Half a bed for sale anyone? Husband literally Divides Their Estate in Half – Good Laugh

Divorce settlements, which often force the two estranged spouses to split their belongings 50/50, can be both emotionally and financially painful. In an unambiguous and ironic gesture, one man in Germany told Laura, his ex-wife, just what he thought of her – by literally cutting all of their belongings in half!

The man is clearly experienced with the power tools that he has, because he’s actually done a great job of methodically and neatly destroying all of their stuff – everything from their teddy bear to their couch to their car has been sliced neatly in half. He is selling his half of everything on the eBay online auction site, where each item has a bitter but funny writeup in German detailing how the courts ordered him to ‘split’ their belongings even though he seems to suggest that Laura had been unfaithful.

We must assume that there’s a rather upset woman named Laura somewhere in Germany trying to figure out what to do with her half of a mailbox.

Read more: http://www.boredpanda.com/half-of-everything-divorce-laura/

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