Enough Proof Dinar RV is a Scam

Several weeks ago I wrote to the IMF asking them to clarify their role if one exists in the Dinar RV. I also sent them  a few links where Christine Lagarde’s name was mentioned in Tony’s TNT conference calls, conference call notes and posts on boards.

As you can see from their response, it is “certainly a Scam”.

I have no problem forwarding my original email and the below email for anyone to RESEND to IMF and verify that this indeed came from them. I wish people would do the same through the following agencies the IMF listed below. You don’t need to file a complaint, but you do have the right to ask questions, therefore, if people who invested in the Dinar are sceptical that the authorities might deny such thing, at least they have something in writing, which TONY TNT DOES NOT HAVE one shred of evidence or credibility that an RV is imminent. I am not saying it’s not going to happen, I am just saying that Tony’s INTEL is wrong because he has no Intel and I have sent emails to all the 3 letter agencies to verify this. They can deny anything they want, but they won’t because he’s lying.

Dear Madame,

Thank you for your reporting e-mail. Please note that what you are referring to is certainly a scam.

The IMF’s transactions and operations are carried out directly with its member countries. Thus, it does not guarantee, sponsor or endorse investment programs, nor does it approve projects for capital investments or endorse activities of any private entity.

We would also like to point out that the IMF name has been invoked in a number of fraudulent transactions. The IMF has sought to warn the public about the unauthorized use of the name of the IMF in connection with illegal financial schemes. Attached for your information is a copy of a Press Release dated July 14, 2006 on this subject. http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2006/pr06154.htm

Furthermore, please see the following link, a US Treasury release which also warns about fraudulent emails. http://www.fincen.gov/news_room/rp/files/sar_tti_08.pdf#page=47

Please also check this website to report internet fraud:  http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx.

Best regards,


Public Affairs Division
Communications Department
International Monetary Fund
E-Mail: publicaffairs@imf.org

8 thoughts on “Enough Proof Dinar RV is a Scam

    • Thanks, just hope it gets out to people so they can see that they can write to these agencies and request for information.


  1. Wow Ines, you are an awesome lady. You are helping people spiritually and financially. I’ve been on this scam for about 3 months now trying to bring down the gurus, I’ve read ”why I’m not a lightworker” on Jean Haines site and it resonated with me and the next one after that. Keep up the great work to make this world a better place. PEACE AND LOVE


    • Just doing my job. We all have to live together and I’ve had enough of these Guru’s scamming people and using GOD as their credibility. Thanks for visiting and come again!


    • Forgot to mention Jean is a good friend now. I was a regular reader there for a long time and she actually inspired me to start my own blog. I have the “Why I am no Longer a LIghtworker” on the top menu. Cameron day is a great guy! I have 2 books written and plan on blogging them chapter by chapter as well once I get my readership up.


Your thoughts are welcome!