David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Drake Bailey, still going strong.

The links below are just a few, some dating back as far as 2014 that you can check out yourself. I think I posted the video below once before, but I didn’t post these links to my older posts to show that everything I wrote about a few years back, is now in the open as being false/fake/disinformation.

I don’t have time to research much anymore, and even way back then, research is not my strong point because I’m not a political analyst, simply feeling truth or lies with energy.

I totally agree with Clif High only because I said years ago what he’s saying now though he uses different methods to research and prove his point.
Clif says something that really resonates with me and something that I have been writing about for years. THERE IS NO SAVIOR. Nobody is going to hand out cash and make this world a better one because cash or loads of money for everyone is not our problem.

So we all get a huge bag of cash tomorrow. Let’s just assume each human being receives $2 Million dollars into their bank account or cash. Ok, great, now what? The only thing money will change is that we may no longer have homeless people, no beggars, more food production because more people are buying it, more manufacturing, but that’s about it folks. The madness continues, this was my logic years ago when the Nesara crap came out and the dollar revaluation schemes were going on and still going on. Money is not our issue. Money is our GOD. Without it we starve, the only thing money will do is keep our bellies full but they will still continue to do what they have in plan for us.

You don’t need to read through the posts, I have  just set them here to show you that I have known about these folks long time ago, it’s the FEELING I feel when listening to them or reading about them. It doesn’t take an intelligent human to figure them out. It’s really about what you WANT to hear. If it sounds good, you can either accept it as truth or not, but you need to do some critical thinking and ask yourself what their motive is. Now, after all these years, we know these guys are full of crap because they have been claiming to have sources, intel, deep state connections yet nothing happens.

What are these guys still in this business of deception and how come the rest haven’t figure them out yet? Probably because they so badly want to believe that good things are coming. Wilcock has been talking about mass arrests for years, where are they? It’s time to shut these guys down and get them out of our faces and lives, they do no service to humanity.


Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

Isn’t that what they say? What a pile of crap isn’t it? Absence gives you time to get your shit together without that other person getting in the way. If you’re missing someone or feeling sad because they are not around it’s because your love is a needy one and you’re dependent on that person to feel better.

I have been absent but only physically. My thoughts are always here in your presence somewhere. I made a decision last week to finally start my Croatian blog. You see, this blog in English was not planned at all. I started with the ” From Croatia with Love” because it was intended for my Croatian audience, but I had not yet mastered the language. Well, I finally opened the blog on mjesecina.wordpress.com and it took me 2 days to write a post because my Croatian is not mastered yet. Maybe not the basic language but when it comes to the topics I write about, it was difficult to write the first post.

The topics that I write about have been written millions of times over, there are more books out there in alternative reality then one can count, I wrote nothing different but with a twist: I write with love, honesty and a true desire to help others. I don’t make any money and don’t ever want to make money for helping someone. That is the difference between me and all those wanna be gurus out there trying to make a buck with the illusion that they are helping folks.

I have and always had an issue with those that claim to be serving humanity. I have an issue with the so called ” light workers” who moan and groan that their financial situations are bad. I have an issue with light workers feeling they are deserving payment for their hard work. Look, you can get a full time job or part time job or whatever, but your Service to others must be from the heart, otherwise its’ not a service it’s simply a career option and careers are paid for. I don’t buy this bullshit that those who serve humanity need to make a living. Of course they do, but they don’t need to charge the people they are helping, they can get a real job. Ok, I know, they spent a few months or years writing a book, I get that. I can accept books as a means of career, but the ” donation” buttons, the DVD specials and Webinars should be free.

What I wrote about so far on this blog was only a reflection of how I felt at the time, sharing the knowledge I had and giving people a different perspective on things. I never considered myself to be special or an expert at anything. This is something my partner knows really well. He knows that I won’t do anything unless it comes from the heart. If I do it any other way, it’s a favor or chore or responsibility and that’s not what I’m about. When you start living from the heart, everything comes from the heart and it’s ok to say NO when the heart doesn’t feel like giving. The heart is like everything in our body, it too has it’s overload days and it too needs time to regenerate, so if you’re not up to doing something, don’t do it. I’m fortunate to have an understanding and supportive partner which by the way is doing really well. He’s now being taken care of in one of our best specialist hospitals in Croatia and his lung issues are in remission thanks to Cannabis Oil.

He’s due to go back on May 8th to have some more tests done because he was sent there because of many blood clots forming that went on for months and the local hospital never tested him for this. Because of these clots they are not able to perform some minor invasive procedures, but even the specialist in this hospital, they were thrilled to see how well he is doing considering he should be dead statistically. His diagnosis 3 years ago was as follows: Pumonary Arterial Hypertension, COPD, Cor.pulmonale, a very weak heart, and Vit.k overproduction which causes the blood to clot abnormally thicker than normal.

I often think about not returning here, but then I never have the courage to say goodbye, something tells me I can’t let go yet and I’m sure there is a reason for this so I won’t make any promises. I’m trying to live my life in truth and with spring here, my Clinic gets really busy and of course my huge garden that needs me so when I have this urge to write, you can be sure I will.

Things are pretty crazy out there, I’m following everything and I am seeing those that said ” it’s coming” now saying it’s not. Those that screamed about Nibiru being just around corner are now saying “it’s not”. If you have been reading my blog for a few years you will see that I wrote this would happen. Nobody knows what will happen because WE determine that. We will either fight for peace or we will keep killing each other, the choice is always ours and always will be. Until people realize all the power lies within them, that the Universe lies within them and that nothing will change unless they change, things will just keep plugging along.
Yes, we might have wars and rumors of wars but damn it people, have we not had this as long as we have existed? When have we ever lived in peace? So, the bible thumpers are now changing their music too but for the life of me, I can’t believe they actually believe what’s in the bible. This makes them idiots and not credible because that book was never intended for the benefit of humanity.

The reality is that we create it. They input us with frequencies, ideas, fears and false hopes and we create this with our thoughts, thus, create what they want. Until we realize this, they will keep fucking with us. They don’t fuck with me, I figured this out a long time ago and I’m well protected within my aura energy field. Oh yes, the archons come along every once in a while to see if my energy field has weakened but one THOUGHT and they’re gone. They are really afraid of me and in one of my sleep states I saw myself as a creator of galaxies and the number 9 always shows up, so perhaps they know me from another dimension but I can sense their fear and disdain for themselves for fearing me. I don’t need anyone to tell me what will come or won’t come.

I am fully prepared to take responsibility for whatever it is that we have done to make this reality. I have some stocks of food and medicine, doing the best I can and living in the moment. This is all we can do while this transition takes place. It will take place, it’s just a matter of ‘ time’ meaning ‘when’ we decide to make the final move.

Here in Europe things are just as mad as in the Western parts, it’s no different here than in the US when it comes to stability. We don’t blame Putin here for everything though, we blame the EU for all our troubles. Imagine this: We are a country so wealthy that we can actually close down the borders and produce everything we need. I now have to buy meat from Germany or Bulgaria, lettuce from Spain, oranges from Italy while our farmers have gone bankrupt. So, like I said, it’s no different here but I think that us Europeans are a bit smarter and not so easy to fool. Europe is an old institution and it’s core is the Vatican so with so many wars and invasions, we have developed hard skin and don’t fool or believe too easily.

Mr. Trump isn’t going to make it. I said before he was elected that if they don’t assassinate him then he’s no different than the others but he’s playing a good game. I see a lot of violence coming your way, I also see some kind of natural disaster with lots of smoke and ash, these are visions I have had in my sleep. Just be prepared.

You’re always in my thoughts and you need to know that whatever you are doing now is what you should be doing. But if you’re accepting their game or going along with it, you will not be able to get out of it so let go of the fear and the frustration of knowing what is going on, just live this moment, live it from the heart and live it like you may not have another human day tomorrow.

Water or Smart Phones?

There are people on this planet who have to travel a long way to get to water or access to water. Some people in poor countries such as India and Africa have to travel hours to get to a well or river, sometimes twice a day spending up to 5 hours daily just walking and collecting water for the family. Some still use wood to cook on and many still have to find a place in nature to do their defecating and urinating.
Imagine waking up in the morning with a full bladder but you don’t have a toilet. If you’re lucky enough to have a water source close by you can do it in a bucket and take it out later but many people have to walk into woods or fields to do this everyday. Indian women have to wait until nightfall because of the culture and shame of being seen urinating.

Do you know that 88% of the Indian population don’t have a toilet in their house? The toilet isn’t the problem. The Indian government is giving them to those that can’t afford it. The problem is running water and sewage. Only rich people can afford composting toilets. 88% of Indians don’t have running water in their homes, the other 12% who are Middle and Upper class leisurely water their lawns and gardens. Water isn’t a problem in India, it’s the delivery system.

I have woken up some days to have no running water, because of a problem in the pipes or just maintenance. We do get notified that there will be a water shortage but since I don’t listen to the radio, I have no idea when it’s happening. It’s very uncomfortable without water for a few hours. Sure, I can find some bottled water and make my morning coffee but the rest has to wait including going to the bathroom unless I really can’t wait.

My parents lived without running water and electricity. This island got running water in 1963 and electricity in 1967. I lived here for a few years between 1963 and 1971 and remember helping my mother carry water from the community well. We made a turban like cap and then lifted the heavy pail on our heads and walked home about 200 m. I was only 12 years old and it sure didn’t help my scoliosis, but that was the way life was. On laundry days it would be going back and forth all day long. My mom would boil the sheets in a huge cauldron over the fire and then hand wash, rinse and hang out to dry. Just carrying the soggy sheets to hang on a clothes line was hard work. My mom would save the rinse water for later on when we used it to wash our hands and feet before bedtime. Some of it went into the planters and rest was taken down to the waterfront and dumped out.

When a child is born into poverty and hunger, it knows no better until or unless someone gave it a nice meal. From that moment on, that child knows the difference between hunger and feeling full, but until that moment, the child is like every other child, it plays, has a normal life just everyone else.

I complain when I wake up to no running water. Actually, I get lost because unless I have bottled water, I can’t make my morning coffee. I solved the power outages by buying a French Press. This way I can just boil water on the gas stove and make coffee.

The luxury of having running water is available to approx. 4 billion people, the other 3 billion or so have to fetch it, collect rain water or buy it. The reality that we live in is a duality in the cruelest sense. You either have water or don’t, you’re either hungry or full, thirsty or hydrated, healthy or sick. Instead of sending corn and rice to impoverished countries, we should be sending irrigation systems and sewer equipment, desalination units so the poor people of this planet can grow their own food. But oh, wait a minute, we do send them GMO seeds and cause every 5th farmer in India to kill themselves thanks to Monsanto.

Should we be proud of our humanity because we send rice and corn to poor nations? My point to all of this is that instead of worrying if you want to be a man or woman, instead of voting for or hating Trump, instead of blaming Putin for every mistake in your life, you should be grateful you’ve got running water.

Most Indians have cellphones. Most Croatians had cellphones long before they had land lines as it was too expensive in the 80’s to get connected. Because only recently fiber optics have been installed slowly in the system, we still run on an analog system and this makes it very expensive and inefficient to have a land line. The reality of carrying cellphones around and being surrounded by cell towers is now showing it’s ugly consequences. Young kids born with or in their first 5 years developing brain tumors and cancers. Their parents being 2nd generation smartphone users and are now seeing  their children born with many complications.

Nobody is asking why children are getting cancers, but the Oncology Wards in Pediatrics are full and kids are now on a waiting list to get in.

My neighbor’s eight year old grandson has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor and he’s on this waiting list yet they’re not asking why. I can tell them why and warned them on his 6th birthday when his well educated parents gifted him with his first smartphone. Since my kitchen faces to their driveway, I know the grand-kids come every weekend from the mainland. What do I see? I see a child walking/running around constantly staring into his smartphone. I have noticed his posture is bad due to the constant staring into the screen. Do they really know why he may die?

If you have children under the age of ten and have given them one of those cancer causing toys, I accuse you of child abuse. Please don’t give me this shit about peer pressure and what the neighbors might think or your child’s self esteem issues. What about their self esteem when they lose all their hair due to chemotherapy? If you feel that his/her self worth is more important than the risk of getting cancer, then you deserve everything you have coming to you.
The research is out. It’s not enough that they are destroying kids with vaccines; frequencies finish them off. Do you believe my kids who are now 35 and 37 years old never got vaccinated? That’s how long I have known about that.

The only difference between the US and Croatia is that our healthcare is cheap, it’s social medicine and it’s not always good but we don’t have to dish out millions of dollars to treat cancer but should we be comforted by that?

Problem with tumors and cancers caused by frequencies and radiation is that there is no hope at all. The damage is done at the DNA level and sometimes even at the first chemotherapy session the cancer will mutate. Take the damn phones away or you’re not better than a child molester. If you’re really obsessed about what others might think, peer pressure or whatever, then take your kids out of school. They don’t learn anything of value anyways. Do your kids know what to do in case there is no running water or electricity? I doubt it.

Water is life, it’s a luxury many can’t afford, but your child deserves better, by the time you figure it out, it could be too late.

I wanted to go to my neighbors house today and slap her around a bit because she allowed her grandson to use his phone while he was visiting. My neighbor is also a very educated woman and retired Nurse, she knew better. By not allowing him phone time, she may have saved his life or slowed down the cancer at the least. But I won’t go because her suffering and fear of losing her precious grandson is far worse than any slap I could give her. If only she heeded my warnings on his 6th birthday when his stupid educated parents did this to him and gifted him with an iPhone. So much for higher education and their intelligence. You see, educated folks worry about what other’s might think about them. And we call some of them Smartphones?

I’m thirsty, off to grab some water.

Got Your Seat-belts Fastened?

I won’t say ” I told you so” but I will. Once in a while I can take credit for being on the ball. I can now literally go back to all the opinions and thoughts I have had over the years about the gurus, the astrologers, the Ascension nutters, and see that I was correct about every one of them. You see, I don’t do much research on them, it takes me a few hours just to listen to them and I seemingly fit the pieces together. Bottom line is, I FEEL them and know whether they are forthcoming or not.

The truth is, nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. There is NO god that determines our destiny. We determine it through our mind and projecting our thoughts to create reality. For eons we have been creating the reality THEY want us to create. It should be obvious to you by now that we have created this reality. Whether we did it through ignorance or disbelief or whatever, we created it. The video below is just another person who thought the same about Marshall Masters. I have mentioned him many times in the Nibiru scam. Turns out I was right about him too, not because this person below said so, but because Nibiru has been arriving over 12 years now and there is still no sign of it. Why?

Not enough of us believed it so we didn’t create that reality.

I want to thank many of you for taking time to read this blog and to send me incredible messages. I really can’t tell you how I know things. Often I know them but the EGO and MIND argue with me because they don’t want me to KNOW. We do this all the time. You know, the first response you have about something? But you change your mind and do or say something else. Later you find out your first instinct was correct and you should have followed it?

Well, it takes many years to trust instinct/higher self. We are programmed and conditioned to think and feel a certain way, so when something comes along that doesn’t fit into that paradigm, the EGO will argue with us. You see, the EGO doesn’t want us to know the truth because once we figure it out, the EGO no longer has a job. Remember, when you came into your body, when you incarnated here, the brain/EGO was part of the bodysuit. You basically entered into an empty computer and wired it through thought, programming, tradition, culture,education and whatever else you used to fill your mind with information. The Mind/Ego is not who you are, it’s the machine computer you use to drive your body and your life here in this reality.

To accept truth, to feel truth, to find truth you have to disengage from the EGO and from the mind because they are/were not designed to make you evolve into a better human being. They were designed to keep you entrapped. This is why the brain/mind can’t predict or know ahead of time. It can’t do much other than record and save it and remember, analyze etc.

The reality that we are currently experiencing is designed to devolve us. All forces, all energies are now in full throttle working to keep us from accessing the truth. You see, once you access the truth, it’s game over for them. Ignore the madness right now because you will only drive yourself into sleepless nights, anti-depressants or too much weed. There’s not much we can do right now other than STOP recording their events and STOP reacting to their reality. The endgame is here and trust me, it’s not Nibiru, it’s not the Anti Christ, it’s not ascension and it’s not anything created by us in terms of how and where we are going to next. We came here to play the game, we came here to raise the frequencies, we came here to break the matrix open. Unfortunately, our game was interrupted and dark forces took over but it’s all temporary although it’s been millions of years of us incarnating here. What’s time when you’re endless?

Don’t fret over the events right now. It’s ugly. From a human perspective we’re still savages killing each other yet at the same time praying to God for help. The Terminal Madness that I often write about is here, it’s the endgame for them. They know this.

Don’t you notice the sun is blocked?  I have been out working in my garden, in the sunshine for 2 weeks now and I have not tanned. Whatever you do, don’t wear sunscreen. Because of certain rays being filtered out, the sunscreen will just burn into your skin and cause cancer. Sunscreen was never designed to keep you safe. Have you ever thought about it? We’re told we could get cancer from the sun and to wear sunscreen. So, we cream up with these horrific toxic chemicals that the sun burns into our bodies. We get cancer from the sunscreen you idiot. Have you ever thought about it? This is a perfect example of us creating their reality.

I will be writing more very shortly. Because of my back problems, I really needed to get outside and work in the garden. I don’t have any choices other than surgery so what I’m doing right now is actually even more painful, but I’m feeling better as painful as it is. I was born with Congenital Scoliosis and didn’t know it until I turned 50. Most of my adult life I avoided beaches because I could never lay on my back. I can now lay on my back in bed for 10 minutes without the pain thumping through  my entire body. Grounding has been great as well.

Don’t fret, don’t worry, we fucked it up really bad but remember this: We are powerful creators. What we do we can undo. What we haven’t done, we can do. What we think is impossible is possible. You just have to believe it. Don’t you believe your own power? Have you ever tried using it?

The video below is just something I came across accidentally today and thought it was interesting. Marshall Masters is just another con man like the ascension gurus, like the Nibiru bullshitters and like everyone else proclaiming they know what is going to happen in the future. There is no FUTURE. It doesn’t exist so how can they or anyone know? What is real is NOW, this moment. Slowly, they are all falling by the wayside as their predictions never amount to anything.

I’m here, just having fun outside in garden and oh, hey, I got some great new Cannabis Seedlings going for my next batch of Cannabis Oil. Will write a great post on them next and share some photos with you.

I love you all, you’re all doing the right thing. Remember, power doesn’t come from outside. It comes from within. You arrived with it here in this reality. Learn how to use it. You old soul.