Is Dinarland LaLaLand?

Is Dinarland LalaLand?

The dinarians out there truly get upset when anyone points out their folly as they at least have a large emotional investment in this and surely a large financial one. Being shown that you have been misled by con men is not an easy thing to accept. Far easier to just bash anyone claiming your dream is a myth.

John  Wasik, a contributor to Forbes Magazine emailed Kate Ellis in Wells Fargo Corporate Communications to ask her if the rumor he heard about WF setting up some kind of mechanism to buy the Iraqi currency is true. Here is what she replied: “Wells Fargo does not currently buy or sell Iraqi dinar and has no plans to do so in the future. When we provide banknotes to customers, it is generally for travel related purposes and we do not foresee a high number of customers traveling to Iraq for business or leisure purposes in the near future”.
What was the origin of this rumor? A sign in the WF window about “Currency Exchange”? Whoever spread it was more than likely desperate to signal that a legitimate regulated entity was getting involved in the dinar trade, which, so far has been completely unregulated and beyond the reach of watchdogs.
It’s obviously clear that by pumping up the news about the dinar, the oh so many websites that are pushing dinars are trying to keep hopes up for the untold thousands who bought the currency.
I found out through my research that the way dealers keep the flame burning for the beleaguered currency is through conference calls where so called experts report on developments on the revaluation front. I followed a guy called TNT Tony because a group of people who “Follow” an Entity that calls himself Father God and St. Germain through a channel-er praise this man as being one of their people. I have personally contacted these communication companies by email and asked them roughly how much money these guys make. I have been told they can make anywhere up to $5000.00 USD in an hour depending on how many callers they have.
What Tony does now is what most cons do in the MLM industry. They have daily Webinars/Conference Calls, they provide suspense and action, they mess with your head and always brag about their sources and insider information yet nothing ever happens.
Is this the kind of man you think you can trust? Don’t believe it? Call the Kansas City District Court and ask for his Judge Carlos Murguia and find out for yourself. Not enough proof? Why don’t you ask Tony!
Here are some sample posts at
How about some Intel on the RV?
1.8.2014– Intel Guru Bulldog75  I will tell you that the situation looks good, extremely prosperous. We remain extremely optimistic. There is no particular reason that has stopped the event. Just believe, pray and know this will occur and I would not be surprised if that moment was any minute or second.
Comments: That’s real intel. Wonder what year he was referring to.
1.8.2014– Newshound Guru Millionday  They were to pass budget to parliament today (Tuesday) but it looks like tomorrow instead. The budget is not a have to thing for the rate to be set or for the country to go International. If the budget is passed and the budget is based on new rates, the bonds have to have value, and they are waiting to enter the WTO, why would they delay any longer as cash is becoming an issue? I have found no reason for them to delay at all and I agree with their own economic experts it is time to go now. They said they are only waiting on the date from CBI so that is a great place to be with all they have ready it is where we are. The budget is written at the rate it is now and all everything will change all at the same time through data entry.
Comments: Who is they? Who’s budget? I didn’t know you can write a budget in one day and get it passed. Those Iraqis sure are dang fast. Who are these experts? Where did this “intel” come from? What does he mean by country going international. What country is he talking about?
So this is the typical “intel” you will find on these Guru boards. These guys can’t put a sentence together and obviously have no idea what they are even talking about. Unless you are mentally disabled or dyslexic there is nothing intelligent about these RV alerts you see on hundreds of websites. These Gurus do not have real names, do not show any credential and each time you click on anything, they make money.
After spending 2 whole months following this guy, there has been much information about Tony aka Anthony Renfrow indicted for quit a few criminal offenses, I have and you can too find the court docket number and his indictment in Kansas, it’s all out there for anyone to find if they want to. I also found quite a few articles and the indictments about quite a few people who have also been accused of or charged with  selling Iraqi currency for investment purposes. I can’t prove they are of the same person, but if anyone was accusing me of fraud, I sure would stand up and defend my position. This man is very quiet indeed.
I started doubting whether Tony is really a bad person or not when I read this posting from St. Germain. Could I really be wrong, after all, he’s being endorsed by a Saint! But after doing some research on who actually St. Germain is, well he can be anything from an ascended master to a mythological character. I found more than 1700 people who claim to be St. Germain. Perhaps we can just play that game “Will the Real St. Germain Please Stand Up! I found this:
St. Germain’s Instructions for
Currency Exchange and Celebration!
Transcribed by Kathryn May
With joy and gratitude, January 5, 2014
7 PM, Los Angeles, CA
A few days later, I went back to the website, I visit it often checking up to see if there are any messages from TNT Tony and came across a new channeled message.  I guess there were angry people again after being told the day before that it was DONE deal. I have only been following this for a few months and already very frustrated for these people, I can’t imagine how they must be feeling. I am not trying to make fun of anyone, I like to present proof, links and evidence for everybody because when I talk to my partner about this, he doesn’t believe me, so I can imagine folks out there not knowing me how I got this information.  Honestly? I am confused, there are so many people out there claiming to be Father God, St. Germain, Sananda Jesus, really, how does one know the truth? But what really pisses me off is that these “godlike” beings are involved in this scam, even if it was true about the RV, what do saints and Gods have to do with this? Shouldn’t they be teaching us love, compassion, ascension, soul reintegration, our galactic history, etc., etc.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E May

January 4 2014 – 1:34 AM Mountain
Beloved Ones, it is I, St. Germain, with a message for all the masters and Heart Guides who have followed our messages so carefully, and kept the faith even when the information sometimes seemed outrageously conflicting. (It was, admittedly). 
We were not trying to “jerk you around.” We were using your good graces to transmit the crucial messages which were necessary in setting the trap so that we could catch the ones who were deliberately using their positions of power to take advantage. Their scheme – which was cooked up by some of the leaders of the U. S. Congress, and included an international cartel of bankers and politicians – was designed to buy up so much of the pot of gold which was intended for everyone, that there would be little left for those who would come after.
By the way, our Beloved Tony TNT is our greatest asset and our strong advocate for the Light, as you would know if you have read his personal posts with an open heart.  He is not doing this work for personal gain or ego aggrandizement. It is shameful how many have abused him on the Boards and slandered him behind his back.  Without him, this program of benefiting the Lightworkers while simultaneously entrapping the Dark Hats would not have been possible.  
Comments: Who is WE? Who does he mean by “their scheme”? Who were the ones deliberately taking advantage? Where were these leaders in US Congress? has all this info on his scam and the posted Grand Jury Federal complaint, see for yourself if you think it is legitimate or not. I’m not an expert in determining fakes and forgeries, but why would anyone forge something like that, that is against the law too.
Wells Fargo or any other bank for that matter doesn’t exchange the dinar, officially or unofficially. There is no evidence nor do the Dinarians have any evidence that they have any involvement because they have none.
The dinar investment is not maturing, they (dinarians) have no evidence that it is. Suggesting it is a lie. It’s not doing anything, it’s not going anywhere. The dinarian gurus suggest it is going to RV “soon” just like they did 5 years ago and probably 9 years ago.
At what point do you stop believing the garbage? 2015? 2020? Is there a point? Or are you so delusional that you will never stop believing? And you dinar Sellers/dealers/gurus: How many more people will you lead down this primrose path and cause real financial harm to? These are real people with real financial problems and real mortgage payments and real food needs that we are talking about. Have you no shame in the harm you’ve already caused?
I’m not claiming the Dinar will not RV. It may well be, but no one quite knows when or how it will happen. The dinar won’t be a trade-able currency until it’s Forex and meets many other requirements. The country’s leaders are moving in that direction but it’s not going to be happen soon. It’s hard to predict what the currency will be revalued at or when it happens yet these gurus apparently have inside sources that claim to know. How can they know when it’s not yet on the Forex? Why don’t these gurus like TNT Tony identify themselves with their real names and show their faces? What are they hiding?
Will the currency be pegged to the dollar or british pound? No one can answer that question now, but currency valuations are extremely complex and are based on reserves from what little I know. With a civil war threatening the country, I don’t think this is a high priority for the Iraqi Government.
The US Government is the largest holder of Iraqi dinars outside of Iraq. The US Treasury does not officially list the Dinar as part of the country’s Forex reserves. However, the Treasury does say it did an initial currency swap with Iraq to fund their government and ministries.
Around July 2011, Dinars could no longer be purchased, the Dodd Frank bill appears to have legislation related to the revaluation of a foreign currency preventing mass hysteria.
From what I have been able to gather, it sounds like this plan was originally put together by George Bush, Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan and others years ago as a way for the US government to be repaid (kickbacks) for their efforts in Iraq.
If this is even close to true — and the UN allows Iraq to revalue their currency up to USD1:one Iraqi dinar — the US government would stand to profit in trillions.
To this date there is no evidence that a revaluation is taking place, if it does take place without listing on the Forex, the US itself is breaking International Currency Trading Laws which would make sense for the NDA agreement.
The gurus claim that 145 countries revalued and all signed NDAs, that’s utter rubbish, that has not happened and NDAs are not required for currency exchanging. There is currently NO active market for dinars. You can buy them but can you sell them? I surveyed several dealers and found the difference between what you can buy dinars for and what you can sell them for is roughly 20%. This means that the dinar will have to appreciate by at least 20% before you can resell or break even. It is worth nothing that since the dinar was introduced after the US invasion it has only appreciated about 23% total.
There is also a chance that the Dinar could re denominate. It’s common for countries with currencies that have very low values compared to other currencies to re denominate their existing hard currency and issue new currency with new values. One of the risks here should that happen with the Dinar is that in order to exchange for potentially a second issue of the new dinars at a new value, this may be something that can only be done in Iraq unless it’s trading on the Forex as an International currency. Even then, it’s up to the issuing country to determine that.
Darren Chabluk of Dr. Dinar proclaims: “Before an RV, the Central Bank of Iraq needs to increase the use of banking system software throughout the country while also increasing the security of currency delivery. Until these two events occur, a revaluation won’t occur and yet dealers outside the country are trying to take advantage of inexperienced investors. They claim a revaluation of the currency is iminent in the hopes of making some easy cash”.
Investment in Iraq is a positive sign for the economy, not their currency. If they can stay out of all out civil war, indeed they have resources to grow their economy. But growing economists above all like low inflation and a stable exchange rate and not surprisingly those are the goals of the CBI. Any RV of 10X, 100X, 1000X is NOT POSSIBLE. It’s a myth cooked up by dinar dealers and others selling services around this myth. The CBI has 30 tons of gold, or a bit over $1B USD, so a bit over 1% of their foreign reserves, i.e., it makes no difference. Foreign reserves are around $80b, the IRQ money supply is 75-80trillion, that is all you need to know.
There is a copy of the CBI agreement with the US. In it it states that no military, contractors, families of or civilians are allowed to remove the Iraqi dinar from Iraq. It’s out there, do a search.
Now, this crap about Christine Lagarde. She doesn’t make public statements that are not recorded. I would like to see ANY proof or an IMF transcript of her discussing the Dinar in general, let alone an RV. Don’t feed people garbage with “everybody knows it”. Show me where I can find the statement.  If you are anything like the typical dinarians, there will be a lot of talk and wild accusations but no evidence or proof of anything.
I have read from someone claiming to be a Dinar insider that the Dinar could revalue as high as $20 USD meaning 1 DInar  = $20 USD.
I also read a new article that there may be in the neighborhood of $29 trillion dinar in circulation. The US based on what I found has less than $1 trillion US dollars in circulation. If the dinar revalues at $20 USD, everyone will be cashing in, for the sake of math, the Iraqi bank would have to buy back 20 trillion Dinar they would need $400 trillion USD. Does not sound very realistic or possible to me.
The dinarians claim how 200 countries have been revalued and are going into 3 currencies “baskets” and inside a month, I noticed that there are not any links or proof of this, just a statement of “fact”. It’s easy to prove that 200 countries currencies have all been revalued. Simply go to the Forex and show it. will give you all the historical currency data that you can stand to read.
Good site to get basic information about the Dinar fraud, their mission statement claims to prevent more people from being misled about this investment.
Now I want to discuss the NDA agreement that everyone is talking about. Again, depending on who you talk to, they claim it’s anywhere from 9 to 20 pages long.
TNT Tony’s attorney claims the NDA contains 20 pages and that there will be possibly 13 different NDAs and this statement is as follows: “Again the language is broad enough to include or exclude them – only you and the Department of Homeland Security are parties to this agreement”. Whoa! Really HS? This is just a currency exchange, why the need for an NDA?
I have been following Judge Dale for a while and I Like what he has to say. I don’t claim he is right, but I would much prefer believing a constitutional Judge then a Dinar guru.  Here is what he has to say about the NDA: “As time went by, I discovered the devaluation of the IRQ was planned by the Secretary of State of the Treasury and Vice President and had nothing to do with the invasion of Iraq. It was about the Military Industrial Complex making another killing on a foreign investment off the backs, lives and misfortunes of the Iraqi people”.
This is just the start of his article, he goes on to say some really scary things that if I was an investor, I would really be scared to show up at the bank.
The average member of the world public was not supposed to know about or to be able to see through this plan. An entity that claims to be “Father God” at the Hollow Earth Network says this opportunity was secret because it was intended only to certain people (judgement about who deserves something) that would use the money to help others. Go figure.
The currency exchanges were glad to have the business and even offered incentives to tell a friend. Dinar gurus all of a sudden show up on the scene, encouraging (pumping) people to invest and get rich overnight. Unknown at the time was the fact that most of these gurus were connected to or were themselves currency brokers.
According to the “Alert” issued on the website of Washington State Department of Financial Institutions: “The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions is warning customers about potential scams regarding Iraqi Dinar currency exchange services.  While foreign exchange scams are not new, the sudden popularity with the Dinar and resulting consumer complaints to our banking partners is concerning. Several websites have recently begun advertising investment opportunities in Dinars, the currency of Iraq. These websites are asking consumers to send a check, wire, money order or pay cash upon delivery of the Dinars. What consumers are not being told is that the Dinar can be redeemed only in Iraq, as most of the established currency exchange houses and banking institutions cannot convert the Dinar to US dollars. Since no exchange exists for the Dinar, dealers can charge whatever they want to sell and buy back the Dinars. These dealers often register with the US Treasury as a Money Services Business, but this type of business does not reflect any experience in trading currency nor entail any qualifications on the part of the dealer. The reason dealers seek this registration is to lend legitimacy to their scam. If you are dealing with these people, be sure to ask before purchasing dinars if they have a currency exchange or money transmission business license.”
What I got out of the rest of the text is that if you buy Dinar on a website that is not a legal currency dealer, you could be found guilty of buying Dinar illegally as it is not allowed to be sold for investment purposes. Some of the gurus out there are quoting some executive order about this being allowed. I would like to see this Executive order, because if it does exist then all banks and currency exchanges would need to have a proper fee attached to charge for their services. Currently, this is unregulated.
I have also read that the Dinar or any currency for that matter cannot be sold or purchased for anything other than pneumatic or collector items, it cannot be purchased for investment purposes and my opinion is that   should there  be an RV and the Dinar holder is required to sign the NDA, it would be a trap because selling/purchasing Dinar for investments is illegal. If I am wrong on this one, I challenge anyone to find me the proof, I have not been able to find it.
Do you have any idea what is behind the Global Currency Reset?
According to Judge Dale: “The global currency reset for the US is within one penny of kicking in. When it does kick in, any US citizen wishing to exchange foreign currency at a Federal Reserve Bank, currency broker or exchange must agree to sign a 9 page NDA. THe NDA is a contract you are required to sign with this fascist corporate government to not disclose where your new found wealth originated. This appears harmless enough except for the fact that the NDA is a contract signed under duress because you do not have a choice to accept or not accept this agreement. The corporate government is hoping greed will cause you to accept this NDA, no questions asked.”
You might be wondering who in their right mind would agree to sign such a contract? Well, it turns out if you refuse to sign the NDA, you will be denied your opportunity to exchange currencies at preferred rates and you only have 30 days from receipt of the NDA to decide.
What isn’t stated is the 30 day limit is for more important to them than it is for the investor holding the dinar. The banks and the US corporate government have major foreign oil contracts to fulfill, contracts they can no longer fulfill with USD. They need your dinar to purchase oil now that Europe and other major trading partners are refusing to accept the fiat-based ponzi-style USD.
The same NDA contract also requires that you agree to comply with any and all current and future laws during the next 10 years, enacted by the Corporate USG. This makes the NDA a noose placed around the signatory’s neck, then gradually tightened. If you  exchange your currency at a Federal Reserve bank you will only be allowed to exchange the equivalent of $10,000 USD in cash, the rest  you will be forced to deposit in an account or bank they select for you.
If you’re thinking the FDIC will reimburse you up to $250,000, think again. The FDIC filed bankruptcy in 2006 due to the swarm of bank failures that year.
The corporate USG modified the US banking laws this year to specify that all accounts, deposits, trusts, IRA’s and safe deposit boxes  belong to the Federal Reserve Bank. This means that once you execute a deposit, you surrender all ownership of that deposit to the bank. Should they declare bankruptcy, all of your assets entrusted to them become their property. I have not read this new law, but I trust the information from Judge Dale, you should research and investigate this, it seems your life depends on it.
There is another “catch 22”. You cannot gift or wire any amount greater than $4,999.99 to a family member or friend without the DHS reviewing the check or wire transfer to investigate the origin of the money. Since you signed the NDA contract you cannot talk about the source of your money with anyone, even DHS. All of a sudden you’re turned into a suspect involved in potentially unlawful financial activity. Your gift will be confiscated unless you reveal the Source of Funds and if you do reveal the source, you will have violated the NDA.
If the RV does happen, from what I have heard people will get a 30 min. appointment, that is not enough time to read the NDA and set up accounts, though, what would be the purpose when you cannot reject signing it.
To those I can only say this: “Do not let greed blind you and sign the NDA without reading it thoroughly or without an attorney present. Try and obtain the draft from one of your guru friends, that is the least they can do after pulling the carrot in front of the cart for years. ‘
It is my opinion that I can’t believe that any RV is even in the making because there is NO evidence, no press releases, no proof, no discussions. The only explanation of it happening, should it happen, that it is being done in secrecy because of breach of International Currency Laws, which again would make sense for the NDA and an easy way for the US Federal Reserve to steal money from these depositors and they will have no recourse whatsoever. They would be in total control of investors funds and can do whatever they like, impose any rules and restrictions they like for the next 10 years if that is true about the length of non disclosure.
If I had any dinars on my possession right now, I would get rid of them even at a loss. I think that either way should it happen or not, these investors are going to get the short end of the stick. The US government is a rogue government, it is not for the people, it is for the Cabal and they are and will do whatever it takes to get a hold of those dinars and investors funds.
It’s not an easy situation to be in right now with your dinars and lets just hope that things work out, we have had enough suffering on this planet and remember to share your wealth. I’m fortunate to live in abundance and can objectively look at this situation, but my neighbors don’t have electricity right now, could not pay their bills, in the meantime, we gave them an extension cable and are able to use our power for now until they get back on their feet. We need to look to our neighbors and help out any way we can, we don’t need large sums of money to help someone. The last 2 weeks I have been baking bread and filling a basket with vegetables from my garden, a few basic items and take them to a disabled lady who just lost her husband recently. Do you know what she says to me on my way out? “Thank you for the company and caring, it’s nice to not be alone all day. I can be hungry, but being alone is worse”.
This is how we raise our vibration, by giving from the heart and so if the RV doesn’t happen, those of us that have abundance can surely bake a loaf of bread for someone in need. Waiting for something to happen, or waiting to become rich is counterproductive to our spiritual growth, it lowers our vibration because I can clearly see and feel these poor people going up and down the roller coaster between excitement/hope to disappointment/letdown. That is lowering our frequency, I feel it’s done on purpose by some entities that feed off our energy. Just my opinion, and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. Show me the proof and I will back off.
Until then, whether an RV happens or not, knock on your neighbors door and ask if they need anything, that small showing of caring returns many times over, I know, I live it each day.
I apologize if I have hurt anyone’s feelings, but here in Croatia free speech is still constitutionally enforced, and I like many others have my own opinions. I am not against the RV, a part of me wants it to happen because of these people that are living day to day in stress and fear, but the other part of me feels it’s ethically and morally wrong to use these poor Iraqi people to get rich off of again. First time it was the Government, now it’s the people, I’m sorry, but my conscience could never do this. We are all humans together on this planet, taking from one to give to another is not collective consciousness no matter what the reason is (helping/sharing the wealth). If these people truly want to help, then they should take their dinar banknotes to Iraq and help some families rebuild their homes and lives that were destroyed by their governments. Harsh words, but it’s truth and I don’t think anyone can deny this fact. It is my greatest desire that this debacle ends soon, either RV and get it over with or declare the fraud and get on with your lives, but this current situation is reducing our ability to increase our vibration, only LOVE can raise our vibrations, only LOVE can help heal.

Your thoughts are welcome!