Inner Earth Dracos And The False Light Campaign

Comment: Great Article, not that it is something new, I have written about this for years, but it’s nice to see it spreading and people wakening from this false light matrix.

inner earth dracoby Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer,

We know about the false light in the afterlife that has magnetically pulled our soul into the reincarnation trap. Now we are uncovering the campaign here on Earth that has kept us under a spell lifetime after lifetime so that we can finally break free of the false light matrix.

How many “spiritual teachers” are you still listening to that mention one or more of these names?

  • Master Hilarion
  • Order of Melchizedek
  • Archangel Michael, or any of the Archangels
  • Jesus
  • Adama
  • Lord Metatron
  • Thoth
  • Galactic Federation of Light

There have been books, channelings, and articles written to promote these names and many more in the spiritual and metaphysical groups. The messages seem to be filled with peace and love and the very best interests of humanity. In truth, these are smoke and mirror, false light beings that have their minions living in the inner Earth. They are posers, reflectors of light, and shapeshifters. They are the masters of deception and are metaphorically, the wizards behind the curtain.

These are the Dracos, Reptilians, Greys, and other beings that have merged with a branch of the “snake family”. Their goal was to take over planet Earth and trap the souls that were here for an indefinite period of time. They hide underground because they are not able to live in a high oxygen environment. Some of them took on human bodies and some of them are astral beings that feed off of the slave souls trapped in human bodies. They are trying to terra-form the planet and reduce the human population so that they can live on the surface. Currently only the greys that have grey colored spacesuits, those that have put themselves into a human body, and shapeshifters can exist on the surface.

There are many entrances to the inner earth across the planet, including Mount Shasta, Sedona, and the North pole. They use allegories, smoke and mirrors, and black magic in order to present themselves and their teachings to us, because they do not have the ability to create for themselves. They are copy cats and tricksters and are very good at doing so.

Their gig was to get people to move to the fifth dimensional New Earth on December 21st of 2012 with the use of CERN. They were almost successful in creating a stargate or black hole that would have sucked our consciousness into the 4th and 5th astral dimension. They have a whole team of Illuminati and scientists under their control to operate this technology, but after getting it to 75% power it broke down and had to be aborted.

If they would have been successful in 2012, we would have been moved through the dimensions in our light bodies, as our physical bodies would have been too dense. We would have been led to co-create a new way of living in the astral realms which are tied to the fifth dimension, under the rule of the Dracos posing as loving light beings like Archangel Michael, for example.

The New Age agenda was the biggest tool to harvest and mark those souls who were ready to go to their promised astral realm creation. Since they had so many people dreaming of this New Earth, I wouldn’t doubt it exists because a small number of human beings can create whatever they put their intention to. But the way they were going to get us there tells you that it wasn’t in humanity’s best interest, and they would have hijacked that creation for their own wicked use.

I followed a group several years ago who said that only those who wake up and do the work to heal their body would one day “soon” get a light body in preparation for the shift to the fifth dimension, (only with the light body could you move into the fifth dimension). The rest of the people on Earth that were not successful would go somewhere else where they could continue their earth lessons. We were not to worry about those left behind because they were all on their own level of advancement. Until the time came to make the shift, those of us that were “special” and had healed our bodies would hold seminars in order to heal the masses of people who wanted to be healed. There would be a cost for these seminars, and this is how we would make a living and be able to travel around the world healing people.

THAT was the part that allowed me to always question in the back of my mind, “Why would people have to pay to be healed?” When we got to the fifth dimension, we would be able to manifest anything we needed from the background energy, so why have the money aspect? It was eerily similar to the stories of Atlantis with the healing temples. The lore tells of magical healing chambers and how everyone was able to have a young, beautiful body. What they did not tell us is that only those that could pay received the healing, and part of that healing included sex slaves that helped one to raise their kundalini so that it could be harvested for energy.

There are many spiritual gurus that have been tricked by the false light beings. They were tricked in past lifetimes and are given tidbits of information about those lives that paint a very different picture than it really was. There may be a lot of truth that is twisted and they may have even been told the opposite of what really happened. They used their ego to make them feel special and these teachings are still being carried out like a broken record.

CERN was created to open the stargate to let the malevolent Dracos, Reptilians, and Greys out and to let in more negative beings from the astral realms. The third dimension had once been cut off from the lower and higher dimensions in a quarantine, and CERN would open the gates once more. Their last chance effort with CERN is occurring right now, and they will not be successful.

They did not expect people like Mark Passio, Wes Penre, Jordan Maxwell, Cameron Day, and many more to lead in uncovering the truth of the New Age Deception and the false light. They did not expect that because of the raise in frequency of the planet in concert with the cosmic solar energy that has been helping to raise the consciousness in humans. More people are breaking free of the hypnotic trance at an exponential rate! As more people began to wake up, they increased the chemtrail and HAARP agenda, and began extreme government lockdown plans and drills. World War 3 and the entire economic collapse have been on the very edge for a long time. It seems like it just isn’t possible that their programs could continue to run, and it feels like something could explode at any moment.

Hopefully it will not get that bad on the planet before a huge shift in consciousness changes the past and the future. In this now moment so many of us are using our own magic of true Source creation whether we realize it or not. We are powerful co-creators that have the ability to take over the control of our own bodies and change everything that has happened to us in the past, which will change the outcome of the future.

A few examples of the New Age doctrines that are keeping the false light doctrine fires burning are:

  • Love everyone and forgive everyone, for we are all one, and
  • Atlantis was a magical time and we all lived in peace and love.

The false light agenda has been to return to the times of Atlantis where we would have the powers and abilities we did back then, and more. Both of these doctrines are truth twisted into tricks. While we are all fractals of our Source, some chose to be positive and to stay connected to Source. Others stretched free will and chose to disconnect from Source and need to feed off of others in order to survive. If we forgave the Dracos groups for trapping our souls, enslaving us, and using us as Source energy, then they would not have to return to Source or become space dust for the crimes against humanity. If we agreed to return to the time of Atlantis, we would be allowing for another cycle to be repeated within their matrix illusion. So there is always a twist to the truth involved in the false light teachings.

The truth is that our consciousness is trapped within a body that has been under full control of the archontic negative polarity beings that needed our energy as a food source. We have been under a spell repeating cycles upon cycles. Those who had the ability to “channel the gods” in other lifetimes have remembered their “gifts” and have received channelings loud and clear from false light beings. These messages are still being given today with various people that really are good people but they are under a spell of deceit. Think about this- why would the Illuminati allow such information to be purchased at a major bookstore or be spread around the internet freely, unless it was in line with their bosses’ overall plan?

Innately, we sense the truth part of these teachings but then are led astray by agreeing to something that is going to keep us trapped. Life on this planet has become all about survival, which leads us to want to have a healed body and to live on a new magical planet where we can have anything we want. We have free will to choose and they have twisted things time and time again to get us to choose to be imprisoned. It is up to us to choose our freedom from false light teachings and we have reached a good number of people who are realizing this.

Once we accomplish this in this lifetime, the afterlife trap will no longer exist.

Here is the most confusing thing of all. One of our possible outcomes could really have been to naturally increase our vibrations and to shift to a New Earth. When this was seen with the Draco/Illuminati’s Looking Glass Technology, time travel and timeline shifts were used to insert the deception and confusion that would hijack this experience. The original plan of shifting out of their reach still could be a possibility, or maybe we will create something even better than that. The thing to realize is that everything has been hijacked and turned upside down. The main goal is to confuse us and keep up from making an informed choice as to what we want the future of humanity to be. Soon the whole truth will be known and this is the only way to allow for a free willed choice to be made.

There is a saying “as above, so below”. If you consider us to be below, then there must really be something going on above, because this world is caught in an extreme polarity. The fight for the Earth and humanity’s freedom is happening “out there” as well. We are at the breaking point that will move us into a new reality; just not the way the archons wanted to harvest us. While we may complain that nothing is happening, the truth is that most of the things the negative beings had planned for us have not happened! Not only that, but we are seeing their desperation and acceleration of programs to ramp up for the next event that they have planned, which probably won’t happen either.

The more that break free, the less their technology is working. The more that say no to their domination over us, they less control they have over humanity as a whole. The more the planet raises her frequency, the less some people are susceptible to their tricks. We are in a transition period of the shifting of control on the planet based on the cosmic war above and within our bodies.

It may be time to unlearn everything you know. Sometimes it may feel like you are losing your mind, but you are really losing the programming that has been controlling your mind lifetime after lifetime. Mother Earth is fighting the battle with us and we are gaining the ability to discern the truth more and more each day.

Stay tuned for the Cosmic Wildcard that will have everyone dancing in the streets in celebration!



It must be really confusing for those just starting their journey, trying to understand who and what we are, what is going on, where we are going, what is going to happen, what we should be doing and all these messages coming from higher dimensions or just Archon mind invasions. This is no disrespect to the bloggers at all, they choose what to post and what to believe in. This just shows even more so how fragmented the truth movement is or what some call the “love and light” movement. I follow these blogs because I like the people that share their information, as a newly proclaimed researcher, I need to keep up with all that is going on (at least I try to). I am not attacking the messengers, I am only showing how many thousands of “false” messengers contact humans to give them information and most of it is nothing new, we’re not that stupid, we know things are happening, we are simply being played with as these entities will not tell us the truth because if we did know the real truth, trust me, I would not be sitting here trying to figure it out.  We know that other races from other planets want Earth, want to control it, want to control us, we get that, we know we are not free and that there is so little we truly know, but it can be overwhelming for those just starting out.  I don’t want to comment on each one of the blogs below, but there is one common theme throughout them and that is that something is changing, our bodies are changing, everything else is according to each entity and what they want to share with us, but most of it is just information that is widely available online if you do the research, and  just for today this is what I found on my “follow”  list:


How to Escape the Matrix ~ Message for the 1st Wave Ascension Crew
How to escape the Matrix by creating new space in your mind, and clearing negative emotions. The Matrix depends upon your support through your “negative” emotions. 47 more words

“Asteroid Army” of 83 Giant Objects Hurtles Towards Earth, Possible EMP Similar To Mars, Earth Showing Serious Ongoing Signs Of Stress

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A short update on the energies

By now, much has been coming to the fore in all sorts of ways as the seeming fog of yesteryear is beginning to dissipate. You see, you are all already breathing a fresher air, and so, the outlook upon your lives should become a more detailed one in the time ahead. 1,782 more words


Oracles and Healers reblogged this on Oracles and Healers.
Comment: Good Ol’Monty still regurgitating what we already know. I am surprised that Jean is still posting this stuff.

Montague Keen, Sunday, January 11, 2015
What you are witnessing now is the Cabal falling apart. They are making mistakes. Though they have stepped up the control, it is not enough anymore to hold all of you in submission. 856 more words

The Accelerations, The Magnetics and OMG the ET’s!!
I have said this on my facebook yesterday and I am going to say it again here, I am going to dub 2015 the year of our personal ET contact!

SYMBOLS | The truth is Saturn rules you and everyone else
The Guardian of the Collective


Dear Ones,
New energies are streaming to earth daily – some more noticeable than others, but a continuous stream because you and earth have transitioned beyond 3D. You have crossed the bridge and are now learning to live on the other side. So it is that the Universes are providing additional support as you learn to live in your new environment.
What you have not yet realized is that the you of this lifetime has accepted a new role for your totality. You are the CEO (chief executive officer) or president of your totality.


By now, much has been coming to the fore in all sorts of ways as the seeming fog of yesteryear is beginning to dissipate. You see, you are all already breathing a fresher air, and so, the outlook upon your lives should become a more detailed one in the time ahead. 1,782 more words


You will become you-er than you. – The Council
The Council
To continue from where we left off in our last message, we will speak to the subject of what you are calling ascension. We offer, as we have before through this channel and others, that it might be more properly called descension. 458 more words


Matthew Ward – 1/11/15
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Before we speak about recent events, we say that throughout this year you will see the pace and number of significant occurrences increase as vibrations heighten. 137 more words


Heart vs Logic vs KNOWING in TRUTH
For many people the last few linear days may have felt extremely intense, the influx of higher frequencies across the planet is felt at various levels, some may have felt physically tired, others very emotional.   1,606 more words


It’s Over for Queen and Country; Queen Lizzie on the Way Out
This is an example of why I can’t leave Facebook, LOL. There’s far too much juicy fodder there to ignore. I couldn’t afford to hire people to source out these little gems and I don’t have time. 440 more words


pleiadedolphininfos: Emmanuel Dagher ~Energy Update January 2015
I have an important Energy Update for you.Many people around the world are experiencing a great deal of internal and external releasing take place in their lives and in the lives of those around them right now. 253 more words


In the coming weeks the New Earth frequency will require the ultra sensitive forerunners and Blue Rays to take some private and alone time. Taking periods of time to be in your own energy field will allow for your new sensory multidimensional upgrade integration. Many of you, the New World Servers, Light Bearers and Blue Rays are the first in experiencing and carrying these expanded resonances field vibrations through for the New Earth. 333
The Empath Ultra Sensory Integration


Hilarion – January 11 – 18, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Upon the world there is a quiet revolution of consciousness occurring. As each heart opens to the greater energy influx, they begin to recall their divine connections to each other. 138 more words


Sasquatch Contactee Delivers Message To Humanity
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Staff writer at The Sasquatch people are a high vibrational level of human that have the ability to appear into a third dimensional body as well as disappearing into the next vibration out of our sight. 12 more words

Is This Earthly Existence A Computer Program?
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Staff writer, The Earth human existence has been studied by many Extraterrestrial races because of its unique ability for souls to co-create while existing within a physical body. 20 more words


NewsInsideOut: Alfred Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 U$dollar collapse into Sovereignty, BRICS Golden Age
JANUARY 9, 2015
Alfred Lambremont Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 Federal Reserve fiat US Petrodollar collapse into Sovereignty, BRICS Golden Age…


YELLOW ROSE FOR TEXAS UPDATE : Maintain your high vibration of love
The masts are separating, thats why it was important to stand within love. They are still using tricks to push fights. 151 more words



So, Kathryn has resigned from channeling for the time being is what she is really saying, she didn’t say permanently and that means she has not closed the doors. In fact, I will show later that what she means is that she will no longer publicly post the messages from these entities.

At the beginning of her message she states: “I have decided today to resign from my position as “The Voice of Mother/Father God” and “The Voice of Sananda.” I will not be channeling messages from the Ascended Masters for the foreseeable future.”

At the bottom of her message she states: Perhaps I will channel again after we have received the blessings I still hope to see manifest, but only after I have been given a clear and reasonable explanation for why we have all been dragged along with endless seemingly empty promises, until everyone is exhausted, fed up and on the verge of losing faith in the proclaimed Gods who profess endless Love. I command that they show us the faithfulness and good will that we have given to them. Nothing less would be fair. Love is Light, and Light is Truth.

If these entities truly did channel through her as she claims they did, they won’t leave her alone, they won’t respect her decision for many reasons.

For starters, they have disrespected her free will from day one. The universal laws of not interfering with our free will were violated constantly.  They have probably implanted Kathryn with many mind programs and will continue to contact her whether she wants to or not. Their agenda is to divert attention from what is really going on from as many people as possible and they are not done yet. Kathryn is an energy source for them as they feed through her to her followers on the negative energies of disappointment, fear of losing homes, frustration and desperation that the RV did not happen again as promised, anger and resentment due to bullshit information given to Kathryn, like millions of angels descending onto Earth to make the RV happen (Mother God proclaimed this about same time last year).

My source tells me her real reasons for the resignation have very little to do with what she publicly stated. My source is an Ex-follower who is still in close contact with friends in Kathryn’s circle. She claims that K. invested all the money could gather/spare into buying dinars. She is/was obsessed with the possibility of being a very wealthy woman with good intentions but an Ego obsessed with having the power to delegate who gets what money once she does have it. If she were to cash in her dinars at the current rates the poo poo goo roos are saying, she would be worth billions of dollars. Go girl!

Kathryn has been doubting the authenticity of these beings from the start but her fame brought her good fortune for a while and she justified her doubts with prosperity for all regardless of their messages she doubted.

After the fallout/discord with Anne DeHart at HEN (Hollow Earth Network), the followers split up, many were still following both sides, sitting on the fence so to speak because they were feeling that they must choose sides but since the RV didn’t materialize this year, people were not so generous with donations as they could barely take care of themselves.

The split/discord with Anne DeHart also created doubt amongst the followers so many sat in the fence waiting, as the RV has always been their focus (MONEY), not so much the messages.

My source wrote to me saying that when Ascension never happened again in April 2014, then for the 20th time this year; the RV was promised this week and many followers basically did the same as Kathryn, no RV, no following Kathryn anymore.

To get herself out of the financial hardship she was in, she made the decision to publicly announce her resignation, the truth is that she is still channeling because of her obsession with the RV. She still believes it will happen, her followers don’t; so she created another illusion of separation from these entities in hopes that she could retain some followers and focus on whatever work she claims she wants to do from now on.

It has always been my argument with her that these entities were not of the light or from Source otherwise they never would have interfered with our evolution by giving nutritional advice, promoting dinar and dong investments, selling Grounding gear from MLM companies, giving advise on subjects that had nothing to do with this illusion of Ascension.

It never made sense to me that a woman claiming to be a clinical psychologist  chose this path depending on donations from people whilst she could be earning much more in her 3D area of expertise.

Given this information from my source that she was so obsessed with the RV and investing in dinars, it kind of makes sense why she continued to channel despite her doubts about the integrity of these entities.

Fool me once, fool me twice, but fool me 36 times alone last year that an RV was imminent should be enough reason to be honest to tell your followers that the source is not legitimate.

A woman with any integrity would have at least stopped writing these messages publicly. After the 36th failed imminent RV and 36 excuses by St. Germain and the god team, most people figured it out, but her obsession with money clouded her judgement and she put many people in harms way by giving them false information and accepting their donations knowing they too were suffering financial hardship.

Even without this information from my sources, I have always known these entities were not of the light/source, Kathryn knew this too, she publicly spoke out about her insecurities about the integrity of their messages most loudly on April 15th this year when she didn’t ascend. Her excuse for continuing to follow them was that even though some things didn’t make sense to her, she had to trust THEM.

So to say she has stopped would not be correct. She has stopped publishing the messages for now as she states above in the first paragraph; meaning if the RV does happen in the meantime she can claim: “I told you so, but I was losing followers and had to regroup”.

She will have a very difficult time freeing herself from these entities as too many have implanted too many of their energy signatures. I always wondered why she would even allow so many entities to channel through her, that really messes up your own frequency signature. She is in my opinion not only compromised but enslaved within their energy signatures and it will remain that way until the veil is completely lifted/quarantine removed and they would have to transcend into their chosen evolutionary progress or digress. If they choose to embrace humanity’s positive timeline; they will re-integrate with us, if they choose not to re-integrate into humanity’s timeline, they will suffer the consequences from Creator/Source.

Until such time Kathryn will endure their presence like it or not, they have had plenty of time to study her, find her weaknesses, test her and implant her with the programs best suited to control her further.

It’s a hard lesson Kathryn chose to learn but she will come out of this eventually and we will all laugh about it somewhere into our future timeline. In this 3D reality she will have to suffer a while longer therefore instead of reveling in her suffering; let’s focus on those that were hurt by the messages, let’s help them move forward without judgement or asking them why. Obviously, they are young souls and we need to help and support our younger brothers and sisters.

There is another aspect of the damage done to certain people for following/supporting Kathryn. She has quite a few close associates who have invested everything they own to support her “cause” and are now left with nothing and must depend on Kathryn for her good will. They are in very difficult situations because some of them have no choice but to stay with Kathryn until they can find other options, unfortunately, not everyone around Kathryn is loyal to her, they have been destroyed by this revelation and this whole movement created by false light entities and must now start all over; some have children. This is not an easy time, nor is it just losing a few dollars, it’s about sacrificing everything they owned towards this cause they believed in wholeheartedly. Perhaps we can put together some kind of fund to help these folks out? I will let you think about this. I don’t claim to be sure about anything I have written, although my intuitive self that has never been wrong feels it’s right. I do trust my source and she’s been correct on most things so far.

So be it. It IS as it shall be and always was. The choice has always been OURS alone. WE are the ones WE have been waiting for.

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