Veronica and Monty Keen Like Energizer Bunnies, They Just Keep Going and Going

Just when I think that the truth has been uncovered, something new comes in about Veronica. I know that she is reading this blog very intensely, this way she can formulate Monty’s next message, at least that is how it has seemed ever since I started questioning her foundation and it’s legal status.

It is good to see that Veronica has finally started using the real current foundation Montague and Veronica Keen Foundation, not sure why it took her so long and why she didn’t change it sooner but the bank information is not posted, Jean Haines posts it  supporting Veronica along with Monty’s message and I don’t recall that the actual account name is listed. So, let me ask this: Can you actually go to a bank and request to make a deposit on someone’s else’s bank account without knowing the name of the account? I guess that account numbers and codes are sufficient? I’m asking because our banking system in Croatia is different and truth is, I can’t get a real person to answer the phone, I hate pressing numbers on the phone pad to oblivion, so unless the bank only requires bank account numbers, then it’s cool, you don’t need the name of the accountholder.

This post is not about ramblings actually, I wanted to just note there is some progress, this is what I am hoping for, despite all that has happened, if you ask for ½ M Euros, be prepared to present all the information such as size of property, address of property, description of property etc.   Paypal charges for their transactions, I assume the larger the amount the larger the fee? I don’t know, I live off the grid, out of the system so I don’t have credit cards or bank cards, I have a bank account only because I have to when companies pay me; they require it, but I work in cash and barter so my questions are not silly nor am I trying to be sarcastic.

I received another email yesterday, actually 2 emails regarding Veronica. One was thanking me for the exposure and this woman actually asked for her money back, it was a large amount and she received it back which is fantastic, but Veronica blames everything on Ian Kelly. Ian Kelly is the fellow in the blue shirt in the infamous photo that some were claiming it was faked/photoshopped. He was a director for the foundation and sent me some information. So, it’s all Ian’s fault I guess that she was being exposed for what she is “a fraud”.

The second email was very disturbing, it took me a while to read through it, verify the links and then come to a conclusion and that is that Veronica is using someone else’s material regarding Ireland and Tara, she is stealing information from her blog, her website and this link  starting beneath this link, in bold letters is the beginning of work that Veronica has stolen. Now, I can’t mention her name yet, I am waiting for her permission to disclose parts of the email before I do this, I just don’t post anything unless I have permission.

So, while on this page, I didn’t pay attention to the details last time, this link was provided to me by Ian Kelly, it was to confirm that Veronica is asking for donations on different websites. What I didn’t pay attention to is that the amounts are different.

On this page: “ I ask you to please contribute in any way that you can. No amount is too small. Together, we can make this happen. Time is of the essence. I have 9 weeks to find the deposit of 40,000 Euros. Everyone who contributes will be acknowledged; their names will appear on a plaque in the entrance to the Centre.”

And here:  “The Deposit is now 43,000 Euros which we Need Immediately in Less than 2 Weeks, but the ENTIRE PURCHASE is around 540,000 Euros and is Due in Less than 6 Weeks, which is what we are trying to raise…the Entire Purchase Price, Moving Costs, Repairs & Rehabbing the Property, Computers & Technology, Furniture, Equipment & Supplies Needed.

Very confusing, the first link Veronica states that a 40,000 euro deposit is needed within 9 weeks, on the second link Veronica states that a 43,000 euro deposit is needed in less than 2 weeks and the entire amount in 6 weeks.

Of course it is understandable that there would be additional costs, but both links have different information and as Ian Kelly pointed out, Veronica could have raised a total of 990,000 euros without your knowledge because she is not sharing them with you but created separate sites, which I see as very unethical and immoral to mislead people.

One thing I can claim 100% positive is that so far, since I started this research on the Keens, not one person that knows either Veronica or Monty has come forward or even defended these people.  Not one person has contacted me and offered a different perspective either, but MANY have written me about her unethical behavior.

This information that my source claims is stolen from her, is a combination of 30 years of research and Veronica is just copying and pasting it. No, I cannot show you what it is right now until I get permission, but I would not even have stated this unless I was sure I could back it up with information.  I know she will not have a problem with me using her material and website, but I can’t assume anything, I need specific permission from sources so that I don’t get into trouble later and someone accuses me of using information I was not entitled to.  Most people just assume that if someone sends you information via email that it is taken for granted that person has given you permission to use it, and that’s not the case with me. I send back with permission to itemize to me what I can and can’t use, once I receive the confirmation then I will proceed with the “facts” and “proof” of what I am stating here.

I’m also a bit baffled why Veronica went into such details about the proposed center on this page :, yet on the Foundation page there is NO such information other than “centre” and no description, so this leads me to wonder why she is not using the foundation to promote the proposed center yet she is using it collect funds. Is she trying to hide something?
She doesn’t talk about anyone being involved in this project, she’s mentioned a few times that she has spent the last 10 years working on this, yet nowhere have I read exactly what it is that she has been doing. A foundation has directors that are usually involved in the projects, she never mentions any of them, she truly is doing this solo. How does a 77 year old woman who claims she will die in 3 years do all of this herself, especially when she’s getting ice stuck up her anus every few days, that must be painful. No pun intended, she’s the one that keeps writing about her attacks, so I am just wondering how she manages to do all the work all alone and constantly recovering from some kind of attack, should she not have some assistants? Too many unanswered questions and many things just don’t make sense.

I am going to wait for the permission to post the material I talked about and will wait for Monty’s  “new” message because I have a feeling he is going to mention me, each time I write a post about the Keens, he reminds his “followers” how the Cabal is playing dirty and really trying to “kill” Veronica.  He also refers to us truth seekers as “3D humans and that we should be pitied”.

So, let me ask this question: “If Monty knows everything that is going on, then he knows that Veronica is not exactly being honest about this whole foundation and funding, she’s stealing information/material from other folks, doesn’t that make Monty unethical and immoral as well?”

You claim that Veronica should go to Ireland, yet this “source” writes to me that Veronica contacted her and told her that Monty told her to contact her. There is so much contradicting information, someone is lying.

Good question isn’t it? If he is a spirit and knows that I am giving Veronica a hard time, then he knows that she is not being truthful about a lot of things. Say Monty, why don’t you say something to Veronica about her unethical ways? You speak in her behalf all the time, in fact, you don’t let her speak for herself, and you feel you should be the one to speak for her, what she is feeling, how she is feeling, who is going after her and how much she needs. I will and must assume then that you know about her unethical and immoral means of using the foundation for personal gain? That would make you Monty a not so credible source. If you are not telling your followers the truth about Veronica and holding back, that makes you just as guilty as she is does it not?

Just some thoughts that were going through my head last night as a few people did comment on the fact they have been following Monty for years. I have been reading his material for years, but that doesn’t mean I believe what he has to say, I have been using it for research, basically whatever he has to say everyone else is saying the same. They look down on Earth and tell us what is going on as if we don’t know, as if we are really stupid and they need to feel more enlightened. The same goes for Mike Quinsey, John Smallman, Mathew Ward, Suzy whatever and Monty, ALL their messages start with telling us what is going on here.

In my last article I wrote about “resonating”, remember, you will resonate with all humans that mean well, as we all carry that frequency of truth and love, those that do not we will not resonate with, you have been taught wrong, in other words, you have been taught that if it resonates with you it must be truth, and that is not the case. All people with love and goodness resonate at the same frequencies, each emotion has its own frequency signature, just like the aura has different colors to show different emotions, so basically we have been taught wrong and that would make us more vulnerable to information by discerning it the wrong way. Something to think about, if we really think about it, all these folks that are giving out advice, doing readings, channeling some higher entity or claiming to be a higher dimensional being, they all have one goal in common and that is to bombard us with information to confuse us and hopefully join their ranks, which you can’t avoid because the whole movement is theirs.

Get out and get into your own movement, its inside, its waiting for you to enter, it’s got all the information you need and want. External sources are a means of diverting our journey and confusing us, internal sources contain nothing but our truth, and we can see this happening now, more and more people are becoming more sceptical and are not so quick to accept someone else’s truth.

I love you all.


It pays to be persistent. Synchronicity is part of my daily life. The moment I create the thought and desire, something shows up. Yesterday, as I was looking for a new post on the blog (I have a collection of articles written ahead of time), I decided to double check Veronica and see if she had made some headway in raising funds for her Center, and to check out the bank information, but I was pleasantly surprised to see the bank information was removed again. When I woke up this morning, because it is a holiday here in Croatia (Independence Day), I planned on doing another post on Monty and Veronica and put that on my list of to do’s today (bad memory).

Just as I was about to log off for lunch, an email shows up in my box and I was so excited, it’s one thing to believe synchronicity exists, it’s another to live it day in and day out. Sometimes I am careful and mindful what to wish for.

So, Veronica you have been so busted. You have been getting away with this for a long time, acting out the poor little lady  and using Monty to create an image of you that you wanted the public to know about. It’s easy to fool people when you are older; we tend to think of elderly people as helpless, dear, kind, gentle, forthcoming etc. I did think all of these things about you Veronica until you started asking for a lot of money and felt you didn’t need to justify that to anyone.

The photo below was sent to me to show that there is one individual in this photo who sent me this material. He has also allowed me to use his name, but I have chosen not to at this point because there is no need for it. Anyone that wants to know his name, please email me and I will gladly send it to you. The investigator that is was very close to Veronica has no problem with disclosure, but Veronica will see the photo and know who sent this information. It’s not about US believing this anymore, it’s about YOU Veronica, so that you know that WE KNOW your game.
“There is a picture of Veronica and I with David Icke and his friend from September 2010 on the Isle of Wight, UK when we had dinner with David Icke (another cheating, deceitful person). I am in the blue shirt. So this backs up my statement I know her”  Quoted from email received.

A quote from source’s  email” The foundation (yes I noticed a name change earlier this year as well) is in name only. She ‘works’ solo, and by that I mean she simply sits by her computer all day or talks on Skype with people and that constitutes her ‘work’. Nothing happened for the foundation in my time there, no research, no seminars, no meetings, no nothing. The people as directors are her friend Bronwen, who she never sees, her son Simon and a Dutch doctor called Robert Trossell who I believe was struck off the medical register a couple of years ago by the High Court in London.. Whether he is back working again I don’t know. Other directors appear but resign, as I did, because they are unhappy with her. Two people have left this year, one a few weeks ago, an Irish lady. Everyone see the light with Veronica eventually and leave. So the foundation means nothing.” As for Robert Trossell, he was already exposed in one of my previous posts. I must add something here about him though. We all deserve a second chance, and I can’t prove that Robert has changed his ways but if Veronica is a fraud then so is everyone working with her. You are who you hang out with is a saying my father used to tell me, it does make a bit of sense doesn’t it?

Veronica also initiated another fund raising scheme to try to raise money for this new centre. You can get that information here: Fortunately this funding hasn’t been successful, but Veronica has never linked this fund raiser to her website, so there was potential for her to raise all that money x2 as many people would not have realised. Go figure, she is double dipping and hoping for the best.

The property that Veronica is talking about to purchase for her Center  this property is the new centre she is proposing.  I was in Dublin last week and took a trip to the house, even spoke with the lady there who told me an English person is buying the property but didn’t know who. A few weeks ago Veronica mentioned the deposit had been paid, but clearly she is nowhere near being able to buy it outright with only 100k Euros raised in 3 months.

The source also sent me these two photos that he personally photographed on his recent trip to Ireland.
unnamed (1)unnamed

The Sales Sign is for you dear reader to verify yourself in case it just seems too crazy to believe or to be true. It seems the house in Ireland, which is in the middle of nowhere by the way, so how people will get there I don’t know, has struggled to sell for some reason. It went to auction in June and didn’t sell, so the owner has not been able to sell it fast and it appears Veronica is the only bidder.  I would call this a mansion, not a house.

In one of my posts I had mentioned that I looked up the Veronica’s address that was listed on the new foundation “Montague and Veronica Keen Foundation” registration, in Google Earth I could see at street level that this house was in a very exclusive district. My source tells me not only is it in an exclusive district, the properties in this area all range over 1 Million Pounds in value. According to my source, the house is paid for and Veronica does not RENT, she lied about not owning her own home in the donation page (feel sorry for me please).

According to my source: “No Veronica isn’t financially secure, she relies on her widow’s pension and her family help her when necessary. Obviously the house is paid off, they bought the house with cash in 2001 “
I looked at this link and basically it shows Real Estate Values in the area that Veronica lives in. Monty left her the house and to his sons. My guess is that she wants out of there so she doesn’t have to share the home and she can live in her mansion at the cost of the suckers sending her money.

According to my source: “I believe this property is the new centre she is Proposing.  I was in Dublin last week and took a trip to the house, even spoke with the lady there who told me an English person is buying the property but didn’t know who. A few weeks ago Veronica mentioned the deposit had been paid, but clearly she is no where near being able to buy it outright with only 100k Euros raised in 3 months.“

If you go through the photos, man, this is one beautiful mansion and Veronica would really enjoy the luxury of being independent and not having to share her million pound home with Monty’s sons.

My source says her house at 72 Southway, Totteridge N20 is owned by her. She said ‘I don’t own the house I live in’ is totally wrong. The deeds are in her name although when Monty died in 2004 half the house, (plus some legal expenses) will go to his sons. The Will was made that way. So the house is owned by Veronica. More deception there. She also has two daughters, both are financially secure. On her foundation fund raising page, she claims to have 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren).  Veronica and Monty were only a couple for about 4-5 years before he died. She talks as though they were together all their lives.

This is what Veronica wrote on her fundraising page: “I have lived in England for 55 years, so this is a huge step for me. It will mean moving away from my three children and five grandchildren. My mission requires me to do this. I do not have money and I do not own the house I live in. So I need your help to buy a Centre in Ireland.”

She mentioned in another Interview that she owns the house and was thinking of renting it out to help pay for the centre! She says this after around 7 or 8 minutes into the interview. So which is it Veronica?

Is Monty really a spirit and Veronica the channel?
My source writes: “Monty’s messages…..In my view Veronica simply puts together a message mainly from information she has got in the week from the internet or people she has spoken with. I know of at least three separate occasions when information was given to her and the following Sunday ‘Monty’ is mentioning it in his message! She posts the message here too and warned once not to copy and paste information from the internet!”

My source also claims: “Veronica is not a medium and doesn’t have clairvoyant ability. She has been described more than once as deluded and I agree with that.
In all my time with Veronica, and others, know one ever saw Veronica communicating with Monty. His ashes are in her lounge with a child’s magic wand sat on top, and sometimes that magic wand would ring on it’s own. We would stand there and talk to the ashes and yes the wand would ring, sometimes also when we sat at the table, so there is communication from someone but very limited. When Veronica says Monty has communicated, in my time there, it was from clairvoyant readings given to her that information was received or from emails from people who said Monty communicated with them.”

Final comments: It is important to understand that Veronica without a doubt has been lying for years, once a liar, always a liar. After reading the emails from my source, I sat there staring at the screen and asking myself: What motivates this woman to do this? What is her ultimate motive or goals? I mean, she’s an owner of a million pound home, she receives a pension, her daughters are financially secure, her marriage to Monty was 4 years long, not enough time to glorify this man I can assure you, we need years and years to attach ourselves to the soul of our partners, 3 years is just getting to know each other. She even said in one of her interviews with Alexandra Meadors that Monty never told her a lot of things, she had only recently learned about them. If you read or listen to what she says about Ireland, someone else is telling her to go there. It’s Monty (who this spirit is anyone’s guess if it even is a spirit and not just Veronica’s delusion. Andrew Bartzis who has all of a sudden disappeared from the project has told her several times in their video interviews, so it really makes me wonder what and who this woman really is.

There are so many good hard working people out there, we can’t even trust that the 100,000 Euros she’s marked on the moneymeter is correct, not if she is fundraising on different websites and she never mentions the other one. It’s sad that a woman almost 80 years old has to lie and steal from people and she’s not in hardship at all. I questioned that a lot when watching her interviews with Andrew, she was impeccably dressed, her hair and makeup done impeccably, you can see and feel the quality and classic attire she always wears, she just didn’t seem to be a woman in need. Well now we know she is not in need, but it doesn’t answer the question: Why is she doing this?

As for Monty, I agree with my source, there is nothing profound in his messages, nothing that we can’t glean off the internet, nothing that we can say only Monty has knowledge about it, therefore, it is easy to pretend to be someone given that he did work in that area of spirit realms and communicating with the spirit. She has used this and Monty to gain credibility with his messages and gained enough followers to start asking for a lot of money.

Please pass this post to whomever you can, this needs to get out so that we can stop people from sending her any money. She’s got 100,000 Euros and if she plans it correctly and doesn’t buy expensive clothes she can spend the rest of her days living in comfort.

As for my source, he has sent me enough material verified through links that his information can be trusted. Furthermore, he has no motive, in fact he has asked me in his last email to forward it to Veronica and see what she has to say about it, so I have no reason to believe at this point he’s got an agenda, other than being a honest, decent man shocked by what he is now seeing. I will leave the rest up to you dear reader to decide what you want to believe. As far as I am concerned THIS CASE IS CLOSED.

Who Is Really Veronica Keen?

“LONDON, 5 July 2014

Veronica: For humanity to survive it is necessary for me to move to Ireland. I am requested by Monty and the world of spirit to move to Ireland. The blocked energies in Ireland control our world. They must be released. Ireland is the key that will unlock everything.

I have lived in England for 55 years, so this is a huge step for me. It will mean moving away from my three children and five grandchildren. My mission requires me to do this. I do not have money and I do not own the house I live in. So I need your help to buy a Centre in Ireland.

On my last visit to Ireland we found the perfect building for this project. It is in a direct line from Tara and Uisneach. Its ENERGY is incredible. It is perfect in every way.

I ask you to please contribute in any way that you can. No amount is too small. Together, we can make this happen. Time is of the essence. I have 9 weeks to find the deposit of 40,000 Euros. Everyone who contributes will be acknowledged; their names will appear on a plaque in the entrance to the Centre.

We are creating our future. A future without the corruption that has destroyed our world and almost destroyed humanity itself. We are now fighting for our survival. The blocked energy must be released.

My friends and I had great success at Tara on the 26 May and the 23 June. This must continue. There are forces amongst us whose only objective is to cull humanity and to destroy all that humanity needs to survive. We cannot sit back and allow this to be done to us. Every day more evidence of this is exposed and we are shocked that this has happened without our knowledge. This is our opportunity to take control and to allow the light to penetrate, expose and remove all that is dark and corrupt.

Please help me do this.

With love and light, Veronica.”

MONTY’s 9/7/14 Message, Part of it:“For things to move forward, the Irish Centre must happen. That KEY must be turned. How badly do you want peace, truth, and harmony? Use some of the money that will become useless to you when the banks fall, as it could be used now to enable you to defeat them. Andrew Bartzis fully understands what is going on. He has also explained to Veronica that she needs to be in Ireland for things to change. But she cannot do it without your help. She has put her life on the line in order to help create a better world. What are you prepared to do? Veronica is fighting a vicious battle for your survival. Are you prepared to help her? Veronica is who she is: she will not be defeated.”

This is laden with guilt and putting pressure on his followers to pay for this trip. He’s also blackmailing you into getting rid of your cash before the banks fail? Really? First of all, why does Veronica need to live in Ireland to get this done?  Veronica is not fighting a vicious battle for MY survival, I’m the one that will save ME and help ME. This is a gentle extortion for you to feel guilty and send money. I’m sorry, but this is really sick. 

I’m not going to go into Veronica’s message even though I don’t appreciate being blackmailed by being told if she doesn’t move to Ireland that humanity will not survive. Such words like that require an explanation here and now along with this request for a donation.

I have a lot of questions. I tried to ask Veronica directly about these concerns and she has yet to respond. Initially she did respond very promptly but she didn’t answer some very important questions so when I replied back and insisted that she answer them, this is what I received back:  Sep.11 (1 day ago)
When you disclose to  us details of who you are and the reason for your interest then we can then discuss the foundation and its aims.

Veronica Keen”

Needless to say I was disturbed by this response as I had explained to her that I am considering making a substantial contribution, so I sent off my information and also offered to give her my phone contacts if she so desired. I have not heard from her since then.

Had Veronica responded to this email, I probably never would have started questioning other things and started to do some research. I was dumbfounded and shocked at what I found.  Everything I state here is fact and truth, everything that you can find yourself online like I did.

Let me first discuss what I feel is going on at this moment.  I think that when you are asking for almost 1/2 M Euros  donation that you need to provide the investors, yes investors, this is no longer a donation at that amount, this is an investment for some entity or foundation. So, the least I was expecting to get from Veronica was to know if that “building” comes with land or not. There is no mention of land, only a “building”. I wanted to know what happens to this property should something happen to Veronica and that is the only answer I got from her and that is the Foundation will carry on.

Ok, so I did some research. The Montague Keen Foundation registered as an incorporation located atRegistered Address: 72 Southway, Totteridge, London, N20 8DH was actually dissolved, it’s incorporation date shows “Dissolved (Incorporation date 29/04/2006)” It doesn’t show when it was dissolved, but it no longer exists.

Veronica then starts a new Foundation:

Roles: OtherExecutives
Appointments: Current director (20/02/2014)
Past titles:
Other titles:
Nationality: IRISH
Date of birth: 1937
Director’s service address:
This information is on record

The rest of the information can be found at:

So, my question right now is that Veronica is still using a Foundation that no longer exists on the same donation page. Doesn’t that seem odd that she would continue to be using a Foundation that has been dissolved?  I have been listening to Veronica and Andrew Bartzis for weeks now talking about Ireland, history, the center, blah, blah and not once has Veronica mentioned that she founded a new Foundation. Not once have I heard her mention or write that she dissolved or someone dissolved the The Montague Keen Foundation, yet it is still being used as a Marketing Tool and on the very web page that she is asking almost 1/2M Euros!

I’m sure there is a good explanation for all of this, but something doesn’t feel right and I am really curious why Veronica has not been up front and informative about these changes.

Now, lets back to the Donation Request. Don’t you feel that when someone is asking you to donate close to 1/2 M Euros on a “building” that it would only be professional and appropriate to supply some relevant information?

Here is a list of questions that I have about this investment in Ireland.

  1. Who will be the owner of this center/building/land?
  2. What will the donors get for their donation other than a tax write off?
  3. What exactly is being done with the funds currently being sent to you Veronica?
  4. What is the name of the bank and the bank account number for this money that you are receiving?
  5. What is the address/location of this building?
  6. Have you purchased the land with this building?
  7. Have you even made an offer or are you still searching for suitable land?
  8. What kind of arrangement do you have should you NOT raise enough money? What will be done with the funds if it is not being used for the Center?
  9. Do you have a Project Plan or Business Plan for this Center?
  10. Do you have a detailed Plan as to what this center will provide?
  11. Do you have a public place where you can list the donors and amounts paid to you?
  12. How do we know how much money you really have collected, I know it’s a trust issue, but still, people are sending you money and should be able to know who is sending what and how much.
  13. Since the deadline to pay the deposit is close and there are enough funds received to pay for it, when will it be paid or has it been paid and once it is paid, can you post the contract for donors to know their money is being used for the right purpose?
  14. What is the true and real name of the Foundation you are speaking in behalf of?

You see, as much as I think Veronica is doing a great job and her intentions are good, this is no guarantee the project will be a success. How do you know she didn’t receive $1m and is telling people she’s got $500,000?  What happens if something happens to Veronica, who will inherit this center/bank account/funds?  Veronica has not mentioned anything about creating an organization or legal entity to represent this center or be the owner of this center either. I question the integrity of a person when they ask for money and don’t give out any detailed information on the project and the legal challenges associated with collecting funds.

It’s important that you know what you are getting involved in. Veronica is going on in age, she does have health issues, what if she was to have a heart attack tomorrow? Who will be in charge of the project and will it continue? Has Veronica made arrangements for someone to carry the project forward? I mean let’s be realistic folks, she’s asking for close to 1/2 M Euros in funding for this center and that is not chump change.

Had Veronica responded back to me about the above questions or even rejected my request, I probably would not have gone any further, but I was feeling something was not right. I picked up some nervous energy in her email and started digging.

Perhaps things are not what they appear to be, but Veronica now has an opportunity to set the record straight. I have a lot of questions that have nothing to do with this Donation Request, but it would only be speculation at this point and it is not my intent to harm Veronica until I am sure that everything is on the up and up.  I think that is the least that is owed to us especially when Veronica writes that humanity will not survive unless she moves to Ireland. I would really like to know more about this as well because that would make everybody else on this planet trying to help a moot point or a waste of time if Veronica has the key to saving humanity.

I will let you be the judge of this, it’s not for me to judge, but I do want some answers.

On a personal note: If this center is real, I support it, there is no question about that, anything that will help humanity is a good thing. Problem is that we have more critical issues that I feel are far more important right now. All people on this planet have the right to live within reasonable conditions at the least. Currently, just in the last 3 months alone thousands of people have lost their homes in Palestine and Ukraine, thousands of people have no homes to return to, never mind the millions of starving people on this planet. Does it not seem more priority to shelter these folks and give them some sense of security that it won’t snow over their heads? This is my opinion and my feelings, although I do honor all humanitarian projects, we should be working together and prioritizing those that have nothing right now. This “Center” is not going to offer anything different than we already have today scattered about, the only difference is that it will all be in one place, but my first thought was when this Center was mentioned: How will ppl get to Ireland? I don’t know of any other foundations that purchase Real Estate, they use the money to rent and do the work their mission demands. It’s a business opportunity here, this Real Estate will hold more value in the future and the way it’s structured the Foundation can be dissolved and assets divided among the Directors after debts are paid.  I have this feeling that this is a scam, it’s not typical for a Foundation that is not-for-profit to get into the business of purchasing Real Estate. Furthermore, given the fact this Foundation has no track record, would it not be prudent to just rent out for a while until the system is setup to work? What happens if after the Building/land is purchased and the directors decide they don’t want to open up a center? It’s possible, there are no guarantees so this is a dangerous proposition, I would rather give monthly donations to the Foundation to cover it’s costs knowing what is needed than giving this Foundation very valuable property that can be used personally later on down the road.