It pays to be persistent. Synchronicity is part of my daily life. The moment I create the thought and desire, something shows up. Yesterday, as I was looking for a new post on the blog (I have a collection of articles written ahead of time), I decided to double check Veronica and see if she had made some headway in raising funds for her Center, and to check out the bank information, but I was pleasantly surprised to see the bank information was removed again. When I woke up this morning, because it is a holiday here in Croatia (Independence Day), I planned on doing another post on Monty and Veronica and put that on my list of to do’s today (bad memory).

Just as I was about to log off for lunch, an email shows up in my box and I was so excited, it’s one thing to believe synchronicity exists, it’s another to live it day in and day out. Sometimes I am careful and mindful what to wish for.

So, Veronica you have been so busted. You have been getting away with this for a long time, acting out the poor little lady  and using Monty to create an image of you that you wanted the public to know about. It’s easy to fool people when you are older; we tend to think of elderly people as helpless, dear, kind, gentle, forthcoming etc. I did think all of these things about you Veronica until you started asking for a lot of money and felt you didn’t need to justify that to anyone.

The photo below was sent to me to show that there is one individual in this photo who sent me this material. He has also allowed me to use his name, but I have chosen not to at this point because there is no need for it. Anyone that wants to know his name, please email me and I will gladly send it to you. The investigator that is was very close to Veronica has no problem with disclosure, but Veronica will see the photo and know who sent this information. It’s not about US believing this anymore, it’s about YOU Veronica, so that you know that WE KNOW your game.
“There is a picture of Veronica and I with David Icke and his friend from September 2010 on the Isle of Wight, UK when we had dinner with David Icke (another cheating, deceitful person). I am in the blue shirt. So this backs up my statement I know her”  Quoted from email received.

A quote from source’s  email” The foundation (yes I noticed a name change earlier this year as well) is in name only. She ‘works’ solo, and by that I mean she simply sits by her computer all day or talks on Skype with people and that constitutes her ‘work’. Nothing happened for the foundation in my time there, no research, no seminars, no meetings, no nothing. The people as directors are her friend Bronwen, who she never sees, her son Simon and a Dutch doctor called Robert Trossell who I believe was struck off the medical register a couple of years ago by the High Court in London.. Whether he is back working again I don’t know. Other directors appear but resign, as I did, because they are unhappy with her. Two people have left this year, one a few weeks ago, an Irish lady. Everyone see the light with Veronica eventually and leave. So the foundation means nothing.” As for Robert Trossell, he was already exposed in one of my previous posts. I must add something here about him though. We all deserve a second chance, and I can’t prove that Robert has changed his ways but if Veronica is a fraud then so is everyone working with her. You are who you hang out with is a saying my father used to tell me, it does make a bit of sense doesn’t it?

Veronica also initiated another fund raising scheme to try to raise money for this new centre. You can get that information here: Fortunately this funding hasn’t been successful, but Veronica has never linked this fund raiser to her website, so there was potential for her to raise all that money x2 as many people would not have realised. Go figure, she is double dipping and hoping for the best.

The property that Veronica is talking about to purchase for her Center  this property is the new centre she is proposing.  I was in Dublin last week and took a trip to the house, even spoke with the lady there who told me an English person is buying the property but didn’t know who. A few weeks ago Veronica mentioned the deposit had been paid, but clearly she is nowhere near being able to buy it outright with only 100k Euros raised in 3 months.

The source also sent me these two photos that he personally photographed on his recent trip to Ireland.
unnamed (1)unnamed

The Sales Sign is for you dear reader to verify yourself in case it just seems too crazy to believe or to be true. It seems the house in Ireland, which is in the middle of nowhere by the way, so how people will get there I don’t know, has struggled to sell for some reason. It went to auction in June and didn’t sell, so the owner has not been able to sell it fast and it appears Veronica is the only bidder.  I would call this a mansion, not a house.

In one of my posts I had mentioned that I looked up the Veronica’s address that was listed on the new foundation “Montague and Veronica Keen Foundation” registration, in Google Earth I could see at street level that this house was in a very exclusive district. My source tells me not only is it in an exclusive district, the properties in this area all range over 1 Million Pounds in value. According to my source, the house is paid for and Veronica does not RENT, she lied about not owning her own home in the donation page (feel sorry for me please).

According to my source: “No Veronica isn’t financially secure, she relies on her widow’s pension and her family help her when necessary. Obviously the house is paid off, they bought the house with cash in 2001 “
I looked at this link and basically it shows Real Estate Values in the area that Veronica lives in. Monty left her the house and to his sons. My guess is that she wants out of there so she doesn’t have to share the home and she can live in her mansion at the cost of the suckers sending her money.

According to my source: “I believe this property is the new centre she is Proposing.  I was in Dublin last week and took a trip to the house, even spoke with the lady there who told me an English person is buying the property but didn’t know who. A few weeks ago Veronica mentioned the deposit had been paid, but clearly she is no where near being able to buy it outright with only 100k Euros raised in 3 months.“

If you go through the photos, man, this is one beautiful mansion and Veronica would really enjoy the luxury of being independent and not having to share her million pound home with Monty’s sons.

My source says her house at 72 Southway, Totteridge N20 is owned by her. She said ‘I don’t own the house I live in’ is totally wrong. The deeds are in her name although when Monty died in 2004 half the house, (plus some legal expenses) will go to his sons. The Will was made that way. So the house is owned by Veronica. More deception there. She also has two daughters, both are financially secure. On her foundation fund raising page, she claims to have 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren).  Veronica and Monty were only a couple for about 4-5 years before he died. She talks as though they were together all their lives.

This is what Veronica wrote on her fundraising page: “I have lived in England for 55 years, so this is a huge step for me. It will mean moving away from my three children and five grandchildren. My mission requires me to do this. I do not have money and I do not own the house I live in. So I need your help to buy a Centre in Ireland.”

She mentioned in another Interview that she owns the house and was thinking of renting it out to help pay for the centre! She says this after around 7 or 8 minutes into the interview. So which is it Veronica?

Is Monty really a spirit and Veronica the channel?
My source writes: “Monty’s messages…..In my view Veronica simply puts together a message mainly from information she has got in the week from the internet or people she has spoken with. I know of at least three separate occasions when information was given to her and the following Sunday ‘Monty’ is mentioning it in his message! She posts the message here too and warned once not to copy and paste information from the internet!”

My source also claims: “Veronica is not a medium and doesn’t have clairvoyant ability. She has been described more than once as deluded and I agree with that.
In all my time with Veronica, and others, know one ever saw Veronica communicating with Monty. His ashes are in her lounge with a child’s magic wand sat on top, and sometimes that magic wand would ring on it’s own. We would stand there and talk to the ashes and yes the wand would ring, sometimes also when we sat at the table, so there is communication from someone but very limited. When Veronica says Monty has communicated, in my time there, it was from clairvoyant readings given to her that information was received or from emails from people who said Monty communicated with them.”

Final comments: It is important to understand that Veronica without a doubt has been lying for years, once a liar, always a liar. After reading the emails from my source, I sat there staring at the screen and asking myself: What motivates this woman to do this? What is her ultimate motive or goals? I mean, she’s an owner of a million pound home, she receives a pension, her daughters are financially secure, her marriage to Monty was 4 years long, not enough time to glorify this man I can assure you, we need years and years to attach ourselves to the soul of our partners, 3 years is just getting to know each other. She even said in one of her interviews with Alexandra Meadors that Monty never told her a lot of things, she had only recently learned about them. If you read or listen to what she says about Ireland, someone else is telling her to go there. It’s Monty (who this spirit is anyone’s guess if it even is a spirit and not just Veronica’s delusion. Andrew Bartzis who has all of a sudden disappeared from the project has told her several times in their video interviews, so it really makes me wonder what and who this woman really is.

There are so many good hard working people out there, we can’t even trust that the 100,000 Euros she’s marked on the moneymeter is correct, not if she is fundraising on different websites and she never mentions the other one. It’s sad that a woman almost 80 years old has to lie and steal from people and she’s not in hardship at all. I questioned that a lot when watching her interviews with Andrew, she was impeccably dressed, her hair and makeup done impeccably, you can see and feel the quality and classic attire she always wears, she just didn’t seem to be a woman in need. Well now we know she is not in need, but it doesn’t answer the question: Why is she doing this?

As for Monty, I agree with my source, there is nothing profound in his messages, nothing that we can’t glean off the internet, nothing that we can say only Monty has knowledge about it, therefore, it is easy to pretend to be someone given that he did work in that area of spirit realms and communicating with the spirit. She has used this and Monty to gain credibility with his messages and gained enough followers to start asking for a lot of money.

Please pass this post to whomever you can, this needs to get out so that we can stop people from sending her any money. She’s got 100,000 Euros and if she plans it correctly and doesn’t buy expensive clothes she can spend the rest of her days living in comfort.

As for my source, he has sent me enough material verified through links that his information can be trusted. Furthermore, he has no motive, in fact he has asked me in his last email to forward it to Veronica and see what she has to say about it, so I have no reason to believe at this point he’s got an agenda, other than being a honest, decent man shocked by what he is now seeing. I will leave the rest up to you dear reader to decide what you want to believe. As far as I am concerned THIS CASE IS CLOSED.


  1. Thank you for posting this Sista !…and another thank you, to your ‘source’.
    Truth is always the best policy because Truth always prevails…I suppose though,
    it’s a bitter pill…. to the scam artists out there.


  2. Thanks for continuing research. If you watch any of Andrew’s interviews with VK, all she does is emote agreement to whatever Andrew rants about. He should be up next on someone’s list. As an “omnipotent” being, he has made lots of bad calls. But he can still be a great movie director if he works hard at it.


    • I thought about doing him, but he’s not worth the time, he’s already sinking without our help, you can only bullshit for so long.


      • Help me out a little please Ines. I have been having doubts about Andrew for awhile now, since initially becoming an avid supporter and listener for a few months. Why do you believe he is a bull-shitter. Just trying to thoroughly “inspect” the fruit here. Any help is appreciated.


        • Papa, I can’t put into words about Andrew, I mean how do you prove or disprove he can or can’t read the Akashic? Question is this: What has he done to really help humanity? What is the benefit of me knowing my akashic galactic history, is that going to bring peace to this planet? This is the question that we need to keep asking ourselves when “following” these folks who claim to have answers to whatever, and sell their books, readings, DVD’s, Webinars, etc. Are these people creating or working towards Peace on this planet? We can’t go anywhere, we can’t do anything, we can’t change or remove a damn thing of evil on this planet until we obtain PEACE. Name me just one person out in this “truth” community that is propagating Peace? That has solutions towards Peace? That has given money towards Peace rather than asking or charging for it? This his how I based my judgments about these people.
          Me personally, I’m not a light worker or a truther, I am a human being like you, searching for who I am and why I am here and how to obtain peace. Go to my other blog:, read the movement, see what our goal is: It’s peace! How many Peace organisations or anti war organizations that have been around for many years, have they obtained Peace?

          We are all the same, we are equals, each one of us is doing what we should be doing, there is noone better or smarter or more enlightened, it is all within us to reach inside and find truth.
          As for Andrew, I just don’t feel he’s making a real solid contribution towards creating a better world, and not to say that I am either, but I write what I feel is my truth and reality, it’s up to you to find your own.


          • It’s refreshing to hear the message as you Stand in your truth about things that matter. Yes, to no more pontificating talking heads, whose ultimate goal is to hood-wink and delude “seekers of truth”, in order to sell something. After they mystify you with whatever guile they possess and specialize in, they then use that sort of “mind-control” to suck you dry of finances. What a sham, and what a shame. However, we should not be surprised at this disinformation-misinformation, manipulative, mind-control tactic at this point. “They” have already warned us that they will totally infiltrate any Movement against them, and make it their own, while maintaining the appearance of us having control of it. We should not be surprise, but expectant. So, now we should not only use discernment in our investigative research for the “truth” anymore; we must absolutely MASTER discernment and intuition! If we refuse to hone our skills in these areas, we can expect to end-up being blames-worthy in our own demise of becoming canon-fodder by those “less-enlightened-ones”, and truth-seekers who ignorantly refuse to sharpen their innate abilities. Thanks Ines for being one amongst us who chooses to continuously “Stand” with eyes wide-open!


  3. Great work Ines and ? !!! Persistence prevails! I don’t know why I said this, but in 2012 some inner voice told me that 2014 would be the year of the “break down beginning”. And boy am I seeing it all around me. Raze the building and start anew.


    • This is the year Cindy. I post showed up on cobra today and there were more “BS” responses than “thank you”. The blog owner responded to me like this: “Seems to be a theme, this week…” We are waking up, we are figuring it out really fast, because we finally realized how much we are being lied to, we scrutinize everything now and take nothing for granted. They are also ramping up their chatter desperate to catch as many as they can in their energy trap. This is the year..I can feel it too. Today the chemtrails were so bad, they sprayed in front of the sun until sunset. Right now I can’t see the Moon because it’s clouded over from their clouds. What are they hiding tonight?


  4. Hi Ines !

    Sometimes i ask my self is it worth exposing all these fraudsters(Demons) and digging in the dirt?
    Shelter people from being cheated–betrayed ?
    The truth can be hard to swallow …….. I think for a lot of fanboys and girls .

    Veronica Keen –Keenan – Drake- Tolec -Cobra -Wilcock -David Icke probably- –Tolec obviously-
    this terrible Andrew Bartzis too ….and so on and so on ….

    Mark Twain ” its easier to cheat someone than convince him being cheated ”

    Disgusting !
    I will try to post a comment with a link to your post on Jean Haynes blog .
    Just curious if she will publish .
    Have a nice day Ines !


    • Backi, I understand what you are saying, you are not the first one today, but I will answer to you the same way I did with others. I don’t consider it a waste of time. I know that most of my readers are highly evolved and bordering 5D reality, but there are those that are waking up now and or realizing something is not right. Those are the ones I do this for as well. You just have no idea how many private emails I got on Veronica today, thanking me for doing this and expressing their frustration for donating to this woman. From what I gathered based on their writing, these are folks that experienced this kind of channeling/spirit contact for the first time so it was fascinating and they got caught in it. We should not judge anyone, but we should also open our hearts to those that are just waking up as well.


  5. Yes …i think it is necessary to make people aware of this fraud …
    Brothers and Sisters in Light and Truth
    spread this link as far and wide as you can !


  6. The more i look back on interviews with Veronica and the way she mentioned how deep her love for monthy was-is ……the more i am convinced Veronica Keen was abusing Montague Keen financially and is still exploiting his name after he is gone .
    With all those things exposed i look at it from a different perspective.Everything looks clearer now .
    Maybe i am wrong …….but there is a bitter taste in it .


    • Backi, main thing is that people start really asking questions before they send anyone money. I have nothing against helping and donating, but I sure like to know that the money is being used for it’s intended purpose. I came across a blog a few days ago, this guy was asking for $250 to maintain his blog, but WordPress is FREE…I’m sure internet doesn’t cost that much a month and he doesn’t keep tabs on the blog as to how much he is receiving, so he could be doing really well and living well for spending a few hours on his computer. I would be ashamed to ask for money, even if I was in need, nobody asked me to start this blog, so how can I turn around and then ask my readers to send me money? There is another side of this, when I visit a blog is that asking for donations, I kind of feel guilty for not contributing, it’s a feeling, but it’s there, I’m feeling like I should not be reading if I can’t contribute. Of course, I don’t have to, but it’s a psychological thing. So, had Veronica just answered questions, posted the property address, changed the Foundation name….I would have gone on my merry way, but she stayed silent and this is what happens when you don’t play the game both ways. You can’t ask for money and feel you’re not obligated to account for it, it doesn’t work that way, not for 1/2 M Euros.


  7. The photo is photoshopped! Zoom in to the guy in the blue/white checkered shirt. His head is partially FLAT on top and there’s some unusual black areas around his and Veronica’s heads as though they’ve both been added to the picture. There are no black areas around David Icke’s nor the other man’s heads. The black shows up when you blow up a picture really big and go in and erase a pixel at a time or several pixels at a time using black as your ‘paint’ color.


    • I don’t use photoshop and can’t discern a fake or not, but what exactly has been achieved? Meaning, what was actually photoshopped to add someone or change hair color, not sure what you’re saying.


    • Not an expert on photoshopping, but this image looks legit to me. Lighting and shadows match up from window reflection in back of photo and shirt fabric under VK’s left armpit is visible. That is where a brush scrub should be readily seen. Are u a friend of VK’s, Deb?


      • I don’t know Veronica, no. I DO know how to erase a background image from something so only the image is visible. If you put this image in a paint program and explode it up I’m sure you’ll see what I see. All I had to do was enlarge it to see the black around the two heads in the back and none in the front two heads.


        • Deb, saying it’s photoshopped is one thing, but explaining why is another. So, my point is why would someone photoshop this? Could be an honest clear up, I sometimes like to pretty up a photo, but the people in the photo are who they are, I could care less if someone decided to add a bit more hair or shrink their size, as long as they are identifiable. The man in this photo is who he claims to be, that’s all I need to know.


        • Debs, You may want to look in the gallery on VK’s own website where you will find the exact same “photoshopped” picture.


            • I don’t know why the photo would be photoshopped, however, I see blatent photoshop in it. I’m an Adobe professional and I can see that the photo has been manipulated either to cover someone or add someone or perhaps to hide the location???
              As Deb pointed out, flat spot on the one guys head, abnormal shadows…the people aren’t reflected in the glass behind them, yet you can see things on the far side of the room reflected….etc.


                  • Denise, are you the same person as referred here?” You’re busted Lander, and so are your cabal cronies working with you: Dimce Giorgief (Rumormill News), Tom Simms (who writes for Jean Haines), BK Lim (Kuala Lumpur), Jason Leeuing (female), and Denise Rednour (the Drake turncoat we all know and love to hate). Know their names – all are traitors doing the bidding of the globalist cabal.”
                    Denise, I know you are a friend of Jean’s and I am sure she must be feeling a bit uncomfortable because she has been helping Veronica raise funds. Let’s just leave it at that, as a “conflict of interest” between you and I. Like Jean, I don’t have to justify myself to anyone, most of us that communicate here in this sphere never met each other, so I don’t see what your point is, but I can assure you, I did my homework and I have some that I have not exposed because there is no need for it right now. I don’t want to cut anyone’s throat, I do not want to hurt Veronica nor do I wish her harm, I just don’t like people asking for money and feeling they don’t need to justify themselves especially when it’s 1/2 M euros. That’s a lot of f******** money and many hard working people went with less to donate, believe me, I have received many many emails on this matter and I don’t do this kind of work unless I am very sure because lives can be destroyed by being wrong.


                • Deception? No read what I have blogged earlier >>> Amin Fasei – you are 100% incorrect in your view these pictures are fake. Let me explain. The photograph with Veronica and David Icke was photoshopped and that appeared on Veronica Keen’s homepage in the David Icke section The original photograph with four people in it is the original, and taken in September 2010 on the Isle of Wight. How do I know this? I am the person standing at the back in the blue shirt and also the same individual giving Ines the information for this blog!


                  • Thank you for explaining that, I was very confused as to why the focus was on this faked photograph because it didn’t come from me or my source, it was posted on Montague Keen Foundation page, a foundation that has been dissolved since 2006 I might add, therefore, not sure why these folks are picking at me. If anything, this just confirms that fraud is abundant around Veronica, not myself. It’s there for everyone to see, and the link provided as well.


                    • Stop the disinfo over the truth in this article. Post atlantean204’s comment here at the top of the comments section. Keep it there.


  8. I like to keep an open mind about all things. We read many things on the net but I am very hesitant in believing. One has only one-self to correctly gather information. We have to use our intuition. We can listen but not take things on board totally. Deceiving people is not good.


    • I am somewhat disappointed to have read the information about VK. She sure seems to be a genuine and compassionate person. My experience with her has only been through the Bartzis interviews (which I shared as “truth” with many others, unfortunately). I am trying to withhold judgement until I have done further due diligence about the matter, and then I will use my intuition and discernment. I still will not get involved in playing this blame-game and point fingers. We each will discover the REAL truth soon enough; meanwhile, I will continue to keep an open-mind and be the “fruit inspector” that I am. It is just sad to see so many people, who claim to be “truthers”, spitting at each other, …again.


      • I’m not sure who and what you are referring to when you say “spitting” at each other or “truthers” as these words have different meanings to different people. I have stated in my posts that we need to work together, so I’m not spitting at anyone, but have done great due diligence before publicly posting my opinions.
        Although I do agree with you that spitting on each other is not cool, I also feel that we need to stand up for those that are not being honest within the truth community, and for me it is not about being a fraud if that is your choice go for it, but it’s good hard working people that send money and get hurt in the end. So you see, there is always 2 sides to a story.

        As for truthers, like anywhere on this planet, we have the honest ones and dishonest ones, the real ones and disinformation ones, if we all sit back and stay quiet, we are just as guilty then of the actual crime committed.
        What makes me different? I don’t sell anything, I don’t ask for donations and in that sense, what I do with my time here is for love of my human brothers and sisters.

        Of course it is your responsibility to research, don’t believe anything I write here, do the work because there are more and more “truthers” out there sending out messages and we need to discern which ones are true and which are NOT.
        There are no saviors out there, we need to save ourselves, it’s been a common theme through my blog, my life and belief system and when someone says they are going to save humanity, you need to open your eyes and think twice about that person, and that is what started me to question “who” Veronica is and who gives her that authority to be the savior of the world. I merely share what I know or deem to be true to me, it is up to you dear reader to discern it.

        I too am very dissappointed for being attacked for this post, I have nothing to do with any of these people mentioned or involved, I merely did the research and very nice and brave people sent me the information, this distraction from that to a photo that has not yet proven to be faked or photoshopped has nothing to do with the truth itself, it is merely a means being used to attack me, and I wasn’t even the one that posted it, so yes, I totally agree with your comment about “spitting” at each other, I get spit at for sharing the truth, yet NOBODY has yet proven me wrong, so not sure what all the hoopla is about, I guess truth hurts doesn’t it?


  9. No way is that photoshopped … zooming in on photoshop all the edges are pixel perfect …and I’m an Adobe professional extraordinaire. If it was faked then Mrs Keene would not have put it up … so … what’s going on ? … where’s all the money ?


    • Hatter, it’s getting really if the issue of photoshop is going to change the fact of fraud. I’m feeling some trolls here 🙂


    • Hatter, where can one find information showing YOUR expertise and credentials as an “Abode professional extraordinaire”? People can see Denise’s work on You Tube as well as her photography webpage where millions have viewed her work.

      It’s important because Ines says that as far as SHE is concerned if you say it, it must be true. SHE may know you, but since many of us who come here to read her ‘truthful’ articles have no clue who YOU are it would be helpful to us to vet for ourselves that you are an expert as you claim.


      • Deb, I dont’ understand what the photo has to do with FRAUD and asking for 1/2 M Euros???? I mean why is everyone focused on such a petty detail while nobody is disputing Veronica’s proven fraud? If she’s not defrauding then great let her disclose all the information, she has that opportunity, but you are wasting your time on such stupidity it just blows my mind how irrelevant that photo is. So, what you are saying that that photo proves or disproves something? Can you folks that are “arguing” over a supposedly faked photo dispute the fraud? Do you have credible and contributing information that she is not defrauding? I mean come on, this is not a Grade 3 classroom, we are talking about a lot money and all you can do is dispute a photo? So please, unless you have or can dispute the FRAUD of money in question, don’t waste your time on this blog. You are picking at insignificant details that don’t change the FRAUD, even if we toss out that photo, NOTHING Changes, if anything, it just confirms that Veronica is capable of faking photos to her benefit, so you are in essence digging a deeper hole to her guilt.


  10. I guess you can oly fool some of the people some of the time?
    I have to say I am very disappointed in the news about Veronica. I had really hoped she was the real deal and truly intended to set up a center for peace but I think I had a nagging intuition about it from the git-go. It does need to be very accessible for people to get to andit takes more than one soul to do a job like that. Collecting money is only one aspect to starting such a project.
    ~!here doesn’t seem to be any volunteer staff on hand to help or even send out a thank you note or e-mail saying the money is appreciated……….no follow up at all. It becomes easy to see what must be happening………now my question is how complicit is Jean in this? Was she taken in also ? or has she known all along? Monty’s messages are the same old stuff.
    I managed to stay skeptical about the Neil Keenan projects and not send money to him……
    Michael sort of disappeared from writing that appeared on Jean’s blog.
    Now we have a new person in Lada Ray who is writing lots about Russia but is very up front about building a following to buy and read her books as well as donate to her “causes” in print.
    I’ve noticed when you establish a “pool of money” for anything, the sharks will come?


    • Carol, I would rather not speculate about Jean and if she knew or not, to me it’s not important, because we can or have been fooled at one time in our lives, I have too. I also believe that we all have good intentions and for whatever reason, greed sets in, not trying to justify anything, but I guess only Veronica know why she did what she did and who’s really behind it. Despite the evidence ( I have much more), I still find it hard to believe that an older woman such as herself, who is “comfortable” in her life, would do something like this. I don’t follow anyone, I don’t support anyone, if you need food, come to the store with me and I will buy it for you, I do a lot of work in my community, sending money is like sending rice to Africa, it only covers the problem for a short while. Thanks for your perspective.


      • Carol, an update. I just checked Jean’s post on Monty Keen, last week there were 17 responses….today there are only 4, so she’s deleted all the negative ones and left only the positive ones. Doesn’t that make you wonder? I know it sure makes me wonder now what the heck is going on. Sad, very sad…I mean come on, we all make bad judgments, I have made many myself…so why erase it…don’t we all have the right to say what we think? Very sad. So cowardly.


        • I visit Jean’s blog almost daily. I have not noticed the 17 comments earlier, that you claim were supposed to be there! Are you sure, or are you deliberately & intentionally spreading dis-info?? You’ll probably won’t publish this comment, it’ll speak for itself!
          As far as remember from early on, there were not more than 4 comments there, unless there were there only very briefly?? This doesn’t make any sense, why would Jean approve them, then delete them again?? Unless there were all made by the same person, or a shill/troll?

          Incase you are intentionally spreading disinfo, I shall pass on the word, if not, plz disregard this msg, maybe you’ve made a genuine mistake??


          • It just saddens me that people like you still exist. I will not even justify myself to you because This is about Veronica, not Jean, Not Denise, Not a so called Faked photo, this is about FRAUD, so please, unless you can contribute in a positive way, go away.


            • Wow, it is obvious that you are not a trustworthy person and are out to try to put some people down! The only reason, that I felt I needed to say something, was because you deliberately put out a false statement on someone else, you idiot!

              I will be gladly keep away from shady characters, such as yours!!

              I came across your article & blog, from someone else’s link, which was posted on another blog.
              As I am a regular Monty Keen weekly reader, I found the Veronica Keen article interesting, as I stated to you before. Anyhow, I don’t need to justify myself to you, of why I posted, I let the reader judge this for themselves.

              You won’t be able to put one, on me lady. But carry on, if you so choose in your ways, it is after all YOUR life and in the end, it will be YOUR karma, and you will be the one who has to deal with it! 😛

              BYE BYE


    • Something fishy about this Lada Ray, there is nothing out there on her, not a name or even a trace of where she comes from. We can make this a joint project and start doing some research on this young lady who’s got credentials for a 60 year yet her photos are of someone in the late 20’s to early 30’s. Also, in her logo she’s got a Trident/Spear as a symbol…worth investigating!


    • Tim, thanks for the comment, but I’m pretty sure, I don’t do things like this unless I have enough evidence. You know, we can ruin someone by making a mistake like that and that’s the last thing I want to do. But thanks for your input!


    • Where you the one that Veronica mentioned by name in one of her writings. And you responed to that in a comment telling about your trip with her (and your wife) to Irland this past summer?


      • Thank you for posting my question for Tim, Ines. I was wondering why it didn’t show up. But my patience is rewarded. This morning I spent some time looking for the post where a Tim Smith is mentioned by Veronica and a Tim Smith commented with his side of the story. Here is the link to it . Maybe this is the same Tim Smith and you can dig deeper and connect some more dots .


        • Yeah sorry about that, I was gone all weekend and didn’t get to all the approvals and emails. I read about Tim Smith and quite frankly, I don’t have any interest in him, as far as I am concerned, this case is closed.


    • Tim, you and Veronica were on a trip together, I can’t say who is right or wrong or what really happened, but I do remember Veronica commenting after your comments that she has proof you were wrong. She hasn’t made any effort to disprove you or present the proof either, so I have to assume she’s lying. I don’t trust her so I don’t believe anything she has to say, She lied and used a foundation name that was dissolved 9 years ago, this whole time she has been working for her “foundation” that does not exist. In February 2014 she created a new one. This alone for me is cause for distrust, you can’t lie about things like this, and I don’t understand why hide the truth? What is she really hiding? Do you know Tim?


  11. Ines, why don’t you check out Drake and Keenan and see how ‘straight’ their truths are, OR NOT before you go quoting trash about Denise. I’ve known Denise for over two years and I can assure you that the people who post this trash have no idea what they’re talking about. The people who wrote this garbage have used character assassination on several people who have posted proveable facts contrary to what they put out, complete with legal documents! They do not LIKE it when they are proven wrong and rather than address the issues they either change the subject or resort to smear campaigns against the authors.

    And NO I’m not a troll! I want to find out the truth of ALL things the same as you do. I look at ALL the evidence and if it doesn’t look right I WILL and DO point it out. I don’t need to know how to build a clock to know what time it is. I don’t need to know WHY people do what they do in order to see that something is NOT the way it has been portrayed.

    I HOPE we’re all working toward the same goals here, so let’s all take a deep breath and address the issues in front of us. The issue I raised is that the photo IS photoshopped, and that has been verified by a professional photographer.

    You may want to go to You Tube and check out several years’ worth of Denise’s photography as well as her work on the BP Oil Spill issue going back to when it showed on the beach two blocks from her home in 2010, and you’ll see that over a million people have seen her work! She’s not some fly-by-night flim flam artist, she’s a professional and knows what she’s talking about.


    • Deb, I didn’t even complete reading your comment because I’m not into petty arguments. First of all I JUDGE nobody, I was only trying to identify Denise with that person, period. So please don’t put things out of perspective just because YOU see it that way. I judge nobody, I am not on anybody’s side, I don’t follow anyone and I have no idea who fucked who, I don’t care.
      But when someone comes here asking me STUPID questions rather than debating the issue at hand I question why they bother coming here. It’s my blog, you don’t like it, go away. So next time before you judge ME, think about it. I’m not into this fake love and light shit, I’m into exposing FRAUDS, I could care less what anyone else is saying or doing. Get it? I’m tired of people like you turning sideways and discussing things that have nothing to do with the post itself. Either deal with the post at hand, or go away or start your own blog or whatever you do that makes you happy but don’t patronize me.


      • I’m also into exposing FRAUDS! Sorry you’re getting so bent out of shape that someone exposed a picture you posted as being photoshopped. The source who gave you the information says the picture is proof that he knows her. Why would he provide a photoshopped picture as PROOF of anything? I would think that would be important to someone interested “into exposing FRAUDS”.

        All this back and forth could have been nipped in the bud with a humble acknowledgement that the picture indeed seems to be photoshopped for whatever reason. I’m glad Jean doesn’t fly off the handle in a fit of barnyard vulgarity when someone on her blog suggests that a mistake has been made.

        You bet I’ll “pass this post to whomever you can” as you suggest in your article. I’m sure folks will be interested to know that you don’t care one bit about the authenticity of ALL information you receive from a source, including a photoshopped picture your source claims backs up what they say.


        • You just showed your true colors Deb, you do what you have to do..its obvious why are you here. I’m not bent out of shape and you’re assuming again. Prove to me it’s photoshopped and why, and we can move forward. That has been my argument from the start, if it was photoshopped what is the purpose, who is hiding what? The person in the photo is IAN KELLY, he was a Director for the Foundation. Check that out Deb!


    • One more thing: Why doesn’t Denise speak for herself? Just because you know her means she’s ok? Or because you say she is ok then she must be? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know her and the quote was basically to identify her nothing else. But you have just exposed yourself as a troll because your first comment is about a photo being photoshopped. Is that your best? Veronica is asking for 1/2 M euros and all you care about is photoshopped photos? So if you and Denise are friends, and Denise is Jean’s friend, what are you doing here? If you have an argument and can prove me wrong, show me your best, if not, stop wasting your time here. I went through that New Cage crap, the Love and Light crap, my only goal and work is to expose those that are taking advantage of good hard working people and those that are spreading disinformation. Work together? Doing what? I am working and I have insulted nobody, so next time you have something to say, make sure it’s intelligent enough for me to understand.


    • Deb, the so called “photoshopped photo may very well be explained by looking at Veronica’s main page and the same photo showing only her and Mr Icke. As you can clearly see, she is the one that photoshopped the original photo cropping out both Mr Icke’s friend and Ian to show only herself and Mr Icke. The original photo is accurate and true as I know both the people involved personally and I can assure you that the man was very well aquainted with and used by Ms. Keen for many years much to my dismay!


    • I only saw this comment today, sorry Deb, I wanted to respond to this. I made the mistake of taking the first quote I found on google looking for Denise. It was not very tasteful to do that, but since I didn’t know who she is, I had no way of knowing who is good or who is the bad guy here, it matters not to me because I didn’t get involved in that crapola with Jean/Neil/Denise and whoever, it doesn’t interest me, I don’t peak into other’s people’s public problems and disagreements, I feel they are petty and childish to openly do it for everyone to see, these issues need to be done in private, that’s what mature adults do, I don’t know Denise so it was just my intent to verify if she is that person concerned, in no way did I insinuate that she is good or bad, right or wrong, so there is no need to go into this defense mode at all, I didn’t attack her only quoted something. Having said that, not going to check anything out because Denise does not interest me at this time, and I am sure she is everything you say she is. I wish people would actually read things before they start attacking or accusing me of something.


  12. Lander Busted, eh? Based on Keenan’s words? Denise, BK & co working for the Cabal? Jesus, I know for sure you’re either a very gullible person who writes articles based on photoshoppped pics or another hitman working for Keenan. Go and look up their articles and posting since 2010. See if you can find anything praising or supporting the Cabal or BP. We all know that BP is the Cabal Oil Mafia vehicle.


  13. For someone professing to seek the truth and sharing it, you should be grateful if the photoshopped pic (included as evidence) was pointed out to you. You should modify your article of truth instead of barking back at the messenger. What’s your real agenda?


  14. This is my 3rd comment. My first comment was gone before I could take a snapshot of it with my 2nd (minutes later). Now what truth seeker don’t want to know the truth and dare not publish it?


    • What post are you referring to and what are you accusing me of again? Amin, whoever you are, I can smell you. I know who sent you here as well, whatever you say here will not change the facts, you’re only making yourself look bad. Nothing you say can change the fact that this woman is asking for 1/2 M Euros, won’t publish the address of her “land”, won’t share bank information, won’t change to the New name of the Foundation, won’t answer my emails and won’t provide you the donor with other than a little plaque on the wall. Would you like me to post all the emails I received from people that sent her money and are now regretting it? Nothing changes this, any honest person would have presented the information before even asking for the donations. Have you anything to counter these facts? If not, then just go back under the rock you crawled out from under. Truth hurts doesn’t it?


  15. Ines !
    Photoshopped or not photoshopped is not relevant.
    You dont have to prove anything.
    Why Veronica Keen herself do not give straight answer to straight questions .
    All this raises more questions .
    There are coming a lot of cockroaches out of the kitchen sink .
    These times are not for talking sweet .


  16. And for Jean Haines ….it seems she s not willing to accept serious questions on serious topics .
    Maybe she is just naive…. maybe not .It only leaves me speculating .
    A few comments i made she did not post ( the tougher ones ). A clear indicator she is not interested in facts . Is she part of the conspiracy or just naive.
    That makes her more and more suspect to me .


  17. And for Keenan ….he is working for the wealthy and powerful dragon society why is he begging for money from his fanboys-girls ?
    Keenan- Drake and the Silver Legion connection .This is way beyond comic .


    • Amin, I only quoted because of Denise’s name, if you read the posts you will see I back nobody and support nobody and follow nobody. Please take your time reading and not judging before making silly comments like that.


      • Ines, I did not care to read your posts until someone alerted to me your photoshopped pic in yr article. Fair enough, the pic was not yours in making but someone else. As you profess to speak the truth, you should be grateful when someone points out to you a fake pic had been used. I gave you the benefit of a doubt but when you quoted verbatim Keenan’s words in your reply to Denise, that erased all doubts in my mind. You are just a pot calling a kettle black. You can only cast the first stone if you had not sinned. In the opinion of many who had read your article, you have just condemned yourself as a liar and fake. See this. The coverup band-aid can only stretch that much.


        • Amin, go find a life where people will debate the issue with you, I didn’t invite you here to insult me, unless you can PROVE to me that Veronica can account for the donations and that she is not a fraud, go away. I’m sick and tired of you trolls coming here trying to cause trouble, it doesn’t wash with me so I am warning you in advance unless you have something to contribute, don’t bother. I have nothing to justify to you about some faked photo because that is not the issue here. The issue is asking for 1/2 M euros and not accounting for it, using a Foundation that is dissolved, not disclosing the address and the list is a mile long so please don’t waste my time with your petty shit.


        • Amin Fasei – you are 100% incorrect in your view these pictures are fake. Let me explain. The photograph with Veronica and David Icke was photoshopped and that appeared on Veronica Keen’s homepage in the David Icke section The original photograph with four people in it is the original, and taken in September 2010 on the Isle of Wight. How do I know this? I am the person standing at the back in the blue shirt and also the same individual giving Ines the information for this blog!


  18. People must be protected from liars and fraudsters there is some responsibility.

    Regarding Jean ………(she now posted my comments )
    It seems she is a victim .
    I consider cheating defensless and naive people as a crime .This is what Neil Keenan did to her .
    Veronica Keen also abused her good hearted naivity .
    Maybe i am wrong .Just my opinion .

    Ines have a look into this (comments )
    Seems your critical questions started a type of avalanche. A type of homeopathic effect .

    As above so below .


    • Whatever works for the masses backi, that’s the problem with people, always looking externally for solutions and then we get this information from someone we know nothing about and are supposed to take it seriously? Not putting it down nor am I praising it, just saying that all the answers are inside of us, we came here with a purpose, each one of us already knew what our contribution would be at this time, we need to go deep down and find out what it is. Whether I started anything is irrelevant, we need to stop giving power to external sources, take what sounds good but use it for internal purpose. We are inundated with this spiritual crap from all sides, what is real and what is not? Who is real and who is not? Jean has her own belief system and she posts what reflects hers, I have my own, we each have our own.
      I thank you for the link, but I don’t visit her blog, I made an open statement about that, there is nothing there I can take value from, when I need to look up something specifically, I seek it out myself independently, gone are the days of seeking someone else’s truth and reality.
      There is bad negative energy there, a constant reminder of how messed up our world is, I would rather focus on solutions, focus on spreading good news, positive accomplishments from grass root movements, but I don’t want to be reading about Ebola for 2 days. I’m sure you get my drift. Right now, we have many folks out there who are using this Love and light movement as a means of getting wealthy and that’s not what we are here for, we are here to shine the light on those that are in the dark, period. You don’t need money for that, everything else is capitalism based on false spirituality. Just my 2 cents worth, this is how i feel today. I spent the weekend filming a documentary about my sexual abuse, it will be aired in December, I will be the first woman in Croatia to speak out about it, now imagine that? For 30 years we have been talking about Sexual abuse, Croatia has not even started yet, so my focus right now in my local community is to help people that were victimized as children, their energy is dark, heavy and we need to help them. My lenses are different than yours, we need to focus on our communities, help our neighbors, show each other how to grow food, how to survive the coming hardships, this is what we should be focused on and WHILE doing this, our light will shine, and we will start vibrating at higher frequencies, it will come to us naturally. Gaia will take care of herself, she is a living being, she knows what she needs to do, therefore, we need to focus on US, she will take care of the rest.


    • Veronica had nothing to do with that message, she just copied and pasted it from somewhere, also if Jean is a victim then how come she posted Monty again and asked for donations again for Veronica? With the bank information mind you, but it lasts a few days and then the bank info is removed. If Jean is a victim she would no longer be posting this, but it’s not for me to judge her, she has the right to post what she wants and support who she wants. In the end I could be wrong, if I am, I will publicly apologize for it, we all make mistakes and maybe Monty is correct, maybe I’ve been implanted with an “evil” implant and I don’t see good from evil 🙂


    • Wow John, you’re pretty good at that aren’t you? You’re making a lot of assumptions about me, you’re entitled to your opinion…judge me all you want.


  19. I see you’re all still fighting other people’s creations. How’s that working out for ya? Is it leaving enough time and energy for you all to work on yourselves?


  20. (oops, used a different email on that one, let’s use the one I already had been)

    I see you’re all still fighting other people’s creations. How’s that working out for ya? Is it leaving enough time and energy for you all to work on yourselves?


    • Tell me about it John, such a waste of time arguing/accusing over a faked photo that Veronica herself posted on her own website.


      • I see YOU missed the message INES.

        In your reality, it’s everyone else who needs to heal, who is distracted from healing, who busies themselves to avoid healing. It’s everyone else who needs help. But not you. Not in YOUR reality.

        I can’t even imagine all the time you spend “exposing” others and with every minute of it, slips by yet another opportunity for you to expose your own darkness, to work on you. But you’re keeping yourself busy and distracted with other people’s healing and supposed needs, while your own work goes undone.

        Heaven sending messengers to you doesn’t do one lick of good. You’re too stubborn in your resistance to your own healing. There are worthwhile things to be stubborn about, but you won’t go there. Why not stubbornly insist on DOING YOUR OWN HEALING!

        You will die and when you are awake on the other side, you’ll come to realize that you wasted all your time worrying about others. Some of whom just need a few little experiences that you are so obsessed with saving them “from” and yet they’ll get their few more necessary experiences while you will be trapped and stuck because you’re concerned about them.

        Yes on the other side you’ll come to realize that, meanwhile, the one person who you could actually save went unsaved – yourself.

        Keep busy Ines, keep your nose in everyone else’s busyness and you won’t accomplish your life purpose.


        • You know nothing about me John, other than what you read here, so you make many assumptions about me that are not true. But now that you got that off your chest, do you feel better? You don’t get an argument out of me, out of respect for your contribution to this blog, you are entitled to your opinions albeit not very nice ones but hey, we’re not perfect right? I just hope you feel better now after all that typing. Sometimes we need to just vent and our frustrations melt away. I get it…maybe you had a bad day or something although I am curious why you pick on me?


  21. atlantean2014 says:
    October 13, 2014 at 5:46 AM (Edit)
    Deception? No read what I have blogged earlier >>> Amin Fasei – you are 100% incorrect in your view these pictures are fake. Let me explain. The photograph with Veronica and David Icke was photoshopped and that appeared on Veronica Keen’s homepage in the David Icke section The original photograph with four people in it is the original, and taken in September 2010 on the Isle of Wight. How do I know this? I am the person standing at the back in the blue shirt and also the same individual giving Ines the information for this blog!


  22. Dear Ines,
    I get the feeling both V.Keen and Icke have been somehow psychically subjugated into paths of darkness not necessarily by their own doing. Good information in this story none the less. Thanks for sharing. Also I’ve been listening to much of Andrew Bartzis information (I noticed you mentioned him in a reply above), I think he does have lots of relevant information to impart as well as yourself in your own way too. You’re all working towards the same goal. Keep on moving…..


    • Thanks for your input. I don’t agree that they were subjugated, maybe I did feel that way in the start, but so much information is coming forward on Veronica that I can’t feel that way anymore. There are 3 people currently working on a presentation that worked closely with Veronica and will put forth this info for me which I will post on the blog, it’s sad unfortunately, that Veronica Chose this path, she was not subjugated, it’s greed, nothing else. I will be able to prove it very soon, keep tuned in.


    • As for Andrew Bartzis, I am not sure about him either, we have to ask what their motives are, as for purpose, well, he’s making a lot of money off people so he’s a businessman. A true warrior of truth and peace, will give his time to humanity as it should be. We can all get regular jobs or work, whatever, but charging people on how to become enlightened is not cool, that’s just my opinion. I think that Andrew will eventually uncover himself, his work is something that can’t be proven so he thinks he’s safe for now, but my gut/intuition has him on the watch list.


Your thoughts are welcome!