What does it mean “All we need is love”? I have been reading statements like this for years now and it occured to me that all those making such statements just assumed we all understood and didn’t bother to explain further.

Many write about love, to be more loving, to love everyone and to do things with love. To say “all we need is love”implies that nothing matters except love or that love is enough.

What exactly does that mean?

I think this is a new age movement catch phrase. Come on folks, we are talking as if we don’t have any love. Nothing has changed. We still love our families, we still love our children, we still love our friends, we even love our employers. We love to cook, we love to grow food, we love going on vacation, we love family gatherings.

Tell me, where is the love lacking? Why are these people that constantly write that all we have to do is love telling us something we already do? You can’t love someone that is bad, you can’t force your love on a stranger. The heart doesn’t naturally love, where is this nonsense coming from?

Some messages about love contain phrase such as: “just love them or spread the love or return love for getting hurt as if we are automatic pilot lights with the switch on LOVE.

Love is something we do when we don’t feel threatened, when we have got to know someone, we naturally love our children but not all parents do. I can’t love someone that just broke into my house

“All we need is love”can also imply that all we have to do to change our world is to just Love. Love what? Love who? Why?

All we need is love can imply that love will fix everything. No it won’t. You can love your partner and they can still cheat on you. You can love your child and it can still murder someone. How does love solve our problems?

Who says that we “choose” or “decide”to love?

All we need is love can also imply that we need not do anything other than love. Love what? Love who?

If someone attacked me, went to jail and I went to visit them and tell them I love them, will that make them a better person or make them stop doing it again?

The channelers, self-proclaimed gurus, communicators with Jesus, Saul, Sananda, mother god, father god, St. germain et al., who proclaim that all we need is love need to define this.

Love is not something we turn on or choose to do. In fact if you think about it, we have no control over that emotion. Have you ever thought about this?

The statement “love conquers all”, has some validity to it but in what situation? If two people love each other, chances are they will resolve or overcome issues better than two people that don’t love each other.

We naturally love our children and I believe that is it. Many people love their parents, but if their parents harmed them or abandoned them perhaps they may not. It all depends on the severity. It’s true that when we love we are more forgiving, but I don’t and never did feel love for my parents. At my age now (almost 60), I struggle with that. I respect my parents because I now understand better why they abused me, but by understanding them I didn’t start loving them.

Love chooses us. We don’t choose love, it’s an emotion that connects us to the person we love, perhaps it’s a frequency or vibration or it’s a soul knowing the other soul for thousands of lifetimes, but the point is we don’t choose or decide to love someone.

I can look at a photo of a chef’s salad and think: “that looks tasty”. I will eat that salad and if it tastes good for me I will think “yummy”, it tastes great. Later on, I may be discussing food with a friend and tell her that I “love” chef salads. But that would be an expression, because we can’t just decide to love because we like it’s taste or color.

I love my partner, how do I know? Because I love being with him and I cant imagine not being with him. I love my cat and dog and I can’t imagine being without them. I am happy when I am with all of them, I love to make them feel special, I love to spoil them. I hurt when they hurt. But if my partner told me on his deathbed that I must go on and find someone to love, I know that it doesn’t work that way. Love may come or may not, but I won’t find it and I won’t go out seeking to find a man to love. It just happens.

So, if love is something that ALL is needed, if love conquers all, isn’t that a silly statement given that we don’t choose, mandate, decide who or what to love?

How does love raise the vibration of the planet if we can’t control it? Love is no different today than it was 50 years ago or 1000 years ago. We never “chose” Love, it always just happened so to say that we can change the world if we love more is completely idiotic and meaningless.

But we just nod our heads when we read about love yet nobody creates it, hell, many people have never even experienced it in their lifetime.

How does love happen is the million dollar question.

According to Susan Kuchinkas, author of the book titled: “The Chemistry of Love”. Our ability to love or feel loved is primarily based on oxytocin, a chemical produced in the brain in response to positive social interactions. Our brains develop the oxytocin response after we are born, in response to the kind of mother we get. If your mother is depressed, angry or ill, you may not grow up with the ability to bond in healthy relationships. The oxytocin response is learned. When we are born our brain is not fully developed. In a sense really, you know, we’re not born knowing how to love”. 

My further understanding of this is that the baby when born hopefully is loved, nurtured, fed, etc; by it’s mother or caregiver and through this ‘good’ feeling, it produces the oxytocin.

None of the above excerpt from the book gives us a better understanding how we become to love. It explains our ability to love if the oxytocin is produced, but in my research today I could not find an explanation how we start feeling love and what triggers the love emotion.

So, in conclusion to the beginning statement of “All we need is love” and in response to all the gurus, prophets, sages, and ascension fanatics out there, love if we are lucky to love or be loved ‘could’ possibly help us in adversarial times but not very likely in being the factor in changing our current situation because we can’t make love happen at will.

The song “All we need is love” simply means that being in love is great and when two people love each other, it’s enough.

Love is not something we can control or make happen. Even bad people can love, we love bad people. Take for example a partner that may have an addiction problem or displays aggressive behavior. We don’t just stop loving that person because we don’t like their behavior, we can’t choose to stop loving that person. Maybe in time if that person with issues continues, it might wear off the love we feel if it’s not being returned, but our chances of stopping loving someone are as low as falling in love again with someone else. It just happens.

If you’re a parent you know all too well what I am talking about. Our children may do things that we don’t like but our love doesn’t stop. It may change, we may try to hold back or now show it, but the heart loves just as strong.

So, nothing has changed from the beginning of mankind when it comes to love. We have never been able to create it at will or control it. All we can do  with love is withhold it or not show it, but we cannot stop the heart from loving at will.

At what point does it stop if it does at all, is another post but to say that if we love the darkness or love all dark entities or send love to those trying to harm us, love everything that we will create a better world is utter stupidity and bullshit and anyone selling that bullshit either needs to explain their statement or I think are just another disinfo agent selling wrapping paper without the good inside.

Books have been written about love. Men and women have killed over love. I’m not disputing the emotion or feeling called LOVE, I am disputing and questioning that we can’t just love at will to change the world, therefore, LOVE is not what it will take.

To say that all we have to do is love is like saying “don’t worry, relax, wait for something cause all you need to be doing is loving”. Loving what? Loving who?

I don’t think so. I love my partner and lately I wish I didn’t love him. I wish I could stop loving him, I can’t shut it off, I can’t run away from it, I can’t even pretend it doesn’t exist.

Why do I not want to love my partner? Because he will not be around one day soon and I don’t want to feel the pain of losing him.

So you see, love isn’t something we can control. It chooses us and if Creator/Source designed it to work that way, then I’m sure there is a good reason for it and that’s another story.

So when I would say “I love you at all” at the end of a post, I was lying. I can’t love someone I don’t know and never met and I don’t feel the love for my readers. I feel respect and gratitude but not not love. Perhaps it could happen if we met but not here like this invisible and untouchable.

So I will re phrase “I love  you all”, by saying “May you be blessed with love”.

A letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter: about The Universal Force which is LOVE

Reposted from:

In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publish their contents until two decades after his death. This is one of them, for Lieserl Einstein.More can be found about Lieserl here

…”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.

This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.

Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.

Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.

For love we live and die.
Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.

To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.

If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…

If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.

However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.

I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.

Your father Albert Einstein

Tune Into Your Radio Station

I love Epiphanies and synchronicity, it’s been my reality the last year. Everything just happens when it should and some things that didn’t make sense all of a sudden make sense. As I was responding to a comment, the Epiphany happened and I thought best to write it down before it left my current brain reality/memory as I do have problems with memory.

As with everything I am interested in, I get into it really deep and in an extreme way. During my long journey I studied dreams from a scientific and psychological perspective though even to this day science is not in unity as to what dreams are and how they occur, but for me it was fascinating because my dreams or what I now call different time space realities were mixed where I never saw myself only knew I was in that scene experiencing and often there were what people would consider really scary or traumatic events such as being chased by a monster or falling into a pit of snakes. I experienced these types of realities ( I no longer call them dreams), and I was never afraid or in fear, I was always in awe as in experiencing something for the first time like being blind all your life and after having a new technology inserted into your brain you can now see the world so imagine those first few seconds of seeing for the first time.

It took me many years to put the pieces together, what I would find really interesting was that I would wake up from an experience (dream) go to the bathroom and consciously think “hurry up so you can get back to that dream”, and I would!

At first I would remember fragments of them, or during the day I would have an epiphany on more details about that experience and slowly I started to fit the pieces together, that I actually was a fragmented soul, a soul who had fragmented itself to have several experiences. I don’t know or remember where I read this, most likely Kryon as he’s really good as describing this stuff but an old soul or experienced soul can do this, it wants to experience many experiences at once because it can, because outside of this 3D density there is no linear time, it’s simply you the SOUL creating your experiences.

Imagine yourself as an artist with a huge canvass in front of you, with your palette of colors and tools whether you want to use crayons, water colors, oil colors and different brushes you create whatever it is that you want, but you don’t have just one canvass in front of you, you have as many as you can handle in other words, you could be painting several paintings at once, or one today and the next tomorrow, it’s all your creation, you get to create how and when you want. When you’re done with your reality or painting you will either discard it, put it on your wall or sell it, but that reality is recorded on that canvass (akashic).

As  humans living in this prison, our memories are/were erased, not knowing that we are timeless souls that just create, we get fragments of these realities in our sleep time or dream time or whatever you want to call it. In fact, I think scientists know what dreams are and are not telling us like everything else because there is no place in the brain they can pinpoint to and claim that is where we create dreams. They are not part of our brain, they are the intermittent connections we have with our higher self and source so we get fragments of our current realities and as 3D humans with our memories wiped we don’t understand them or remember them as I often don’t. The exception is when I say that we don’t fear anything is that we can choose to experience something that is scary, but in that time/space reality we know it’s chosen, we know it’s a creation that will last as long as we choose it to be.

I started to record them, even though they were bits and pieces, but the puzzle start to fit together, I realized I wasn’t painting just one canvass, and because there is no such thing as fear in the time/space reality of LOVE, we have experiences that normally would scare the crap out of us here because we have been programmed to do so. In that time/space reality the Soul exists in, it is just experiencing and enjoying the experience.

It is my understanding that a lot of animals/insects and aquatic life were created to scare us, hurt us, kill us to program the fear in us, originally we didn’t live with creatures that were harmful to us. What is the purpose of a mosquito? Why would creator create a mosquito to suck our blood and this insect has no value in nature at all. When we were first designed, the animals were part of our reality, living together with nature, everything was created for the greater good. As the aliens and dark entities started messing with our DNA, remember, they were master geneticists, they created creatures of all forms that had no value in nature other than to scare us, haunt us, suck our blood, create fear in our consciousness and this what we are today, afraid of animals because some of them are harmful to us. You know, what does a snail do in nature that is good for us? It eats your vegetables and leaves behind an acid that is harmful to your digestive system, so it has no value to us yet scientists/biologists will have you believe that every creature/living organism was created and that it has purpose. It does NOT!

I have so far counted 4 or 5 different realities that I am experiencing as a soul, my first memory was just flying around the planet, in this body with this tube we use in swimming pools around me, I was a young girl when I started this first experience that I can remember and I used to look forward to going to sleep to dream it because at the time I thought/believed it was a dream.

I believe if you change your conscious understanding of your dreams to see/view them as fragments of your soul having different experiences that eventually in time you will begin to put the puzzle together, it’s another piece of the puzzle that is important for us to understand who we are. There is also a drawback to this knowing and that is right now, as I am sitting here writing this post, I wish I was in another reality, I feel trapped here, I feel helpless at times knowing that I am trapped on this planet in this 3D density and that I am only a small fragment of what I should be even though I know this is not true, that I exist in different realities, but here in this density I can’t feel or experience the other ones at the same time.

I know the veil is thinning, I feel the energies are increasing because I can actually now choose before falling asleep where I want to go, it doesn’t always work because of the traps and blocks set up for those of us that are finally seeing this. Until the veil is completely removed and we are able to be in constant connection to source and our higher selves, we will get intermittent moments of our other realities but I see it as our antennas growing and catching more stations like a Television before cable technology entered our lives. Even today, we can turn the dial on the radio and tune into a different station, we are the antenna  trying to tune into our different realities of existence but there are forces blocking our access and once in a while we can get through, and this is the part that is now changing as we can access different stations for longer periods of time.

It is so incredible to know this, to feel this, but even though I know this, the feelings last too short because this life in this 3D density forces me to exist in it by being part of the food chain, we are in existence mode, this bodysuit requires food, water and oxygen to survive and the system is set up that instead of trying to tune into those stations, we have to make a living to get money to stay alive. Very few of us have the privilege of experiencing both, meaning, having the basic needs to survive and the time to explore different radio stations. Right now, I need to go and get some wood for the stove otherwise I’m going to freeze my butt off tonight, but for now I leave you with these thoughts and remind you that you are an incredible soul trapped in this 3D reality but that it was not designed for us to be trapped into it, though that is now soon ending.

Don’t wait for the RV or the GCR or gurus to tell you what to expect. Don’t believe the crap about portals and ley lines, mother Gaia has everything under control. While you are here, work on yourself, the cleansing and purifying of all that human negative emotions, just know that as a creator of this reality that went wrong, not by our choosing, it is all coming to an end. Instead of wanting more and needing more, be happy with what you have because once we shift into higher densities, everything that is inorganic that is not made from mother will just disappear, your reality will become the one that you created but could never manifest in this prison planet.

Remember who you are.

Loving and Living in Truth

In this timeline, most of the physical frontiers have been discovered yet one important frontier remains: the higher self. This frontier offers the greatest freedom and healing in these troubled times or what I like to call Terminal Madness.

Once crossed, it puts us in touch with our Inner Selves and higher selves, and once we can master this; we will always be led to the right place at exactly the right time. Only we can choose to take the right course of action.

The call “connect to higher self” or “go inward” has nothing to do with one’s age or maturity and everything to do with one’s choice or decision to take a chance.  A new generation of truth-seekers are heeding this call, they have taken the plunge and are changing their lives. They trust their feelings and intuition, they are willing to risk everything in exchange for growth and healing. They’re willing to learn from their mistakes and what becomes important is to follow one’s heart, connect to our higher selves as opposed to listening to what some Ascended master, ARCHangel or spiritual guru and channel has to say.  they no longer see the comfort zone but prefer the Twilight Zone now.

How can we connect to higher self and dive into our inner divinity with confidence and certainty? We have to first “know” that we are an endless and immortal soul and let ourselves be guided by our higher selves. That is the place where we acquire the lessons that help us to grow mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

The keyword to this process is trust: trust that you are being led to where you need to be, exactly when you need to be there and to trust that the lessons you receive are exactly the ones you need to receive. Trust that the action you take is right for the moment even though at that moment it may not seem like a logical action to take; you must trust.

Learning to trust our higher self connection is one of the hardest things to do and most challenging. We are taught to look for assurance and guarantees, without a promise of something better, it’s very difficult to make that move.

Our society rewards complacency not audacity and there is very little support offered by those around us who seek desperately to “be normal” . Yet to walk one’s path of Inner Divinity and Higher Self entails being different. To find the inner Frontier we have to be willing to be different, unique and individual; to take chances and to live in trust that all is the way it should be.

Our biggest enemy to living in trust is fear. When living in fear we respond to old patterns and old belief systems. We can’t respond to the demands of the moment because we’re not living in the moment. If we don’t confront and overcome our fears, we remain within the victim mentality.

Taking responsibility for your life is pertinent if you want to walk your path to inner divinity or connect to higher self. Only ba taking responsibility for our lives post and present can we ever truly engage our lives.  We can’t start to live in trust that we are not alone if we don’t take responsibility, or that we have purpose and meaning.

We become the creators of our destiny, and when we add to this our connections to inner and higher selves; we start to realize that it truly is possible to live a guided life.

In the end, by learning to follow your heart and intuition, by living in trust and responsibility; we put ourselves in touch with all of our soul aspects that we are. It’s only then that we will find ourselves in the right place, at the right time and doing the right action.

Trust yourself, know that you are where you need to be and are doing what you need to be doing. Trust that our world will change and that we will once again be in charge of our destinies.