Something changed in me on October 7th. Whether it was a coincidence or not, not a day goes by that I don’t ask the same questions. Let’s start with tonight. I decided to eat leftovers from yesterday. I made a potato salad and breaded some bull testicles. You heard me right. A few years ago as I was in a butcher shop for the first time, I saw these football shaped mounds in a bowl and I asked the butcher what they were. I love experimenting and trying new things so given they were so cheap, I thought what the heck, I don’t have a lot to lose. He showed me how to prepare them and gave me a few options on how to cook them. The next day, I cut them up in strips and breaded them, fried them up and served them to my daughter with a salad. I didn’t say anything because it’s known that if you tell someone something they might consider to be disgusting, they would turn away from it. After she finished, (she eats fast), she looks at me and says: “Mom, that was the best chicken strips I ever had, so soft and tender”. Then I laughed and told her what it actually was.

So, I ate leftover bull testicles and potato salad but could not eat very much. I was hungry before loading my plate and when I looked down at my plate with the mound of salad and pieces of testicle, I felt nausea in my stomach and I felt guilty that I could not eat all this awesome food while Palestinian children are living in tents, sleeping on the floor and have nothing to eat. These are the lucky ones, their bodies are intact, they did not get hit directly, but the point is that I have not stopped thinking about the events in Palestine and the suffering.

Every once in a while during the day I will click on RT News or Al Jazeera in hopes to hear that there may be a ceasefire, and of course they are very graphic in the aftermath of a bomb dropping and I have to stop looking at this.

Why is it that I watch my full plate of food and can’t eat it, while fathers are carrying their severely mutilated child to the hospital while in shock himself and has not yet had time to even absorb what is really going on.

Why am I writing this? Since October 7th there has been a struggle within me. The Human I am in this body is angry, frustrated, sad, doesn’t understand why I live in a beautiful home, have plenty to eat and have never experienced war while the Soul that I AM knows that it had to be this way, that we all had a role in this reality, that in order to wake up more of humanity, this had to happen so they can see the EVIL that it’s on it’s last legs.

I struggle with this everyday. Every activity I engage in questions what a Palestinian mother would be doing right now, when I’m out walking and seeing our children riding their bikes and scooter, I think about what a Palestinian child is living through. Every time I open the fridge to decide what I want to eat, leads me to think about children across the planet, 40 million refugees that lost their homes in wars and are scattered around the planet and in refugee camps. This is my struggle between the Human EGO and Soul that knows. Part of me wants to pretend that the war is out of reach, not my problem, that we have never had a time in our recorded history where we have had Peace. Then SOUL listens carefully and shines this energy of love throughout me, comforting the human EGO for caring. It is really difficult to define this struggle that I go through each day.

I know we live in a construct, I know this reality is an illusion. I know that we are creators and don’t know that. Problem is we unknowingly create good and bad. We create whatever our thoughts focus on and that is a power we should be afraid of because 95% of humanity has no idea they are creating through thoughts. Everyday that I am awake, from the first moment upon awakening, I have to remind myself of thought that might harm me or lead me to create something I don’t want. And then it came to me.

Right after my partner passed away, I keep a Journal since I was 10 yrs old, it is a way of dealing with my daily life, sharing on paper my joys and disappointments, make big decisions and then once I’m done with the page, I throw it out. For months I wrote about my partners kids, I wrote about how they were going to make my life miserable, how they were going to try and take away my home from me. Our culture here is such that parents leave everything to their children, even if they themselves have to go hungry to give to them, even if they don’t deserve it, they spend most of their lives saving and putting away to ensure their children have their estate. In my village of 400 people, the stone homes now hold 5 or 6th generation of families. The stone house next me, albeit abandoned, is 300 yrs old. Our ownership rate is 80% and 20% rental. You are considered poor or lower class if you do not own a home. Renting is a very negative thing. So, here I am focused on what these two people are going to do to me, and they did everything I thought. You see, whether I want to believe it or not, that is all I thought about for 4 months waiting for the Estate Hearing. I manifested my greatest fear. My partner left me our joint property, we built the house together and we created a contract as our lawyer said it would be better than leaving a will because they can contest the will. Despite this, they found a loophole and accused me causing injury which could null and void the contract. Point is, I own 1/2 of the joint property and my partner was trying to protect me because he knew his children wanted me on the street. They blamed me for their father divorcing their mother, whatever, but that was the situation at the time.

At the Estate hearing I was hit with a private lawsuit, accusing me of being responsible for my partner’s death, a Criminal Complaint for Quackery and Drug Trafficking. They offered to rescind the criminal complaint if I give them the house. I created this and it took me 5 years to finally realize this and answer my own question: “Why is this happening to me?” There is no other answer to this other than I created this reality. You know, I feel better now, knowing that I am responsible for what happened, that I can’t blame anyone for this. But, two good things came out of this. My home is worth twice as much as it was 5 years ago and I now have irrefutable proof from the Criminal Investigation that my partner’s kids didn’t do a damn thing to help their father in the last 4 years of his life. Irrefutable evidence from doctor’s testimonies that I actually prolonged my partner’s life with Cannabis Oil.

The plan was and still is to sell it, get myself some land with a few mobile homes and buy a Campervan. I want to do some hobbies such as Metal Detecting and Photography, Magnet fishing, hiking etc. To be totally free is all I want to be. To not have to pay these corporations for energy usage, to reduce the footprint I live on, a huge 5000 sq ft home but only use a small section of it. It was my partner’s dream along with me to build a home that we could later sell and make a profit from so until the Lawsuit is done, I can’t do anything. Here in Croatia, you can put a “mark” on the Title that says there is a pending Lawsuit. This was done to keep me from selling my home because nobody is going to buy a home with a lawsuit pending. Soon that will be removed and I can start looking at land and that is all I think about. The island I live on is 19 km long and 2.5 km wide, very small, no matter where I choose to live I will be close to the ocean.

I lost my appetite tonight, as an Intuitive Soul I know it had to be this way, I know we chose our roles in this game, I know that Israel is the centre of all evil, the Khazarian Mafia headquarters and that that is where the final battle is taking place. Despite knowing this as a Soul, I can’t stop being sad as a Human Being. What have we become? How is it that we have advanced in a short time technology wise, but have not moved one inch as a civilization? Because The System is designed that way, to keep us in a prison, to usurp our minds so that we create their reality. But when you struggle with being a Human and a Soul all in one, only a Human questions why these things happen. It’s a struggle and I think that is part of the Transformation process when both EGO and SOUL become one, in love, peace and eternity.

What is Q and what purpose does it have?

I have a daily routine in getting my information, part of that routine is to watch Al Jazeera and RT News and a few “patriots” during the day, but when I go to sleep, I sit up and read off my phone Telegram and read the following channels: Captkyle Patriots, Sovereign Redneck, Praying Medic, D and Frenz, Q The Storm Rider, Tarot by Janine, Project Camelot, SGAnon. Every couple of days I may join a channel or leave, there are a few more that are about to be removed as I found they were not who they claimed to be or they peddled this Christian “god is in control” theory.

Most of these folks either follow or believe in the Q movement and are known as Anons. I have not fully bought into this although I do often contemplate about who this Q movement is. I know what is being told to the public, that they are a group of people with Q clearances, and that this movement was started either during or after JFK’s assassination and that his son JFK Jr is alive, never died in that plane crash. That this movement was set up to annihilate the Deep State/Cabal. I refer to them as the Controllers.

This is briefly what Q followers and decoders are told. My question has been and still is, how does Q know what will happen in the future? We are told that perhaps it could be through Project Looking Glass. Sure, it’s possible even though I have never seen how this looking glass works, but there are psychics out there, there is Remote Viewing, there are people who can access the Akashic Records, so there is not just one way to look into the future. What they are not telling you is that there is no such thing as future or past. Everything exists at the same moment, it is merely a different frequency. You can be sitting in your home right now, tuning the radio to a station. Even though you have found the station you want to listen to, the other stations are all streaming as well, so this is how our reality works. And I know this because I leave my body during sleep and observe/engage in my other realities.

I believe based on listening to the patriots, or truthers or Anon folks that Q is just another psychological operation because if you’re not confused by now as to who is good and who is a traitor, who is a white hat and who is a black hat, then I take my hat off to you. Some will say that it is necessary to fool the enemy. Ok, if confusion is created on purpose, how do we know how what to do?Are we to depend on these Decoders that get it wrong all the time? Some say we need to have a revolution or Civil War, some say we need to just sit back and let God do his work such as Captkyle often says. He and his Telegram warriors constantly post about how GOD IS IN CONTROL, don’t worry, God has this. What message does this send? Well, I would take it as I don’t need to do anything or worry about anything because God will take care of me. Really? Why isn’t God taking care of the Palestinians right now?

That is the same as a Palestinian just losing his home and a few children but screams: “Allah is great”. How is Allah so great if he allows such tragedy into your life? Where is the greatness of this god? If he were great, he would never let this happen to you.

I often get clients who after their treatment will say “If God allows it”; this is the response I get when I tell them that they are fine now and to go home. I’m sure it’s an automatic response, they don’t think about what they are saying. Sometimes, with a client that comes on a regular basis, I will sit and talk to them and ask them why they say that. Explain to them that they are actually saying that they have no control over their lives and that God will decide if they will get better or not. Often, I get a positive response because they don’t think about these silly clichés taught going generations back. It’s often the religious ones that speak that way, not realizing they are giving their power to another entity. It doesn’t have to be god, but God/Creator set us up to be powerful creators, our thoughts create our reality, and if 1/2 of the truthers are out there are pushing this agenda, I have to question their motives because they ARE truthers so one would think they would seek the truth about religion and who god is don’t you think?

I highly recommend to watch this video, it will clarify a lot of the religious aspects of how they were set up for us to believe in. I have been listening to Jason for years now and I feel he is 100% honest, everything is researched, he was in prison for over 20+ years and that’s how he started to research.

Who is Gene Decode?

If you search the blog, you will find a few more posts mentioning Gene Decode. The post above was written October 25th, 2022.  I have always felt that something wasn’t right with this person. So far, and I’m not the greatest researcher as I base my opinion on intuitive feelings and energy readings, I have not been able to find anything negative or anyone questioning Gene Decode. I have a lot to say about this after listening to him for a few years and the people he hangs out with as a guest on their channels/shows.

The first thing that I always feel is secrecy, the need to hide one’s identity. I have written about this before. I don’t buy the reason that one wants to protect their family or their identity because there are true Patriots and real truth seekers who are putting their lives on the line to share truth and expose evil. I simply don’t buy that. Who is really Gene Decode? What is his real name? How do we know he’s a 20 year military veteran? Has anyone ever seen him in person? Please let me know because I have not found that anyone can vouch for his real identity.

Look, I can’t accept any information about someone I know nothing about, don’t see and can’t verify. This individual is a walking computer. He can talk about any subject, quantum physics, astronomy, Nano technology, you name it he does not pause when explaining these subjects. He does not think or pause, it just flows out and then he will throw in some southern accents or “ya know” slang language, but when it comes to explaining whatever topic he is asked, he does not flinch or think about it. There is no fucking way that a person at his age, assuming he’s truthful about his background that could put him at the age of 55 to 60 years old can learn and remember that much information in one lifetime. I’m sorry, Albert Einstein may have been a genius but he knew nothing about tree roots, he was a genius in his area of expertise. It is now questionable about who he was too because the theory of relativity has been debunked. Everything we thought was true is a lie.

My biggest problem with this person and any individual that uses “the one and only begotten son” is either ignorant or is purposely misleading people. I am a daughter, you are a son, we are all sons and daughters of the Creator. In the bible Jesus never said he was the only son or that he was better; in fact he said that what he could do, we would do better. I don’t see anywhere that Jesus himself recognized himself as the ONLY begotten son. It’s been debunked long ago that the story of crucifixion is fake, many books from the bible have been hidden in the Vatican, there is very little about Jesus in this Bible so an intelligence such as Gene to accept this is questionable as to what his true motives are.

We were not designed to incarnate here and serve a GOD, we incarnated here because our Creator gave us free will as SOULS to experience all that is, to learn, discover and reconnect with Source. We as Souls have a purpose, and we are LIGHT BEINGS, a mirror of Creator and our journey here is to discover who we are. Remember that, Creator created Souls who then took it upon themselves to have a human experience and enter a human vessel, so FREE WILL is the will of Souls that we were given to explore and experience. We are here now because we are the ancient Souls with the most experience and we are here to take our planet that was originally designed as the “living planet” and eventually taken over and destroyed. We are here to take back our power that was taken from us here on Earth or we can look at another perspective that we live in a simulated world. I love listening to Jason Breshers or; this man has incredible evidence through ancient books about our history and it is worth your time to listen to.

A footer from “ Any rents, tears, holes, or missing areas of any kind in any of what I am is to be filled by the indwelling of the light of the Holy Spirit, the word of the one true God of all creation and the healing and compassion of His only begotten son Jesus Christ. As it is said it is now done and sealed in the authority of the one true God of all creation the living God of all love, light, Creations and compassion and his only begotten son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible was written by over 50 scribes. There are so many definitions and explanations over this book. We know today that the God mentioned in Genesis was the Elohim or the two Annunaki brothers, they ruled humanity, they did not give humans the free will. “Let US make man in our image”. These gods demanded loyalty, defined commandments that we were to abide by, they punished those that didn’t agree with them and I don’t know how anyone can say that they were loving gods. Just the story of Moses alone was written 800 years after his death. Excuse me? Who can pass down and remember something that happened 800 years ago? Moses went up to the light/fire which was a spaceship and he was given instructions on how to serve these beings. Jason at claims that they were actually called the Annuna; and came from other parts of this planet, the ice wall is a border and on the outside of that wall are many continents, far more advanced civilizations that came here to our continent. It would make sense, if we are a prison planet then nobody can get in right?

This is where SERVICE to God comes from, the bible. Let me go one step further. The Bible was designed to create a reality they wanted us to believe. To this day the “gurus” keep referring to the bible about events that might take place or what the future will hold. This is to generate or create the reality those evil gods wanted us to create for them. A perfect example is now the focus on “Revelation”, if you keep talking about it, insist on relating those events to the ones we want to believe will happen, we will create that reality. Fortunately, humanity is waking up faster than they thought and so we will not create another Revelation event but you get my drift. We have been programmed over thousands of years to hold certain beliefs so that we can create their reality. I have written about this in past years, the creators of this human vessel know how it works as they have worked on these body suits for millions of years and have perfected it for them. We don’t have a clue who we really are, but the Soul knows and the Soul is trying to communicate with your human brain and struggle with the Ego, it’s all by design.

These gods, knew humans better than we do today, they created new versions of our body suits, genetically modified us over time so that we are no longer the beings we were intended to be, so they knew how to manipulate our minds, knew our weaknesses and strengths. Knew how to mobilize us to create their realities and that is still happening today.

Here is an example: I keep reading that we are to expect another pandemic. Bill Gates is one of the people that is putting this out there. The only way a pandemic can happen is if we buy into it, believe it, focus our energy on that and we would create the Pandemic they want.

Gene or whatever his real name is is a highly intellectual genius, to be such genius mind and to spread this bullshit about Religion and the lies and made up stories in the Bible has an agenda and it’s not a good one. Why is he misleading people? I can’t verify his information is correct. I’m just a Psychologist and it would take years to study and learn Astronomy alone, never mind everything this person knows. I would even goes as far to say he’s a clone.

For someone that is so highly intelligent, one would think they knew that we are light beings, and therefore, I have good reason to doubt his integrity simply because he’s managed to fool a lot of people by impressing them with his knowledge but I don’t see anyone questioning him or checking out his background. Google AI is involved in this because there is nothing out there on this individual, nothing. And the tags of the google search seem to openly show that it doesn’t matter who he is because he’s got 30+ years of research behind him. It does matter, because blind faith is toxic and can be dangerous.

My journey started in 1990, how many years is that? 33 years? So, by that logic, it doesn’t matter who I am because I have 30+ years of research behind me and I have exposed a lot of fakes and fake gurus over the years. I don’t do that anymore because that timeline is done with, this is now our time to focus on ourselves, to absorb the energies coming from the sun, to disassociate from negative people, from negative events, from negative thoughts, to clear our hearts from anything that can impede our transformation.

Gene Decode is impressing people with his knowledge but his intentions are questionable. Do you know that years ago he had to qualify you if you wanted some healing recipes? He gives out medical advise and gets away with it. I filled out the form and disagreed with the only begotten son and I was rejected to receive this health information. It is there that I started to think about what this person is doing. To judge me for my religious beliefs yet teach others to forgive and to serve others? This form contained many questions and asked if I believed in the only begotten son. Of course I said no and that my beliefs are private and should not have anything to do with health. So, only people with his religious beliefs were given the information. Was he collecting names? If he is a servant of god, is it not his job to service everyone, that’s what his footer on his website reads.

This guy is not who he says he is. Now whether he is a good guy, or bad guy with good or bad intentions, I can’t say. I can tell you what I feel: He is a psychological operation, focusing you on this One and Only god and his one and only begotten son so that you hold false beliefs and when it’s time for us to raise our frequencies and transform back to our original forms, you will be so shocked that it will impede you, you will miss the boat and stay in 3D until you have learned your lessons. In other words he’s giving you valid and important information but he’s also giving you fake information so that you believe in this one god and fail the “ascension” timeline portal. Now, this is what I feel, it doesn’t mean I’m right and if any of you have better information, please share.

Don’t forget, you are light beings, you are powerful beings, don’t be distracted by humans that feel they know more than you do. Many of the truthers out there and so called Paytriots are out for the money or to mislead you. They are wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing. The best place to get information is within. Soul knows everything, there is no death, time is a construct, soon all will be how it was intended to be. I predicted how things would go and that it would get really ugly, we are now in the final throws, desperate throws of the Evil ones fighting their last battles and like a cornered beast, they will do whatever they can to take as many with them as possible.

Our brothers and sisters in Palestine are now completing their roles and we thank all with love for choosing the roles they did because most of them won’t know this until they leave their bodies, in such a culture and religion; even if they knew, they could not talk about it, so as ugly as it seems right now, it had to be this way, the world was not waking up as fast as the timelines and portal needs to be activated. Know that everything is going as planned and NO the Q and white hats have nothing to do with it, if we are to continually believe that we need saviours, nothing would happen, it is WE the Souls, the Beings of Light that will transpire into peace and love. They can take credit all they want but I believe that the Q movement is another mind control program because when people use the movement to make a shitload of money, it loses it’s credibility and power to manifest. Just my 2 cents worth, just thoughts for you to think about. In the end, nobody knows the real date, real time or exactly how we will become the original Beings of Light, the less the enemy knows the better.

Love you all.

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For

Firstly, I apologize to those that left comments and I did not approve or respond. I lost interest in WordPress and there was so much going on in my personal life that it simply was not a priority. Without even looking/reading at any comments in the last year, I do have something to say.

Only those that have been on this blog since the inception know that my journey was about exposing the frauds that prey on those seeking truth. It’s very confusing times but mostly everything I felt and predicted happened. There is no Saviour, there is no Jesus returning, there is simply a timeline where humanity is waking up and realizing that they have been duped for eons in time.

Just because I haven’t written anything in a long time, doesn’t mean I have stopped researching and exposing those that are now making a shitload of money off gullible truth seekers. Like I always say, once I find the information, I can feel that person that is giving information and I watch/follow them carefully because they eventually slip or expose themselves for who they really are. I understand that those who offer podcasts and do interviews need to make a living, I get that, but at the same time, I don’t feel that I should pay to get truth either. If they claim to help humanity, then the information should be free or at least offer those that can’t afford a subscription free plans. People like Gene Decode, Kerry Cassidy, Underground Patriot, Michael Jaco, Nino Rodriguez; it goes on and on not only charge for their time but have MERCH set up for T-shirts, mugs and whatever else they have to offer. This is not right, these folks are PAYTRIOTS and are making a shitload of money off those that are willing to pay to listen. If there is anyone you have questions about, make a comment and I will see if I know that person and in a few days I will be posting about Gene Decode. I have mentioned him a few times in the past, but I’m going to do a more detailed expose on this guy.

In the meantime, stay strong, stay true to your Soul, these are hard times, the ones I wrote about that it would get much worse and crazy because people have to SEE Evil just like it is now being revealed in Palestine and Israel. Don’t give up, trust me, there have been times when I wanted to leave this planet in a positive way because I experienced near death so I know what to expect, but I also know that I chose to be here for a reason and I feel that I have not yet completed my mission.

Besides, I have one more dream to fulfil and that is to purchase a Campervan and enjoy a van life here in Croatia. I recently turned 65, I’m in good health, been actively camping and metal detecting but a Campervan costs money and my lawsuit over my home is finally ending so I will work on selling my home and getting the Campervan and property to put a few mobile homes on it for my family and cats. I really am excited for this new stage in my life. The Lawsuit over my late partners estate has lasted 5 years and I finally caught the corruption, reported it to the respective agencies and threatened the Judge that irrefutable evidence was withheld and he did nothing about it, and sent it to him. My ex lawyers were working both sides and probably got paid to keep this lawsuit going forever and destroy me financially, but something told me to check it out and I was right.

It’s been a tough 5 years, my partner’s children reported me criminally for Quackery and Drug Trafficking, the investigation was done by 2020 and all charges were dropped, or all accusations were rejected but this is what I had to go through when greed is in question. Croatia is probably 2nd in corruption after Ukraine so if you want to live here, you don’t get loans, you don’t get credit, you pay everything in cash and don’t get into legal problems, lawyers go where the money is. You can buy a Judge and someone can ruin your life because they have money to do so. I battered and won because TRUTH always wins, but not necessarily when you need it to win. There were lessons in this journey to help me change the way I live and treat others. Honesty in this current reality will be used against you. I’m not saying you should lie, I’m saying that you should be careful what you share with others and that includes your own family. During this time, I experienced betrayal from my own son, who came to Croatia with the pretence that he was going to take care of me, but when he got here with his wife, there were conditions for that such as signing the Title over to them. Needless to say, it got ugly and he left owing over 3600 euros in utilities unpaid and when I asked him to take care of it, this is what he wrote: “Go fuck yourself”. So yeah, it’s been a wild ride. Both my son and his wife were jabbed twice in Canada, they were always in their room, and they had mental issues, I believe the JAB screwed up their brains because this man that I gave birth to, is not my son. My weakness is as the Main Investigator told me was that I was brutally honest and with that trust everyone, but I’m better for it, stronger for it and not giving up on my dreams. Look at this way: The ugly is coming out from all directions, including your family members, people have gone totally nuts and I don’t know how it is in other countries but if you walk in the cities here, nobody is looking up, they are all stuck on their phones, so sad.

Stay strong, love who you are and remember you came here for a reason and whatever you are doing now is what you came to do. See you in a few days.

The Truth is Out There with Facts/Evidence

The missing piece of the puzzle that caused me whiplash.

I ask you all to listen to this video, Jason talks about the Patriot movement. They are good guys, true patriots and their hearts are in the right place, but they don’t know they have been thwarted and are giving out false information.

Interesting enough, he talks about the body, our Avatar and how we use this body that actually works against us, this is something that I have been writing for years. We enter the human body and attach ourselves energetically, but we then become blind and forget the past and why we are here. This is mind blowing because I have not come across anyone that speaks this way except for me and I have been writing ABOUT THIS SINCE 2014.

Take from this what you wish or what you resonate with, but for me, it was the missing piece of the puzzle that I have been putting together over the last 40 years and the question was: How and when does it actually end? We made the choice to come here, we made contracts with other Souls to have this experience, in an alternate Universe as a Simulation, and something went wrong, I said this too, even Jason doesn’t know or hasn’t yet figured how it happened because we never would have agreed to do this if there was a risk of us being taken over by some Negative AI.

I really look forward to watching all of his videos, soooooo much evidence that he backs up everything he talks about. No opinions, no belief systems no hearing what other people have to say, he provides facts and proof of everything. Amazing Man!

Beware of PAYtriots

This topic has been a thorn in my side for a long time, I had my doubts and suspicions as early as 2019 when the movement really grew. But I need to feel energy regarding the people that are involved, it’s the only way I can be certain that it resonates with reality.

How do you divide the Patriot movement into 2 categories? Those that are spiritual and those that are Religious. The Religious ones are a threat to humanity as they believe that GOD is in control, it will be in GOD’S timing and that good people serve our one and only Creator God. I don’t want to name names but have to because I want you to look into it and make decisions on your own. The part I am not sure of yet is whether they knowingly spew the bullshit that God will save us and we must just wait for the Saviour or they are ignorant and CHOOSE to believe the Bible narrative.

Remember, Evil gives us thoughts and ideas so that we can create their reality. That is what the Bible is about and so those that believe it, create the reality.

What is spooky is that Gene Decode is a bible thumper, he takes every word out of the bible and incorporates it into his belief system that we must serve the one and only true God Creator. I don’t like the term “serve”, it implies that humans are in servitude thus free will doesn’t exist. What is disturbing about this person is that he is very intelligent in many areas but he hides his identity. This alone causes me to believe that he is purposely deceiving humanity and using this vast knowledge to cover up his deeds and have you believe that he is a good person because he serves god and helps others. If he is so intelligent and spent most of his life researching, how come he never researched Religion, the bible and the false prophets? I’m not highly intelligent and never served in military but it’s common knowledge to most that Religion is nothing but another psychological operation and there is more than plenty of evidence of this if you do your research. The Anunnaki were one of the non human entities that played God in their times, going back at least 300,000 years ago. Does Gene not know this? So, think what you may or want, but this Patriot is not to be trusted. If he’s a good guy and honestly has good intentions, believes that we must serve God, then he can’t be intelligent or smart, he simply can’t by logic.

I not only believe in Creator, I have been in the presence of ALL THAT IS. Remember, if you follow my blog, I died while giving birth to my son, I was clinically dead for 12 minutes, the experience is something I can’t explain as we do not have the words for this, but I got some things to understand. This space was familiar to me, I was told that it is where we are created as Souls and we return to this place/space after each lifetime. I knew I was Ines, had no body and I felt very loved. Having said that, I left the Catholic Religion after that and never looked back. I know Creator exists, so I’m not an Atheist, I simply don’t need someone or a bible to explain to me who I am and why I am here. I live in grattitude and KNOW that Creator is creator and has given me the free will to experience whatever I want. I’m not punished because FREE WILL cannot be punished.

The list of names that I listen to: Gene Decode, Charlie Ward, Michael Jaco, Sasha Stone, Simon Parkes, Lin Wood, The Pillow Guy, Sean Stone, Mel K and many on Telegram that consider themselves patriots and I do delve into the Q movement but also think that too is just a set up and diversion. Not to say it’s not true, obviously someone went into the future and saw what would happen, but that doesn’t mean this Q entity or group is working for the good of humanity. I simply don’t FEEL good vibes about it.

Charlie Ward is making a fortune , promoting Gesara/Nesara, QFC and promising his followers that it will happen any day. He claims to be part of this group yet he’s never got the dates right. Sound familiar? Remember the good old days of Dinar RV’s and the promises of tomorrow and next week, here we are 8 years later. I remember this well because it’s how I started this blog with exposing the fake gurus. Charlie never mentioned GOD in his first year, but now he mentions it in every sentence. “God is in charge, God is in power, everything is done on God’s time”, I belonged to a cult but I now believe in God”. Give me a f…….. break, he’s catering to the Christian followers but will charge you if you want to belong to the Insiders Club. He’s making a fortune, don’t doubt it for a moment and I consider him to be a PAYtriot. He may have the info, intel etc; that may be what he is using to cover up his bad intent because it is simply not true that we are weak and humble human beings that must sit and wait for god to save us. This is what most of the patriots talk about. No violence, no protests, just peaceful demonstrations using the excuse that the Democrats will have a reason to accuse the Republicans of being violent. But don’t you worry, God has it under control. NO. We are Souls with Free Will, God did not create the human body, he created us Souls and sent us off to experience all that is. In other words, Charlie is not speaking to your power but is telling you that you must rely on God’s gracious acts when God feels like doing it to save you from your misery. I do not trust this man unless he is really stupid and doesn’t understand Creation and that WE are gods, images of Creator and are self contained as Creator’s children. We have the power to change this reality, Creator is just that, he/she created Souls to experience all that Creator is and that we experience it for him/her/IT. We make contracts with other Souls and act out the movie we came to play and experience. This reality is the best movie ever written, we get to transform and change our reality and it is happening.

Lin Wood is another shady character, I do not trust him, I do not trust Trump unless he is purposely playing a part, I don’t EVER remember Trump using the God word in his past, so he’s either Cloned and intended to fool everyone or he is catering to the Christians until the truth is revealed, but for whatever reason this is all very disempowering and misleading. Christians stand by their bible, believe that it was written for humanity, can’t fucking explain why the god in the bible is mean, kills people, makes them sacrifice animals etc. Is that a true loving God? Religion was designed to program us, to keep us in fear of God, to feel guilty that Jesus died for our sins, it goes on and on. So anyone that is pushing this God is in charge bullshit is either really stupid or is intentionally misleading you.

This whole patriot movement is misleading you, dark to light is the duality and both are created from the EVIL ones. The Cabal, Globalists, Elite are EVIL so I just put them into one WORD. EVIL. It is evil against good, dark to light. Our win comes when our vibrations rise to the point where we can remember who we are, why we are here and to defeat Evil through frequency and energy. This is why they are geo engineering to block the sun from us, to reduce carbon dioxide so plants won’t grow, they need to keep us in fear and the Sun (SON) is in charge, it will bring to humanity what it needs to shine their light.

You are the Light that you have always been, do not fall for these false prophets. They use their intel and promises of wealth and winning the war through false religions. I do not believe they are stupid. It’s like medical professionals that are pushing the vaccine and pretending to not know they are dangerous and are bioweapons. They are not stupid, they are playing whoever pays higher or they are using the excuse they didn’t know. Same thing with Patriots, NOT ALL are deceiving you, but you need to now think about those that keep peddling that God is in control. If God was in control then he never would have allowed suffering on this planet, if God is in control there would not be sickness and poverty on this planet. God does not control, God gives Souls free will to experience all that is. God is a loving God and wants us to be happy, not suffer.

As an experiencer of a good life, I have manifested that life that I want. I AM IN CONTROL of my destiny and reality. No matter what happens around me, I do not succumb to the external reality as I control what I want to think, believe and experience. So, I’m not giving you some opinion, I am sharing with you my reality and that it works. Believing is accepting someone else’s truth. Your truth is what you KNOW and experience, everything else is someone else’s belief, thought and opinion.

You are the Light, shine your Light, go to nature, raise your frequency, soon we will gain the momentum of turning it over in seconds, in a flash we will be what we are, The Light, Ether of Energy, Immortal, Beautiful Souls that got caught in a false Matrix and we are almost ready to be FREE again.

Love you all!

A Nutcase Indeed

Great way to start this post. I just got called a Nutcase by a reader on the last post in April, it’s interesting because I realized that none of his words caused any kind of reaction, in fact, I felt sorry for this person. If you love thyself, then there is no need to insult others, clearly this person despises himself and projects it to others. Just my opinion, but you can thank him for getting me back online.

I hope you are well, I am well, doing a lot of moving around the country, camping and metal detecting, working in my food forest around the house, life is good. In the evenings I am online of course researching and listening to folks to the INTEL, a title used to get your attention but there is nothing in the podcast about actual intel. One wonders who and why these people do this? Of course for hits and ratings, and as they are called PAYtriots beause they sure make a lot of money. I don’t have an issue with folks making a lot of money, but I have an issue with using this time to make it and take advantage of poor souls that actually believe anything. Nobody knows what we signed up for, a few of us know why we came, but mainly we are all in the dark about why we came and what will come to pass. What is clearly obvious as I wrote about this for years is that we will eventually wake up and starting making the changes as we shift into higher densities and get rid of the evil.

I must admit that I was thrown back, like whiplash after listening to Nino Rodrigues and his guest Jason from; wow, the information just clicked, another piece of the puzzle that I have been looking for. I do recommend that you seek out this video on YT and Rumble and take a listen to what Jason has to say. I visited his website and he’s got hundreds of videos based on many topics. He is or calls himself an Archivist and his story is about being in prison for 23 years and reading ancient books. According to him, history was changing after 19th century and of course, as I write often, everything is the opposite of what we have been told about our history, earth’s history, the entire universe history. Very interesting indeed. These old/ancient books held the truth and it has been changed and that is fascinating in itself because it takes a great love and patience to read them all.

We are in the eye of the storm and soon time itself will speed up very fast as things get really crazy. I don’t watch TV, in fact, there is no TV in the house, I don’t hang out with negative people and those that live in fear, I haven’t closed myself away but I choose who I want to spend time with. We can’t afford to be filled with low resonating energy, that is now their goal, to instil fear, guilt and fill our minds with a future that does not exist. I have to work hard to keep my frequency high as we are living in evil times and it is now exposing itself, but I am ready to what is to come. Nature is my healer and like a charger for the body battery. Try to spend time in nature and not parks that are cemented around the trees. The cemented world we live in are actual energy blockages so that we don’t connect to mother Earth, shoes is another block as well. Only leather will connect you to earth.

Croatia is not so affected by the events that are currently taking place. You know, I went through grades 4 to 7 here in Croatia before my parents immigrated again to Canada so when I got to Vancouver grade 7, they bumped me up to grade 9. Children in elementary school study geography, chemistry, world current events, biology and many other subjects. The point to this is that we are a highly educated country and so with communism behind us, we are not that easily fooled. In other words most of the population know what is really going on, that gas crisis or energy crisis, the MSO (military special operation) in Ukraine, etc. We know who rules and runs the globe and so the other benefit of just knowledge is that most of us have land or a yard that is used to grow food. If you have land, you will grow food, it has always been that way. Personally, my family and I have not bought any vegetables in the store, right now we are canning olives, peppers, eggplants and waiting for cabbage and kale to be ready for harvest. The benefit of living on an island is the climate so I can grow food all year round and have a greenhouse for leafy veggies when it gets cold, which is rarely below 10C. I also store pepper and eggplants for the winter as they continue to produce and then return to the beds in spring.

I really don’t have much to say about world events, for me, they are just expected and they will continue to worsen as they try to starve and freeze us out of existence. But, we are resilient and armed with genetics that are considered Royalty in the Solar System, but unless you know this, you will just follow the status quo of adhering to what you have been told and how to live. I don’t react to anything out there, as an observer I only listen, read and collect that information to come to my conclusions; there is a huge Patriot movement out there but let me tell you something. It is just another form of duality, the movement is sharing valuable information but don’t be fooled by the stories. They are part of the dark side, they don’t now this but they are because the game has always been to pit us against each other. Don’t get me wrong, I fully respect the movement but I also see many of them taking advantage of listeners and I have always been against making money on information that is not proven to be true, rather speculation and false INTEL sources.

Yes, we will win, we have already won but you must understand that the dualities are part of the existence and experiment we came to experience. Our bodies will be uplifted by the sun and solar energies which will awaken us to deeper levels of understanding of who we are and why we are here. The Patriot movement is not involved in that but I do respect them because their motives are pure and with good intent. The information they provide must really be taken lightly, and as they say: “Do your own research”.

It will go really fast now, time will appear to move really fast as events take place on a daily basis, but I would put all my goods in a basket called Putin. This is not the original, the first one was a bad guy but Putin like Trump were put in place to end the evil upon this planet. Anyone that is being censored, attacked and lied about is in the truth thus when someone calls me a Nutcase I know I am on the right track. Faith is but a word. Just like Hope is but a word a very passive term with no action intended, but KNOWING is what the Universe wants to hear. Don’t focus on what you don’t want or don’t like. Focus on what you want and act/think like you already have it. It works, I know from my current life and it takes a lot to fool the mind. Jason from confirmed that. I have written much about us, the Soul entering the human body and attaching itself to the body, but the brain/ego is part of the body and is not working in our own interest, so we have to bypass that logic and think as it is already happening. If you want/need money you have to think like you already have it, if you want peace, you have to visualize the world you want to live in, otherwise the EGO will fight you and make you believe that it’s not possible.

These evil entities that are now crashing, have always known this, they know how the human body works and have used it against us for thousands of years, they have convinced us that we are but mortal beings and have only one life to live and must live to our fullest, the end result of this is fear of death.

I will make an effort to post more often as winter sets in, the days are getting shorter and I don’t plan on going anywhere, I’m not an extreme camper and my only reason for camping is to be able to stay at a location where I am metal detecting. So, I will spend the winter here on the island playing around and working in the garden.

May love and peace shine over you!

Controversial Indeed, take it or leave it.

Indeed, this post will be very controversial for those readers that consider themselves religious or of any other faith. This comes as I follow, read and listen to the Truthers/Patriots because they are getting really heavy on GOD. This is a dangerous path to take because while they claim to speak truth, they inject a whole set of lies. If you listen to Charlie Ward, in his first months of being a public person, he never mentioned God, but now every sentence is about God. “Ask God” he says. God knows everything. Everything is on God’s time. This goes for the now deceased Cirsten W, Mel K, Michael Jaco and other “influencers”.

This is wrong, it’s incorrect and it’s false. God does exist, but God does not get involved in our lives. We were created by Creator as Souls, and from there were guided to learn everything and ALL THAT IS so that Creator may experience all that we ARE. There is no interference, we are given free will to experience. That’s it folks.

It is also true that the current Bible is incomplete, is incorrect, contradictive and written by 50 scribes, each having their own perceptions through various translations. We cannot accept the Bible as truth since 777 books are missing. Jesus is written about very little, mostly his teachings, but it doesn’t mention his entire life, his travels to Asia, India and other parts of the world. Why not? What are they hiding? That alone is enough to cause doubt, but if you haven’t read the Nag Hammadi texts or the Dead Sea Scrolls, then you can’t understand or compare the current bible to what really happened and is hidden from humanity.

We all should know by now that we were lied about everything, we should not trust anything or anyone at this point until the real truth comes out, until this “world” as we know it ends. Once the corruption, lies and crime is exposed, nothing is truth.

Because I have been ill for a few months, I have had a lot of time to read and listen to various truthers/Patriots and not one person knows anything at all because the Cabal is so deep and dangerous that it’s not possible to even give us clues as to what they are doing to get rid of them.

Nobody knows what is coming and when. All we can do is listen to our intuition and if you have ability to travel out of body while at sleep you will get to see the timelines changing very rapidly because the Cabal/Kazarian Mafia are losing their control over humanity, so things change day to day.

Tarot cards and Pendulums are a great way to get answers, I use them both for my own personal life because it’s not my job to find your truth. Each one of us are responsible for our own lives, but the answers are out there if you want to know the truth, it just takes time, a lot of time. For me it’s been over 30 years.

I don’t pretend to know what is going on, but I can see it and everything I have written over the years has happened and those that I exposed are long gone from the scene. The New Cage movement has been dead for a while and we are now in the final days, something I predicted as I saw this during my out of body travel to different dimensions and timelines, but I also wrote that this is what I saw and doesn’t mean I am right because timelines change.

We are now on the final timeline and will not move off it, the light is strong and humanity is waking up faster each day. I have had an illness that the best doctors could not figure out, but how do I tell them that I have been infected by vaccinated people? I’m still not well enough to return to a normal/active life but at least I know what is wrong and am mitigating this with success.

This will most likely be my last post and not because I don’t want to or can’t, but because I feel that I have completed my work here and I must prepare myself for what is coming. I live in a very Catholic dominated country and my people will suffer greatly once the truth is exposed and they find out who they have been praying too for thousands of years. Who and what the Pope actually is, the money they spent giving to the church, the money they spent on costly graves, where some folks have to borrow money to build a fancy burial site. The shock of what their religion has done to them will be more than some can bare and my job is to be there for them, to comfort and encourage, to help them overcome and let go of the past. So many people have lived their entire lives feeling shame for stupid religious rites, for feeling guilty because they were taught that Jesus died for OUR sins, and so much more. We are close to the end now and as we are preparing for the emotional shocks, Gaia is also starting to be angry and we can expect a Pole shift, we are already in a pole shift but it will get nastier, so we need to start focusing on our families, preparing for such events and the humanity shift of consciousness, the New Earth.

I always wrote that it will get much worse before it gets better because humanity won’t make an effort to change anything if they can just get by, but once they lose everything, they will fight to stay alive and we are best in catastrophes because we show our loving, kind and nurturing nature in helping each other. It has to get worse because many have not yet awakened.

We live in a Matrix that we create through mass consciousness but the Cabal used it against us and they found a way for us to create their reality. I wrote about this many times. Nothing is what it seems to be, everything is opposite of what we are being told and the shills/truthers can only guess at what is to come. Not even Creator knows what we have planned, but those are the choices we made when we chose to incarnate here on earth at this time.

It will be over in a few months, but it will take years for us to find our new way of living, thinking and prospering. We have already won but all of us have to be in on it before it switches over and we are very close. Of course, not all will want to accept the truth, but again, that was the choice they made, it’s all part of the movie and each one of us are doing what we should be doing, that includes doing evil things. Without evil there is no goodness, without hatred and fear there is no love, it’s all part of the process. Duality was the experiment that we all agreed to, but interference from other realities/planets messed it up and overtook Earth. We are now resetting everything and eventually will return to the way it was originally designed to be. A free planet that doesn’t pay for things natures provides for us, free energy, technologies, healing machines, all this that we should have had from the start but the dark hid it from us and used it against us. It is true, we are on a prison planet and we will soon be free again!

Be well, be strong, hold your light and if you’re reading this, know that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, including the deniers of truth because they fear the unknown. They want something better but are probably younger souls and came for a short time and got caught in the false Matrix, but all that is for good cause though many could not fulfil their roles they came to play and chose the wrong side. In the end, it matters not how much you have but how much you have given to others. We are all ONE, get that through your heads and we all go together, except those that are not Service to others, but they will just have to repeat a few lives until they figure it out.

Much love to all of you, see you on the other side!

New Era, New Earth

Note: A beautiful message from Pallas Athena, I just wrote about this. Synchronicity, connecting to higher consciousness, go within, do not look outside and/or follow the shills/gurus/patriots/truthers. They are not teaching you the truth.


I am Pallas Athena and I greet you once again from the etheric realm above the island of Crete. Yes, this is the beginning of a New Era with this video. So much will change for you in the time to come, but that time is NOW. We are taking the first steps now into this New Era. You will be surprised at what you will experience, what awaits you in this New Era. I can assure you as the Goddess of Truth that what is coming will fill you with love, peace and a whole new life.

You may not believe it if you are still looking at your 3D reality, which in truth is not your reality. But on our level, we see what awaits you: The New Earth in its new form with people who are aware of their divinity, who will live in peace, who have found the connection to the divine within themselves, who will spread and live the divine love, also in divine service for each other and for the Source of all being. And this vision of this New Earth, which is already a reality for me on my level, is what I would like to bring closer to you today.

We know very well the challenges that you face today in this time. It does seem as if it is getting worse with each passing day. But I assure you that is the illusion that will break down a little more each day if you support it.

We see so many lightworkers who are doing their service day after day, who are on the verge of exhaustion and who long so much to see the changes. That is why today I speak of what awaits you. I wish to sustain you, I wish to prepare you in great joy for what awaits you and that time is NOW. We say nothing else but that it begins NOW. Maintain this NOW every second of the day.

NOW is the manifestation of the New Earth.

We see so many lights that you are as the Beings of Light that you truly are. Many of you have long since taken up your service to the Divine, to Humanity and to Mother Earth. You have been serving the Divine Plan for many, many years, some even decades, and you are exhausted from what you do every day. Yet I want to say to you, it is so important that you do this service, for what awaits you will be immeasurably beautiful for you and it will be so rewarding to do this even now on a daily basis, what you feel you must do, what your inner voice is telling you and what the incoming energies want to tell you.

Please remember, it is a great change that is happening that you cannot measure with your mind. Even within you, you cannot see this great magnitude of transformation. This sometimes makes you sad, dissatisfied and also tired. But I want to assure you today, nothing is less real than how you feel in these moments. I want to remind you that you do not want to give up in these days when everything will gradually collapse, as we have said and as you know inside. We support you and that is why I say today: This divine reality is here. It is happening NOW. Through this, you are experiencing on the outside that this false reality is rearing up to the last, and this creates chaos on the outside. That is why we ask you: Do not look outside. Orient yourselves to your inner knowledge, it is given to you.

Inside you already have the picture of what awaits you. Enter into meditation and we will show you the picture of the New Earth that will seem like paradise to you.

What does it take on your part to manifest what is actually ready for you, what does it take to manifest it more and more? We need you, we need your help. We cannot do it without you!

You lightworkers have it in mind for this life, for these end times that you knew about in advance, you have made yourselves available to do your service. So please do it now by keeping yourselves completely out of the outside that you see. Take yourselves back, go into love, for where there is love, fear cannot be. And where there is fear, you support darkness. Therefore, pull yourself out of these dark machinations that may show up in you in the form of programming.

Avoid the outside as often as you can. Stand firm! Go into nature and listen to yourselves. This is the way into the New Era!

It may be that in this NOW time some things are still rearing up, but withdraw your energy from them. Go into love and another reality will show itself to you. This reality is NOW!

This is my message for today, beloved Lightworkers who work tirelessly. We thank you for your service that you do every day and we wish so much – and we know it will be so – on the New Earth you will receive your reward and our gratitude is immeasurable for what you do here. Stay in the knowledge that it will be so and the first steps in the New Era will be much easier for you.

Thank you!


The Movie

Everything you are seeing now on TV and the Internet is a lie, fake and convoluted truth. How do you know who is a real truther or a real Warrior of Light?

By their message. It is not about the INTEL, it is about preparing you for the transmutation. Whatever happens out THERE has nothing to do with what happens in you. Remember, you are a Soul occupying a physical body that you do not control. The brain comes with suit, it is not a part of you, it is the computer that runs the body, collects data and lives an earthly experience because that is what WE SOULS have come to do. The collective, that is the Soul Collective determines where we go as Humanity and as Multidimensional beings. It was always our job/goal/plan to knowingly come here without our memories and the entire game was twofold: 1. To figure out who we were and why we came. 2. To change the frequency of the planet so that we could once and for all, remove the Evil and the Evil forces behind it. This planetary condition was never intended to happen, they took over our planet, they descended humans, genetically modified the Human Suit and that changed the course and the timelines.

If you are not being taught how to do this, if you are not being mentored on how to shine your light, teach you why you came here, then you should not be following those people. They use their “brains” as a method of claiming intelligence yet the brain is not part of who you are. Those that are not assisting you in becoming a higher spiritual being are not part of the plan. They don’t understand the CORE of what is really going on.

Let me give you an example: Gene Decode

He uses words like “Blessed to teach” for his website. He may have the intel and intelligence but he has no concept of Creator nor what he is and can be. His motto is: “Serve God and Serve Jesus”. This is not a man that is enlightened to his truth. He is a slave to his master Lord, God, Jesus. He does not understand who he truly is. If he does, then he’s part of the Deep State as are many in the truth movement. The Bible is half truth and half lies. We cannot use the bible as a means of understanding our current reality.

Those that claim we must Serve God, That God has everything under control, that God is in Control, that God will step in and save us, are not part of the Light. Whether they do this out of ignorance or know the truth, doesn’t matter. They are leading the sheep to such trauma and fear because WHEN we start to transmute, transcend and the Earth goes crazy with violence, their followers will be “gnashing their teeth” because they will praying to their Lord and not having a clue what is really going on. They will feel helpless, terrified, they will question that God why he is not helping. Well, let me ask you Christians this question: If God is your saviour, then why did he let us get into this mess? Why did he allow the pharmaceutical companies to kill humans and children? Why does he reward some with a nice home, income and democracy, while he places others in poverty and millions of children dying of hunger every year? What kind of God is that? Sure, God works in mysterious ways, I get it. What a fucked up God to allow children to be killed, used as sexual toys, drain their blood for Adrenochrome, do I need to go any further?

Let me explain for those new here. I do believe in Creator, I KNOW Creator, I died for 12 minutes and had that experience of being in the realm of my birth as a Soul. I love Creator, I am a spark of Divine Creation, but I DO NOT support Religions, dogmas and those that teach humans only GOD can save us. This is counterproductive and these folks are either evil or they are stupid!

Those that teach you that you ARE the Light, that you hold the power, that you can manifest your reality, that you will soon ascend to higher dimensional realities, those are the true Warriors of light, not those that claim their Intel is telling them that this and this will happen.

Of course it will, but we planned all this and we know already that we have won the war of Evil. What is playing out right now is a Movie, preparing those not yet awake to get their shit together. WE are in control, we have come here to save this planet, our mother Gaia from Evil; WE are the Intel, the Warriors of truth and LOVE.

The Patriots as they like to call themselves only think of their own country, how is that helping humanity? Isn’t’ that being selfish to only think of your own country? How is America more important than the rest of humanity? These so called truthers and Patriots don’t mention much of the turmoil going on globally, they give a few seconds only to say that America is showing the way. Bullshit. We are in this together. There is no thing as National, Regional or International. A true Warrior is for helping humanity, it is not country specific, so these folks that are Patriots are not of the Light, they are soul dead humans who have no concept of who they truly are and don’t give power to themselves but to some God in the bible and most of us know that the Bible is not truth, it’s missing hundreds of books, its’ been manipulated, wrongly translated and most of it was for those times, not today. So, here is the deal.

You are the light, anyone that teaches you otherwise, is a fraud, a fake and a human that has not yet reached his/her level of enlightenment or understanding of who they truly are.

I have been closely watching/reading these folks and it’s sickening because they all have something to sell, claim to have intel and are close to the “ones that are in the know”. Yeah, and? How will your followers deal with what is to come? Will they crawl under the stairs and call for God? How will they move forward as Souls when you are teaching them they are powerless and that only God will save what is coming? Where are your empowerment teachings, that we ARE Souls having a human experience, that death is not real, that many are leaving this reality because their job is done? Where is your work to connect globally, to Connect Consciousness in Unity because we can’t win this war any other way? Go ask Simon Parkes why he named his organization “Connecting Consciousness”. I still have no idea who the members are after 7 years of membership! I asked myself this question about CC: “Have I become a better entity/Soul for being a member? What has CC contributed to my existence? All Simon can tell you is “knowledge”. What knowledge? How does knowledge of physical events help me in any way if I don’t understand who I am and why I exist? Just asking.

I am not saying to not listen to them or believe them, but don’t give them your money unless that money is going towards helping those in need. I live in a beautiful home, I lack nothing but I feel bad because I know that millions of humans are going hungry at this very moment. How can I celebrate my abundance knowing this truth?

With love and LIGHT