Grab Some Popcorn and Enjoy the Show

This is how I feel right now. I want to sit down and watch the show but don’t have time because my life is filled with taking care of a sick partner and 2 new kittens I brought home so that he would be happy during his healing.

If you can just sit down with a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show going on without getting angry, frustrated, sad, discouraged and helpless then you have grown into a spiritual being. I can do this.

RT news just got notified from their banks in the UK that their accounts would be closed. I guess the cabal is finally showing their desperation and trying to shut down any truth or fact based news media outlets because more people are waking up and starting to finally realize what is going on.

There are so many events going on in the world that it’s too long to list here, but if you’re watching world events then you know what they are and it’s all part of the end game. I wrote about Terminal Madness stage a few times in the past. We are in that stage and the madness is now in the open and in your face. There is not a country on this planet that is not going through some transformation. I don’t call them problems, wars, occupations, protests and famine because they are all part of the transformation.

If we have a full belly, we don’t know what it’s like to be hungry. If we grow up in a home where there is only love and compassion, we fall flat on our faces when facing the world as adults because we have never experienced hardship, lack of something, hatred, jealousy and all the shit that is thrown at us to keep our attention in the wrong places.

It’s a nasty world we live in. As humans we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Instead of maturing and becoming a better humanity,we’re barbarians. We still think wars are necessary. We compete with each other in everything. In fact, without competition we would be a better world. We don’t need to compete with one another. We just need to be  the best that we can be.

I find the world events happening now comical in a way because those of us that are awake knew this was coming. I have been writing about this for years now that things have to get worse before they get better. We can’t wake up unless we’ve been knocked off and down. Who needs change in a perfect world? As long as you have a roof over your head, food on the table and a job to pay bills, it don’t matter what goes on outside of our world. As long as our needs are met; who cares about the Syrian children being bombed in the last few weeks losing limbs, arms, brains and not able to get proper medical care. I mean, after all, it’s far away and it won’t come my way. This is our attitude, let’s face it; we are selfish humans.

My point to all this is that it is coming your way, whether you like it or not, believe it or not, shitty things will and are going to happen to you because you need to wake up and once you wake up, you need to do something about it.

The media wars going on right now are intended to shut down any media outlets that are speaking the truth, providing proof and showing the facts. The cabal and its minions are in their last throes and before they go down they will take as many as they can with them. None of us are immune to the war against humanity. It is a war against humanity not just a war against certain countries.

The UN Humanitarian group today spoke out openly that they were ready to greet the population leaving Mosul with psychologists, food, essentials and vaccines of course. We have Human Rights Groups who condemn all the wars going on yet are powerless to do anything. It’s like the Pope saying: “My children, please don’t kill each other, it’s not nice”. Sure Francis; why don’t you back it up with some action like throwing some money out to those in need?

So, grab a bowl of popcorn, sit down and enjoy the show if you can but understand that whatever is going on is coming your way; it’s the way we planned it, it’s the way we chose to end this terminal madness. Unless we experience suffering, we will have no motivation to change or do anything about it. I have been writing about this for years now that we all have to take responsibility in what is going on and how it will end. I personally am enjoying the show.

As to what I have been doing lately. Well, aside from going out into the community and helping, I actually grew some Cannabis, dried and cured it and made some Cannabis Oil for my partner. He’s been using it for 3 weeks now and is going through terrible healing crisis, but he’s spitting up horrible shit from his lungs. He’s also nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide and taking many other things. He finally realized that medicine was taking him to the grave and made the choice to go natural. Out of 11 drugs he was taking, he’s now on 2 and hopefully once we get confirmation that his heart is better, we can stop taking those. Will he survive? I don’t know, but we won’t know unless we try.

The best part of this Cannabis trip is that I was the guinea pig and tried it out first. I fill a syringe with the oil once done and then drop into gel caps for dosage. I can tell you that 1 rice size dose got me really high, wow. But it wasn’t the high that was awesome, it was my out of body experiences I had going to sleep, incredible stuff. I don’t do it often because my partner needs it more than I do, and it takes a lot of Cannabis to make oil since I can’t have a garden full of plants. 3 plants growing is good enough to keep his supplies for a few months so I have plants in different stages. Rick Simpson Oil is awesome and it took a few months of study and research to ensure a good batch but will let you know how he does in time.

So, sit back enjoy the show. Oh and expect Hillary to back out of the race and allow Michelle Obama to take her place. If you think Hillary is evil just wait until you get Michelle. He/she is not someone you want for your president, but then it’s just sad that out of 360 million Americans only these 2 idiots are running. We here in Europe are just laughing our socks off at the comedy show and can’t believe how this has been allowed to happen. I wish you all luck because you’re going to need it but most of all I wish you a happy transformation. As things get nasty, celebrate because it’s a sign that things are coming to an end.

Yours faithfully and see you on the other side! Love always!

Hang On, Grab a Rope it’s Coming

So sad to read about what happened to Zen Gardner. I listened to an interview with him trying to explain what happened and how he feels and I have to say, it’s sad to hear and read how he’s been treated. I don’t know the truth, only Zen knows the truth, but it’s the way he’s been treated that really saddened me. If you consider yourself a spiritualist, if you consider yourself to be enlightened and aware, awake and living in reality, then you have no right to judge Zen.
From a human perspective: We all make mistakes. We have all go through a period of maturing, learning, experiencing and learning from our mistakes. We make decisions based on our age, circumstances, culture, religious beliefs and a myriad of other factors, but NONE of us mature without making mistakes. Some of us learn from them, some of us keep repeating them because we simply don’t realize we’re making mistakes or are not willing to admit to them. Regardless, it’s sad to see what happened to Zen. His website is down, his FB page is down, the shit must have been too much for him to deal with.
I read about Ken O’Keefe and Max Egan fallout. Listened to a few interviews. All I can say is: I told you so. Ken is a psychopath and it revealed itself in this silly and shameful fallout between him and Max. I don’t know the truth about what really happened and I could care less, but the real faces are starting to show themselves.
Anyone out there that is making money off you for providing you with information is not really doing it with good intent. I wrote about this before. If you are someone that considers you’re here to help humanity, why are you charging them for it? I can’t charge money for information that was given to me or channeled to me. You get a job and work like everyone else, use your free time to help others.
I just read the last interview with Rob Potter and Cobra. I laughed reading it. Such silly questions and silly answers. Does this guy still have a following? He’s still talking about the event but doesn’t know when? He’s in communication with Pleiadians and doesn’t know when this will happen? I mean, do people really believe this loser?
We are at the crossroads folks. I could wake up in the morning and hear the war has started. The Cabal is desperate to start a war with Russia and I hate to say it, but it will happen. It’s inevitable. You know why? Cause you’re still sitting on your assess doing nothing about it. It’s far away and won’t affect you. It’s not your problem. The galactics will save us. Whatever. It has to happen. It’s part of the reason we came here. Without war, there will be no peace.  Either a polar shift or war is  inevitable; we can’t go forward unless humanity wakes up and the only way it’s going to wake up is when it starts running from bombs or wakes up with no electricity because Putin sent you an EMP and you’re faced with living in the stone age. I hope you’re not a diabetic; your insulin will be useless and you’ll die very soon.
I have been away for a few months now, although I do keep up with what is going on, I haven’t had time to write, there is simply nothing to say or write. The reality we are creating is what it is. Collective consciousness has chosen war and this is where we are heading. It can happen any moment, any day, but it has to happen. Collective consciousness has been hijacked by massive frequencies from technology; bullshit propaganda on TV and if you paid attention to the UN meeting today where countries are accusing Russia of war crimes. They want war at all costs and I knew that Russia would veto the resolution. Russia has no choice but to fight back, if it caves in, we’re all fucked. At least this way it will be between America and Russia, a few Eu countries like France, UK, Germany and maybe Belgium but it’s coming unless we stop it.
Pray for peace, stand up and do something, been writing about this for years. There is no saviour, no galactics, no miracles. Collective consciousness determines what happens and right now we are creating a war. This one won’t last too long, maybe a few weeks and Russia will kick ass, millions will die but this is what is needed for the sheeple and those asleep to finally realize we can’t allow anyone to control us anymore. As the planetary frequencies are increasing, as the sun is sending us powerful energy; the cabal is using every tool it has to divert that from us. We still have time to stop this but we will replace it with some natural disaster, something traumatic has to happen, period.
Don’t worry about it. You’re not a human. You’re an old soul and you already chose what to do while here. Some of us will leave soon, some of us will stay behind and help those that don’t understand what is going on, but we all made choices to be here and complete our mission.
My partner is still hanging in by a thread. I actually grew, dried, cured cannabis and made my first batch. He started taking Cannabis Oil (Rick Simpson recipe) and there are some small changes, but too early to tell. His PAH (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) is in Phase III which means if he goes into Phase IV he will have to be hospitalized and put on machines. In the meantime, his heart could just give out and I’m not ready to accept that. He’s now taking many things, we started with Cannabis Oil this week and Lugol’s Solution along with other high potency supplements. The good news is that after being hospitalized 3 times in the last 2 months, CT scans reveal that his condition has not progressed in the last year, that’s fantastic. Complications were all based on diuretics and blood thinning drugs which FINALLY the doctor told him to stop taking. This doesn’t mean all is well because he’s prone to blood clots and fluids collecting around the heart, but the drugs were in essence killing him. I’m now hoping the Cannabis will help him, will let you know how things go in a few months if he pulls through.
I’m busy taking care of him really, doing some work outside in the garden but my life is such that I can’t leave him alone for too long as he’s got a detailed and intense therapy schedule. He’s receiving something almost every hour so my life is the way it is.
We are at the crossroads but neither side has a sign or instructions, we’re choosing blind directions, use your intuition to tell you where to go, ask yourself what you have done in this lifetime to make a difference. It’s making the difference that can change our direction. It’s knowing that whatever it is you came here to do, has to make a difference.
Be prepared for everything. Stock up on food and water and medicines if you need them. Anything is possible at this point, but I’m seeing war, I’m seeing destruction, and I’m seeing that glorious rainbow, the transformation we all need to go through once we choose peace.
Peace be with you!