We simply don’t know enough yet of what is given in that jab and given that our mental states are mainly fear, they can be lethal combinations.

This WILL end, so if you’re afraid that you will lose your job, tell yourself it’s temporary and believe that something better will come along or convince yourself that a few weeks of not working won’t kill you, but the jab could. All of this is now animation, it’s a movie to wake up folks. Most of the bad people have already been arrested, tried and hanged. Those dangerous to humanity are no longer with us so there are actors all over the place because WE HAVE TO SEE the Evil. I don’t think it will be done by the end of this year, I’m feeling February as total freedom and with that comes mass shocks, massive depressions and psychological problems from seeing what has been done to our children. We will need years to heal from the traumas of what we find out and in the meantime, there will be funds distributed to everyone so that we can at least live in comfort until we figure out what we want to do with our new lives on the New Earth.

Think positive, visualize what you want, don’t focus on what you don’t want. See yourself where you want to be, know what you want to be, do and enjoy in the new Earth. Changes are challenging, but changes are the only REAL thing in this reality. Nothing will be the same, nothing will ever return the way it was and nothing will be forward as we thought it would be.

I love you all and send loving energy to all of you that are still in the fear mode. I can sense you and know that it is normal but you want to get out of that fear because it’s all in your head, you have been programmed that way. The only thing you should fear is yourself for feeling fear. It is how they want you to be, it’s not your natural energy, I know you are powerful, so focus on that statement.


I can’t seem to get in contact with Simon or the organisation Connecting Consciousness that I have been a member since 2014. The last email I received as a Newsletter came from past September 12th, and when I replied to that, it came back saying it does not exist.

Last year, a person called Deb asked me if I would be interested in becoming the Coordinator for Croatia, I responded yes but that I needed more information about the position to ensure I could fulfil what was expected of me.

I ask all of you reading this to please re post it, share it with others as I am not on any Social Media sites and have never really made an effort to be a contributor to any other website. I often write to Simon on his YT channel but never get a response either.

If they are ignoring me on purpose, it can only be because I have been critical in the past, going way back to 2014 but I have never accused Simon of anything. I simply pose questions. So, my questions so far, after SEVEN years have gone unanswered.

  1. Why does nobody contact me about the Coordinator position?
  2. Why does CC not respond to my emails, to comments on the YT updates?
  3. Why can’t we as CC members have access to other members?
  4. If this is the vision for CC: 1) Creating Networks2) Sharing Knowledge3) Combining Voices, where can I go to get that information?
  5. How can we share information when we don’t have access to other members?
  6. How do we combine Voices when nobody is hearing my voice?

So, this is all I ever wanted to know. I can’t confirm whether Simon is being truthful about his INTEL. He uses the phrase: MY ORGANISATION. That’s great! But, who are these people in YOUR organisation Simon? Why the secrecy? It’s been over 7 years since I joined and longer since you set this up. I don’t see any progress, I’m sure there is, but there is nothing on the website other than links to other sources/websites.

So, if I’m being discriminated because I am now a Sceptic, because I no longer trust the organisation, that defies the very reason why CC exists does it not? Should we not all be respected for our views? Should we not be given a voice to speak, notably our concerns at such crucial time of Humanity?

How can I help my fellow Croatians if I’m separated from them because you are not able to connect me to them and I know you have members from Croatia, 37 to be exact because Deb wrote to me about that. Why are you not responding to me? What will it take for me to get answers and if you don’t want to connect with me, then please tell me, so I will leave it alone and leave the Organisation.

You see Simon, I’m not making any assumptions. I want to give you an opportunity to respond and either you or someone in the organisation is obligated to do so because you preach that shit.

I would also encourage all other CC members to contact me, perhaps that’s the only way I can reach anyone here in Croatia.

Something is not right, I am not going to speculate, I will just believe that ppl in the organization are either overwhelmed or don’t have the balls to tell me to get lost. whatever the reason is, I will accept and move on.

I think that you Simon owe it to your members to connect us! You claim you have over 90,000 members. Holy crap! Where are they? Where is the list a map or something to connect us? You’re called Connecting Consciousness!

You talk about different project, specifically having access to Medbeds. Is it done? Do you have access to them when they are ready for use? How can I get in touch to ensure that we here in Croatia can get the help they need. You should know Simon that my people have gone through thousands of years occupations going back to the Crusades, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, the fall of Yugoslavia, 2 world wars and most recently in 1991 the Independence War. Much blood was spilled in our region, much trauma and death from all those events. If anything, a priority list should be made so that those suffering the most would have access to this technology. Let me not mention the trauma of the Catholic Church!

That’s all I have to say and I thank all of you in advance for sharing this letter!

Love you lots,
Ines Radman

Revealing the Six End Game

I haven’t been consistent in completing this series so I will end it quickly today as I have had enough time to do more listening. These people are not worth my time. They are all out for their own satisfaction and now it seems the Six has fractured. When this happens it means that someone has not been honest. In this case it’s looking like a “fight” over who gets the most views or subscribers. CirstenW is a pathetic lady who whines if her numbers are not what she wants them to be. She’s so absorbed into herself that she can’t read off her screen because she’s too busy posing and playing with her hair.

Ok, as for their INTEL, well, I doubt they have or had any real intel because if we are about to change the world, then NOBODY except those that are active in this war would know the moves and dates. If these folks were honest, that is the first thing they would say. “Don’t ask for dates because everything changes on a daily basis” or more truthfully: “Nobody knows the exact date when this EVENT will take place.

I can’t verify their INTEL but I’m FEELING that they are just guessing and providing some kind of information that was maybe leaked out.

I follow the Q movement, many good channels on Telegram for that kind of information. Now let me be clear. I follow, that doesn’t mean I believe. I’m just the observer. The same goes for the Six. I think the only honest and well meaning and humble man in that group is Scott McKay, Patriot Streetfighter. His energy is angelic and I actually believe that he is an Angel or something close to that.

Most of them like Charlie Ward and Michael Jaco just talk about themselves and read news on screen as if we are stupid sheeple can’t read ourselves. So what if you were a Navy Seal? So what if you worked for the CIA? Does that make you an honest and decent person? But, Americans it seems love by association.


Look, this war against us has been going on for thousands of years. It’s been in the works to save humanity for hundreds of years. The Cabal is in every aspect of our lives, therefore, any logical person with even a small brain would know that this war against us will end when it ends. The roots of this Evil are deep and connect with every aspect of our lives, right down to paying people to lie. It is so deep and Dark that it could end tomorrow, it could end in 10 years.

The conclusion of Q is this: Whoever stands behind that group went into the future. I can tell you this with 100% assurance, thus, the Q posts are accurate, to the details. Someone went into the future in order to change the timelines. We shall see when the Revealing comes, how they won the war.

Remember in past posts, I’m very open about the Wounded Animal. When cornered it will attack with everything it has to stay alive and we are now in this phase. Although I do believe that we have an Alliance on Earth and off planet to assist us, it comes down to US folks. It’s up to humanity to start the Domino Effect. We must never WAIT for the Saviour, I have written about this many time as well. We are so powerful, yet we continue to believe that someone or something else will do the job for us.

I have been right about everything so far. I don’t say this because I want any credit for this, I say this because anyone can FEEL or connect with Source to get information. Rather than focusing on what we don’t want, we should focus on what we want so that we can manifest it. Positive energy neutralizes negative energy.

These Six are nothing but shills trying to make money. None of them had anything to offer when they first started their Channels. But very quickly they ALL started to promote their products, services and Charlie Ward even has an Insiders Club so you have to fucking pay to get Intel shit that nobody can prove. I think last count for CirstenW was 12 different products and just as many websites to link to.

Just as an example: Gene Decode, who when first started was sick, down and out, desperately hid his identity. Sure, he’s intelligent and has a lot of information and knowledge. But he’s now setting up different websites, asking for donations, money is pouring in, he’s on demand. That’s great! If he can help humanity go for it! But you know how I feel about taking money for helping humanity. If you really want to help, you don’t need to fucking ask them for money! His religion is wrong! He says that he will only help those that consider God to be the one and ONLY, and that Jesus is his one and only begotten son! That we are here in SERVICE TO GOD. This is not true source love. This is another constructed Religion and he’s being prejudice because he refused my help because my viewpoints on God did not fit into his. Are you kidding me? Where does God judge anyone for their free will? God is not our Saviour and God will not get involved because if that’s the case, why did he allow us to get to this point? If he did, that would be a sick and disgusting game to play with his children correct?

He claims to have died. I did too. But he got caught into the Karmic Evil and so They presented him with this MALE GOD figure. It’s what he believed so that is what he experienced.

I on the other hand, just FELT bliss, incredible colors and tones and telepathic waves to me. It was all about LOVE, it was my reminder for what I came here to do. I didn’t see a GOD, I felt the experience as a familiar space where I as Soul was created. It was my beginning of existence and that is what gave me the power to continue life. Knowledge is power. We do not serve gods, we serve each other to create unity and Joy. It’s what we came here to do. To return to our original forms.

So, in my humble opinion, I doubt their INTEL has any relevance to what is really going on, dates keeps moving forward, the Gematria code breakers keep coming up with new sentences to FIT the numbers, and nothing is happening because it can’t be happening in front of your eyes. We must stand up for our freedom, we must say NO to any restriction of our freedoms. We must NOT COMPLY.

People are reluctant to do this because most don’t know what is coming. So, MONEY is again the root cause of why they are not quitting their jobs or not showing up for work or whatever. They are still living in fear that they won’t be able to feed their families rather than thinking/believing that if we don’t all stand up together, it will take longer and many will die that could have been saved.

Stand up for your rights. This is a war against humanity, if we don’t win this war, we might as well find some poison and drink it because they will control you. Nobody can control me because I knew and planned many years in advance should it ever come to that point. They would have to bind me, tie me up and throw me into the fire before I will submit to any harm done to me. Why? Because there is no such thing as death. I have been on the other side and know what awaits me when I decide to leave this body.

We all came here for this time, for this EVENT. We were chosen to come here at this time to end the Slavery of Gaia; each one of us has a specific role, each one of you are doing what you should be doing except for compliance. Anything that causes fear is a non compliance issue. It is fear that they have used for thousands of years to enslave us. Do not comply to FEAR. Do not fear death. Do not fear that you won’t be able to care for your family. Believe/know that when you do not comply, you will be taken care of and Universe will provide for you.

That’s all I have to say for today. I don’t know if there will be more posts, I will leave that to my Higher Self if it wants to share any more of my knowledge. This blog will one day serve as a reflection of reality, for those that come seeking for guidance. Truth is not here. This is my truth, it may not be your truth. But, it gives you something to think about and that was my intention all along. To invoke thought, to bring about awareness of the reality that we are in.

I must now prepare for the work ahead and have been doing so in the past few months. My people will suffer greatly when they find out that their Pope and most of the Catholic Church are evil Satanists and that they have been praying to the wrong god.

Hey folks! Did you know that most families here in Croatia can’t afford to bury their dead, to build the grave/tombstone and have to get a loan or borrow the money? Did you know that those same families have to pay rent for that grave? Imagine, they spent their lifetimes on fake flowers, tears and fear believing in their god. All that money just wasted, all those years living in fear of their god. It will be tough, really tough and I will be here for them to support and love their pain to help ease it so that we can all start living in the light, being the light! May all your dreams manifest, I love you all !