The Truth is Out There with Facts/Evidence

The missing piece of the puzzle that caused me whiplash.

I ask you all to listen to this video, Jason talks about the Patriot movement. They are good guys, true patriots and their hearts are in the right place, but they don’t know they have been thwarted and are giving out false information.

Interesting enough, he talks about the body, our Avatar and how we use this body that actually works against us, this is something that I have been writing for years. We enter the human body and attach ourselves energetically, but we then become blind and forget the past and why we are here. This is mind blowing because I have not come across anyone that speaks this way except for me and I have been writing ABOUT THIS SINCE 2014.

Take from this what you wish or what you resonate with, but for me, it was the missing piece of the puzzle that I have been putting together over the last 40 years and the question was: How and when does it actually end? We made the choice to come here, we made contracts with other Souls to have this experience, in an alternate Universe as a Simulation, and something went wrong, I said this too, even Jason doesn’t know or hasn’t yet figured how it happened because we never would have agreed to do this if there was a risk of us being taken over by some Negative AI.

I really look forward to watching all of his videos, soooooo much evidence that he backs up everything he talks about. No opinions, no belief systems no hearing what other people have to say, he provides facts and proof of everything. Amazing Man!

Your thoughts are welcome!